Rampage (Ruthless Tendencies Series Book 4)

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Rampage (Ruthless Tendencies Series Book 4) Page 18

by D. M. Burns

  “Yeah, girl. You must be some kinda special because he’s never brought ANYONE here before. Like ever and there have been a shit ton of females or at least that’s what I see on social media and the rumors are plentiful.” She looks back at her joint and takes a long drag.

  “Damn, Reese… Really?” Asia looks to me and mouths sorry then plucks the joint out of Reese’s hands and hits it herself. “That’s all for you, Reese’s Pieces. Save the rest of this wacky for later.” Asia hits the joint again before stubbing it out and tossing it on top of the refrigerator.

  “She has to know, right?” Reese asks but it’s really not a question.

  Reese looks to me with her red-rimmed eyes and holds her hand out as if to say Ramp’s lifestyle is common knowledge. Which it is but damn, I hate to be automatically blacklisted into his common denominator of female’s. That’s a sizeable spectrum. Should I confirm that I know his yeti dick explorer has been all over? In various Dora’s across the widespread world? Maybe, I’ll broach this conversation when we met up again. That’s a first impression hard limit conversation-no.

  “Right?” Reese arches a brow at me. “He’s like a financial fashion God with a popular dick stick.”

  “Yes, I’m alive and have social accounts. So, I do know about his reputation. But… Well, uhm, I’ve known him since middle school.” I whisper.

  I’ve actually loved him since middle school too. I keep that to myself while pulling my hands down from the counter, placing them in my lap, and stare at them. Alex wraps her hand around my shoulder and gives me a sideway hug. It like she knows these women are a handful.

  “Girl, I’m just saying that I’ve never met anyone other than you. Plus, the way his eyes follow you all over the place is a telling story altogether.” Reese says.

  “Oh, hell yeah. You’re the last Chaos chic. We’ll be like the four Avenger chicks of Chaos or some shit.” Asia places glasses out in front of our faces and divvies up the contents from the blender evenly into each. “Is his dick big like Ren’s?” Asia wiggles her eyes. Alex coughs mid-sip of her margarita and I pat her back. “I’ve always wondered if they’re actually identical.” She shrugs while propping her elbows into the island letting those deep brown eyes bounce between mine.

  “Don’t act like you don’t know the dick details. Hell, we’re discussing Rampage here. I know you’ve got some of that already. Are the rumors true? Is he a Casanova of the clit in the bedroom?” Reese asks on a fit of laughter.

  “You’re so bad, Reese’s Pieces,” Alex whispers and shakes her head while laughing under her breath.

  “Well, yeah.” It’s true so I go with it. “He’s got an ultimate unit too,” I admit. My cheeks are burning bright. The red coat of embarrassment is covering my cheeks by the second. They probably match my hair.

  “Break it down in inches, girl.” Reese bumps me with her shoulder again. “Is it thick like this?” She shoves a jar of whole pickles across the island and it skids to a stop in front of me. I gulp back my humility. Dear Jesus, these ladies are brutal. “Like this captain of thickness right here?”

  Reese is about to do some kind of dick presentation of some sort. She pops the lid and tosses it on the countertop then reaches into the huge jar plucking a gigantic pickle out waving it in front of my face. It feels like she’s trying to put me in a penis trance using a huge ass green bumpy pickle as a shit reference. I watch as a trail of green juice dribbles down her arm.

  “Yeah, like that thick but way longer. At least ten inches. Less the green coloring and bumpy terrane though.” I nod my head and try to wrap my index finger and thumb around the circumference. Asia slaps her hand down on the counter then laughs out loud.

  “I knew it. They're all packing Chaos canons in their pants. Well, that is if Alex would spill the ding-a-ling deets on Rebel but this one likes to hold out on us. She hasn’t confirmed anything.” Asia points that finger digit at Alex. My head swivels over to Alex whose cheeks are the same shade red as mine.

  “That’s a little personal.” She says shyly. I bump her with my shoulder, and she looks to me.

  “Chaos chicks share, girl,” Reese says. Alex’s eyes go wide, and she leans up looking around me eyeballing Reese. “No… Damn girl… Not like bedroom musical dicks. Rage would never go for that and just to set the record straight, my hubbies’ unit is massive. Like this big and a good eleven inches of sexual pent up RAGE.” She brings the pickle up to her mouth, takes a huge bite of it then slowly hmmms while chewing.

  “Ren is fuck-a-licious too. Plus, a wonderful father. That is just sexy on another level all by itself.” Asia says with a breathless sigh then refocuses her attention back on Alex. “It’s just dick details. Share, Alex.”

  “Well, let’s just say that the Chaos cousin all have that same ultimate unit familiar trait and he’s mouth-tastic,” Alex confirms on a giggle.

  “You women are fucking awful.” That deep voice rumbles out around us.

  We all whip around in our chairs to see Rage standing front and center with his massive arms crossed over his chest. He’s shaking his head slowly while eyeballing Reese. She simply takes another bite out of her pickle and shoots him a wink. Rebel is standing on one side of Rage and Rampage on the other with Renegade rounding the kitchen eyeing the prize that is his wife.

  “Come here, Brown Sugar.” He growls and she looks like she’s about to take flight but not sure where to run to first. “Don’t make me catch you. You remember what happened the last time we were in here, yeah?” He wiggles his eyes. “Not like there are many secrets left after what I heard you bunch of dirty women talking about.” He chuckles.

  “Hell, there’s no such thing as secrets with what I have on videotape with you two horn-balls,” Reese mumbles.

  “Hell, in that case, get prepared for the chase,” Asia says. I’m guessing whatever happened was worth redoing in her eyes. I don’t blame her. Renegade is a beautiful rugged Thor type of man.

  Asia goes to fake right, but Rebel closes her in making her retreat back into the arms of her husband who fireman tosses her over his shoulder. Then Alex is swooped up out of her seat too then cut off from words when Rebel closes his mouth over hers. She melts like silly putty in his arms, zero fight. Reese willingly hops down from her chair, takes off in a sprint, and cowgirl jumps into Rage’s arms wrapping her legs around his waist. Rage doesn’t even flinch on impact.

  “Told you about that silly smoke, baby girl.” His gravelly voice scraps out as he barricades his arms around her and walks out.

  “You guys heard all of that?” I ask.

  I look back to Rampage whose eyeballing me with dirty deeds behind his storm covered eyes. He nods his head slowly and a smirk makes an appearance on his face. His predatory footfalls give me the feeling that this is a setup. Then I hear the girls squeal and my head snaps back to the door they just exited. In less than two seconds, Ramp has me in his arms and out of my chair. I’m tossed over his shoulder as well. I’m seeing a pattern here with these cavemen.

  “That’s punishment for the oversharing session. Your turn to take a dip.” He slaps my ass with his huge hand, and I suppress a whimper. That shot was landed on my ass, but I felt it between my legs.

  “We only bragged about your sex game. How’s that offensive?” I fire back.

  “Hell, it’s not. Thank you by the way. We just wanted an excuse to get our women in the pool with us.”

  It’s not lost on me that Ramp called me his woman. I feel that in my heart. He chuckles as he toes the door open. I have a face-first view of his perfected ass. My mouth is lined up and I could easily sink my teeth in his cheek. I should bite him, but I’m afraid he’ll drop me on my head if I do.

  Suddenly, he flips me in his arms, takes off running, and jumps into the pool holding tight to my body as we resurface. I wipe the water from my eyes then round my arms around his neck. He’s smirking at me the way he used to do before he stopped talking to me altogether. It’s a beautiful laidback sight and
I’ve missed it so very much.

  “I’ve missed you,” I whisper across his lips. He knows what I’m talking about. No further explanation is needed. Rampage leans in and lightly touches his lips to mine then tilts back on a wink.

  “Missed you too, pretty girl.” He says.

  “And just think, you two would probably be married by now had he opened his mouth. Communication is key. Hell, can you believe this guy?” Renegade chuckles. “He thought I slept with you instead of your cousin, idiot. Let’s try not to bring that up in front of Asia though.” He shakes his head as he swims off.

  My eyes snap to Renegade but he’s already exiting the pool with Asia. Ramp lets out a low groan. My entire body goes rigid, and I slowly turn back to Ramp. My slits turn glazier cold. I can feel it. Ramp can see it. He thought I slept with his brother.

  My mind ticks off all the events that have taken place since the day he stopped talking to me. All the snide remarks and asshole ways from school. It all makes sense now. The shitty comments about his brother, everything. PURE ASSHOLE.

  “I’m going to get some peanut butter from the house. Anybody want something?” Reese calls out.

  “I’m good. Thanks, Reese.” I call out. My voice is calm even if I don’t particularly feel it. I hear the pool house door close behind her.

  Never taking my eyes off Ramp, I slip my arms out from around him. I try to swim back placing much-needed distance between us. The asshole tightens his hold around me like he knows I’m about to take off. Which I am.

  “You thought I slept with your brother? Holy shit, Rampage.” I shake my head in disbelief. Want to talk about low standards and trust issues. No wonder he hated me so. It’d be understandable had I actually done such a vile thing. “Dear Jesus.” All of that is a laughable offense though. I’d never do something like that to this man.

  “Let me explain.” He whispers. Even though I’d love to hear what he comes up with, I’m not interested right now. I’m too pissed off.

  “That’s a luxury you should’ve exercised way before now. Maybe you should’ve allowed me a chance to explain how delusional your thought process was back then. Like maybe during the six months of daily hikes and joy walks to your house.” I hiss in his face.

  My body starts to involuntarily shake, and I calmly take a deep breath through my nose. The Irish girl in me is getting amped up on a volatile level.

  “Let me go. I don’t want to embarrass you or myself. Not here.” He runs his hand through his wet, coal-black hair but refuses to release me with the other hand that’s wrapped around my back. “Have it your way Mr. Carter. Ball removal it is.”

  I move to claw cradle his twin globes in a crushing grip, but he immediately raises both hands above the water releasing me. I swim over to the stairs, climb out, jerk a towel from the lounger, and start drying myself off. Ramp is right on my heels the whole time though. Thankfully, everyone is immersed in their own partners and not paying us any attention at all.

  When I turn to go get dressed in the available bedroom here, there’s an earsplitting explosion of some sort that rocks the earth’s foundation under our feet and all around us. It’s deafening and ground shattering. Rampage jerks me into his chest.

  The pool house shakes terribly. I hear Asia and Alex squeal out in surprise. Ghost’s muffled barking in the background echoes throughout the space too. While out of the corner of my eye, I see a blurred vision of massive Rage as he knocks the door off the pool house trying to get out. The big guy can move that’s for damn sure. It doesn’t even register where he’s off to. I’m in shock or denial, probably both.

  “Brother…” Rampage yells at Rage as he jumps from around me and takes off. He whips around pointing at me while backward pacing, “Don’t move. Stay here.” Then he’s racing out the door.

  “Holy fuck. The house exploded.” Alex whispers as she points toward the pool house window that now displays Rage and Reese’s house fully engulfed in the horrors of flaming hell.

  “OH. GOD. REESE. NOOOO!” Asia screams out our worse fears and tears immediately start to flow. Shit, that’s where Rage went. Holy hell.

  “Stay here.” Renegade grabs his wife and sets her firmly down into a lounger. Asia slaps at him and attempts to climb over his body heading for the door. “Baby, our boys need a mother. It’s not safe.” She immediately stops and drops without any fight while Renegade rounds her for the door. My heart falls from its cage.

  “Oh, God.” She mumbles from behind her hand covered mouth.

  “Stay with Asia.” Rebel says to Alex and she nods.

  “Go. I’ve got her.” Alex falls into the lounger beside Asia. Rebel kicks it into action and hits the opening where a door used to be before Rage tore it off and true to my form, I follow. Please let Reese be okay. Shit…

  chapter 21 - reese

  Let me go on record here as saying, I’m going to reevaluate my Waldo Wacky Stack weed rolling ways after tonight. My heart needs to calm the fuck down and stop bouncing around my body like a lit-up pinball machine on crack. Had it not been for my half-baked munchie craving that damn jar of peanut butter would still be in the food closet and my ass wouldn’t be tossed across the backyard. We all know a post pot requirement for me is crunchy peanut butter.

  My damn ears are pounding and ringing out like a full-blown arcade. Plus, I taste blood and if the pain above my eye is any indication of the issue at hand, I’d say I have a nice gash. Focusing in on my house, I’d also say things could’ve been much worse. At least my ass cut a rug before the big BOOM, huh?

  Standing up from my mangled Emily Rose position against the tree where my body was blown around like a free-floating apparition in a category five hurricane, I look in my hand to see the unopened jar of perfectly good peanut butter, and a spoon in the other. Pothead priorities are in check. I think I just realized that Rebel’s not the lost soul of the family anymore, I am. I’m in need of recreational Mary Jane rehab.

  I might as well not let this go to waste. I mean hell, that’s what I went in the house for in the first place, right? I twist the top off and let it fall to the ground. I scoop a hefty helping out and stuff it in my mouth. So totally worth it. This peanut butter is some good shit though.

  Taking a few steps forward all my limbs seems to be working just fine. My biggest issue seems to be the cottonmouth factor. It’s not my friend right now and I’m sure the peanut butter is not helping. But other than the earsplitting ringing going on inside my head, I’m good. Oh, except the gash above my eye that’s throbbing something fierce. That’ll probably need a band-aid or two and for pain relief, I still have that unsmoked half joint waiting for me that Asia set on top of the frig in the pool house.

  When I see a hulking figure round the corner of where my house used to be, I try to focus in. The flames create a glow effect around the outline of the huge figure, and it looks like a fireball of anger engulfed by menacing meat as it approaches. It’s massive. It’s coming straight for me. Like a force of fury and Rage. This is either the aftereffects of some really good weed or the blow to the head, probably both.

  I pop the spoon out of my mouth and go for a second round with the crunchy peanut butter but fall short when I’m jerked off the ground. In slow motion, I watch as my peanut butter hits the ground along with my spoon. It’s out of my reach. Damnit.

  “God damnit, baby girl… I thought… Oh, shit. Every fucking day-In every fucking way. That’s how I love you. There’s no life without you.” He growls into my neck.

  Rage’s voice is completely distraught and infused with raw emotion. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever heard before and my heart caves in my chest. I’m being cradled in his arms like a newborn baby. He goes down to the ground on his knees holding onto me like a lifeline. Oh, God… He thought I was in the house. Shit.

  “I’m okay, Remmie.” I hug his bulking body in return and when he finally pulls back there are tears. Yeah, I’m not smoking anymore weed after I finish off that other half of a joint. Once
that’s gone, I’m done. I stroke his cheeks with my thumbs wiping his face clean of the tears when the Three Stooges suddenly appear.

  “Thank fuck.” Renegade spits out while running his hands through his hair. Rebel looks ready to kill and Rampage’s jaw is locked so tight that the twitch looks like some kind of Morris code for mayhem.

  “Ahhh, guys… I’m touched. Just think, I used to be nothing more than the pesky neighbor across the street. We’ve come such a long way. I love ya’ll too.” I blow them a kiss and giggle while they look at me like I’m insane. Which I’m not. I’m just really high. “I’m only trying to lighten the mood guys.” I shrug my shoulders.

  “Are you hurt anywhere else, baby girl?” Rage asks.

  Wonder how bad he’d want to choke me if I said I was hurting for that jar of peanut butter he knocked out of my hand. I can barely make his words out even though he’s talking right next to my ear. I really wanna whisper back, “Pass the crunchy PB babe.” I better drop it though. He’s liable to lose his shit and forget why he wants to keep me in the first place. Rage is pinging to all points of my body now. “Your head is gashed up pretty bad. That’s going to need stitches.”

  “What?” I really can’t hear him because of the ringing in my ears. “The ringing in my ears is on high volume.” I’m fairly sure I’m yelling but whatever.

  He smirks at me then buries his head back into the crook of my neck. I look at the three brothers over his shoulder. They’re all wearing their signature brooding badass war faces. I know that look. I know these men. That’s the look of bad shit to come. That’s a familiar face to me because Rage wears it every day in the cage. The only time it disappears is when it’s just us.

  When Lena dashes around the corner to join the pack she nearly crashes into Rampage’s back. Ramp catches her in his grip while leveling her with a disapproving look. Everyone snaps around on her like she’s the antichrist in need of saving or killing in this case.

  “Oh… Holy shit. Thank God you’re okay, Reese.” She swats at Ramps hold then bends forward placing her hands on her knees swaying back and forth.


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