Rampage (Ruthless Tendencies Series Book 4)

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Rampage (Ruthless Tendencies Series Book 4) Page 28

by D. M. Burns

  “Essentially, you spied on her,” I say. He tilts his head to the side as if to say, hell-yeah.

  “Point is, she deleted everything they had on you, Aces, and me. I’m not sure why she’d do that for me though.”

  Crellan spins that toothpick around aggressively and looks off to the side seeming to get lost in something similar to emotions. Which must be a mistake on my part because this fucker has none.

  “Seeing her in there…” He shakes his head. “That woman is good. She doesn’t belong in my world and neither do you. Take care of her. I’ll drop her things off at Aces.” With that, he heads for his car but thinks better of it and turns back to me. “Tell your baby brother that I look forward to the day that he comes to New York. I’ll be waiting… With a ball bat.” He flicks his toothpick on the ground then saunters away.

  Crellan Haze better have the dirty underground backing him. Because he’s no match Rebel’s cyber cyanide and cryptic hauntings. Much less all four of us together which is exactly what he’ll get if he messes with our family.

  chapter 35 - lena

  six months later

  The rain is falling in blankets on the other side of Slade’s windowed wall view. The unheard waterfalls streaming down is giving the outside of Aces Down a silent shower. This is where I often find Ramp in a trans like state, staring out into the beautiful world beyond, and I get it now. Rays of sun, flowing flakes of snow, buckets of rain, or sheets of sleet; it’s breathtaking in all different perspectives.

  The day Slade brought me back to Aces I never once asked what happened out by those tracks that I love so much. Tarnishing those memories would hurt. I don’t remember any of the events after leaving Club Chaos, nothing. My heart tells me that’s information I don’t need. He never brought it up and I never asked. So, I let it go.

  Admittedly, I was slightly hurt that Crellan chose not to say goodbye in person. But Slade told me that was just his style. I had become used to seeing that gremlin of gangsters. Even though I think he’s a cuddly Gizmo not a Spike type. When I managed to rifle through my bags that Crellan dropped off for me, shocked would be an understatement.

  I found that he had left the keys to his blood-splattered manufacturing mansion along with a letter addressed to me, Red. It was short and simple. Crellan said for me to turn the place into my dream design house. It was his gift to me for giving him something to believe in.

  Perhaps the badass gangster is a softie, a Gizmo. Well, that might be taking it a bit overboard, but you know what I mean. Crellan’s eyes are not soulless, no. They’re merely simmering and swirling in depth.

  Slade and I manage our time together well by facilitating the needs of Aces together alongside RJ, Slade’s righthand man. I’m also focused on getting my own design company up and going. It’s a work in progress.

  Ramp says I’m his queen of Aces Down and I call him my King. For which he simply shakes his head slowly at me then tells me exactly what he is and always will be, my Slade. And he’s absolutely right.

  Placing my palm over the cold glass, my ring sparkles back at me reminding me just how lucky I truly am. I silently wonder if my dad is watching from up above. That thought has me smiling because if so, he knows just how happy I am. I miss him every day, but I know sometimes we’re not meant to understand God’s plan. Plus, my dad would want me to live my best life.

  Both of our families are waiting downstairs in the grand ballroom to celebrate our engagement. Last week Slade purposed to me. He popped the question where my fondest memories of us started, the train tracks behind our old middle school.

  Where he rescued me out of a rabbit hole.

  Where he became my first kiss.

  Where I fell in love with him.

  I see his reflection as he approaches me from behind in his blacked-out business boss-man attire. This man has beauty that is unfair to humankind and he’s all mine. Those large hands slide around my white silk covered waist while he molds himself to me. He delicately kisses just below my ear as easy access provides from my updo then rubs my stomach.

  “Should we tell them tonight?” His hot breath skates down the side of my neck making me shiver.

  “Nope. They’ll think it’s the only reason we’re getting married. Plus, it’s too earlier.” I look down at his hands caressing our baby’s playhouse for the next six months.

  “They damn well know that’s not the case, pretty girl.” He says. “I’d have married you the night you come back here with me, but you denied me. So, knocking you up was my only option.” He lightly scrubs his fully grown but fashionably sexy beard over my bare shoulder. Jesus, this man is turning me on or it’s hormones, probably both.

  Turning in his arms, I nervously thumb the neckless that I picked up from my mother’s house. After she returned home from her trip with my stepdad, I dropped by to get a few things that I had left behind but not forgotten. The most important being my old jewelry box, my bookbag, and a few other mementos.

  Feeling a little emotional today about my dad not being here for our engagement party, or maybe it’s those hormones, I decided to wear the jewelry he gave me for my birthday. The same birthday that he bought my backpack. The dainty diamond and yellow jeweled hair clip with matching earrings and necklace are beautiful with my white dress.

  “Pretty girl, I love this set of bling you’re wearing. Where’d it come from?” He asks while fingering the yellow single diamond hanging around my neck.

  “The same year my dad bought me the bookbag he got this for me too,” I say while pulling at my earring. Slade’s brows furrow and those gunmetal eyes pierce through me.

  “Did he tell you that?” He asks. I shake my head no.

  “No. I just assumed because it was on my bed after the party. And… Well, I never confirmed it.” I shrug my shoulders.

  “Len, I brought that for you. I dropped it at your house. Gave it to your dad and he promised me that he’d make sure you got it.” He smirks while digging into his pocket and producing the money clip I gave him so many years ago for his birthday. “Just like I’ve kept this with me ever since the day you gave it to me. My lucky charm, my Ace in the rabbit hole of life baby.”

  My heart falls into my stomach. I wrap myself tightly around this man and silently thank God for this gift, Slade. That’s exactly what he is too. I feel the damn tears. “I never knew. Oh my God.” An unattractive hiccup slips out. “I’m going to mess up my makeup. I love you so much, Slade.”

  “I love you too, pretty girl, and always will.”

  epilogue – rampage

  three years later

  Laying my baby boy down in his bed, I observe quietly as his little frame rolls over and snuggles back into a deep sleep. Mason Creed Carter has my black hair and his mom's ice-blue eyes. Yeah, we named our boy after the famous Wallstreet God’s boardroom bitch ass. Since my partner is the mastermind behind mine and Len’s reunion, I owed him that. Plus, my boy’s name is cool.

  Mason is all boy and reminds me a lot of Renegade. Mason is our little protector. Even at his young age, he’s intuitive and observant. Last week he tried his best to cover our dog up with blankets when it was bedtime. Sorta, like he’s making sure Lil Chaos stays warm. I named our pug after Club Chaos. What can I say? That’s a cool ass name too.

  Cutting off his light, I move my way through the halls of our new house, destination living room. Lena and I purchased this home six months ago. It’s within five miles of the guys and has a vaulted glass wall in the living room that displays our lake view. That was a must for me and on silent nights, even though those are scarce since Mason was born, I look forward to sitting in front God’s view. That was happening even if I had to knock a wall out myself. Luckily, it didn’t come down to that. Plus, I enjoy fucking my wife against it, sue me.

  Lowering myself down onto the couch, I spread my arms out on the back of the couch and observe the moonlight glaring off the lake. The ink-black sparkling water surrounded by the midnight atmosphere is tranquil
. A single streaked reflection of the dull white moon marks the surface layer and looks as if God’s dividing the water or highlighting the way. It’s beautiful. Peaceful.

  When I hear the door open and close, I wait for her. She’ll come for me; she always does, just on her own terms. Len was working late tonight at Dream Designs. That’s her company she started. Of course, the headquarters of said company is none other than the building Crellan gifted her.

  Who the fuck does that? Who hands over a god damn building? Let me tell you who? A mafia motherfucker that’s in love with my wife, that’s who. I’ve kept my mouth shut because Lena is happy but fuck him. He scurried his ass back to New York and has yet to come back. Adios motherfucker.

  Anyway, her crew of designers are working hard to put together multiple projects. Len is a Master of Design and in high demand. Hell, I don’t attempt to keep up with interior bullshit but give me a wardrobe and I’ll work fucking wonders like a mystical motherfucker.

  During mine and Lena’s engagement party Rebel told me that Alex was pregnant. Lena and Alex were twin wobbler’s and they became remarkably close during their shared pregnancy. Hell, all four of those crazy Chaos chicks are tight.

  Rebel and Alex have a beautiful baby girl named Angel Ryia Carter. She has white-blonde hair like her mom and multicolored green eyes like her dad. Rebel’s waiting for the day a boy shows up at his door too. He’s brought it up more than once. Scary scenarios are playing out in his head. I’m pretty sure he’s cultivating a concoction that he’ll administer by way of a syringe. Jesus, I feel sorry for whomever that Angel of Chaos brings home.

  Last night was Rage’s last fight and like everything pure Rage, it went off like a bomb. Body parts and bloody pieces were flying all over the place. Along with him flipping the bird high in the sky. I was ringside when his opponent spat on him, bad mistake. I watch up-close and personal as dude’s two front chicklets went flying across the octagon. It was night-night time for him.

  When the opponent's team members tried to wade in their bodies went flying against the cage too. It looked like a caged crazed lion finally feasting after months of starvation. Rage is a fucking brutal bastard and his talents will be missed, facts.

  Afterward, Rage told us that Reese is pregnant. Their house was rebuilt a while back with added upgrades thrown in. And now that Rage is no longer fighting, I say it’s about time. Since Reese’s Pieces stopped rolling the wacky weed over a year ago, the only drawback the kid should have is Rage’s inherited rage. But between the two of them, I’m sure they can handle it.

  Get this, Renegade and Asia are expecting again too. Ren told me weeks ago that he thought Asia was pregnant but waited for her to come clean. Speaking of Renegade, we’re as close as we were during mom’s pregnancy, less the confined space. That’s something that I had missed almost as much as Len. Back to my point though, I’m waiting on Rebel to call an announce that Alex is knocked up too.

  Over the last five years, the Chaos crew has grown. My brothers and I have mini versions of Chaos running everywhere. This new tribal generation includes Mason, Angel, Zaid, and Raid. Now Reese and Asia will be adding more to the fold. Hell, the underground won’t have shit on the force we’re building. I’m not sure what the future holds but one thing is for sure, it’s going to be fucking epic.

  My career path was that of a sketchy crime lord and because of my pretty girl, I let it all go. Well, most of it anyway. I might be a mellow fellow now but let’s get something clear here. If you fuck with my family that black snake will appear without hesitation, striking out with lethal and Ruthless Tendencies. That’s what my family means to me. Good luck to anyone that wants to test those waters.

  “Slade… There you are.” She whispers over the back of the couch as she runs her hands over my naked shoulders stopping on my chest. I cover her delicate hands with mine and smile.

  “Hey, pretty girl,” I mumble while keeping my eyes on the lake.

  When she kisses my neck, a low growl breaks out of my chest and my restraint is gone. I reach back and pull her over the couch into my lap. She makes a surprised gasp and I dive inside her mouth. MINE. Pulling back, I brush away her wayward strands of strawberry red hair.

  “Oh my God! You shaved the business-man beard… WHY?” She asks and I smirk.

  “I can grow it back. I like the smooth feel every now and again. Just changing it up. I’ll make sure you like the smooth sensation too.” I wink at her and she giggles.

  Seriously, I like the smell of her pussy on my business beard. So, yeah, I’ll be growing it out again and soon. She cups my face in her hands pulling me back in for another soft kiss.

  “It caught me off guard, but I like it both ways.” She smiles coyly. I know she does. I’ll see to it, regularly.

  “Uhm, baby…” She starts but bites down on her bottom lip.

  Lena pulls me back in for another kiss. I know she’s up to something when she starts a sentence then attempts to distract me with sexy Lena moves. I like the fuck out of it so, I play along.

  “I gotta tell you something.” She says.

  My brows furrow and I can tell this is important by her voice. She moves quickly until she’s straddling me. See, this shit only gets better the deeper she gets into her conversation. That only means I’ll be balls deep real fucking soon. #myendgame

  “What is it, pretty girl?”

  “Uhm, well….” She peppers light kisses along my freshly shaven jawline until she cuts a path along my neck. Jesus Christ. She leans back and those ice blues are full of excitement and hesitation.

  “Len, spill it babe because if not the only words coming out of your mouth are going to be unintelligible. Because I’m going to dig out my home between your legs with my yeti sledgehammer.” She smirks.

  There’s nothing but complete truth behind my words. I’m going to fuck my wife relentlessly against my glass wall view. The countdown has commenced.

  “THREE.” I rasp out while standing with her in my arms.

  “TWO.” She wraps her legs around my waist and locks her feet at my back. She wants it. I’m going to give it to her too.

  “Okay… I’m pregnant.” She whispers.

  My footfalls stop immediately. Her eyes are bouncing all over my face, looking for any sign of disappointment. That shit won’t happen. I pull her shirt over her head and toss it behind me.

  “I saw you first.”

  “I rescued you first.”

  “I kissed you first.”

  “I loved you first.”

  “I had you first.”

  “I am your one and only.”

  “All those things will never fucking change.”

  “Pretty girl, you’re mine.”

  “That’s the Rampage way.”

  And I close the deal by taking my wife in every way. Because I can. Because she’s mine. And all of that only makes that billionaire business bastard in me smile while throwing back a glass of cognac in celebration. I fell in love with this woman years ago when I found her ankle-deep in a rabbit hole and thank fuck for those unfortunate pitfalls in life. Sometimes they can lead us to the best endings.

  Aggressive Anger Boiling Over No More.

  My Calculated Composure Turning Chaos Calmed.

  Engulfing My Future In Fiery Flames With Her.


  authors notes

  Hello, My Ruthless-Love Readers,

  OH… MY… GOD! This business bastard clutched onto my shoulders from the starting gates. Rampage is my definition of a financial warrior with a flair for sexual tension once he puts on a suit. But honestly, he had me at…

  “Anyway, money is like pussy to me. It’s there for the taking, offered in abundance, and something I have no problem obtaining, ever. Plus, they both bring me a great deal of pleasure.”

  OOOOkay… Yeah, I was done… Then from the side, in walked Miss. Lena Carter. That rabbit hole position never looked so good, huh? Slade and Lena simply belong
together. Now, I’m waiting to see what the hell this Chaos Crew of kids brings on. Uhhh, God! Those are Ruthless Tendencies and wicked ways to write about for another day!

  Seriously, I have lived and breathed this bunch for so long. I can’t even tell you how much I thought of them. It’s weird to explain but I didn’t sculpt them or drown out their personalities. They were nontolerant to any of my pulling back of the reigns, NO. That’s not who any of these guys are. They are brutal, blunt, and one hundred percent unapologetic for it. And that’s 99% of the reason why I love them so.

  This Chaos Crew of misfits is my medieval mayhem. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love each one of these characters. And it all started with a little bit of Rage. That guy though… Then my Renegade, uhhh huh… Follow it up with a LOT of Rebel and tuck me in with some Rampage. Dear Jesus!

  My Chaos chicks rounded out and smoothed over their edges but really? Is that not what all of us women are supposed to do, somewhat? Calm the beast within and stabilize our partner. At least that’s what I think. This is not the last we’ll hear from this crew, that’s for sure. Not by a longshot!

  The Ruthless Tendencies Series is a part of me. I wouldn’t have it any other way, hell no. Thank you for joining me on this crazy ride of Chaos. Remember to follow me so you stay in the know for the next release coming soon.

  Read below for a peek into THE HOUSE OF CREED series. It’s time to introduce you to the WALLSTREET GOD, Brogan Creed. Try to keep your thoughts to yourself, right?...


  I want to give a big shout out to my readers and my social networking scene. Each one of you keep me sane and in the writing game. Your enthusiasm is what helps me focus on that endgame.

  Your support is humbling, and I deeply appreciate every single email and kind word sent my way. Also, I want to give an imaginary fist bump to my work fam and DNA bound family tree. You guys deal with me at my craziest. Thanks, and much love.


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