
Home > Fantasy > Forbidded > Page 13
Forbidded Page 13

by Adrienne Woods

  “Haha.” He chucked a piece of pizza crust at me.

  “It’s the truth.”

  “Well, if they knew what was good for them, they’d look in the opposite direction.”

  “Our lives are adventurous. Well, your life is. Mine just died.”

  “Ru, you didn’t die.”

  “Not yet.”

  He burst out laughing. “Okay, I can’t compete with that.”

  He paid for the pizza and we headed back home.

  The farm looked empty and depressing.

  But he was right, my life wasn’t completely over.

  We returned to the living room and continued watching Game of Thrones.

  Time with Collin was amazing. He took my mind off everything and made me laugh.

  He kept glancing down at his watch.

  I sighed. “She can take care of herself, Collin. She’ll be fine.”

  “Huh?” He sounded confused.

  “Liz will be fine.”

  “I know she’ll be fine. You Chaperon women can look after themselves, Ru.”

  “Then why the worrying? and looking at your watch?”

  He smiled. “Not Liz, that I can promise you.”

  “Then what?”

  He bent toward me and planted his lips on mine.

  I froze for a moment, but then my lips moved to kiss him back.

  I melted into him as heat swirled in my belly.

  I wanted the kiss to never stop. He tasted amazing. It felt as if I was under a spell. His spell.

  He pulled me on top of him, our bodies flush together. His hand drew up the hem of my shirt, his fingers trailing over my lower back. I worked my fingers through his hair as his tongue swept over my palate.

  Suddenly, an image of Liz flashed through my mind.

  I jumped off him.

  “What the hell was that?” I asked.

  He frowned at me. “The reason I kept looking at my watch. Ru, you drive me insane.”

  “I drive you insane?” I gave a sarcastic laugh. “And what, for weeks you text Liz to sweep her off her feet again? She’s my sister, and she’s nuts over you.”


  “I can’t do this.”

  “I haven’t been texting Liz. I’ve only been texting you. I told you before, the situation with your sister was complicated. It was only complicated because of you.”

  His words took me by surprise. “What?”

  “Liz is so open. It sucked me straight in, but it wasn’t about her, Ru. It was always about getting close to you. It’s why I broke it off.”

  “You broke it off with Liz because of me?” I blinked, trying to wrap my head around the words.

  “Yes. Why is that hard to believe? You and I are the same. Liz and I were never compatible. I thought if we could become friends then I could get closer to you, but then she kissed me. I was confused for a moment about what I felt for her, but I quickly realized I didn’t have feelings for her. I never should’ve done what I did. And I’m sorry, but if you—”

  I grabbed the sides of his head and kissed him. He wasn’t texting Liz and he didn’t want her. He wanted me.


  I yanked Collin’s shirt over his head, as he removed my jacket, leaving me in my tank top and jeans.

  His hands roamed over my body as I kissed down his chest and back up to his neck. My chest heaved as I moved back to his mouth, knotting my fingers in his hair, my body on fire.

  The sound of trucks made us jump apart, and we were both on our feet in seconds. I threw him his shirt, my cheeks flushing as I pulled on my hoody. He put his shirt on and brushed his hands through his hair while I tried to calm the heat still swirling inside me.

  “Don’t look at me like that.” I hissed, slapping him lightly on his arm.

  He winked at me and grinned. “Guess your life is not so bad after all.”

  “My sister is going to kill me.”

  He pulled me back and I smashed into his chest.

  I kissed him quickly and firmly turned around.

  He laughed as I smoothed out my clothes, wiping my hands on my jeans.

  Fuck, that was amazing.

  The door opened and my father trudged in, walking straight upstairs without looking at me or greeting me.

  Greg called him back, but he received no response.

  “Let’s go,” Greg said to Collin.

  “See you later,” he said as he passed me.

  “Later,” I said, eyes on my sister, who was watching Collin as he left. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I didn’t want to see the desire in her eyes.

  Will and my uncle came in behind her.

  “Is Huck okay?” Collin asked Greg.

  “He’ll be fine. Have a good night, Ru.” Greg’s smile said he could see straight through me.

  I blushed.

  “Stop giving your dad a heart attack, Liz. It was a close call tonight. Get your head out of the clouds. He can’t lose another child.”

  “I’m sorry.” She turned and stormed to her room, without a word to me.

  “Everything okay?” I asked my cousin. He nodded and walked away.

  Guilt washed over me, but I squashed it down. I deserved a tiny amount of happiness. And Liz had been flirting and texting all this time. If it wasn’t Collin, then who the hell was it?

  I shrugged and went upstairs to take a cold shower.

  I got into bed and grabbed my phone, smiling when I saw a text from Collin.

  “That was entertaining. We should do that again, and soon.”

  “I’m surrounded by people who would notice if I’m gone.”

  “Then I guess I’d have to sneak in.”

  “Liz has exceptional hearing.”

  “She won’t find out. Besides, she’ll have to make peace with this someday.”

  “Someday? So now you’re seeing a future for us?”

  “This wasn’t a one-night thing, Ru. That’s a promise.”

  Yay me. Telling Liz about this would be fun. She already hated my guts because he stayed with me while they hunted.

  We said goodnight and I tried to fall asleep, but I could still feel his lips on mine, could still feel his hands on my body.

  Collin knew how to make a girl feel special.

  I shouldn’t be feeling this way about him.

  This would break my relationship with my sister, but how could I stay away from him?

  I loved him as much as she did, but he only had feelings for me.

  The choice should lie with him, shouldn’t it?

  If she loved him, she would want him to be happy, even if it was with me.

  I hated this. I had no idea how to hide it from her. But Liz could never know that Collin was seeing me. Never.

  The next few weeks sped by, and Collin’s cast finally came off. Now I’d be alone, because Collin would be rejoining the hunts.

  Collin snuck into my room a few times.

  He always gave me a mini heart attack because he was so stealthy and quiet.

  He must have picked it up when he lived with the pack, because he called it a wolf thing.

  I guess growing up with a pack of wolves had advantages.

  Our nights were intense. I’d had to stop a few times, because we were moving too fast. Not that I wanted to, but I’d never had sex before. I wanted it to be special, as clichéd as that sounded.

  Collin never pushed for more. He was perfect. It was hard to hide the fact that he had been in my room the morning after, but luckily, I managed to hide it around Liz.

  She was talking to someone again, laughing and I could have sworn it was Collin.

  What if he was lying to me?

  But I didn’t think he would.

  He and another member of his group, Tommy, whom he trusted, found the pack that changed Theo and I was waiting for them in the barn.

  I needed to see my brother before Collin took him away to his old pack. I wanted to know if he was okay.

  I glanced at my watch. Colli
n had said he’d bring Theo over at two, and it was already two-thirty.

  Worry was taking over me. What if something had happened?

  The door of the barn opened and Collin stepped inside.

  I rushed toward him and crashed into him, hugging him as tight as I could.

  “Why are you so late?”

  “Sorry, we had to be careful.” He pulled away from me.

  Tommy stood by the entrance.

  “Hi Ru,” he smiled.

  “He knows?”

  “Of course he knows. Don’t worry; his lips are sealed.”

  “Better be.”

  Just then, Theo walked in. Tears pricked my eyes and my throat was suddenly dry as I ran to him.

  He embraced me, inhaling my scent.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay. Way better than having you die on us. I mean, for real.”

  “How is this better Ru? Dad, Liz, Will, everyone would kill the monster I’m becoming.”

  “Collin will find the Alpha. I promise. Then you’ll come home.”

  His eyes moving over my face as if trying to memorize every feature. “I love you, Ru.”

  “I love you more. Hold on a little longer, okay? We’ll get this sorted out.”

  “You didn’t tell Dad, did you?”

  “No. They all think you’re dead.”

  “I wish I could tell him.”

  “He wouldn’t understand, Theo. You have to trust Collin. Not all wolves are monsters. His pack will take good care of you. I promise. And when it’s all over, you’ll be free.”

  He nodded.

  Collin cleared his throat. “Ru, we need to go. It’s a long trip.”

  I nodded. “Okay. Be safe. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.”

  “I can take care of myself.” He smiled.

  I gave Collin a lingering kiss. “You be safe too, okay?”

  He nodded at me.

  “She’s going to rip you apart, Ru,” Theo said.

  “I didn’t plan this, Theo. You can’t choose who you fall in love with.”

  “I know.” Theo blew out a breath. “But she’s family. You need to tell her.”

  “I will.”

  “Soon, Ru.”

  “Okay, Theo. You better leave. Take care. I love you.” I smiled.

  “I’ll see you soon,” Collin winked and they left.

  Time seemed to slow down after that day.

  Collin texted me a few times to tell me they had reached his pack and that they agreed to look after him until Collin and Greg could deal with the Alpha.

  Then finally, he said he’d see me tonight.

  I was delighted that my brother was alive and safe. I had no idea if I would ever be able to kill a wolf again, now that I knew my brother was one and knew what they were meant for.

  How was I going to deliver that death shot?

  There was no way I could.

  Collin slipped into my room in the early hours of the morning, the sky still pitch-black as he crawled into my bed.

  My lips found his, my tongue tracing his lips to tease them open. I arched my back, pushing my chest up against him, deepening the kiss as I twined my arms around his neck.

  “Ru, slow down, baby. You’re making me crazy,” he panted in my ear.

  I giggled into his shoulder, feeling his hardness pressing into my thigh.

  I liked knowing I did that to him and that this feeling was mutual.

  We kissed until the faintest hints of the sunrise peeked over the horizon. He pulled away from me with a groan, then gave me a last kiss goodbye before he slipped out of my window, giddy with love.

  Guilt always settled heavily on my chest once he left.

  Theo was right. I had to tell Liz. But how?

  The next hunt loomed on the horizon.

  I wasn’t going to be there and Collin wasn’t going to be here with me. Double damn.

  But when it was time for the hunt, Collin got dropped off at the farm once again.

  “You’re not joining us?” Liz asked, perplexed.

  “No. The doctor thinks it’s best if I rest up for another week. Apparently, my leg still needs time to adjust. Doctor’s orders.”

  She huffed and strode toward the truck.

  She hadn’t even said goodbye to me. What if she died tonight?

  My father brushed a kissed over my cheek as a way of saying goodbye and hurried to the truck.

  Theo weighed heavily on him. He was his only son, the only one to carry on with the Chaperon name, but my brother was a wolf now.

  Greg spoke softly to Collin, telling him he needed to rest and needed to be careful.

  When they were all gone, I turned to Collin.

  “Did the doctor really book you off for another week?”

  “No.” He grinned wryly at me. “But I had to tell the others that.”

  “And the next hunt?”

  “I’ll deal with that when the time comes. I’ll reach out to your dad.”

  “About what?” I asked, my voice wavering.

  “Relax, babe. You and I can talk about hunting again, Ru. Yes, you must stay away from werewolves, but there are other ways to join the hunt without broadcasting who you are.”

  I quirked an eyebrow. “Precisely how are you going to convince him to let me back on the hunts? With Theo…”

  “I’ll tell him that I’ll be watching you.”

  “And who is going to watch Liz?”

  “Fred will. He’s done a fantastic job so far.”

  “Fred? Is he the one she’s been texting?”

  “Who cares? Come here.” He grabbed my arm, pulling me tight against him. My legs twirled around his waist as he picked me up, and I chuckled as he practically ran upstairs to my room.

  He gently lowered me to the bed, and kissed me hungrily. It felt like his mouth was claiming me, every kiss branding and searing into me.

  “Fuck, I missed you,” he growled.

  “Well, it feels wonderful to be missed,” I teased nipping at his bottom lip with my teeth.

  “Sorry, I know we should take this slow and easy, but it’s anything but easy when I’m with you.”

  I loved the way he made me feel smart about my choices by respecting it, but I wanted to be stupid with him.

  Being with him like this, heady with want and lust, made me want to take that next step with him.

  I rolled on top him, straddling his waist and pinning down his arms.

  “You’re driving me crazy,” he groaned roughly as I bent down to kiss his neck. “You’re not playing fair, Ru.”

  “Then you shouldn’t have opted to stay with me tonight, Collin,” I whispered against his skin.

  I pulled back with a sultry smile. Heat danced in his eyes. He caught my mouth in another kiss, and I rolled my hips as our tongues tangled together.

  He rolled me over, settling himself between my legs, his one hand inching under my shirt, his hot fingertips trailing over the skin of my abdomen.

  I grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it off, my hands skimming over his warm skin.

  His hands roamed further under my shirt igniting every inch he touched. His weight pressed me down, but I relished the feel of him on me. With our lips fused together, I wanted to stay like this forever.

  My hands inched between us until I had a grip on his belt. I pulled on it, wanting it loose, wanting it off. I wanted—needed—skin on skin.

  “Woah, Ru,” he stopped and moved back, sitting at the end of my bed. “What are you doing?”

  I froze. “What do you mean?” My stomach dropped, the heady haze of lust clearing at the rejection. “You don’t want this?”

  A chuckle left his mouth. “Are you kidding?”

  “I’m serious. I thought this was what you wanted.” I was on the verge of crying, my throat thick with emotion. It was silent for a beat as I waited for him to say something.

  “I do, like you can’t believe. But I don’t want to do anything if you
aren’t completely ready.”

  I felt like an idiot for getting upset. I wouldn’t even have touched his pants if I wasn’t sure.

  I push myself up and sat next to him, kissing his shoulder. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone else. I know this is moving fast, but I want this as much as you do.”

  He looked at me intensely for a single heartbeat, then he grabbed me again.

  My heart raced, blood rushing in my ears as he kissed me so fiercely, I thought I was going to blackout.

  He pushed me back on the bed, settling on top of me again, and I twined my legs around him.

  His hardness pressed against me, the friction sending tingles through my body.

  Something between a moan and a sigh escaped my lips as he continued moving against me. Then suddenly, he stopped, wrenching his lips from mine.

  “Fuck,” he muttered, resting his head on my stomach. He pulled my shirt up and inch and planted his lips on my bare skin, groaning against me. It was as if he was in pain.

  “What now?” I asked.

  “I don’t have a condom.”

  I giggled.

  “Safe sex, Ru. Don’t say it doesn’t matter.”

  “I wasn’t going to. But you better go get some. There’s no way I’ll survive this tonight.”

  “I’ll go to the gas station. Stay here. Don’t move.”

  I laughed as he got up and put on his shirt, my eyes lingering on the bulge in his pants. I pressed a hand to my mouth, unable to stifle my laughter.

  “Read Game of Thrones.” He put the book down on my nightstand and leaned over to kiss me. “Don’t fall asleep.”

  I watched him leave, my stomach tightening into a ball of nerves.

  Now was the time to rethink things, but I realized I had no doubts. I was ready to lose my virginity, and I wanted it to be with him.

  I didn’t want anyone else to be my first.

  An unwanted thought slipped into my head. Had Collin slept with Liz? I don’t know how I’d feel about it if he had.

  As the rumble of his truck faded, I decided a shower would get the thought of Collin and my sister out of my mind. Besides, I’d rather not have stubbly legs and armpits tonight.

  When I got out of the shower, Collin still hadn’t returned.

  As the minutes ticked by, worry and fear settled into my stomach.

  I sent him a text, but he didn’t reply.


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