King Daddy

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King Daddy Page 3

by Dakota Rebel

  “So, is this where we pinky swear?” she asked. I held up my hand and she hooked her little finger around it. “I solemnly swear that I’m up to no good.”

  “You’re a monster,” I said, pulling her into my arms and hugging her tightly.

  “I’m your monster now,” she said, wrapping her arms around my waist and squeezing tightly.

  Thank goodness for that.

  Chapter Five

  ~ Cora ~

  “Mama? Yes, it’s Cora. How are you?”

  I was standing in the middle of my brand-new room, draped in silk, trying to find a way to tell my mom I was about to get married, while Kathy the seamstress and her team wound themselves around me, sticking pins dangerously close to my skin.

  “Fine, my darling,” she answered. “And you? How is school in Gorgonia? How are the people? Is your host family nice? Tatiana, their daughter, is just darling.”

  “Everything is great,” I said, biting my lower lip.

  “You’re lying.”

  “I’m not!” I insisted. “It’s just, well…I have some news. It’s good news, mama.” Ugh, I wished I could do this in person. Percy probably would have let me fly home on a private jet or something to tell my parents. Damn. I was a terrible gold digger.

  “If you have to say that, I don’t think I’m going to like it. Are you pregnant?”

  “No!” I laughed. That was the best opening I was going to get. “But I am getting married. On Friday.”

  “No, you’re not,” she said. It was a directive, not a question. She didn’t sound amused, so I assumed she understood right off that I wasn’t joking. But she didn’t seem to be happy for me.

  “I am actually,” I said. “His name is Percy Shire.”

  “Percy Shire? Did he go to Hogwarts?” There was a mumble in the background of mom’s call, then she shrieked into the phone. “You’re marrying the prince of Gorgonia? Are you out of your mind? You don’t even know this person.”

  “I take it Tatiana’s there?” I asked. “Good. She can tell you all about him. Yes, I am marrying him. On Friday. I’ll have plane tickets sent, or something, for you and dad and Tatiana to fly in sometime this week. I love you, but I’ve got to go. I have a ton of stuff to do. Bye. Bye. Bye.” I hung up quickly, not interested in letting her get all worked up over something she couldn’t control. I’d see her in a few days. By then, hopefully she would calm down and remember I’m an adult.

  My cell rang instantly and when I looked down and saw her number, I tossed the phone on the bed. Not today, Satan.

  “Mothers worry,” Kathy the seamstress said around a mouthful of pins. “Someday, you will be a mother. And you will worry. The prince is a good man. Your mother will love him.”

  “Thank you,” I said, my gaze looking at my reflection in the mirror. All that white silk had been transformed against my body into the biggest frou-frou monstrosity I’d ever seen in my life. “Um, is this supposed to be my wedding dress?”

  “Yes!” Kathy took the pins out of her mouth and beamed up at me. “You will wear gold, I think, for the coronation.” When she met my gaze, her face fell. “You do not like it?”

  “It’s lovely,” I assured her. “It’s just very, not me. I’m a simple girl. I was hoping for something a little less…big.”

  “You are not a simple girl,” she said, her tone sharp. “You are about to become queen of my country.”

  “I can’t be both?” I turned to face her. “Look, I’ve known him for a day. Not even. People are going to be saying nasty things about me for a while. Probably even people in this house. But it’s my wedding day. The only one I’ll ever have. Do you think, you could forgive an American, just this once, and let me pick something more my style?”

  “My sweet child.” She took my hands in hers and helped me down from the pedestal. “You are right, of course. You should feel beautiful on your wedding day. We will look at pictures together and find a style that matches your taste and is appropriate for your new position.”

  Kathy’s team started pulling pins out of the fabric and in moments it had fallen into a heap on the floor, completely unrecognizable as a dress. Like magic.

  “I will find magazines,” Kathy said. “You lay down and rest. You look about ready to crash. When did you fly in from America?”

  “Yesterday, just before the party,” I said, walking over to sit on the bed. “I guess I am a little tired.”

  “Oh dear,” Kathy said. “I think you’re about to crash pretty hard. Forget the magazines. I’m just going to have some things sent in. Get some sleep, I’ll take care of everything.”

  “You’re very sweet,” I told her, rolling to the middle of the mattress with sigh. “Thank you. Would you do me a favor?”

  “Anything, your highness,” she agreed.

  “Oh, two favors. One, I’m just Cora. None of that, your highness stuff with me, please. Two, would you mind having someone find Percy for me?”

  “Of course, Cora,” Kathy said, patting my arm before walking away.

  How was it possible that twenty-four hours ago I was on the longest plain ride of my life, flying international in coach, and now I was laying on the softest mattress I’d ever felt, while someone sent out for a wedding dress and fetched my future husband? This couldn’t be real life.


  “In here!” I called to Percy.

  “Are you okay?” He sat down on the bed next to me and looked down with concern etched in his handsome face.

  “I’m fine,” I assured him. “Just tired. I think the day caught up to me.”

  “Do you need anything?”

  “No, not really.” I felt stupid now that he was here. But since I’d asked for him, there was no backing out now. “Will you stay with me? I’m afraid if I fall asleep, I’ll wake up and this will just have been a dream.”

  “So, you want it to stay real then?” he asked, climbing up on the bed and pulling me against him.

  “Is it insane that I really do?”

  “No.” He kissed the top of my head. “I’m glad you agreed to marry me.”

  “You know it wasn’t the closet, right? That made me say yes?” It occurred to me that I’d accepted his proposal on sight of a room that existed in every house on the planet. I’d sworn I wasn’t a gold digger, but that was right out of the Kanye West playbook.

  “I know.” I could hear the smile in his voice.

  “Why did I agree?” I asked him, closing my eyes.

  “I think,” he said, shifting to hold my head against his chest. His voice rumbled under my ear and as his heart beat against me, I swear my own changed enough to match his rhythm. “That you and I are not so different. We crave adventure. We’re a little bit crazy, but in a good way. I think we’re smart enough to see that this could be an opportunity. We come from different worlds, but at the end of the day, I think we’re the same.”

  “I called my mom earlier.” Why was it so easy to talk to him now? “She’s not very happy with me. How am I going to get them here?”

  “I’ll take care of everything,” he promised. “How soon would you like to bring your family in?”

  “Friday morning?” I asked hopefully. Maybe if I could delay long enough, it would be too late for them to get me alone and try to talk me out of the wedding Friday night.

  “How about Thursday afternoon?”

  “Fine.” I snuggled harder against his side, my leg shifting to lay over his. Exhaustion was creeping in fast, and I couldn’t have opened my eyes back up if I’d wanted to. “Percy?”


  “I think I’m going to fall in love with you.” Why didn’t that scare me? Maybe because we were going to be married for the rest of our lives. Love was probably a good thing to add to that equation.

  “I think I’m already falling in love with you.”

  I might have dreamed that last part, but in my heart I hoped I hadn’t.

  Chapter Six

  ~ Percy ~

; “The announcements went out while you were sleeping,” I told Cora over breakfast Tuesday morning.

  She’d passed out around one o’clock Monday afternoon, and hadn’t woken up until an hour before breakfast. It had been hard to extricate myself from her, but there was so much to be done, I’d had to leave.

  “Okay,” she said. She was cross-legged in the chair with a mug of coffee cradled in her hands. “And the wedding is at six o’clock Friday?”

  “Yes,” I agreed. “Mother should be down soon, and she said she’d like to take you shopping, if that’s okay.”

  “That’s fine,” Cora agreed. “So, how is this going to work?”


  “Well, we still don’t really know each other. And I assume people are going to be gossiping and assuming all sorts of things. Will everyone know you had to marry me to keep your throne? Will they assume I’m marrying you for money? Will someone actually try to challenge our marriage?”

  “The documents regarding the terms of Percy’s kingdom are privately held,” mother said as she walked into the dining room. “I can’t promise it won’t get out, but hopefully the wedding will be over long before anyone knows the initial reason behind your union.”

  “Shit.” Cora jumped to her feet, splashing coffee on herself in the process. “Excuse me. Sorry, ma’am. Oh God.” Cora stared at the floor, her body jerking into some sort of curtsey…I think. She just sort of bowed and spasmed herself into a deep lunge.

  “You’re fine,” my mother assured her, smiling over at me before offering her hand to my future wife. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “Your highness, it’s lovely to meet you,” Cora said. Her face was flaming red as she shook mother’s hand.

  “Please, call me Denise.” My mother clasped Cora’s hands between hers. “I can’t thank you enough for agreeing to marry my son.”

  “It’s my pleasure,” Cora said. “I mean, not pleasure. Well, that is…” She blew out a sigh. “I’m Cora Jones. I’m awkward and uncomfortable and I don’t know how likely that is to change.”

  “You’re delightful,” mother assured her. “Please sit down.” She walked around the table to sit across from Cora. “Did Percy tell you I’d like to take you into town today?”

  “He did,” Cora said, dropping back into her chair. “That would be lovely, thank you. Someone brought my things from the Micheners earlier, but I don’t think I have anything appropriate for…well, anything.”

  “No one is expecting you to change who you are,” I said to Cora. “If you wear yoga pants and sweatshirts every day, then you’re free to continue to do so.”

  “Of course,” mother agreed. “However, there will be occasions when more formal attire is required. This week will be full of meetings and introductions and interviews. You’ll want something a little less casual, I’m sure.”

  “Interviews?” Cora and I said together.

  “Of course,” mother insisted. “Percy, you’re marrying an American woman that you’ve just met. People will be curious, and it’s best to nip it in the bud. I’ve scheduled you both to meet with Shannon Verlander this evening for a live interview.”

  “I wish you’d consulted us first,” I scolded her. “Neither of us is prepared for that.”

  “You will be.” Mother waved her hand as if batting away my protest. “I’ll work with Cora while we’re out today, and I have Mosely coming to speak with you in an hour. You’ll have your stories straight, you’ll be a beautiful, happy couple and the country will be eating out of Cora’s hand by eight p.m.”

  I looked over at Cora and noticed she’d gone very pale. She was picking at one of her nails and had her bottom lip worrying between her teeth.

  “You don’t have to do this,” I assured Cora. “I can cancel the interview. We’re preparing for a wedding; I’m sure Shannon will understand.”

  “No,” Cora said, squaring her shoulders and dropping her hands to the table. “Your mom’s right. We should get in front of it. If we go on T.V. tonight and appear as a united front, it will stop anyone from asking too many questions.”

  “I like her,” mother said, beaming at Cora.

  “So, do I,” I agreed. “And I’d quite like to keep her. So perhaps, in the future, you run any plans that affect the two of us through her before you schedule them?”

  Mother looked surprise, her eyes widening for a moment before a slow smile spread across her lips. She nodded, then poured herself a cup a coffee.

  The rest of breakfast was finished in silence. I could feel Cora’s knee bouncing, her leg brushing mine occasionally, so I knew she was nervous. After the fifth time she knocked into me, I put a hand on her thigh under the table.

  She smiled at me, her own hand slipping over mine, squeezing gently.

  “Well,” mother said, getting to her feet. “Cora, we’d better get going. Percy, Mosely will be here soon.”

  “Okay,” I agreed, trying not to sound too put out. “Take Donovan with you please. I’ll be transferring his duties to Cora anyway; I just haven’t had time to take care of it yet.”

  “Sir?” Donovan said, his voice behind me startling me. He was way too large to be so silent. It was spooky. “I think Ms. Jones would be more comfortable with a female escort.”

  “Don’t be silly!” Cora said brightly. “We’re besties, Donovan. We’ll braid each other’s hair later and watch scary movies. It’s gonna be great.”

  “See,” I said. “You’re besties.”

  “Right.” Donovan actually sounded like he was holding in a sigh, which I’d never heard in the ten years he’d worked here. Strange. Cora seemed so fond of him, but he didn’t appear to reciprocate.

  “Donovan, will you please have the car brought around?” mother asked.

  “Of course, ma’am.” Donovan bowed before turning on his heel and heading back out.

  “Cora, dear,” mother said, turning to my bride. “What have you done to poor Donovan?”

  “I’m sorry, Denise, I don’t know what you mean.” Cora gave my mother innocent eyes, but I’m pretty sure neither of us bought it. “Shall we go?”

  I kissed Cora’s cheek, then my mother’s, and they left together. I sat back down at the table and wondered what I was getting myself into. Donovan was the most even keeled man I’d ever met. If Cora had managed to get under his skin in the five minutes they’d spent together, I had a feeling I was in for quite the adventure with this woman.


  “How was your shopping trip?” I asked after Cora let me into her rooms.

  “Your mother is something,” Cora said, flopping down onto the mattress with a heavy sigh. “I don’t think I’ve ever owned so many clothes in my entire life. Like, combined. According to her, I need four outfits a day for the rest of my life. Is this what your life is like?”

  “No,” I assured her, sitting down next to her on the bed. “Mother’s excited. She’ll calm down after the wedding. Did you two get along, okay?”

  “Oh, she’s the best!” Cora exclaimed, sitting up and crossing her legs. “She told me all about you as a kid. You can ride an elephant but not a bike? That’s amazeballs.”

  “Great,” I said sarcastically. Why had it not occurred to me that leaving my future wife and my mother alone would end with them discussing me?

  “She painted you in a very flattering light,” Cora assured me. “She’s so proud of you, you know?” She reached over and took my hand in hers. “I’m very fond of you, too.”

  “That works out,” I told her. “Because I always hoped my wife would be fond of me.”

  “Are you ready for our interview?” she asked.

  “As ready as I can be,” I answered with a sigh. “Our advisor gave me all kinds of talking points to bring up, none of which I found remotely helpful.”

  “Yeah, your mom just said to act like it was love at first sight.” Cora shrugged. “I can do that. But I don’t know if anyone will buy it. You know? They’re either going to assume I
was supposed to be a one night stand you knocked up, or they’ll figure out you have to marry me to keep the crown. Something is going to go wrong here, I just know it.”

  “How do you know?” I asked.

  “Because, everything else is going too right.” She looked down at our hands, then back up to meet my gaze. “Because I really like you, Percy. Every new thing I learn about you makes me like you more. Maybe even love you. And it’s scary and wonderful and confusing. When we were gone today, I missed you. How crazy is that? Every outfit I tried on, I wondered if you’d like it. I had to ask your mom what your favorite color is, because I wanted to get stuff that you’d want to see me in. Everything is just going too right. I’m afraid something will spoil it.”

  I pulled on her hand, urging her toward me. I would have just grabbed her and kissed, her but I wanted to give her the opportunity to resist if she wanted to.

  She didn’t.

  Her body slid into my arms, and when my lips touched hers, she gasped against them before opening to me. Tentatively, I slid my tongue against hers. She tasted like watermelon Jolly Ranchers and the thought of her walking around, eating candy, while shopping with my mother almost made me laugh.

  But then she shifted herself, climbing into my lap, and any humor I’d felt was replaced so hard and fast by an insane lust for her, that there was no room for anything else. My cock was instantly hard, pressed painfully between my zipper and her ass, which was grinding down on me.

  I lifted her, turning us so that I was laying on top of her on the mattress. When her legs shifted apart I settled my hips between them, rutting against her as I feasted on her mouth.

  I wanted her. So bad it literally hurt. I was afraid that if we kept frotting against each other I was going to come in my pants like a teenager. But she felt so fucking good under me, I couldn’t bear the thought of stopping. Fortunately, Cora had better control that me.

  “Stop,” she gasped against my mouth. Her hand snaked between us and she pushed firmly on my chest. “Stop.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said quickly, rolling off of her immediately. “I didn’t mean to force myself on you.”


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