The Warrior Princess: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance

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The Warrior Princess: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance Page 20

by Siobhan Davis

  The outbuilding is empty when we arrive, but the instant Glennev presses his finger to the small tech device curled in the palm of his hand, a humongous ship shimmers into existence. I’m as bowled over by the sight as I was the first time I saw this happen with my guys. Daniel lets loose a flurry of expletives, and I grin over my shoulder at him. “This your first time?”

  He nods, his jaw slack, eyes wide and shell-shocked. I drop back to walk beside him. “You’re coming with, right?” I desperately need the comfort of a familiar face.

  “Hells yeah. I’ve been waiting for this for years.”

  Once onboard the ship, Glennev tells us to take seats while he supervises the loading of weapons and other vital supplies. Daniel is exploring the cabin, trailing his fingers across the walls and flattening his palms to the cool, shiny material it’s composed of with an awestruck look on this face.

  “Okay,” Glennev says, popping into the cabin as the rest of our crew start materializing in the space, instantly sinking into seats. “We have everything we need onboard. Get ready for takeoff.”

  Daniel’s hands shake as he buckles his harness. Tav secures his own harness on the other side of me, and we share a knowing smile.

  The ship vibrates as the engine purrs to life, and I clutch hands with the guys on each side of me, relieved to finally be doing this.

  I don’t know how this is going to pan out. We are walking into the lion’s den only somewhat prepared.

  But I don’t care.

  Even if I fail, this is still worth the effort.

  Because there isn’t anything I won’t do for those four guys who are the center of my very existence.


  We are hovering just outside Earth’s atmosphere, huddled around a large conference table in a room off to the right of the main cabin, arguing over the best plan of action. I slam my hands down on the table, cutting through the stressed, raised voices. “Enough.” I eyeball every person around the table. “This is getting us nowhere, and I’m losing patience. Every second we waste jeopardizes their lives.” I straighten up, turning my gaze on one of Glennev’s senior advisors. “You’ve studied the inner workings of Xzanthar, is that correct?” He nods. “So please explain our main challenges for getting in and out of the planet.”

  He clears his throat before speaking. “Xzanthar has a protective shield which serves several purposes. Only ships or transporters with active codes will be granted permission to enter and land, which poses an obvious problem. The second issue is that none of us will be able to teleport once we are there. If things go belly up, and we can’t make it back to the ship, we will be stuck there.”

  “And,” Donovan adds, “we don’t know where to go either. Where exactly they are being held.”

  “Do you have any maps of the planet?” I ask the advisor.

  He nods. “We’ve been studying Xzanthar for years, and we know most there is to know about it. We have extensive maps of Arantu’s castle, the city, and the entire planet.”

  I tuck my hair behind my ears. “I can describe the place where they will be. It’s like a church or a museum or something. It has ornate gold walls, marble floors, high pillars, and an altar with steps up to it.”

  The advisor’s fingers are flying over a tablet. “There are four potential options. Have a look.” He slides the tablet to me and I flick through the images. “There.” My breath falters in my chest as I point at the image that is familiar from my visions.

  He frowns. “Are you sure that’s the correct place?”

  “I’m positive.”

  He rubs his chin. “Well, that’s not good.” He looks between me and Glennev. “It’s the Chamber of Worship, and it’s at the heart of the castle, where Arantu resides.” He shakes his head. “I don’t see how we can get in and out of there without being detected or detained.”

  “I know how we can.” Determination shimmers in my eyes as I pin them on Glennev. “The guys used an underground passageway to get to the hangar. We can use the same one to get to the Chamber of Worship undetected. Provided I can make contact with them before we arrive, because I will need Beck to guide us the right way.”

  Glennev nods, before turning his attention to his advisor. “How do we bypass the code issue?”

  The advisor shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders. Denzil clears his throat. “If I may speak.”

  “You have the table, Officer,” Glennev confirms.

  “I have a friend who is an active member of the black boards. I could contact him and see if we can purchase any active codes.”

  “What’s a black board?” I ask.

  “It’s an underground digital community of rogues and thieves where basically anything is available for the right price,” another advisor confirms. He looks up at Glennev. “I don’t see how we have anything to lose. The officer’s suggestion is a good one.”

  Glennev turns to Denzil. “Very well. Put it in motion, please.”

  Denzil agrees with a quick nod before hurrying out of the room. I crick my neck from side to side, although it does nothing to ease the tension sitting like bricks on my shoulders. “Okay, so let’s discuss the other challenges.” I drag my lower lip between my teeth. “Let’s say we get a code and we land, and we manage to get to the underground tunnels and find our way to the Chamber of Worship, we then need a plan of attack.”

  Donovan pulls up an enlarged map of the Chamber of Worship on the screen and a lengthy debate ensues about the best course of action. As they discuss the pros and cons of various different tactical strategies, I scroll through my mind, revisiting the visions. “Wait.” Every set of eyes flick to mine. “In my vision, I appeared in the room first, alone, so that is how this should play out.”

  Donovan quirks a brow. “They’ll never believe you are there alone.”

  The seeds of an idea start forming in my mind. “Maybe. Maybe not.” I start pacing the floor, trying to work it all through. A deathly hush descends over the room as everyone waits for me to continue. I jerk my head up, eyes sparkling. “In my vision, Alandra was still pretending to be me, and no one was surprised when I arrived on my own because …”

  “Because they believe Zorc brought you there,” Glennev cuts in, joining my line of thinking.

  “Yes! Coop told me that Zorc was furious when I escaped, but he didn’t admit that to Alandra. Alandra and her father are still in the dark about my escape.”

  Donovan frowns. “I don’t get it though. If Zorc is still pretending that he has control over you, how does he expect you to arrive when the place is like Fort fucking Knox?”

  “He must have sent you plans,” Tav speaks up for the first time. “If he’s confident enough that you are going to arrive, that can be the only explanation.”

  I grab hold of Tav’s shoulders. “Oh my God, Tav. You’re a freaking genius! Now I just need to figure out how he would have sent me plans.” I pace the floor again, wracking my brains for the answer until it comes to me. “Ah, crap! Ugh.” I plop down in a chair, burying my head in my hands. “I’m betting he sent it to my cell. When he was masquerading as my friend Jack, he would’ve had access to my number. It’s the only way he would have contacted me.”

  “Where’s your cell?” Daniel asks.

  “No way!” I shake my head, half-laughing, half-crying. Everyone’s looking at me like I’ve lost my mind. “I think it’s in your house, Daniel! The last time I had my phone was the day I was taken. Either it’s in your house or the authorities took it.” My forced giddiness dies. “We’re screwed, unless Denzil’s friend comes through for us.”

  Just then, the floor vibrates, and an ear-shattering noise echoes around the room. A loud thud captures all our attention. All conversation ceases as we glance around the room and at one another.

  “What the hell?” Daniel hollers, and I follow his gaze. The grate covering the air vent on the bottom of the wall is lying flat on the ground, exposing the opening and the person crawling through it.

  I j
ump up, and my chair crashes to the ground. “Holy crap.”

  Kylie climbs out of the vent, smoothing a hand over her wrinkled pants and brushing hair back off her face like she hasn’t a care in the world. She walks toward us with her hand curled around something in her fist.

  Stopping in front of me, she ignores the string of curses coming from her brother’s mouth, looking defiantly at me. “The government doesn’t have your phone, and it’s not back at my house either.”

  She places my cell in my hand, but I’m only vaguely aware of it, my eyes too focused on the second person clambering out of the air vent behind her. Jensen strolls toward me with a sheepish smirk on his face. He stops beside Kylie, and they grin at one another before turning to stare at me.

  “You’re welcome,” Kylie says gleefully. “Now check your messages. I think you’ll be pleased.”


  “What in the actual fuck are you doing here?” Daniel demands to know.

  “Saving your butts,” Kylie retorts. “A simple thank you will suffice.”

  “What … How?” I splutter, unable to form a cohesive sentence.

  “Kylie snuck into Daniel’s car and then she came and found me. I had just been woken by the alarm anyway,” Jensen starts explaining. “I made up my mind that I was sneaking onboard once you told me what you were up to. There’s no way I was letting you go off to do this by yourself. I tried to make Kylie stay at home, but you know how stubborn she is.”

  “This is the most harebrained stupid thing you have ever done!” Daniel shouts at his sister. “And you’ve done some crazy stupid shit in your time, but this takes the cake.” He scrubs his hands down his face. “Mom is going to kill me if anything happens to you.”

  “Screw off, Dan.” Kylie glares at him, with her hands on her hips. “I know how to take care of myself.”

  “Kylie, are you insane? Have you any idea how dangerous this is?” I screech. “You are jeopardizing everything by being here!”

  “That’s not what I heard. I just gave you the access you need to pull this off. I knew when I saw that message with all the weird numbers that it was something important. You could be a little more grateful.”

  I’m actually tempted to knock her the fuck out, but there isn’t time to get into our issues. They are both here now, and it’s not like we can go back. “This isn’t the last you’ll hear of this. Either of you.” I shoot daggers at Jensen too. “But we’re stuck with you now.”

  “Neither of you are leaving this ship,” Daniel says, putting his face right up in his sister’s. “Do you hear me?!”

  “Jeez, cool your jets, bruh. No need to get your panties all in a bunch.”

  “Ellya.” I turn around, seeking out my friend. “Could you show my friends to one of the guest chambers and get them something to eat and drink?”

  “Of course.” She steps forward, and I quickly introduce her to Jensen, noticing how her skin flushes a little and she struggles to make eye contact with him as they are shaking hands. She’s already acquainted with Kylie, having met her the last time she gatecrashed our plans.

  “Go with Ellya, and we’ll come find you when we’re done here,” I say.

  “I’ll send one of the men down to administer your travel shots,” Glennev adds.

  As one, we all turn to him with puzzled expressions.

  “Every human needs a shot to acclimate to space travel and the atmosphere in outer space. Donovan and Daniel received theirs before we left but we brought additional supplies in case of emergency.” He narrows his eyes at Jensen and Kylie. “Lucky for you both that we did.”

  Suitably chastised, they both hang their heads.

  Guess that answers my earlier question about whether Mom could come with me to Verron if she wants to. I’m glad to discover there is a way to make it work, even if only temporarily. I add a mental note to ask Glennev about how these travel shots work at a more opportune time.

  Jensen kisses me briefly on the cheek before exiting the room with Ellya and Kylie.

  I scroll quickly through my messages, finding the one I need. Jackpot.

  “Not for the first time, I’m regretting not bringing your sister into the society at the time we recruited you,” Glennev says to Daniel as he holds his hand out to me. “May I?”

  I hand him my cell, and he huddles in a corner with two of his advisors to study the message from Jack a.k.a. Zorc.

  The rest of us shoot the shit while we wait for the others to finish their confab. “How did you get recruited?” I ask Daniel while I make some coffees.

  “I’ve been obsessed with extraterrestrial life from the time I could say the word. As I got older, I made tons of contacts online and had garnered quite a following in those kinds of circles. One day, I was accosted at the mall by this scary-looking dude. He zapped me with something that made me compliant, bundled me into the back of a truck, and took me to a secret location. I met Elder Glennev there, and he told me everything. About who he was. The secret society. The government compounds. The prophecy and you.” His eyes soften. “He put it all on the line and asked me for my help.”

  “Wow. You must have been scared shitless.”

  “I was, at first, but after he showed me stuff that was literally out of this world and he explained about you and what you were destined to do, that fear turned to curiosity and then excitement. It took a few days for me to agree to work with them though.”

  “What would you have done if Daniel hadn’t agreed to work with you?” I ask Glennev when he returns to the table with his colleagues. “Wasn’t it risky approaching him like that?”

  “We only approach those we are confident will want to work with us. We spent a year watching Daniel before we made our move. But if he hadn’t agreed, we would have just wiped his memory of the knowledge and sent him back home none the wiser.”

  “Is that what happened with you?” I ask Donovan.

  He grins at Glennev. “Pretty much.” They share a laugh, and I know there’s an interesting story there, but it’ll have to wait for another day. Every second we spend hovering outside Earth is a second more I have to wait to be reunited with the guys.

  “So, what’s the verdict?” I ask, gesturing toward my cell while sipping from my coffee.

  “Tav was correct in his assessment. Zorc has given you everything you need to get in and out of the planet and the castle.”

  I lean back in my chair. “I’d like to say that’s great, but that guy is a slippery snake, and I don’t trust it. I don’t trust him. He told the guys he would help them escape, but it was all part of his plan.”

  “We need to think like him to figure out what his exact goal is,” Tav says. “What does he have to gain by you coming there?”

  “He claims his master, Jentarr, needs me to kill Arantu. Then he wants to forge some alliance or agreement between us so that Jentarr would hold a position of power in the galaxy and in my government.”

  Tav is quiet as he thinks it through. “I’ve known Zorc a long time, and in all that time, I have never once met Jentarr. How do we know Jentarr even exists? That Zorc isn’t doing this for his own gain?”

  I lean forward on my elbows. “Oh my God. You’ve just nailed it again, Tav! What if Jentarr and Zorc are one and the same?”

  “Jentarr does exist,” Glennev supplies. “Tales of his escapades are widely known throughout the galaxy, as well as his past and his ongoing conflict with Arantu.”

  “Or at least he did exist,” Donovan jumps in. “I know from the records I read when I worked at the compound that the human government most definitely met Jentarr at the beginning, but he hasn’t shown his face on Earth in years.”

  “And he has kept quite a low profile in recent years too,” Glennev muses, looking deep in thought.

  “The guys haven’t seen Jentarr at the palace either,” I cut in, excitement flowing through my veins. “I think Zorc killed Jentarr at some point and either he’s been wearing a sheath which makes him appear as Jentarr
when needed or he’s just pretending to act on his behalf when all along he’s acting for himself.”

  “Holy fuck.” Daniel shakes his head. “This just gets more fucking complicated by the minute.”

  “Or less.” I shrug. “One less enemy to defeat is always a positive in my book.”

  “Okay,” Glennev says, “Assuming we are correct, what does Zorc hope to achieve by bringing Alinthia to Xzanthar?

  “He wants her to take out Arantu, and then he plans to weaken her and take her himself,” Tav quietly says. “To use her to assume ultimate control over the galaxy.”

  The room mutes, and my heart is thundering in my chest as I mull over his words. “Weaken me by …” my voice dies out, unable to verbalize the conclusion I’ve drawn. “That’s why he did it,” I murmur as tears pool in my eyes. “That’s why he was supposedly helping the guys escape. He’s trying to goad Alandra into killing them knowing what it will do to me.”

  Tav gets up, rounds the table, and slings his arm around my shoulders. “I’m sorry, Alinthia. I truly am.”

  “Me too.” Because the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. And it only adds to my fears for the guys.

  The ship is moving slowly toward the place where we will go into hyperdrive while we thrash out the details of how this will go down. We’ve agreed I will go in by myself, to make it look like I’m following the plan. Of course, Zorc will know I have back up. He knows there is no way I will come alone, so we are trying to offset whatever plans he has in mind.

  Our troops are splitting into three groups. One will follow us to the chamber, waiting until the right time to make their presence known. A second group will travel to the tech hub in an attempt to destroy the main server that controls the shield. The third group will set up a distraction in another part of the castle to try to draw as many guards away from the Chamber of Worship as possible.

  The three advisors, Tav, and Ellya will remain on the ship with Jensen and Kylie. None of them have any combat experience, and it’s too risky to bring them with us. We’re leaving them with two armed guards for protection in case anything should go wrong.


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