My Protector

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My Protector Page 11

by Alanea Alder

  "Thank you for that. I've been without a mate for so long, I thought Fate had forgotten me," Gavriel said ruefully.

  "If there's one thing I've learned in my short life, it's that Fate has a design of her own weaving. We may only catch a glimpse of the pieces, but there is a much bigger tapestry being woven that we know nothing of. Fate didn't forget you Gavriel, she was just waiting for our Bethy to grow up," Caspian said kindly.

  "Thank all the Gods you watched over her the way you did, or I may not have gotten her at all. Is there anything I can do to minimize the, um, accidents?"

  "Not to make Beth sound juvenile, because she isn't childish by any stretch of the imagination, in fact, when she isn't actively tripping, falling or tumbling she's very graceful and poised, but you may want to consider 'baby proofing' the estate," Caspian advised.

  "Baby proofing? What's that?" Gavriel got out a pad of paper and pen. At the top he wrote a reminder to get her alert necklace reset.

  "Oh hell, I guess you wouldn't have much experience with children. But doing things like placing pillows around a brick fireplace so that the angled edge isn't exposed or replacing glass furniture with blunt edged pieces. Lots of soft surfaces and padding. Stairs will always be a danger but by now she's learned how to fall down them with minimal damage," Broderick explained.

  "If you're together try to keep one hand on her at all times, you never know when she'll just topple over." Caspian added.

  "Never, ever let her in the kitchen, ever. There are too many ways something can go wrong." Gavriel could almost see Broderick shuddering. He took notes quickly.

  "We have a squire living here at the Alpha estate so she shouldn't have to go to the kitchen often," he said.

  "Thank the Gods," Caspian murmured.

  "Don't let her order fish too often; we had a scare when she choked on some bones that were supposedly removed," Broderick continued.

  "Bathrooms are dangerous too, but, well, we had to let her on her own in there for obvious reasons; but you aren't restricted in that area," Caspian said then cleared his throat.

  "Garages, hardware stores, warehouses, and workshops are especially hazardous." Broderick went on listing the places his mate couldn't go.

  Gavriel paused in writing the list. "We have an armory on premises."

  "Oh. My. Gods," Broderick whispered.

  "No. Just, no! Not only do you need to lock the door you need a biometric sensor to keep her out!" Caspian sounded like he was hyperventilating.

  "Easy my love, breathe," Broderick said.

  "She isn't stupid enough to play with weapons!" Gavriel said heatedly. His mate was not immature or reckless.

  "Of course she isn't! She's a mature, responsible and grounded woman. But she will somehow find herself in a situation where she has to go in the armory and then once she's inside something horrible will happen." Caspian said between gasps.

  "Gavriel, Beth isn't klutzy; she literally has the worst luck I have ever seen. She'll walk into the armory and for some unknown reason a stack of crates holding grenades, that haven't moved in years will suddenly come tumbling down. In the process several pins will dislodge and she'll be trapped under the fallen boxes." Broderick paused. "I don't suppose you watch human movies?"

  "Meryn has been having us watch them more so we can understand her."

  "Have you ever seen Final Destination?" he asked.

  "Oh fuck," Gavriel whispered.

  "Yes, that about sums it up." Broderick sounded defeated.

  "Do they make bubble wrap body suits with tracking devices?" Gavriel joked.

  "We could start on a prototype," Caspian offered immediately.

  "I'll just keep her in our room," Gavriel said putting the pen down. That was the only way to keep her safe.

  "That's just it, you have to let her walk out on her own. You'll watch her trip and tumble. She will break bones and scrape her skin off. You'll want to cry for her as she's getting bones set and skin stitched back together, but you have to let her fall," Broderick said.

  "Why in the hell would I do that?" Gavriel practically yelled.

  "If you are constantly holding on to her and guarding her every step she won't have the strength or confidence to stand on her own. If you tell her how and where to step she won't be able to walk through life, and if you don't let her walk, you'll never see her fly. And when she is confident and flying through life, she shines." Broderick's voice sounded reverent.

  Gavriel felt a deep sense of admiration for these two men. They had been strong enough to watch the one person they loved more than life struggle through so much pain to become the strong woman she is today. "It must have been so hard watching her grow up. I don't know if I'll have the strength to watch her get hurt," Gavriel admitted.

  Both men laughed. "Growing up? Gavriel, that was last week watching her recover from crashing out of that office window. She fell out of her wheelchair and broke her other arm." Caspian laughed along with his mate.

  Gavriel pulled the phone back and stared at it in horror. His mind raced. How could he keep his mate alive? He put the phone back to his ear.

  "So, what kind of a timeline were you thinking of for that bubble wrap suit?" he asked.

  The men just continued to laugh.



  Beth heard the study door open and close, then the sound of a tray being placed on the dresser. Seconds later the bed dipped down. She opened her eyes and looked at her mate. He looked exhausted and worried. She reached up and pushed his hair away from his face.

  "Whatever is worrying you, it will be okay," she whispered.

  His smile was forced. "Are you hungry baby? Colton left a tray for you."

  She shook her head and snuggled closer to him.

  "Go back to sleep baby, you need your rest. I'll wake you up for dinner." He pulled the blankets up around them and curled up behind her pulling her close. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of him. Out of nowhere the thought hit her that this was her home now.


  "Yes, love?"

  "Would it be okay if I had my uncle send my things?" Now that she knew she would be living here she wanted the rest of her wardrobe with her.

  "Of course, I'll clean out a part of the closet tomorrow." He kissed the back of her head.

  Part of the closet? That's so cute. Oh well, he'll find out soon enough.

  Smiling, she let herself drift off and return to her nap.


  "Beth, honey, time to wake up." She felt a hand on her shoulder. Blinking, she looked up. Her mate was standing beside the bed looking dapper as usual, whereas she could almost feel her bed head.

  "Is it morning?" she asked.

  He shook his head. "No, it's time for dinner." She could tell he was trying not to smile.

  "How bad is it?"

  "You may want to stop by the bathroom before we go downstairs." His eyes danced with laughter. She wanted to pull the pillow over her head. Sighing she got up and walked over to the bathroom. The pain in her side was nearly gone. She reached for the doorknob and noticed he was staying fairly close to her.

  Turning, she looked him in the eye. "I don't need a babysitter, Gavriel."

  "Maybe I just want to always be near you."

  "Fine, but you stay out here while I make myself presentable," she countered.

  He nodded and pointed to the bathroom. "I'll wait right out here."

  She huffed and walked into the bathroom closing the door behind her. When she looked at herself in the mirror she gasped. On the other side of the door she heard his chuckle. Her hair was sticking straight up. Mortified, she turned the water on and wet her hair. She ran a brush through the tangled mess until she looked less like an escapee from an insane asylum and more like the socialite she was. She powdered her face with her compact and added a bit of lipstick. She was so pale she needed the pop of color the lipstick provided.

  "When were you going to tell me about your alert n
ecklace?" she heard him ask. Mentally she began to curse her fathers. Of course they would tell him about her magical leash. She opened the door and scowled at him.

  "I hate that damn thing. We don't need it."

  "I must insist that you recode it so that should you ever need to use it, it will alert me and not your fathers who are across the country and not in a position to provide immediate assistance." One look at his face and she knew better than to argue. She had learned growing up, you had to pick your battles and this was one she would not win.

  "Fine!" she stomped over to her suitcase and pulled out the small velvet pouch that had been tucked away in the corner. She opened the drawstrings and turned it upside down dropping a large pendant necklace and three blue stone key chains into her hand. She turned to him. "This pendant came with six keystones. Both my fathers and my uncle each have one. You will receive the fourth. Who would you recommend to receive the fifth and sixth for here in Lycaonia?"

  Gavriel stared down at the small, plain looking flat stones. "Are those worry stones?" he asked.

  She sighed. "Yes, the fae warrior who made these for us had a sense of humor. But it actually worked out for the best, since they are small and flat they're easy to carry." She held one up to him.

  He took it and turned it over in his hand. "I would recommend Meryn and Adelaide."

  His recommendations surprised her. "Not your commander?" she asked.

  He shook his head. "If I wasn't here, it's almost a guarantee that I would be on a mission with Aiden, so it would be pointless to have two stones with us. If Adelaide had one you would be able to alert her, Marius, and more importantly Elder McKenzie to the fact that you need help. Any of those three would be able to mobilize assistance in minutes."

  She nodded. "And Meryn?"

  Smiling he handed the stone back to her. "She's crazy enough to do anything to save you; in addition to that Ryuu is always with her. I have a feeling there isn't much those two can't do," he admitted.

  "Those were the two I'd chosen as well. Okay, give me a moment." She placed the three remaining keystones so that they were touching the large pendant and whispered the spell that she'd learned on her sixteenth birthday. When she opened her eyes the stones were glowing a deep burnished gold. After a few seconds the glow faded and the stones returned to their normal royal blue color. She handed a stone to him and he immediately added it to his key ring.

  "I'll give Meryn and Adelaide theirs later." She put the necklace on and sighed.

  Her mate surprised her by pulling her in for a kiss. When she looked up at him questioningly, he smiled.

  "I know that you hate it, but thank you for wearing it. It will help me worry less when I'm not with you," he said and kissed her on the tip of her nose.

  And just like that she didn't mind the necklace anymore. If it helped her mate worry less so he could concentrate more on himself to avoid getting hurt, then she would gladly wear the stupid leash.

  "Come on, let's head downstairs. Tonight Ryuu made one of Meryn's favorites, his own version of Hot Pockets. Each one has a different filling, but you don't know what it is until you eat it. It's actually quite amusing."

  "I can't wait." And she meant it. She had had more fun in the past couple days with her mate than in the previous year living alone.

  She grabbed her wristlet and they left the room. As they walked Elizabeth noticed that he matched his steps to hers perfectly, his hand never leaving the small of her back. She knew he was doing it to prevent a fall and it made her feel just as rebellious as when her uncle and fathers did it when she was at home. But, she had to admit his touch, though small, felt wonderful. Her animal was practically purring like a kitten. The warmth from his hand was more comforting than controlling. His touch was feather light, acting more like a reminder that he was there, rather than a censure of her. Looking over at him she noticed that even though his features remained unyielding and stoic, his eyes were warm and almost kind. Just that small touch at her back was enough to put him at ease. Slowly he was worming his way into her heart. Shaking her head she reached out and hooked her finger through his belt loop. When he turned to look at her his rare smile held so much joy that she forgot about her footing and tripped. Laughing he simply extended his arm and wrapped it around her waist, holding her close. He had a way of making her feel like the most precious thing in his world.

  I didn't need my heart anyway, I guess it's safe enough in his pocket.

  When they walked into the dining room Meryn was sitting on Aiden's lap laughing and holding up a square pastry to his mouth. The three other men stood.

  Gavriel walked her to their seats and pulled out her chair. She sat and he scooted her in. He sat down as Meryn continued to fuss at her mate. The men sat down and watched Meryn and their commander.

  "No way! You know the rules, if you pick it out, you have to eat it." She swung the pastry back and forth in front of his mouth.

  Aiden frowned at his mate. "But I didn't smell the wasabi until it was under my nose. You know I hate that stuff, baby." He looked up at Meryn with liquid brown eyes.

  Meryn sighed. "Fine, I'll eat it. But if I get one I don't like, you have to eat it." She took a bite and smiled.

  Aiden turned to them. "Just in time for the fun." His attention turned to Meryn when she started to wave a hand in front of her mouth. He picked up a glass of water and brought it up to her lips. She took the glass and downed the contents then sat back against his chest.

  "Hey Bunny, did you have a good nap?" she asked.

  Elizabeth looked around the room and made eye contact with the men whose mouths were twitching. She gave them the same look she used to give Magnus's erroneous aides.

  "She can get away with it, you, cannot." The men gulped and nodded.

  Ryuu walked in and placed two tall glasses of blood in front of Gavriel.

  "Thank you, Ryuu." Gavriel lifted a glass and began to drink. Elizabeth was unfazed. Growing up in Noctem Falls she was used to seeing blood being served at meals, but if Meryn's reaction was anything to go by Gavriel didn't drink his blood at the table often. She watched him in rapt fascination as he drained the first glass. When she began fidgeting, Elizabeth knew that something was about to pop out of her mouth, poor Meryn looked like she was about to implode from keeping whatever she wanted to say in.

  "Do you always drink from a glass?" she finally exploded.

  Gavriel shook his head. "Over my lifetime I have fed in nearly every way imaginable. Drinking from a glass is tame in comparison."

  Meryn started to grin. "Would you drink from a man?"

  Gavriel nodded.

  "Would you drink in a van?" she asked her eyes dancing.

  "I don't see why not," he replied.

  Elizabeth stared at Meryn as she continued.

  "Would you drink from an actor?"

  Again Gavriel nodded.

  Laughing Elizabeth shook her head at Meryn.

  "Would you drink on a tractor?" Meryn could barely get the words out she was laughing so hard.

  Gavriel frowned. "Maybe from a farmer if the need were dire."

  Her mate's serious answers to Meryn's macabre Dr. Seuss questioning made the scene all the more hilarious.

  "Don't, please, Meryn." Elizabeth gasped.

  The men were staring at them as if they were crazy. When they had both caught their breaths, Aiden frowned down at his mate.

  "I can never understand what you say," he complained.

  Meryn shrugged. "That's not my fault, I tried to indoctrinate you into the wonderful world of the gamer geek, but it's like you have some sort sci-fi/fantasy narcolepsy. It's weird. The second I try to show you something you fall asleep."

  Aiden grimaced. "I can't help it, it makes me tired."

  Meryn looked back to Gavriel. "What does that taste like?" she asked.

  Colton laughed and Darian groaned before reaching into his back pocket for his wallet. He took out a twenty and passed it to Colton.

  Colton sh
ook his head and tucked it into his shirt pocket. "I told you she would ask."

  Darian scowled at his friend. "I should have known better."

  Gavriel regarded Meryn, his eyes kind. Elizabeth knew her mate wasn't mad. Meryn wasn't asking to be rude, she just wanted to know. She had no idea what a huge breech of etiquette it was to ask a vampire about blood.

  "It has the viscosity of thick cherry syrup, the intoxicating jolt of your morning cappuccino and the comforting savory taste of a hearty winter stew," Gavriel held up his glass and winked at Meryn.

  She licked her lips. "Can I try?"

  Aiden shook his head. "No Meryn, it wouldn't taste the same for you. You've licked a cut finger before right?" he asked. She nodded. "To us blood simply tastes like meat or hamburger, it's nowhere near as enticing as it is for a vampire," he explained.

  She blinked at him. "Wait. Your blood tastes like hamburgers? How is that fair? When I lick a cut on my finger all I taste is copper." She frowned down at her finger.

  Aiden looked around the table. "Blood tastes like hamburgers to you guys, right?" he asked.

  Elizabeth nodded, as did Colton. Keelan and Darian shook their heads.

  "To me, blood tastes like earth." Darian was now frowning at his own finger.

  "It tastes like ozone to me, the way ozone smells anyway," Keelan contributed.

  Elizabeth glanced around the table. Now all the men except Gavriel were staring at their fingers. "How did we not know that? I always assumed it tasted the same for everyone," she asked.

  Ryuu walked in and set a platter of fresh pastries in front of them. "That's because our people are so concerned with being proper that they forgot how to be curious. Meryn has no preconceived notions of etiquette so when she wants to know something she asks. Curiosity is valued and encouraged amongst humans, whereas we value tradition and status." Ryuu's explanation seemed to weigh the room down. Finally Meryn broke the silence.


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