Seduced by the Anti-Hero

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Seduced by the Anti-Hero Page 5

by Fine, L. J.

  An incoherent sob burst from her at the feel of his solid heat filling her up, so deep she swore the head kissed her womb. “Damn, you’re big.” She couldn’t help the breathless words that tumbled out of her mouth. The filter that normally took up residence between her brain and her mouth had an out of order sign slapped across it.

  He growled as if her words had triggered some animalistic instinct and he began rolling his hips into her, working his cock inside her. “You feel good, Sugar. I’m gonna fuck you so hard.”

  True to his word, he began a pounding rhythm, the angle of his thrusts hitting that sweet spot deep inside every time and it felt like every sound in her body wanted to escape at once. The sound of wet, slapping flesh filled her ears, her mind almost completely gone, when she heard something else.

  On the other side of the curtain. There were people. A group of laughing teenagers to be exact.

  They must have stumbled into the dead end room draped in black curtains. They laughed and carried on, ribbing each other about how lost they were. At any second they could pull back this curtain and see Ben’s big dick sliding in and out of her pussy. They would see how rough he was being with her, her wrists bound and helpless at her sides while he fucked her senseless. And they would see how much she loved every single second of it.

  Exhibitionism had never been her thing, not really. But this was so much more than that. The deviousness of the fact that they could get caught added a whole new element to the game that she hadn’t previously been aware of and it just did it for her. And somehow he knew. His sexy lips twitched as his dark eyes met hers but he didn’t stop. If he stopped right now she would probably die.

  Then, the nefarious man made it worse. He pushed his hand between their bodies and found her clit. A bolt of lightning shot out from that sensitive little nub to that amazing little spot deep inside her. And every time his cock pushed up against that spot, the flash of electricity shot right back to her clit creating a delicious cycle she never wanted to break. Soon, she couldn’t tell any longer if anyone stood on the other side of that curtain and she no longer cared.

  “Come for me, Sugar. I wanna feel this tight pussy milking my cock.” The gruff command was all she needed to go over the edge. And she screamed as he pounded her through her climax, knowing that anyone could hear her and yet no one would be the wiser. They were in a haunted factory, after all, where screams were abundant.

  When she came down from her high, he was still rock hard inside her. This man had just given her two of the most mind-blowing orgasms of her life. So him not getting off wasn’t going to fly.

  “Your turn,” she said huskily, chasing his mouth with hers to draw his bottom lip in between her teeth. Letting out another one of those incredibly sexy grows, he took the kiss over and continued to pound into her.

  “You want it, huh?” he rumbled. “You want my cum?”

  She was already taking a huge risk here with him, being with him like this. If he came inside her with nothing separating them, it would add a level of intimacy to this experience that she shouldn’t want with a man she barely knew, didn’t know if she could trust. Emma didn’t know where her inhibitions had gone, or where her self-preservation instinct had scurried off to, but she wanted that more than her next breath. So she flashed him a sultry smile and nodded.

  Those whiskey-colored eyes darkened and his jaw ticked as he bit out, “Say it.”

  She didn’t even hesitate and her eagerness shocked her. “I want your cum.”

  At her whispered words, he closed his eyes and thrust into her hard three more times before he erupted inside her. His whole body shuddered against hers as he groaned her name. The knowledge that she had made this strong, virile man vulnerable for even so brief a moment was heady.

  Eventually, as his shudders stopped and his breathing returned to normal, he lowered her feet back to the ground and untied her wrists. Neither of them said a word as they righted their clothes. In her case, after she repositioned her bra, she had to zip her sweatshirt up over her ruined t-shirt.

  Eh, totally worth it.

  Pulling a pair of weathered work gloves out of his back pocket, he bent down to pick up a mask that looked more like a burlap sack. As he pulled the gloves on, he pinned her with that intense amber gaze.

  She wasn’t sure what the protocol was here. They had never actually had a full-on conversation but he’d just made her come so hard that she screamed her release. Twice. What does one say after a thing like that? As he wasn’t much of a talker in general she figured it would be on her, but again he surprised her.

  “You better go find Chloe before she has an aneurism trying to figure out where you are.”

  Of all the things that he could have said to her, she expected that the least and frankly found it disappointing. She hadn’t expected a declaration of undying love or anything, but if he at least asked for her number that wouldn’t be out of line.

  And then words came tumbling out of her before she could think better of them. “Is that your polite way of trying to get rid of me before this gets awkward?”

  The corners of his lips twitched again and she swore she saw amusement flicker in his eyes. “I don’t wanna get rid of you, Sugar. I’ve just got a factory full of other people to scare shitless.”

  Quirking an eyebrow she asked, “Oh, is that how you scare everyone that comes into this room?”

  “Nope.” He moved closer to her. “Only the people I like.” He kissed her lips softly. “And we both know you weren’t screaming because you were afraid.”

  “If you say so.” She couldn’t help it, she had to kiss him back even if he was being kind of an ass.

  He deepened the kiss but only for a moment before he pulled away and said low in her ear, “See you later, Emma.”

  Then with a gentle push, she found herself on the other side of the curtain and Ben was gone.

  As she dazedly made her way back out into the corridor, she ran her teeth over her kiss-swollen bottom lip and had a moment to wonder what the hell had just happened to her.

  Chapter Five

  The pounding music of the live band hit Emma’s ears as soon as she entered Abel’s. For a cover band, they actually weren’t too bad. She’d heard them from the parking lot outside and in the time it took for her to walk into the building they had switched from Billy Idol’s “Rebel Yell” to Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines”. She appreciated the diversity and skill it took to be able to play both styles of music well, which they did.

  Music had always fueled her creative process so her iPod had an eclectic mix made up of just about every genre under the sun. She had playlists for each one of the books she’d written and anytime she felt stuck with a particular story or scene she popped her headphones on and got lost in the inspirational muse that was sound. And the one aspect of her writing that hadn’t been improved by that cure-all had gotten a healthy boast from Ben the other night. She should have been golden when it came to drafting out the new scenes for her novel.

  Only problem was, she hadn’t seen or heard from Ben since and that didn’t sit right with her. Granted, it had only been two days but Emma wasn’t used to one night stands. Especially not one night stands that had her crying out in pleasure in a public place in front of God and everybody.

  Fucking her up against the wall in public – behind a curtain or no – deficiently didn’t belong on her “Charming List”. It was way too raw, barbaric and unrefined, even bordering on rude and inconsiderate if she thought about it. How did he know she would even be up for something so base and downright crude? And he hadn’t used a condom, which really should be bothering her but somehow it wasn’t. Just the memory of his hot cum flooding her, had her inner muscles spasming in aftershocks.

  She had to be absolutely out of her mind.

  But she couldn’t deny that she had been up for it. Loved every raunchy detail of what he had done to her in that factory. She’d never come so hard in her life, the experience forcing her to ack
nowledge the erotic thrill of being so thoroughly dominated. No matter what she might think of him, he had been a considerate lover, making sure she’d gotten off before him. Twice.

  So should she update her list to include hot, semi-public sex? Maybe, if nothing else, encounter would definitely be relived in her writing. No way would she pass up the opportunity to infuse her story with something so damn hot.

  She had spent a good chunk of those two days replaying the blessed event over and over in her mind. But each time the evening ended differently. Her favorite variation on that fantasy was when he took her back to her motel and taught her a few more things that broke down her writer’s block. She didn’t expect any lasting commitment from him, but damn it, she wanted to see him again. See if the screaming orgasms he’d given her were a fluke or if he was just that good.

  But that’s all, she told herself adamantly as she pushed through the crowd. Ben definitely wasn’t the type a girl could settle down with. What he had done to her and his response to it all – complete silence – fell far short of her “Charming List”. Still, though she had technically gotten what she wanted from him, she wasn’t quite done with him yet.

  Mostly, she had come to Abel’s tonight to meet Chloe, Brian and Mina but she knew that the Serano Brothers owned the bar. She would be lying to herself if she didn’t acknowledge that part of her hoped she would run into Ben, too. Maybe they could have a conversation that consisted of more than five sentences.

  Eventually, after she ordered a martini from the bar, she spotted her friends at a table not far from where the band played.

  “It’s about damn time,” Chloe said once Emma made her way to the table. “I thought you’d gotten lost on your way here.”

  Chuckling, Emma took a seat facing the band. “You know me; it takes me a minute to look this good when I go out.” She sent Chloe a wink before turning her eyes to the band.

  A response came from Chloe’s direction, Emma heard it but couldn’t for the life of her decipher it. Not once her brain registered the sight in front of her.

  Among his many other talents, Ben moonlit as a drummer, it seemed. Would wonders never cease?

  The band must have been playing for a while up under those hot lights because he’d taken off his shirt and his bare skin glistened with sweat as he moved. And oh, the way he moved. She liked to think that she had a decent sense of rhythm, but she had always been fascinated by watching drummers play. Especially if they were good, and Ben definitely knew his way around a drum kit.

  She sat transfixed, watching him lose himself in the music. The way he flowed into the rhythm, finding the beat with every part of his body. The sleeve tattoo on his left arm from shoulder to elbow danced as the thick muscles there bunched and released. At one point his eyes closed when he threw his head back and her mouth watered as she watched a droplet of moisture run down the strong column of his throat.

  Then his eyes opened and landed on her as though he had known she was there all along.

  An electric tingle shot through her body, hitting all the major nerve endings along the way as those amber eyes devoured her. And then all those aforementioned nerve endings just about melted into a puddle when one corner of his wicked mouth tilted into a grin.

  Oh good Lord, she thought forcing her gaze away and taking a giant gulp of her martini. The man was so incredibly she didn’t know what to do with herself. Worse, he seemed to know his effect on her, which was, apparently, to stupefy her. Chloe had been trying to get her attention for the last who-knew-how-long and she hadn’t heard her.

  “I’m sorry, what?” she finally said, shaking her head to clear the cobwebs.

  A knowing smirk appeared on Chloe’s face.

  “I knew you’d zone out if we sat close enough to the stage. I was trying to ask you if you wanted another drink.” She nodded to the now empty martini glass sitting in front of Emma.

  Oh wow, when did that happen?

  The song ended and while the lead singer started talking about taking a short break she saw Ben grab a towel and his t-shirt off the floor before walking off the stage. Suddenly her mouth went dry as he tugged his shirt on and made his way toward their table. She snapped her eyes back to Chloe.

  “Yeah, I definitely need another drink,” she croaked out just as he stopped in front of her.

  Chloe’s smirk spread into a grin.

  “Sure, sure. We’ll be right back.” She grabbed Brian’s arm and pulled him with her to the bar. It occurred to her then that Mina no longer sat at the table, either. She did a quick scan of the room and found her over by the bar talking to Tyler as he served drinks.

  Ben slouched into the seat across from her that Chloe had vacated with a rumbled, “Hey.”

  “Hi.” The word came out cracked so she cleared her throat. “I didn’t know you were a drummer.”

  Easiest to talk about the obvious and not the thick tension she could feel between them.

  “I’m not, not really.” He shook his head. “I only fill in every once in a while for these guys when their regular drummer flakes out on them.”

  “That’s a shame.” When he frowned she hurried to continue. “I mean that you aren’t a permanent member of the band. You’re really good and you looked like you were enjoying yourself.”

  He shrugged and promptly changed the subject. “So what’s this book you’re writing about, anyway?”

  Yup, he put the conversation right back on the one subject she had been trying to avoid.

  “You sure you wanna hear about it? It’s a romance novel.” Maybe the gushy love stuff would put him off and they could talk about something safer.

  No such luck.

  “I’m supposed to be helping you out with your book, right? That was the challenge so I wanna know what it’s about. It doesn’t all have to be about the sex parts, does it?” When she narrowed her eyes, he continued. “But if you’d rather it was, there’s an office in the back that we can lock ourselves into…” She kicked him under the table to cut him off and he flashed her another grin. Wow, two in one night. And he was being playful. Was he in a good mood or something?

  She eyed him speculatively for a minute then thought, eh, what the hell? Maybe he could help her. Getting a male’s perspective certainly couldn’t hurt. “Okay, so here’s the problem I’m having. My critique partner read through my manuscript and came back with the comment that my characters, well, specifically my hero, doesn’t have any flaws. He’s too perfect and that makes him un-relatable.”

  And as Emma had read back through her manuscript, she had to admit that Jessica had been right. She’d written Charles to be way too cookie-cutter to be interesting. As much as she longed for a perfect, flawless man in real life, that kind of thing didn’t hold up in a novel. Conflict was the key to an intriguing plat and cast of characters and it had been sorely lacking between her hero and heroine. While she didn’t want them to argue all the time – because that could be annoying as hell – they did have to have some tension between them or else it would be a boring read.

  Ben huffed as, what looked like bitterness, twisted his lips. “Character flaws, huh? Yeah, I’m pretty sure I can help you develop some of those.”

  Okaaay, that had been a loaded comment and she ached to dig deeper into it but she knew that no was not the time. More than likely he would just shut down. So despite her continual burning curiosity, she forged on with the topic at hand.

  “Good, because that’s what I need.” Absently, she started twirling her empty glass on the table. “My story is about a weary vampire named Charles who had served as the hunter and executioner of criminals of his race for centuries. He has just, for all intents and purposes, retired from this role, done with the killing and feeling burnt out when he moves into a small town to get some peace and quiet.” Before she could continue, Ben snorted and cut her off.

  Being an interrupter. Definitely not a quality on her “Charming List”.

  “First off, if he’s a badass vampire don
’t call him Charles. It sounds too much like he has a stick shoved up his ass. If you’re gonna stick with a variation on that name call him Charlie or something. Second of all, there’s no peace in small town life. Everybody knows everybody else’s shit and that can get real old real fast, Sugar. Especially if you’re someone like him trying to hide your past.”

  “Well, that’s what Charles, er Charlie, “she waved her hand in the air as if to erase her mistake, “comes to find out after he moves in. That maybe this move wasn’t the smartest idea he’s ever had. He doesn’t like being around people and because he’s the new guy he gets bombarded with curious townies who want to know his story. He starts to get annoyed and thinks about moving again when he meets Natalie, his neighbor. He’s drawn to her and wants to get to know her.”

  And this was where her story began to get a little stale. It was love at first sight for Charles and Natalie and without explanation or reason, Charles dotes on her. For a – as Ben put it – badass vampire Emma had to admit it didn’t make much sense. But she wasn’t sure what aspects to change about him without making him and the romance between them sound corny.

  As if he could read her thoughts, Ben asked her a few unexpected yet poignant questions. “Okay, it sounds like Charlie’s kind of a loner when the book starts. Why is that? What makes him feel more comfortable in being by himself than in the company of other people? And what is it about Natalie that makes her the exception to that rule?”

  Impressed by his intuitiveness, she leaned forward and braced her elbows on the table. “I don’t know. You tell me.”

  He shrugged. “If his job before this was to go after vampire criminals, and not only to arrest them but to execute them? Then he’s gotta have some scars from getting into some fights. Maybe seeing the ugly side of people so long left its mark on him. The overexposure to it could have stripped away his ability to trust and now he has a bad attitude to match all the scars. So maybe the menace rolling off him tends to have people giving him a wide berth when he enters the room and he likes it that way. Less chance of getting bit in the ass by personal relationships in the long run.”


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