Hot Stones & Homicides (A Cozy Spa Mystery Book 2)

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Hot Stones & Homicides (A Cozy Spa Mystery Book 2) Page 4

by Jenn Cowan


  I busy myself with running the credit card machine and putting away client charts.


  I sigh and look up at him. He’s staring at me with such intensity in his eyes. My heart starts to flutter again so I turn away and mentally berate myself. I’m dating James not Travis. This is my choice. A good one. James is a good man and Travis arrested my best friend.

  “Autumn, please look at me. Don’t do this,” his voice is low and cracks slightly.

  “Do what?”

  “Go out with James. I thought- I thought we were moving in that direction. Getting closer. I know you said you wanted to be friends, but I don’t. I want to be more.”

  I shake my head. “I’m not ready for more, Travis. I need to trust you again and arresting my best friend isn’t helping with that.”

  He runs a hand through his red hair. “I’m just doing my job, Autumn. Do you think I wanted this?”

  I smirk at him and lift an eyebrow. “As a matter of fact, yes I do.”

  He growls. “Autumn, you know-,”

  Maggie interrupts him as she rounds the corner. “Autumn, can I talk to you for a moment?” When she sees Travis, she stops. “Oh, I’m sorry. Am I interrupting?”

  I shake my head. “No, Travis was just leaving.”

  Maggie sticks out her hand and introduces herself. Travis forces a smile and shakes her hand before turning back to me.

  “I’ll see you at the station.”

  I shrug and turn back to Maggie as Travis storms out the door.

  “He’s cute. Is he your boyfriend?”

  I shake my head. “Just a friend.”

  Maggie nods and her eyes linger after him a little longer than I like. I clear my throat and she immediately launches into an apology over the whole Mrs. Walls incident. She follows me all over the spa as I wipe down equipment and turn off lights. Man, the girl can talk and if I have to hear one more time how she was the top esthetician in her class I may scream. I assure her again that she’s not fired and she thanks me profusely before hurrying out the door. I sigh and relish in the quiet for a few moments then grab my coat and step out into the evening air. As I’m locking the door, a crashing sound explodes from across the street.


  I spin around to see someone in jeans and a gray hoodie running away from Harold’s hardware store. I hurry toward the store, careful not to slip on the wet pavement as I make my way down the hill. Glass is scattered on the ground. An alarm is going off inside the store. A siren sounds in the distance as I pull out my phone to call Travis. I guess there’s no need for that now. I peer inside the store. It’s practically empty beside a few saw tables and hammers. What could someone be after? I spot a black stone amid the glass. It kind of looks like a hot stone we use in the spa. As I lean in to get a better look, Travis’s SUV pulls up beside me.

  He jumps out and hurries over to me. “Autumn, what happened?”

  “I was locking up and heard the crash.” I gesture to the store.

  Travis takes in the scene and spots the rock. “Did you see who did this?”

  “Someone in a gray hoodie and jeans.”

  Travis frowns and looks over my shoulder. “What are you doing here?”

  I turn to see Josh walking up to us and gasp. He’s wearing a gray hoodie and jeans.

  “What’s wrong?” Josh’s brow furrows as his blue eyes scan my open mouth then he frowns at the broken window. “What happened here?”

  “You tell us,” Travis growls.

  I look back and forth between the two men. Josh has his head cocked to the side and is studying the inside of the hardware store and Travis is glaring so hard at him if his eyes were bullets, Josh would be dead. “H-How are you out of jail?”

  Travis scowls and mutters something about politics.

  “Your father worked his magic.” Josh winks at me. I know my dad is a great lawyer, but he must have pulled some serious strings to get Josh out with all the evidence stacked against him. “I can’t leave town, but at least I don’t have to spend the night in jail. I went home and changed then decided since it was a nice night to go for a walk. I was coming to see if you wanted to grab some pizza.” His blue eyes are sincere and show no sign of guilt. He doesn’t have a poker face. I know, I always win at poker.

  “Josh, did you see anyone running away from the hardware store?”

  He shakes his head and points into the store. “Is that one of our hot stones?”

  I lean in, but Travis pushes me back before I slice my arm on the jagged glass.

  “I’ll get it.” He puts on some gloves and reaches inside the broken window to unlock the door. The alarm is still going off. I refrain from covering my ears, but it’s beginning to give me a headache. His phone is pressed to his ear as he disappears inside the store. He’s mumbling something into his phone, probably talking to Harold to get the code. A few seconds later, silence surrounds us. Ahh. Bliss. Travis picks up the stone and turns it over. He frowns.

  “What is it?” I know that look.

  He brings the stone over to me and turns it over. I squint to read the writing. I really need to get my eyes checked.

  Josh scoffs beside me then mumbles, “Property of VS.”

  “Who’s VS?” Travis asks.

  I groan. “Vicky’s Spa. She branded each rock when she purchased them.” Why? I have no clue. It’s not like anyone would steal them…well maybe they would.

  “Why would someone steal a basalt stone and break Harold’s window with it?” Josh asks, staring at the rock.

  “I don’t know, why don’t you enlighten us?” Travis deadpans.

  Josh straightens and squares his shoulders. “You think I did this?”

  “You fit the description of the suspect. Exact same clothes and you have access to the hot stones.”

  Josh scoffs. “When would I have time to steal a hot stone from the spa when I’ve been at the police station all afternoon?” Travis opens his mouth, but Josh cuts him off. “Not to mention a gray hoodie and jeans isn’t an uncommon wardrobe choice.”

  Travis narrows his eyes and clenches his jaw, but doesn’t say anything. Another police car parks behind Travis’s and two officers get out. Travis casts a glance their way and says, “We need to secure the scene.” Then looks at me and asks, “Would you like me to give you a ride home?”

  I open my mouth to answer, but Josh cuts in. “She can walk home with me.”

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Travis growls.

  Josh opens his mouth to respond when James rushes up to us. “Autumn, are you alright? I was down the street at the café and heard about what happened.”

  I turn to fill him in when Travis steps up to my side. “She’s fine, but I need her to come down to the station to give her statement.”

  Josh rolls his eyes and mutters something I can’t make out.

  James doesn’t seem fazed by Travis’s words. “I’ll go with you.” He gives Josh a once over. “Since Josh is out of jail maybe we can still have our date.” He flashes me a pearly white smile.

  My head begins to pound and thoughts of a hot shower, flannel pj’s and a good mystery sound like heaven right now, but I really need to talk to Violet. I reach out and squeeze James’s arm. “I think I’m going to have to take a raincheck.”

  He nods, although I can tell he’s disappointed. I am too, but ensuring Josh stays out of jail is my top priority right now.

  Travis opens the passenger door of his SUV with a smug expression on his face.

  I sigh and give James another apology before turning to Josh. His jaw is set and he glares at Travis before turning on his heels and stomping away. He didn’t even give me a chance to explain. It’s so unlike him. I stare after him and every bone in my body screams to go after him, but Travis clears his throat.

  “Autumn, we need to go.”

  I shoot James a smile and a wave before sliding into Travis’s SUV. I glance over at the broken window and think about why so
meone would throw a hot stone through Harold’s store window. There’s nothing in there to steal. The other question is why use a stone from the spa. All signs point to Josh, but why? Obviously, Josh didn’t poison Jamie or Violet or throw a hot stone through Harold’s window…right?

  Travis’s scanner goes off with the operator telling all units to report to the hospital. There’s a hostage situation in the ICU. Travis hops in quickly and turns on the siren. The look on his face says we’re not going to the station and there’s no way I’m letting him take me home.


  Lights are flashing all around the hospital. It looks like every police officer in Daysville has the building surrounded. There’s even some police cars from Villsboro in the parking lot. I glance over at Travis. Sweat has formed on his forehead and he keeps gripping the steering wheel, which he must do often because the leather’s worn.

  “Stay here, Autumn,” he orders as he jumps out of the SUV.

  I nod although I know as soon as he’s gone I plan to slip out and into the hospital. What? I know what you’re thinking, but I have my reasons. What are they? Well Josh is being falsely accused of murder and poisoning Violet. Violet is in the ICU and may be the only person who can clear…or convict him. I’m going to be optimistic so if something happens to her, Josh is probably toast and I can’t let that happen. Hence why I need to get into the hospital and into the ICU. I don’t plan to get into any trouble or danger…at least I hope not.

  Once Travis is inside, I take in the hospital, looking for a way to get inside. There’s a linen truck parked on the side of the building. It’s Starch Linen, which is the same company we use for our linens at the spa. I need to talk to Adam about getting more towels delivered, so really, I’m just tending to business.

  I get out of Travis’s SUV and glance toward the front. The cops are busy and don’t even notice me, but I shut the door quietly anyway then hurry toward Adam’s truck. As I turn the corner, I run into Adam and a Villsboro officer. Like literally smack into them. Adam reaches out to steady me before I face plant on the ground. The officer must be securing the exits. Smart move, although it’s going to make it harder for me to get inside.

  Adam’s dressed in a green jumpsuit with the Starch Linen logo patch over his heart. The jumpsuit practically hangs off his slender frame. He’s my age. We went to high school together. He’s a sweet shy guy with a cute gap in between his front teeth. He brushes a hand over his shaggy brown bangs to get them out of his brown eyes. “Autumn, what are you doing here?”

  I gesture to his truck. “I was going to check on Violet, but I saw your truck and wanted to talk to you. What’s going on inside?”

  The tall brown-haired police officer cleared his throat. “We’re not at liberty to discuss the situation, ma’am.”

  I cringe. I hate being called ‘ma’am’. I’m thirty-three for goodness sake. “Ma’am” makes me feel old and this guy’s got to be close to my age. What happened to “Miss”? I mean no ring on my finger and I’m not a spinster yet, right? I decide to ignore his lack of tact and focus on Adam. “I need some towels for the spa.” I fill him in on the new esthetician in town while the police officer continues to glance around. I keep rambling, hoping he’ll move on. His radio goes off and he takes off around the front of the hospital. I tell Adam he can drop the sheets and towels off at the spa. He has a key since we’re usually closed when he delivers linens. “Thanks, Adam.” I wave as he pulls out of the parking lot.

  The door to the side of the hospital is closed, but I say a little prayer it’s unlocked. I try the door. Locked. Shoot. Now what? The sound of a truck pulling up behind me has me turning around. “Adam, did you forget something?”

  He grins and shakes his head. “You’re not fooling me, Autumn.”

  “What do you mean?” I give him my most innocent look and even bat my eyelashes.

  He rolls his eyes. “You were looking for a way into the hospital, weren’t you?”

  I blush and shrug. “Maybe.”

  He pulls his key card out and swipes it then holds the door open for me. “I didn’t let you in.”

  I pinch my thumb and index finger together and run them across my lips then pretend to toss an imaginary key over my shoulder.

  “Good luck and be careful. I heard a nurse saying a drunken man has locked himself in the ICU. He’s got a gun, Autumn. I would tell you to let the police handle it, but I know it won’t do any good.” His face is etched with concern.

  I squeeze his arm and say, “Thank you, Adam. I promise to be careful.” I wave to him again and hurry inside. I walk down a long dimly lit corridor and when I reach the door at the end, I peek my head out to see if anyone’s around and by anyone, I mean Travis. The smell of bleach assaults my nose and I refrain from pinching it closed. A few officers are mulling around the nurse’s station, but otherwise the coast is clear.

  I hear yelling from the ICU so I head in that direction. I crouch behind a nurse’s cart when I spot Travis talking loudly into his cell phone. The SWAT team is in place, surrounding the ICU. It’s like a prison around here.

  The ICU is full of glass panels with curtains enclosing each patient in. Movement behind a curtain draws my attention. The curtain parts and I see old man Gus take a swig of rum and sway slightly. My heart nearly stops when I see what he’s holding in the other hand…a gun.

  What is he doing? I hear sobbing. Violet. She’s pleading with her father to put the gun away before he hurts someone or gets killed. I glance over at the SWAT team. Their guns are pointed at old man Gus and their fingers hover over the triggers. I gulp. Old man Gus will be lucky to get out of here alive.


  I cringe and I look up into Travis’s green eyes. “Oh, hi.”

  “Hi? I told you to stay in the car.” His eyes narrow.

  I shrug. He knows me better than that. Like I would really stay in the car.

  He drags a hand through his red hair and clenches his jaw.

  I take the fact that he’s not yelling at me and hauling me off as a good sign so I push my luck and ask, “What’s going on?”

  Travis huffs out a sigh and glances around. “If I tell you, will you go back to the car?”

  I smile and nod although I can’t be too sure I will actually leave. I’ll figure out a way to stay and try to talk to Violet.

  “Promise me, Autumn.”

  Well shoot, that blows my plan out of the water. I always keep my promises except for the one I made to Josh about not sleuthing anymore. Of course, it doesn’t count because I crossed my fingers, and well, he’s being accused of murder, so really, I’m doing him a favor by sleuthing, right? I make an X across my heart and cross my fingers behind my back then flutter my eyelashes at him in an attempt to look as innocent as possible.

  He groans because he knows this routine all too well, but he proceeds anyway. “Violet’s father, Gus, is drunk. A nurse says she caught him sipping from a flask a few times.”

  I nod because I just saw the flask. “So…” I’m not sure what being drunk has to do with taking the ICU hostage.

  “When Violet woke up, he immediately wanted to take her home, but of course Dr. Gregory refused.”

  “Of course.”

  “They argued for a while about it and then old Gus starts threatening everyone and pulls a gun. He’s waving it around like a flag only not a white one because he’s not surrendering.” He runs another hand through his hair. At this rate, he’ll be bald before he’s thirty-five.

  “So, what now?”

  “We have the SWAT team set up. Our hostage negotiator is trying to talk to Gus, but he’s not listening. He’s three sheets to the wind so we’re hoping he’ll pass out soon.” He sighs. “Now, will you please go wait in the car?”

  I give him my sweetest closed lipped smile and before I can show him my crossed fingers, a gun goes off. Travis launches himself on top of me and we both go down. I brace myself for impact on the hard tile floor, but he must have mad ninja skills b
ecause I find myself on top of him. His face is etched with pain from taking the brunt of the fall.

  Commotion explodes around us. Everyone’s yelling, but Travis keeps his arms around me and doesn’t seem to be letting go. I hear his heart beating wildly since my ear is pressed to his chest. Suddenly, everything else disappears and it’s just us. I close my eyes and take in his woodsy cologne. It takes me back to high school. Nights cuddled up watching movies or watching the sunset on the hood of his old truck. He strokes my hair, snapping me out of my trance then whispers in my ear, “Autumn, I need to go.”

  I nod. I know he needs to go to work. Check the scene. Check on his fellow officers, but is it too much to ask for just another minute? He moves, I sigh and sit up next to him. Then I see it.


  It’s dripping down the panel window.

  My stomach turns and dread seeps in. I hear crying in the ICU and hurry toward it. Travis grabs my arm. “Autumn, wait.” I shrug him off and push past a few officers.

  When I reach the ICU, I see the source of the blood. Several nurses and doctors are tending to old man Gus. Blood’s gushing from his shoulder while he’s gasping for air. Violet’s sobbing in her hospital bed. I hurry over to her while another nurse tries to check her vitals. I wrap an arm around her while she continues to cry. Dr. Gregory starts shouting orders and old man Gus is rushed toward the surgery wing.

  Violet buries her head in her hands and mumbles, “This is all my fault.”

  I perk up at those words. “What do you mean?”

  She continues to sob so I wait. I spot Travis yelling at a group of officers. They’re all looking around with confused expressions on their faces.

  “Miss, are you family?” a blond nurse in red scrubs named Becky asks across from me.

  I bite my lip and shake my head. I have a feeling she’s getting ready to kick me out, but she did call me “miss” so I won’t hold to much of a grudge toward her.

  “The ICU is for family only. You’re going to have to leave.”

  I sigh and nod. “Are you going to be alright?” I squeeze Violet’s hand.


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