Hot Stones & Homicides (A Cozy Spa Mystery Book 2)

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Hot Stones & Homicides (A Cozy Spa Mystery Book 2) Page 10

by Jenn Cowan

  “Did they ever go out?”

  Eva shakes her head. “Jamie was dating someone during the first round of auditions. Then when Josh became available, she dropped him like a hot plate.”

  I fight the urge to tell her Josh was never unavailable, but what’s the use? No one believes me anyway. “Do you know who she was dating? Was it Adam?”

  “Adam? Is that why he killed her? He was jealous.”

  I bite back a groan. I don’t need to be spreading anymore rumors, especially when I think Adam is innocent. “No, I’m just trying to figure out who she was dating.”

  Eva cocks her head to the side. “Why? I mean Jamie’s dead and the police caught her killer. Thanks to you. You told them it was Adam.” She looks confused and I don’t blame her. This case is confusing me too.

  I smile. “It was great talking to you, Eva. Good luck on Friday. I’ll be cheering for you.”

  She beams and thanks me before heading to the hall.

  “What are you doing?”

  I jump and turn to find James standing behind me. “I’ve been trying to call you.”

  He gestures to the flowers. “I’ve been a little busy.”

  “Oh, right. They’re beautiful.”

  He nods and keeps his eyes on the flowers.

  The awkward silence is killing me so I attempt small talk. “I’ve never seen so many pink roses in one place.”

  He smirks, but still doesn’t look at me. “I bought out ten floral shops in the area.”

  “I’m sure Scott appreciates it and I bet Jamie would have loved it.”

  “She definitely would have.” He finally looks at me. “I’m sorry I bailed yesterday at the hospital. Seeing you and Travis so cozy didn’t sit well with me.”

  I open my mouth to explain, but he holds up a hand to silence me so I close it.

  “I really like you, Autumn, but you need to figure out whatever is going on with Travis and Josh.”

  “There’s nothing going on with Josh…or Travis.”

  James rolls his eyes. “You’re in denial. Both of those guys are madly in love with you.” He studies me for a moment. “You just need to figure out which one you love more.”

  I open my mouth then close it. He’s made up his mind so there’s no use trying to change it.

  He squeezes my hand. “See you around, Autumn.”

  I watch him leave and wait for the dropping stomach or the deep pit of sadness to sweep over me, but nothing happens. Maybe Travis is right. James and I weren’t written in the stars. I sigh and turn back to the coffin. I place my hand on the smooth surface and whisper, “I promise, I’ll find out who did this to you.”

  “You already did.”


  Travis steps up next to me.

  “I think Adam is being set up.”

  Travis groans. “Autumn, we’ve been over this.”

  “Where’s Adam, Travis?”

  “He left town. Probably in Mexico sipping something fruity and relishing in the fact he got away with murder…two murders.”

  I shake my head. “Adam hates flying. He’s terrified of it.”

  “He took his SUV maybe he drove to the border.”

  I bite my lip. “Did you track it?”

  “We tried.” Travis takes my hands in his. “Autumn, he’s gone. You need to accept the bad guy got away.”

  “Did you compare the handwriting on the note to Adam’s handwriting?”

  “Of course. It’s his writing.”

  “What if someone forced him to write it?”

  Travis groans again. “You’re not going to let this go, are you?”

  “I know Adam didn’t do this.” I gesture to the coffin. “He also didn’t throw those hot stones through the store front windows and he certainly didn’t kill Mrs. Walls.”

  “You’re the one who put me on his trail.”

  I flush. “I just wanted you to check him out. I wasn’t convinced he did anything. Just wanted to rule him out.”

  “So, if Adam didn’t commit any crimes, who did?”

  “I’m still working on it.” My stomach growls.

  “Let’s get you something to eat.” Travis holds out his arm and I take it. We walk in silence for a few moments then Travis asks, “What did James have to say? I saw you two talking.”

  “You were right.”

  Travis nearly trips over his feet and stops to stare at me. “What did you say?”

  I smirk at him. “I said you were right.”

  He smiles. “About what?”

  “James and I aren’t written in the stars.”

  His expression turns serious. “Are you ok?”

  “I am.” I take his arm again and we walk toward the hall. I catch a glimpse of Travis trying to suppress a grin. When we reach the hall, I smell smoke. “Is something burning?”

  Travis frowns. “I’ll check the church. Don’t move.”

  Does this man not know me at all? I wait for him to enter the church and head toward the basement. My heels clap against the concrete, but I don’t see any smoke. Something red catches my eye and I see smoke coming out of the gardener’s shed in the back of the church. I rush over to the shed and know I only have a few seconds before something explodes. There has to be gasoline and other flammable substances inside. “Hello? Is anyone in there?” I hear a thud and flames appear in one window, giving me enough light to see inside. “Adam.” I move to open the door, but a strong hand catches my arm.

  “What are you doing?” Travis scowls at me.

  “Adam’s in there.”

  His eyes grow wide. “Are you sure?”

  “I just saw him through the window.”

  “Stand back. I’ll get him.” Travis takes off his jacket and holds it over his head as he dashes inside. Smoke and flames billow out the door behind him.

  I move back and hold my breath, waiting for them to reappear. My heart is thundering in my chest. They don’t have much time.

  “Autumn, are you ok? What’s going on?” Josh rushes up next to me and gives me a once over.

  “Adam’s in there. Travis went in to get him.” I gesture to the burning shed. Flames are taking it over and smoke is filling the air. A crowd’s gathering around me. I hear a fire engine in the distance. “What’s taking them so long?”

  “I’ll see if I can help.” He moves toward the shed as Travis appears with his arm around a semi-conscious Adam. Adam’s hands are bound in front of him and rope is dangling from his ankles like they’ve been tied. Both he and Travis collapse in front of me as the shed explodes.

  Everyone jumps back and takes cover. Screams ring out as people duck to avoid the pieces of debris flying through the air.

  A fire engine screeches to a halt by the curb and the firemen get to work dousing the fire with water. An ambulance pulls up and two EMTs hurry toward Adam and Travis. Travis is coughing from the smoke inhalation and Adam’s lying still on the grass.

  My heart leaps in my chest as I watch them put an oxygen mask on Adam’s face and load him onto a stretcher. I send up a prayer he’ll make it. I know now he’s innocent and could be our only hope in finding out who the real killer is.


  It’s Wednesday and we’re back at the church celebrating Mrs. Walls’s life. She didn’t have any family. Her husband died a few years back and they never had children. Everyone in town pooled their money and services together to cover the funeral expenses. Pete’s donated a ton of pizzas, salads and chicken wings for lunch. Mrs. Walls had a minor addiction to all things carbs and cheesy, so she was probably Pete’s best customer.

  The whole church is filled with wildflowers. James really went all out. He’s such a nice guy. Sigh. Mrs. Walls loved her flowers and was probably one of his best customers too. It’s nice living in a town that cares so much for each other. Except for whoever killed her…or Jamie.

  I glance around the church, trying to see if I can read guilt on anyone’s face. Everyone just looks sad and stoic. So much for that idea.<
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  Adam’s not talking. Why? Because he’s in a coma. He has a nasty bump on the back of his head along with a lot of smoke inhalation. Dr. Gregory’s optimistic, but head injuries can be tricky. So, until he wakes up, I’m left trying to figure out who did this.

  Travis has reopened the murder cases and has been working nonstop to no avail. I’ve kept the spa closed. Maggie’s got some weird stomach bug. She looked like a zombie yesterday when I took her some soup. Not to mention most of our clients have cancelled anyway. Everyone’s scared to leave their houses with a killer on the loose. I’m surprised there’s such a big turnout today, but then again this is Daysville and we all loved Mrs. Walls.

  Preacher John motions for us to stand and Violet starts to play “Go Rest High on That Mountain.” I wipe my eyes when the coffin passes us. Mrs. Walls’s Crafty Crew are sniffling as they follow it. Josh puts his arm around my shoulder and guides me toward the exit. This past week seems like a very bad dream.

  Rain pours from the sky like the clouds are crying right along with us and lightening cracks in the distance. Preacher John turns and yells for everyone to gather in the town hall until the rain stops. I step to the side and wait underneath the pavilion while everyone else hurries across the street.

  Josh keeps his arm around my shoulder. “You okay?”

  I nod and swipe at the tears running down my cheeks.

  “Autumn, Josh. Aren’t you going to the hall for lunch?”

  Josh smiles at Violet and says, “Just getting some fresh air.”

  That’s one of the many things I love about Josh. He knows me. Knows when I need a minute just to breathe. He gives me space without pushing me to explain why I need it. I take in the fresh spring air. The scent of rain mixed with fresh cut grass seems to help wash away some of my grief…and guilt.


  Yes, I should have caught the killer by now. I should have figured out who it was before Mrs. Walls…I can’t even say it. I know I shouldn’t blame myself, but I do. This case has been so confusing and utterly distracting. I keep getting thrown off the killer’s trail. The stones, the murders, the shooting at the hospital. Either this killer is really smart and calculated or I’m losing my touch. A hand on my arm makes me jump.

  “I’m so sorry about Mrs. Walls, Autumn. I know you two were close.” Violet smiles and squeezes my arm.

  I give her a half smile. I’m still not convinced she’s one hundred percent innocent. “How’s your father, Violet?”

  Her smile turns into a frown. “He’s still in the hospital. They’re keeping him sedated due to some outbursts and he keeps tearing open his stiches when he has one. Dr. Gregory’s looking into some inpatient alcohol rehabilitation centers for him. Hopefully, they can transfer him there so he can get the help he needs for his addiction.” Her lower lip quivers and she dabs her eyes with a tissue. “Judge Sanders has agreed to community service after he completes the program so at least he won’t have any jail time.”

  “He needs help, not jail time.”

  Violet practically swoons as she stares up at the tall, dark and somewhat handsome man standing next to her. “Oh, Mr. Bell…I mean Eddie.” She blushes. Another crush? Seriously? Josh is right here. Wasn’t she just glaring daggers at me in the church for snuggling up to him? I glance over at Josh to see if he seems fazed by this. His jaw is set only I don’t think it’s because of Violet. He’s tightened his grip on my shoulder and his eyes are narrowed at the mystery man in front of us.

  I stick out my hand because, well, this is Daysville, and we’re nothing if not hospitable. “Autumn Fisher. I don’t think we’ve met.”

  Eddie smirks and his brown eyes roam my face. He takes my hand in his and gives it a strong shake. “A pleasure. I’ve heard a lot about you.” He holds onto my hand a little longer than necessary. When he finally releases it, Violet steps in between us as if marking her territory. I refrain from telling her that she can have at him. He exudes arrogance and there’s something off about him.

  “Eddie is Daysville’s new prosecuting attorney. He’s been such a huge help in daddy’s case. He convinced Judge Sanders to only give him community service instead of jail time.” Violet smiles up at him and he winks at her. She looks about ready to faint.

  “That’s very kind of you, Mr. Bell.”

  He shrugs as if it’s no big deal, but the way he stands up a little straighter along with the gleam in his eyes, that he has an ulterior motive. What it is? I’m not sure, but I plan to figure it out.

  “Well, we should get to the town hall before all the food is gone.” Josh squeezes my shoulder.

  “Actually, Miss Fisher, I was wondering if I might have a word with you.” He glances at Josh’s hand around my shoulder. “In private.”

  Josh’s grip tightens.

  I smile up at him. “I’ll catch up to you. Grab me a plate?”

  He nods and grumbles something under his breath before stalking toward the hall.

  Violet shoots me a glare before she follows him. She keeps glancing over her shoulder every few steps.

  I want to yell at her that she can have him then remind her she was smitten with Josh just a few days ago, heck just ten minutes ago. I mean come on, have some loyalty for your crush. What am I saying? Do I really want Josh to date Violet? I shake my head. No. Why not? Because I still think she had something to do with all this.

  Eddie clears his throat.

  I shoot Violet a toothy grin before turning to face him. “What can I do for you, Mr. Bell?”

  “Eddie. Please.”

  I nod, but don’t say his first name. It’s too personal and I have no desire to be anything but professional with this guy. My skin’s crawling just talking to him.

  “How long have you worked at Vicky’s Spa?”

  The question throws me. I thought he was going to ask me something about the case. Something about Adam or my suspicions on who killed Jamie and Mrs. Walls and why, but how long I’ve worked at Vicky’s spa, I wasn’t anticipating that. I take a minute to calculate. “About fourteen years, why?”

  “Do you know anything about the building before Vicky owned it?”

  His question piques my interest. The red room comes to mind. Does he know something about it? I’ve been so wrapped up in this case that I haven’t had the time to really research it. I did some online searches, but came up empty. A trip to the library is planned once I solve this case, but maybe he can give me some insight. “I was only five when she bought the building.”

  “It used to be a home…actually a duplex. One of the last ones on the main strip. The old style Victorian brick used to have a huge wrap around porch on the front. Vicky and Regina bought it together. Split it up and each made their own business out of it.”

  I nod, his words jogging a memory of Vicky talking about the rotting porch and how they took it down so they could be handicap accessible.

  His eyes are searching my face as if trying to read my thoughts. I have a heck of a poker face so he’ll have a hard time getting anything from me. “Do you remember me?”

  I cock my head to the side and study him. He does look kind of familiar. Then it hits me. “Walter Smoot?”

  He smirks. “You remember.”

  “You moved away just after kindergarten. Went to live with your grandparents or something, right?”

  “For a few months, then I was in foster care for about year before I was adopted by the Bell’s. They wanted to erase my past and give me a fresh start so they used my middle name, Eddie.”

  I have so many questions racing through my mind, but I’m not sure I should ask them. He must have read my mind.

  “My grandparents were murdered…by the same person who killed my mother in her bedroom.” He clenches his jaw and looks down at his shoes.

  “The red room,” the words escape my mouth before I can stop them.

  His head jerks up. “What did you say?”

  I bite my lip and wonder if I should tell him.

t red room?”

  “There’s a room in the spa…a red room. Stuff moves, doors stick, the temperature changes.”

  His jaw drops open. “You’re messing with me. Please say you are.”

  I shake my head. “Unfortunately, no.”

  He runs a hand through his hair. “I don’t believe this.”

  I study him. I can see the emotions on his face. He’s hurting. Angry. “Why are you here?”

  His head snaps up and he narrows his eyes at me. “I’m here to find answers.”

  “You want to know who killed your mother and grandparents.” It wasn’t a question, I could feel the desperation and anger wafting off him.

  He nods. “Their cases were never solved. The only thing I have to go on is this town. The place where my mother was murdered. My guess is she found out something she wasn’t supposed to and the person who killed her thought she shared it with my grandparents.”

  “Where were you when…when they were…”

  “At school.”

  I frown. So, he wasn’t a target. They made sure he wouldn’t be home. It has to be someone close to him or someone who cares enough not hurt him. “Where’s your father?” I see the pain before he says anything.


  I bite my lip.

  “Yes, I’m sure. Killed in a car accident.”

  The words come out before I can stop them. “You’re sure it was an accident?”

  His mouth drops open again as if realization just dawns on him. “I-I’ve got to go.” He rushes off before I can ask any more questions. I watch him dash out into the pouring rain and jump into a silver Mercedes before he peels out of the parking lot.

  “Looks like you have another case to solve.”

  I jump and turn to find Travis leaning against the wall. “How long have you been standing there?”


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