Thorned (Martinez Mafia Dynasty Book 1)

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Thorned (Martinez Mafia Dynasty Book 1) Page 9

by K. H. Kate

  "The shipment should cross the border in no time."

  They talk more, but all I'm hearing is what Bosco said before Ace came into the picture. They really plan to kill him, using me in the process. Will it be considered too far if I agree? If I really help them? I want answers but when my gaze wanders along I find Bosco gone.

  "What kind of game are you playing now?" Ace's words are meant to be a warning. What are you playing at, Raine? All I have to do is agree to their plan and let myself free. So why...why am I changing the rules of the unsaid game?

  "I don't know." It should be a good answer, isn't it? I don't know what I am doing. But he doesn't think so. His hands are already pulling me toward him before I can protest. His scent is on my nostrils. Unwanted. Smoke, and wine altogether.

  I don't dare breathe after that.

  "You can play me all you want, Barbie." He whispers, making my heart race. “But I always win, always."

  I should have stopped him when the next words are delivered with his lips meeting mine. It’s better than telling him the truth, I tell myself. But, it's not enough. We don't fit, our teeth clashing together instead. So, he tugs me harder, raising me a little higher by wrapping my thighs around him. He's merely playing my game now. How far will I let him? Will I back off proving him right or push into him farther?

  I consider the former. My hands raise to shove him from me but I end up tugging him closer. His answering sound is a pained groan. Maybe he doesn't want this either. I want to shake off his wandering tongue but one taste and I feel everything at once.

  Shots fired.

  Good old Raine is dying. She doesn't just moan for the sake of pretending. But I do. I am not stopping him. Not when he's lying me down at the couch in the living room. Not when his lips are on my skin, on my neck. Biting, tasting, marking...needing me like never before.

  He doesn't need me.

  But aren't we all a liar?

  "Is that what you wanted?" He mocks, rasping. It's a subtle warning. But there's no harshness in them. Only tiredness. He's too tired to play my game. I should stop now. I open my mouth but the words coming out are all wrong.


  What am I doing? There's something in his eyes. An emotion I'm not familiar with yet. But he doesn't let me dwell on it. It's terrifying how he's looking at my own. As if he can probe and poke to make out what I'm saying or doing for that matter.


  That's the only warning I get before his hands are wandering over my body. And the worse thing? He’s not holding back this time. I feel him pulsing under me. I want to close my eyes and stop thinking, but he has me hooked on his gaze.

  It's violent, torching.

  Warm like the fireplace.

  And I can't even smother the gasp as his fingers finally find me dripping. Not when he's sliding them where I burn the most. I wish I could hate it. Hate him. Hate what-what he is doing to me. But how can I when all I can do is arch my back and feel him grunt in my ears?

  I breathe hard. And just like that, he has consumed me. There's no common sense to stop me from giving in. No warning.

  With every little tug, he makes me moan. We are suffering in moans and groans when none of us want this. I can almost hear the words in our minds. It's pathetic Raine! How can you moan for him? How can you ask for more? How can you just-


  A sharp cry leaves from my lips before I can stop it. Before I can ignore the way my stomach drops and I'm flying. Flying away from everything. Nick, Ace, his mother. Poor Raine.

  How can I just come for him?

  Only when I crush into the reality that I realize he's long gone. There's no heavy body weighing me down. No heat. No distant scent of smoke or wine. Only coldness seeping into my skin. I try to erase his grunts from my ears but they still ring, they still make me dizzy.

  I can just call for him. Tell him the truth about his mother trying to kill him. Maybe he would free me in gratitude. But words don't pour from my lips, there's only place for hollow giggles. For the first time ever, I have won a game. I want to feel pity for the giddiness in my heart or loath to return for what I'm about to do to Ace for freedom. Yet I can't. After all, I might hate Nick with everything but deep down?

  I'm just as selfish as he is.



  A smart man will always move on to his next plan.

  And if I was remotely as smart as I thought I was, then I should have already known what mama's planning to do next. Or which fools are trying to bring down my dynasty through the Barbie downstairs. But lately, I'm more of an asshole than a smart man. An asshole who will shackle themselves to a thorned flower without a damn thought.


  Her broken cry still haunts me. I'm still clenching my fists to stop myself from marching down to the living room to finish what she started. And I should have. Maybe that would teach her a lesson to not play such games with me. But that's barely the only problem, isn't it?

  When there's so much more to worry about. So much more to come. More to conquer.

  Mama, Nicki, my business...


  Lou stands before my door with a somber look. I don't have to ask him to know why he's here for. The sadness lurking in his eyes under that glasses says more than he can ever admit to my face.

  "She won't eat."

  Looks like I've driven the thought of any food from her head. Oddly I don't feel the need to find something in the freezer either. Should I have a pang of guilt for that? I'm not given the time when he continues.

  "Carla insisted she eats some since she missed breakfast but Ms. Taylor won't open her door. Roman and I tried. She refused to see both of us." And since Sabine gave her a few days break from the club, she doesn’t need to go out at all. Fuck.

  “What should we do?’ The rational thing is to break her door open to make her see sense. But when was I the sensible one?

  "Leave her be," I answer flatly. "Once she's out on her own, force her to eat. If she doesn't, then let me know."


  I don't have to say the word. His shoulder slumps and he turns to leave but for some reason, he stops just before I can plan out my new move.

  "You asked to look for Nicki again.”

  “You saw what he has done to those girls.” Maybe I should have never called off the searching in the first place. What the fuck was I thinking? “And he was always a target. We just had more to worry about than going after him.”

  Like the Outfits, the cartel. And the shit show mama created by coming here unannounced. He nods but I doubt he believes my words much. “And, what would you do once we find him?"

  Does he know something?

  It's a dangerous thought. With Lou's ability to work with computers and tracking people down I shouldn't be surprised if he found something. After all, that's what he's best at between all of us. But the way he said it-

  "We will do what we’ve always done. Make him an example."

  He nods noting the slight irritation in my tone. Though he doesn't let the matter go yet. "And if we don't? Then what?"

  He isn't just asking me what will happen to the La Eme and our reputation if we don't find the bastard. Hell, the La Eme is the last thing in his mind. He's asking about her. He's worried. And don't know why that increases my irritation tenfold.

  "We will just have to see now, won't we?"

  He doesn't have anything to say after that. Maybe that's why he doesn't bother. Just with a look of despair, he's out of my hair. But I'm not fast enough to pick up the phone. To finally call for a favor. Because some games need more than pawns. More than Knights and Bishops even.

  "Hermano! I was just starting to think that you've forgotten all about me." I can practically feel the cheeky smile on his face. Though in a second he's serious. "But now I'm more worried if it's you who is seeking me out...not the other way around. Is something wrong?"


  Letting her win this tim
e was wrong, me trying to find help from my brother, none the less Ares is wrong. Everything that's wrong still hasn't surfaced in my mind by the time Ares is practically groaning in annoyance.

  "Come on! Don’t tell me you knew it too and didn’t warn me. That’s just wrong."

  "Wrong?" I wonder if mama showed up in his place too. Only that would make him think that things are wrong. "Some people are after our family and they want to use that woman in my manor. Is that wrong in your dictionary?"

  I expect him to be angrier, to let out a curse or some reaction. But they never come.

  "To be honest it was long due." He sighs. Pity. My arrogant little brother still thinks we're untouchable. "And, there's been words in Xeon about your woman that-"

  "That what?" Curse me for not keeping my head clear before. Xeon is the one place where words float even before it's happened. And to say that I didn't hear what words are being's pathetic.

  My woman...

  Clearly, someone is too delusional for their own good.

  He clears his throat, chuckling. "I heard some pretty interesting rumors. That someone forged a plan for Nicki to willingly steal from the La Eme knowing you will be after him anyway. And when you wouldn't find him, you will go after his only family...Raine."

  He pauses before saying. "Though I'm not sure why they choose that one. I mean there are thousands of women out there but for that naive one to be your downfall-"

  "Why the fuck people keep saying that!" I can't smother the anger. She's just a toy, a plaything to pass time with until her brother is caught and killed.

  "Why would anyone use her to get to you?" He muses laughing. "I mean unless they are into matchmaking-"

  "Just get to the point, Ares."

  He does and what a mess that unfurls.

  "Some of us believe that the old Knight is still alive."

  My heart stops and so does my next words. “What? You are joking."

  Our old boss can't be alive. He was believed to be shot dead. But now, for him to be alive, to mess with me...that's just too fucking dangerous thought to be entertained. That man respected me, a lot more than my own father ever could.

  “He won’t do this to us, to his family.” I grit out.

  "Ace, trust me on this. I have a valid source proving that Nicki was hired by someone from the familia, someone powerful enough to pull it off. And now rumors have that Pedro is alive? Don’t you see it? The war has already started, either by the old Knight or someone else."

  I don't know why I don't respond at all. I never wanted Ares to play my game, fight my war. But if he does this time-my fists clench in dread. Only when Roman is in front of me that I start to fucking breathe.

  "Should we get ready for the next shipment?"

  The words sting more than I can admit. They don't know what's coming for us. But Ace Martinez never backs down from putting on a good show. Maybe that's why the next moment it's just another normal day, just a normal order going through even if we are only hanging from a thin straw.

  "Get it ready." One wrong move in the game...

  And, it's over.



  Back then I had a cure for almost everything.

  Mama ran away? No problem, we had a better life without her anyway. Dad left? He was only going to ruin us as the years passed. Nick became someone I don't recognize? Don't worry, all I had to do was follow his rules blindly.

  Life was great.


  But here...

  I'm clumsy for someone as desperate as me. And my voice is just as pathetic to match the tone. "Why did she want to hurt him? Did he…hurt her?"

  Even after everything, I guess I still can't say the words. She just doesn't want to hurt him. She wants him gone. She wants me to kill him.

  Then again my companion doesn't notice the flair of my mistake. Bosco just shrugs. "It's between their familia, Ms. Taylor. I'm not hired to ask them, I just do what my next job is."

  "And do you regret it sometimes?" Bad Raine! I shouldn't have said those words. If anything, I was the one who had something to lose. Not them.

  But he doesn't even blink as he answers. "We can’t regret anything in our line. If you regret...feel, then you are as good as dead."

  Like Nick. Like Ace.

  Is that what Ace meant when he saw the hope in my eyes? That I was as well as dead with that foolish hope staring back at him?

  That's ok, I tell myself.

  It will be over soon anyway.

  But I've to dig my nails harder to believe it. Even then the voices inside my head don't stop. They have a thousand warnings to give. Too many things can go wrong. You're so foolish, Raine. Think he won't know?

  I want to leave but then I notice Bosco observing me with kin eyes.

  "What is it?"

  He smiles. Or that's what it looks like from a hazy vision. "You have nothing to worry about, Ms. Taylor. Everything is happening for a reason, all you have to do is...decide what's best."

  Any days I might've understood what he's talking about. But nowadays I'm just too tired to understand a single word running from his mouth. So, I don't. I only wait until Bosco leaves for another business. Maybe another murder in his hands, another sin, another toy...

  Instead of dwelling on the thoughts, I allow myself to walk farther from the living room. My intention was to go to my room but God knows why I don’t. Not until I find myself to the Left wing. To where men stand like a statue. They see me but none has the mercy to stop me from making a mistake. My thoughts race as I stop in front of the door. Like every time, Roman is outside guarding his door. Ever since Bosco started talking to me, Ace has given him the job to shadow me. Will he be this relieved once he gets to know the truth? God, even thinking about it makes my heart stop.

  "Let her in, Roman."

  Roman opens the door, showing an impatient urge for me to walk faster. Not that I can stop walking when I find Ace hunched over a desk, with some papers in his hands. He doesn't look at me, but I can feel his back tense the moment he hears my footsteps.

  I struggle to form a word as he nods toward the opened door, still ignoring my presence. "Leave us."

  I hear the thud of a closed door.


  Before I can repeat myself, he's already shoving the papers in a drawer. It almost sounds like a fist pummeling through the wood. Thud, thud, thud! Only when all the papers are pushed inside, that he tilts his head toward me.

  "Have you eaten?"

  The sudden question makes an unexpected squeak to leave from my lips. Eaten? I try hard to remember the last time I have eaten something. Yesterday? Two or was it three days ago? Normal human routine seems like an unnecessary prospect here. Here you try to breathe without choking on lies, try not to get killed for saying the wrong words. And if you do-When I can't come up with anything he shakes his head in irritation.

  "Acting like a brat is not going to help you in any way. I thought you were done with that?"

  He doesn't sound angry at least. That's the only thing I can count on as I croak out. "That's not why I came here."

  A shadow falls over his eyes.

  "Let me guess, you want to make another deal. What can I do for you this time?"

  He sounds bored. Like it's just another business deal for him, like the companies knocking on our doors every morning back in home sounded like. Bored, in a routine mask, a little smile to go with the saying, what can I do for you, mam?

  "I want to know what's happening." It's ironic how I manage to deliver the words without shaking. "There's something going have increased security, you don’t let me go to that club anymore. Am I wrong to assume of the worst?"

  I resist the urge to scoot back as he steps forward with a smile. Though the smile looks more like the one you give to your prey. Think you can hide from me? Think again.

  "Oh?" He feigns innocence. "Is that so?"

  His lips stretch more as he notices the internal b
attle inside me. "What do you think is happening, Barbie?"


  My cheeks flash without any warning. The way he looked at me that day and what happened after-

  "Something bad." I can't say the words fast enough.

  He doesn't disagree with me. Then something really is wrong here. But is that something to do with my brother? Or is he just another one of the many damaged goods in Ace's business? I don't have enough time to ponder over as he closes himself to me, forcing me to retreat. That familiar scent of wine burns my nostrils but I have nowhere to go as I look over my shoulder.

  I'm trapped.

  "Something bad is happening. Enough to wish your brother never did the mistake to betray me. And more so-" I can feel his heartbeat increase with every word. "He might or might not have made a deal with an old friend of mine."


  "You can't be sure-"

  "Aren't I?" His gaze is harsher than the words flowing from his lips. Yet for whatever reason, I can't stop staring as he says with gritted teeth. "I've taken this business to somewhere even men twice my age are afraid to cross me. The only reason I took you because I thought you were important to Nicki but we both know that’s not true. And now that he’s conspiring against me, how do I trust you?”

  The way he says it brings chill on my bones. No, he isn't just wondering what my worth is anymore. He's thinking, plotting to get rid of me if I have no value. But what help can I give him when even I don't know what's happening?

  "I can help you take down Nick." I sound insane, devious enough to break my puppet master of years. But he still looks unconvinced.

  “You are danger to La Eme, Raine. If I don’t do anything about you, the family will start to take matters on their hands.”

  I don’t know why I sound so shocked when I knew that all along. “Then what about your promises?”

  “I have let you live.” He whispers, blowing out a breath. “I-I fought with my men. They wanted you gone but I didn’t. And you still question me.”

  “Because you don’t let me trust you.” The words are out before I can stop them. Every time I think I can have faith in the devil, he throws me into the pit of hell. So, how can he say that as if it’s him who has lost everything?


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