The Gladiator's Downfall

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The Gladiator's Downfall Page 27

by Kristen Banet

  “What about these guys?” one called out, pointing to her and Matesh, then Rainev. “They’ve been having a vacation. Put them to work!”

  There was some laughter from three or four of the guys, which ended quickly as Luykas and Alchan both leveled dominant and annoyed stares on the jokesters. She again saw the similarities between them.

  “They will get some rest. I’ve only heard stories of the pits and I think they deserve it.” Luykas said it, his enigmatic smile gone as if it had never been there. “Everyone get to work. Matesh, Rain, and…Mave, meet me below. We’re going to get those collars off you.”

  Matesh followed him first and Mave took a beat before she realized what Luykas had said.

  “Alchan, we were just teasing,” one of the laughers quietly explained.

  “Now isn’t the time for it,” he replied, sounding colder than he had before.

  Mave went through a wooden door and below deck, Mat in front of her and Rain right behind. They were led into an eating area with a table attached to the wall and countertops for people to prepare meals. Stools were scattered around and a bench ran along one wall, but not on the wall. It was a foot from it, with a slot for wings and tails to fall back without being uncomfortable.

  “Sit down. I know the spell for this and it’ll be done quickly. Then we can have a nice chat.” Luykas pointed to the bench along another wall. Mave sat between her two friends and Luykas went to Mat first.

  His fingers danced with light as he whispered the releasing incantation for the collar. It snapped open and he pulled it away from Matesh quickly, throwing it to the table. He skipped her and did Rainev next.

  “You know sorcery?” she asked, knowing that was what he had to be doing. Andinna used a race-specific blood magic, but other races could pick up sorcery, incantations, hand symbols, potions, and other arcane tools.

  “I know both,” he answered softly when he was done removing Rainev’s collar. “I’m also a Blackblood.”

  “I thought that was taboo.” She brought her eyebrows together, considering the half-Elvasi Andinna. There were some things she knew, and that was one she thought she had been certain about.

  “It is, but I’m already half-Elvasi, so no one gives me a hard time.” He gave her a small, bitter smile. He didn’t get to removing her collar, and she looked to Matesh, who was rubbing the spot where his had been. “You’re a Blackblood. Once I remove this, we need to train you. Also, the longer these are worn, the more painful the removal.”

  “Why?” She swallowed some fear. Why would being rid of it be painful?

  “It’s been on your skin for so long that it…could tear, since there’s a possibility it’s stuck. Matesh, get a washcloth for this, and bandages. I don’t know any healing spells. I keep saying I’m going to learn some, then other shit comes up.”

  She felt warm fingers touch her neck and took a deep breath. Pain came easiest when she was relaxed. Tensing up would make the damage worse. A hand took hers and she slid her eyes to Rain, who squeezed lightly.

  Luykas whispered the incantation one more time and she felt it pop open but it didn’t leave. The collar was still on her neck.

  “Fuck. Matesh, that washcloth?”

  “I have a few. It’s bad, isn’t it?”

  “A thousand years is the absolute longest it can be on, and I’m guessing it has never been removed. It’s unlocked but didn’t move - that’s how bad it is.” Luykas pulled no punches. She listened to everything he had to say. “You see how it’s slightly dug into the skin? Just a little, but enough to make everything underneath completely raw. It was just too tight for the skin to have space to heal underneath, except battling off infection constantly. Does your collar itch at all?” He frowned at her. He was too close to her face, but she didn’t move away, not with his hands on the collar on her neck.

  “Maybe it did a long time ago, but…” She frowned. She had felt it itch once or twice, but she never messed with it. “This one has been on for nine hundred years. They kept being replaced until I reached maturity, but once I was grown…”

  “She’s very good at just getting over things and blocking out inconveniences,” Rain whispered. “Mave, this is going to hurt.”

  “It’s going to hurt like hell and definitely scar.” Luykas’ face was hard, but the sympathy in his eyes was forgiving and gentle.

  The boat rocked into motion at that exact moment and she was shifted away from Luykas, who still held her collar. It tore along the left side and dug in on the right. She growled, tears welling up in her eyes. She had never experienced such pain. No slave ever tampered with their collars. She had it beaten into her as a child not to play with it.

  “Woah, woah,” Luykas murmured, pulling her back in front of him. He knelt between her legs, and she felt more secure because of it. “There’s no holding back now. This is going to hurt. Do not tap into the power of your blood, Mave. You’re untrained and could hurt people.”

  She could barely nod, but she managed. “Okay.”

  It was off in a second that felt like an eternity, and she screamed as it tore the flesh it was stuck to, revealing the raw, gory show of muscles on her neck to the males. She was glad she couldn’t see it, but she could feel it. A wet washcloth was placed on the front and wrapped gently around her neck. She squeezed Rain’s hand as the pain made her vision blurry.

  Breathe, Mave. Breathe. In and out. The pain will end. Rain has your hand. He’s here for you.

  A thump told her the collar was thrown to the side, and hands took her cheeks.

  “You’ll go lie down and get some healing sleep,” Luykas ordered softly. She couldn’t focus on his face; the pain had brought too many stars in her vision. She didn’t disagree with him either.

  She released Rain and moved to touch her neck, wanting the pain to stop. She’d known pain before but this was different. It was also a sign she was free. She wanted to touch her neck and feel no collar there. She could feel the power of her blood as it seeped from the open wound. She had never touched the power there, and she had always wanted to. She resisted the urge now, though, since Luykas had been right. She had no idea what to do with it if she did touch it, try to draw on it.

  Her fingers were nearly at her neck when Luykas grabbed her hand. “You can’t touch it. It needs to be fully cleaned then given time to heal. It will scar. Are you okay with that?”

  “Look at me,” she retorted. The scar on her face. The scars on her body. Another scar wasn’t going to bother her. “At least this one means I’m free and I’ve lived through hell. I survived. At least this one wasn’t given to me at the amusement of the crowd.”

  “I guess it does,” he agreed, something lighting up his eyes. She wondered if it was respect. “Matesh, put her in a bed.”

  “Of course.”

  “Don’t get in it with her,” he added, standing up. “I’m not stupid. You, me, and Rain are going to have more of a talk once she’s down.”

  Why am I not in that talk? Does he not trust me?

  “All right,” Matesh sighed. “Come on, Mave.” He put a hand under her elbow and she was grateful for the help standing. “I’m sorry it hurt so much,” he murmured.

  “He warned me. I’m fine. It’s off now. That’s…” She struggled again to find the words of gratitude she never needed before. Mat seemed to understand, only nodding before he placed a kiss to her temple.

  Luykas watched them with that intensity he’d shown before.

  “Rain, come with.”

  “Okay?” Rain jumped up and followed them deeper into the boat.

  Matesh looked into rooms and decided on one towards the end. He led her inside and she saw two beds. Rain entered last, moving to pull back blankets on one of the beds for her. She had never been tended to, not like this. She could tolerate it for a moment. For now. Then she had to get back on track, focusing on her new, unknown future and what she would need to survive it.

  “I don’t know whose room this is. They can fucking
deal and move somewhere else,” Matesh muttered, sitting her down. He bit down onto his thumb until a drop of blood welled on his skin. He rubbed it over a section of her wound, and her eyes went wide. Power flowed into her, making her feel stronger than she had all night. The pain dulled. “Simple. I transferred the life force from that drop of blood to you. It will speed up the healing process even more while you sleep since you have more to burn. It’ll be one of the first things we’ll teach you, since it’s good practice for control.”

  “You didn’t say anything,” she noted. He’d been silent.

  “Andinna blood magic doesn’t need vocal words of power like sorcery. Only intent, very clear intent. It makes the magic volatile and unstable, but useful if you’re creative enough. There’s a reason that you need training. You can easily kill yourself by pulling too much. It kills the blood used. It’s the life in the blood itself that is the magic, and a Blackblood can use it.”

  “And I could kill all my blood,” she finished.

  “Exactly. It's why we normally keep larger uses of it to rituals and rites, where it can be controlled, the intent of it clear.” He smiled wearily at her. He pulled the washcloth off her neck and wrapped bandages around it slowly. She marveled at how gentle his hands could be when he wanted them to be.

  She still had the want. The need to find out how strong he could be. With everything else going on, her mind still drifted to that. He must have noticed, because his green eyes darkened and that arrogant smirk took over his face. “Get some sleep, aggravating female.”

  “Arrogant male,” she mumbled, lying down. It was so soft. A real bed. How long had it been? Had she ever been given one before?

  She was too tired to think about how much her life changed in a single night. The moment they left her alone, she was asleep.

  “Bring the little one to me,” a cool, yet kind voice called out in Common.

  Maevana didn’t want to go. She didn’t want to be here. She wanted to go home and find her baba. The hand on her arm was mean and pulled her. The man with pointy ears just tugged her roughly. She was yanked in front of the pretty lady with very light hair, who smiled gently at her.

  “We’re going to take good care of you, don’t worry,” the woman told her, kneeling down. “Maevana…Don’t worry. You are going to live in the palace with me, forever my little treasure. As long as you behave, you’ll live a great life.”

  “I want my baba!” she cried out, trying to pull away. The woman grabbed her other arm and yanked her closer.

  “I’m all you have now,” she hissed. Her face was so angry for a moment. Maevana was scared. She didn’t want to be with this lady. “You’re going to be mine, and I’m the Empress. You’ll live a wonderful life. You’re too precious for me to lose now.”

  Maevana didn’t understand. She knew her arra was gone and now she was here. Why was she here? Why wasn’t she with her baba?

  “Now, I have a pretty gift for you,” the Empress said kindly, reaching to grab something. She showed off a pretty silver necklace that Maevana didn’t want. “What do you think? I had it made just for you.”

  “I want my baba,” Maevana said again.

  The Empress didn’t respond. She put the necklace on her and stood back up. Maevana tried to pull it off, until her hands were yanked away from it.

  “Don’t play with your slave collar,” a man snapped at her.


  Maevana began to cry again, trying harder to pull it off, until she was picked up and tossed over the guard’s shoulder. Her small wings flapped and she tried to fly away, but she was too small and couldn’t get away.

  “Take her to my servants. They’ll see her trained.”

  “Do you really intend to keep her, my wife?” an older man asked, looking at Maevana on the guard’s shoulder. “I understand she’s a little trophy for you, but certainly you can give her to a friend or someone. No reason for us to keep any of the trash in the palace.”

  “She won us the war. Of course I am going to keep her. She’s mine now. General Lorren took something of mine. Now I’ve taken something of his, and I have the added bonus of destroying him with it.” The Empress kissed the old man’s cheek. “Now, let’s go rule our Empire.”

  “How did you convince the Andinna Prince to betray his Queen?” the Emperor asked, now ignoring her and the guard. Maevana was stuck on the guard’s shoulder as he turned away and began to leave the room with her.

  “You know I never give up my secrets,” the Empress said, laughing. “I won you the war, love. That’s all that matters.”

  “And the Prince?”

  “Oh, he’ll get what he’s due.”

  Maevana missed anything after, crying softly as the guard dropped her down on her feet. Another hand grabbed her and pulled her further. She didn’t know where she was going.

  She only knew she wasn’t leaving. She wasn’t going home. She wanted her baba and her bodyrs. She missed her arra. But she knew what a slave was, and that meant she was never getting anyone back.

  Mave woke up and wiped her face. Fitting she would dream of her first collar when she was finally free of them again.

  A thousand years. It was over.

  She pushed her face into the pillow harder.

  It’s gone, Mave. It’s finally gone.

  She didn’t have anyone to go find, no home to go to, but the collar was gone. That was something, and that helped her get back to sleep.



  Luykas waited patiently for his two warriors to return to him. His mind was running through the last months. Mission gone wrong, leaving their newest member and one of their more stalwart ones captured by the Empire. Stalking trails of where they had been taken. The slow planning on an escape that had to be pushed up. Enemy territory. Unknowns, myths, legends turned real.

  Eyes he used to know so well.

  Why did she have to have her father’s eyes? There was no denying those silver-blue orbs. They were exactly like the General’s, and damn, did they make him feel guilty.

  Does she have to be the perfect mix of her parents? Those two are both so prominent in her. Every time I look at her, it’s like getting punched in the fucking gut.

  Matesh walked back in, with Rain behind him. Luykas wondered just how close they were with her. It seemed like there was a tight bond there now. Only a few weeks down in the pits and they seemed closer than anything. If Rain was calling her big sister, and Matesh was kissing her temple, then it was a strong one. They were her mayara now. He had a feeling she didn’t know it, and maybe the males didn’t either.

  “Start talking,” Luykas ordered. “Don’t cut corners. I need to tell Alchan everything. All of it. I know you left some out, Rain. Actually, I think you left a lot out.”

  Mat and Rain looked at each other as they sat back down with him. It was Rainev who launched into the full story first. How they arrived, what they had heard about her. Matesh picked up, telling him how the other males there had completely denied her the culture of their people and disregarded it themselves.

  On and on.

  Seeing Mave come back from ‘whoring’. The games being announced. Being jumped by the other gladiators. The events during the games.

  “So, the punishment for being allies was to fight each other,” Luykas said, sighing. “You said that earlier, but it’s something I think I needed the lead-up to. How it all happened.” He’d been missing key points of their time together in the pits. “Tell me more about her. Not events, but her.”

  “She’s absolutely terrible at personal relationships, or most social interactions, really. She knows only what we’ve been able to tell her about her people. She remembers nothing about her life before slavery.” Matesh growled, annoyed. “She has that damn Elliar accent, which doesn’t lend itself to having any sort of personality.”

  “That, I noticed,” Luykas murmured, tapping a finger on the table. “But that tells me things that should make you dislike her. Mat
esh, you’re either sleeping with her, or about to start.” He needed to understand. He had to know everything so he could make any sort of decisions about her.

  “Oh, he likes how aggravating she is,” Rain teased. “She’s not terrible, Luykas. She’s just never been given a chance. She closed herself off from even the possibility of friendships and community, even though it’s obvious she wanted those things. When we arrived, she thought we would turn out to be like everyone else. The only thing that got her attention, got us near her, were these.” He flicked the ear tag and Luykas looked at it. The sun and moon symbol.

  Talk about a blast from the fucking past, that symbol. Those need to go. I should have done that first.

  “Let me get those damn things off you.” Luykas reached forward and then remembered what he gave all escaped slaves and smiled. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his favorite gift: little silver hoop earrings. Like the scars, any escaped slave he knew could wear it and show they made it out alive. “You two want yours?”

  “Fuck you, Luykas,” Matesh said, laughing. He grabbed one and exchanged it for the tag. Luykas helped Rainev with his, chuckling. “I’ll give her the last one. She might not understand your humor about it.”

  “I noticed she was stubborn. Her little display of rejecting a male’s help.”

  “She doesn’t know you,” Matesh whispered, looking down. “We had to force our help on her originally. When she came back from whoring.” That last word was said with a level of disgust that Luykas could relate with. Not with her. No, he knew Matesh wouldn’t judge her for whatever she had to do, only that it needed to be done at all.

  “Do you know who?” Luykas asked softly. “Who she whored for that night?”

  “Lord Fenoth and the Prince,” Rain answered quickly, looking away. “I promised to kill them for her. I wish I had the chance.”

  Luykas knew he felt guilty for revealing that, but there was a time and place for secrets. This wasn’t one of them. He was glad one of them even knew. It gave him an idea of how bad that event probably had been for her.


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