Kiss Me There

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Kiss Me There Page 2

by E. L. Todd

  Chapter Two


  Cedric sat up in the high chair in the kitchen and ate a bowl of cheerios. He fingered them with his small hands then ate them off the tip of his fingers. His eyes always widened after he took a bite, like he couldn’t believe just how good solid food was.

  A permanent smile was stuck on my face—every single day. “Good, huh?”

  He stuck his fingers in the bowl again.

  “Yummy.” I was making fajitas for dinner, something Cayson loved to eat. “Pretty soon you’ll be eating grown up food.”

  He banged his hand on the surface and started giggling.

  So damn cute.

  The garage opened and a moment later Cayson walked into the house. “I’m home,” he called from the other room.

  “Hey, babe.” I turned down the heat on the stove. “Cedric and I are just making dinner.”

  When Cayson walked into the kitchen his tie was already loosen and his jacket was gone. “Perfect. I’m starving.” He wrapped his arms around me and was just about to give me a kiss when he stopped. “Actually, I’m not sure if you want me to kiss you.”

  “Why not? I always want you to kiss me.”

  “Well…I kinda kissed Slade about half an hour ago.”

  Both of my eyebrows rose. “Uh, why?”

  “Actually, he kissed me.”

  “Why was there any kissing at all?”

  “Not sure. He said something about being on a date and I argued with him…you know how he is.”

  “Well, I want a kiss anyway.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a kiss like I did every day when he came home from work. It wasn’t exactly PG but it wasn’t R either.

  When Cayson pulled away he had a hungry expression on his face and a hard-on in his slacks. “I want another one of those later.” He kissed my forehead before he walked to Cedric. “How’s my little man?”

  Cedric raised both of his arms in the air.

  Cayson chuckled then picked him up out of the high chair. “Did you look after your mother today?”

  Cedric automatically felt Cayson’s nose and giggled.

  “Ooh…Cheerios. I’m jealous.”

  I watched the two of them together, grateful I got to treasure the sight. I had a beautiful family and a beautiful life. The two of us had been through so much together, and it was great that we got a happily ever after at the end of it. “How was your day?”

  “Other than kissing Slade, pretty good.”

  I prepared dinner then set the table.

  “Yes, fajitas.” Cayson shoveled piles of food onto his plate like a hungry bear. “I’m starving.”

  “Went to the gym today?”

  “Yep. It’s so hard to go now.”

  “Because you’re tired after work?”

  “No.” Cayson looked at Cedric. “Because I want to come home to you guys.”

  Cedric reached out his hand because he wanted a piece of whatever Daddy was having.

  Cayson cut a tiny piece of steak then handed it over. “I’ll share with you, War Chief.”

  I watched their interaction, noticing how smart Cedric was. With every passing day he learned something new. He caught onto these things quickly, and he was already crawling and playing with complex toys. I feared being a premature baby would inhibit his development but it seemed to have no effect on him whatsoever. He was smart just like Cayson, and I suspected he would be just as brilliant one day.

  Cayson continued to eat his dinner but his gaze was focused on Cedric the entire time. He watched every little thing he did, his entire attention directed at the little person we made together.

  I didn’t mind being number two in Cayson’s life. I got to spend all day with our son while he was at work, so naturally Cedric was all he cared about. “How was work?”

  “Good.” Cayson chuckled when Cedric giggled. “Just a lot of paperwork and emails today.”

  “Will you ever have to do any fieldwork?”

  “I doubt it,” Cayson answered. “My job is mainly to delegate jobs to other people. I can’t see me going into a lab or a quarantine section, which is unfortunate because I’m actually interested in those things.”

  “But you love your job too, right?”

  “Definitely,” he answered. “It can be a lot of pressure sometimes but I like knowing I affect people’s lives everyday—even if they don’t realize it.”

  “Well, I’m proud of you.”

  He finally stopped staring at Cedric and looked at me. “Thanks, baby.”

  I smiled and felt the tint burn into my cheeks. Being married to a handsome man could be unnerving sometimes. He still made me nervous, in a good way. “How’s Slade?”

  “He’s having some issues with his first music video. The director wanted to have some model be in it but Slade refused, saying he wants Trinity to be in it instead.”

  “Awe…” I would never get over how much Slade had changed. “Can you believe that he used to be completely different just five years ago?”

  “Sometimes I can’t. But I always knew when the right woman came along he would change.”

  “You were definitely right.”


  After we put Cedric to sleep we got ready for bed. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and combed my hair like I did every night. Cayson had his own nighttime ritual. He stood in front of his sink and looked at me in the reflection of the mirror as he brushed his teeth.

  I put moisturizer on my face, knowing I didn’t exactly look sexy when we went to bed. Before Cedric was born we’d make love four hours until we collapsed on whatever piece of furniture we fell asleep on. I’d wake up in the morning with smeared make up and crazy hair.

  But Cayson still gave me that same hungry expression.

  I walked into the bedroom and pulled on one of his shirts. I wasn’t the thinnest woman in the world. I still carried extra weight from Cedric, mainly in my thighs, and most of the time I was self-conscious about my body. Having a best friend that was a size double zero didn’t help. But when I put on Cayson’s shirt it made me feel small. Having a tall and built husband was a much-appreciated perk, because no matter how big I got I was still small in comparison.

  Cayson came to bed a moment later in his boxers. His hard chest was defined and powerful, and he hardly had an ounce of fat on his body. He didn’t eat much, and he hit the gym religiously. He’d been that way since high school.

  He set his alarm just as he did every night then turned off the bedside lamp.

  I lay beside him, feeling his warm body make me comfortable. When we were apart I was forced to sleep without him and I absolutely despised it. It was impossible to fall asleep, and it was more impossible to stay asleep. But now his presence lulled me into a deep repose.

  Cayson moved on top of me, positioning my legs so he had adequate room for his hips. “So…you want to try?”

  I wanted to have another baby. I’d always planned on having at least two kids. But after almost losing Cedric I wasn’t sure if I could handle it. “I don’t know…”

  “Baby, that’s not going to happen again.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “The probability is nearly impossible.”

  “You also don’t know that.”

  “Baby, think about it this way. When Cedric was born it was really difficult for both of us. But he came through, strong and beautiful. Now he’s a perfect little baby. Was it worth it?”

  “Well, of course.”

  “Then we can do it again, if we had to.”

  “You don’t understand how scared I was…”

  “I do. As a father, I do.”

  My hands moved to his biceps and I concentrated on the feel of his muscles. I could feel the line of separation between the different muscles of his arms. He was the sexiest man in the world.

  “Baby, have faith.”

  “I do want another baby. I want Cedric to have a brother or a sister.”

  “Then let’s make
it happen.” He held his body weight over mine with just his arms. His muscles were tense and bulging. His face hovered near mine, his facial hair starting to come in because he forgot to shave that morning. The desperation was in his eyes, like he’d do anything to make me give him another child.

  The fear of the unknown shouldn’t hold me back. I knew I needed to dive headfirst into the abyss. Fear should never rule your life. That was something my father taught me a long time ago. “Okay.”

  His chest expanded with the deep breath he took, and he slid his head inside me with a fluid motion. He felt the moisture between my legs immediately and released a sigh of pleasure. “I love making babies with you, Skye Preston.”

  “Skye Thompson.” My fingers dug into his hair and I felt my body and mind slip away as I felt him over and over. He always called me by my maiden name because that was the woman he’d once been obsessed with. And he would always see me that way.

  “I got you pregnant when you were on birth control. Let’s see how quickly I can get you pregnant now that you’re off of it.” He rocked me into the pillow, making me tighten and crumble.

  “I have a feeling you’ll get me pregnant tonight.”

  Chapter Three


  I had meetings all morning.

  I met with the designer of our new prototype, and then right after that I had to meet with my lawyer to go over some paperwork pertaining to the ownership of the company. When I wasn’t on the phone with our district office in London, I was doing something else.

  It never stopped.

  Maybe Sean and Dad leaving wasn’t such a good thing after all.

  After lunchtime I finally entered my office and sat down. I immediately put my feet on the desk and closed my eyes, needing a few moments to meditate and calm myself. A distant headache was burning behind my eyes. If I didn’t slow down it would explode into a migraine.

  Just when I thought I would get some peace and quiet, Dad and Sean walked inside.

  “Hey, were there any calls?” Dad stopped at the corner of my desk, Sean beside him.

  I opened my eyes, immediately annoyed. “Sorry, do I look like your secretary?”

  Sean ignored what I said because he was used to it. “How did the meeting go?”

  “Which one?” I said like a smartass.

  “Both,” Dad said.

  “Good,” I answered with a sigh. “The new prototype is excellent, and John found a loophole to save us some money this tax season.”

  “Great,” Dad said. “I think that guy is worth every penny.”

  “What were you two doing while I was putting out fires all over the place?” I returned my feet to the ground.

  “You’re the CEO now, remember?” Dad gave me a mirthless grin. He was enjoying every second of this, knowing I would drown without him.

  “I’m the new CEO,” I corrected. “Last time I checked, you guys are still on the payroll.”

  “But only for a few more weeks,” Dad said.

  “And we were at lunch, by the way,” Sean said. “We went to this Japanese place where they cook right in front of you.”

  “I caught a shrimp in my mouth,” Dad said proudly. “It was pretty tasty.”

  “Good for you,” I said sarcastically. “I haven’t had a chance to eat lunch today. Thanks for offering to bring me something, by the way.”

  “That’s what you pay your secretary for,” Dad said.

  “Or your wife,” Sean added.

  I really hated them both right now. “How about you guys give me some peace and quiet for a few minutes?”

  “Sure,” Sean said. “Let’s talk about our trip to Italy.”

  “Yeah,” Dad said as he walked out with his brother.

  “Whoa, what?” I sat up straight, blindsided by what they just said. “We’re going to Italy?”

  Dad grabbed the door before he closed it. “No. Sean, Scarlet, Mom and I are going.” He winked before he shut the door. “Not you, Mr. Preston.” He shut the door and his laugher was loud as he and Sean walked away.

  I put my feet back up on the desk and closed my eyes. “I want to go to Italy…”


  “Yeah, just send everything my way.” I sat on the phone for nearly fifteen minutes while I straightened out a report. “I’ll have my secretary look over it. Bye.” Just as I hung up Lexie walked inside.


  She wore a skin-tight pencil skirt with a teal blouse. The color looked great with her blonde hair. On her wedding ring was the enormous rock I bought her nearly a year and a half ago. It glittered under the florescent lights, and rainbows were cast on the wall. The ring was almost as beautiful as the woman who owned it. “Hey. Your dad texted me and said you skipped lunch today.” She held up a sandwich from my favorite deli.

  “You didn’t need to get me anything, baby.” Just as I said it my stomach rumbled. I was starving at this point, and even a little light-headed. I grabbed the sandwich from her hand and immediately unrolled the wrapping.

  She came around the desk and hopped up until she sat at the edge. Then she rubbed my shoulder and back gently, her legs crossed and her stilettos hanging above the floor. “Long day?”

  “Dad and Sean do nothing around here anymore.” I talked with my mouth full because I was so hungry.

  “You don’t need them anyway, Con.” She continued to rub her small hand against the fabric of my suit.

  “I’m starting to realize just how much work this will be without Skye. But I’ll never tell her that. If I do, she’ll probably come back to work out of guilt.”

  “I really believe you can handle it.”

  “I know I can.” That wasn’t the problem. “I just didn’t realize how much I was taking on.”

  “Things are just busy right now. It’ll die down.”

  “Maybe.” I finished half the sandwich and finally felt my body relax. The food hit my stomach, and my irritation started to dwindle.

  “My mom gave me marriage advice yesterday.”

  “Yeah?” I leaned back in my leather chair and looked at her.

  “She told me to never let your husband be hungry. That’s when things go to shit.”

  “Well, you’re doing a good job so far.” Sometimes when I got too busy I skipped lunch, which wasn’t smart. If I didn’t eat enough protein my muscle mass would decrease. That was something I couldn’t afford.

  Lexie hopped off the desk then straddled my hips slowly, her skirt naturally rising up once she sat down. Most of her thighs were exposed, and her thong peeked out from the back.

  My hands immediately went to her thighs and I felt my dick harden. Anytime she was in my lap my thoughts turned dark. I loved how small she was. It was like she wasn’t there at all. And I loved knowing all I had to do was pull her underwear over and I’d be inside her.

  “Is there anything I can do to make you relax?” Her arms snaked around my neck and she leaned close to me, a playful look in her eyes and a seductive grin on her mouth.

  “A lot of things, actually.” I squeezed her thighs.


  “Nothing you can do here—while they’re next door.”

  “What a shame.” She pouted her lips.

  “But when they’re gone I want it every day.”

  “Want what every day?” she asked.

  My hands moved up her thighs until I gripped her ass. “Don’t play dumb with me. You’re too smart for that.”

  She gave me a gentle kiss on the corner of my mouth. “Well, if that’s the case I should go.” She slid off my lap, pulling her skirt down as she went.

  I didn’t want her to go anywhere but I knew nothing good would come of this. “Come over tonight?”

  “Where else would I be?” She wrapped up my sandwich and returned it to the plastic bag so it would stay fresh.

  “I want you there the second I come home.”

  She saluted me. “You got it, sir.”

  I chuckled. “I’m glad you’
ve got this obedience thing down. One less thing I have to teach you after we get married.”

  She gave me the meanest glare I’ve ever seen.

  I loved getting a rise out of her. It was fun. “You know I’m kidding.”

  “Better be. Otherwise, you really would feel like a sailor out to sea.” She swayed her hips as she walked out, and just before the door closed she gave me a haughty look.

  Now I wanted to be here even less.


  When I came home Lexie already had dinner cooking in the kitchen. “Smells good.”

  “Are you talking about me or the food?” Lexie looked at me from the kitchen island. She was already in my sweatpants and t-shirt.

  “Both.” I kicked off my shoes once I was inside and removed my tie.

  “Good answer. It’s almost done.”

  I walked into the kitchen and saw the chicken and vegetables she made. “Everything looks good.” Lexie was a great cook, and she already nailed that quality down.

  “Thank you.” She grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me in for a kiss.

  This was exactly what I wanted.

  We had this connection for a long time, and when we broke up it disappeared. It was like a shooting star. It passed by so quickly I wasn’t sure if I even saw it. But now that relationship was back. I missed how comfortable we were around each other.

  Now it was here again.

  I kissed her and gripped the loose sweatpants. “I like it when you wear my clothes.”

  “Really?” she asked with her lips pressed against mine. “You don’t think I’m a thief?”

  “What’s mine is yours.” I pulled her harder into me, wanting her to know she was mine forever.

  Her hands moved to my chest and she pressed her fingertips against me, her excitement evident. “Maybe you should wear something of mine sometime…”

  I rubbed my nose against hers. “I think your panties are sexy but I don’t think they would fit. And I wouldn’t want them to fit.”

  “They’re elastic.”

  “Even then.”

  “You wouldn’t want to feel my soft panties against your bare skin all day while you’re a work?” She bit her bottom lip as she looked up into my face.

  “I wouldn’t mind feeling them against my bare skin while I jerk off on my break.”


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