A Matter of Ethics by Harl Vincent

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A Matter of Ethics by Harl Vincent Page 3

by Monte Herridge

  Amazing Stories


  to learn,” said Bret, “the motive. There must professionally and was trying to make it

  be a motive for so devilish a scheme as his.

  impossible for Natalie to live with you. But And I tell you, Doctor, he has done more than she’s true blue and she stuck.”

  you know. In the late hours of the night he has

  “Ah!” exclaimed Bret. “Now it comes

  worked at this transmitter, sending forth out.”

  impulses which reached your brain where you

  Dudley Cowan’s eyes glistened

  lay sleeping in your apartment, a few blocks suspiciously and the color was returning to

  away. These have caused you to lay hands on

  Natalie’s cheeks.

  your dear wife. She has feared you for

  “I swear it, Frank,” continued Hobart,

  weeks—has scarcely slept a wink in terror of

  “I was afraid for you and Natalie. I racked my those strong, clutching hands of yours.”

  brains for means of warning you, but could

  Peter Van Brunt dropped his cigarette

  think of none. I suspected Peter of this

  to the floor and crushed it beneath his heel.

  influence that was ruining you, but I couldn’t Frank Robeson groaned and drew his hand

  lay my finger on it. Then, when Bret Garrison across his eyes to blot out the vision conjured got in on it, I was still more worried. I knew of up by Bret.

  some of his previous successes in special

  “No! No!” he babbled, “I didn’t—not

  investigations and was afraid he’d learn of the that! Natalie!”

  situation between Natalie and Peter and

  She nodded slowly, unhappily. Frank

  wouldn’t understand. It might make trouble

  turned savagely on the perpetrator of this for you. Guess I wasn’t very decent to Bret, unthinkable wrong.

  but I was so upset over the thing I didn’t know

  “Peter!” he snarled, “come clean now!

  on which end I stood. And now—”

  What made you do it?”

  “And now, you dumbbell,” interrupted

  “Perhaps,” smiled Van Brunt Frank Robeson, gripping his shoulder meaningly, “Natalie will tell you.”

  affectionately, “everything is all right. I

  “You—you—!” Frank threw himself

  understand. I’ll have that capsule dug out and at his tormentor.

  we’ll start all over.”

  But Bret was quicker and he held the

  Natalie gazed at him in wordless relief

  enraged man in check.

  and happiness.

  “Easy now,” he begged. “Easy, old

  “How about him?” asked Bret, jerking

  man. Let’s get to the bottom of this before we a contemptuous thumb in Van Brunt’s

  have any fireworks.” Natalie bit her lip in an direction.

  agony of apprehension.

  Natalie shuddered as Frank turned a

  murderous stare on Peter.

  “I’LL tell you, Frank!” shouted Hobart Avery,

  “First off,” snapped Dudley Cowan,

  who had hitherto remained silent. “This snake

  “his resignation from the staff of Park Medical in the grass has been making love to Natalie is accepted here and now.”

  for more than a year. She’s been afraid to tell Van Brunt still grinned sardonically.

  you, for fear you’d blame her. She knew your His nerve was colossal.

  devotion to him and I did too. I knew myself

  “There’ll be no publicity?” ventured

  what was going on, but hesitated to interfere Natalie.

  for the same reason as her own. She repulsed

  “No, virtuous matron,” smirked Van

  him, of course, and he’s seen fit to plan this Brunt sarcastically, “there’ll be no publicity.

  reprisal. God knows what he thought he’d

  A matter of ethics, you know. They wouldn’t

  gain by it, but he nearly ruined you dare. It’d be a black eye for Park Medical—a

  A Matter of Ethics


  stain on the honor of the profession.”

  Doctor Cowan bent over him and felt

  There was a bellow that might have

  of his pulse. “Oh, boy!” he exulted, “that was issued from the throat of an angry bull, a

  a peach! Knocked him cold as an icicle. His

  feminine scream. Frank Robeson was across

  head’ll ache for a week.”

  the room in a single bound. Peter drove in a Frank nursed the knuckles of his right

  vicious left to stop him, but Frank ducked it hand sheepishly. “Sorry, Natalie,” he

  and came up with a terrific right to the jaw—

  apologized. “Had to do it.”

  just one. Peter Van Brunt crashed to the floor, He turned to Bret. “That, Mr.

  where he lay in a grotesque heap amidst the

  Garrison,” he said feelingly, “was not a matter wreckage of some of his furniture and of ethics.”





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