Mating the Doctor: Gay Paranormal Dragon Romance

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Mating the Doctor: Gay Paranormal Dragon Romance Page 3

by Olivia Myers

  When Drake was standing in front of Isaac in his human form once more, Isaac’s eyes were bulging out of his head. To be fair, Isaac had been through a mind-altering evening. Drake couldn't exactly understand, as he had never been through anything like that. He could try to be empathetic, but he didn't know exactly what to say. So he stayed silent and watched as Isaac processed everything that was running through his mind at the moment. He watched as his mate's eyes slowly traveled down his body. Isaac was slowly taking in every part of Drake's body and it was making Drake harder than he had ever been in his life. His cock was straining by the time Isaac's eyes looked down far enough.

  Isaac looked at Drake’s hardened member for a moment before he blushed. Isaac quickly averted his eyes and cleared his throat, obviously embarrassed. It made Drake smirk; he only wished Isaac would've taken a better look.

  "What just happened?" Isaac questioned.

  Drake shrugged and said, "You tell me."

  His mate looked at him in complete shock. "Are you kidding me? After what you just put me through, I think I deserve an explanation."

  "I don't think there's any way I could explain it other than what I just showed you," Drake said with a sigh. "I honestly don't know what you want me to say."

  "What are you?" Isaac asked.

  "I'm a dragon shifter," Drake said.

  "How is that possible?"

  "I don't know how it's possible. I just know that it is. There is more in this world than we know," Drake explained.

  Isaac started to pace around the area with his head in his hands. "I don't understand. I really don't. I'm a man of science. This does not make any fucking sense."

  Drake raised his eyebrows at his mate, who was clearly losing it. He wanted to offer some words of support, but there was nothing to say that felt right in the moment. He let the man pace around him for a few more moments before he decided to put a stop to it.

  He walked forward to where Isaac was and placed his hands on his shoulders, "C'mon, let's go inside. Just give it time. Everything will start making sense in a little while."

  Drake took a few steps toward his house, when he looked over his shoulder, he realized that Isaac wasn't following him. He was still standing there dumbfounded. Drake sighed and backtracked to make sure his mate was going to follow him this time. He approached him and peered down into Isaac’s crystal blue eyes.

  "Isaac?" Drake softly asked.

  Isaac slowly nodded and said, "Yes?"

  "It's going to be okay. I know it doesn't feel like it, but it will. I know this is crazy, but it will all make sense."

  Isaac looked away from Drake and said, "Will it? This all feels like some sort of crazy dream. I feel like if I accept any part of it, I will be deemed mentally unwell. Maybe I'm already insane."

  "I know that you're not," Drake assured him. "People who are actually insane never think that they are."

  Isaac let out a nervous chuckle. "I guess you're right."

  Drake nodded, "I know I am."

  Drake tried walking again, only to see that Isaac still wasn't following him. He groaned and stood in front of his mate once more.

  "What can I do to help?" Drake asked. He wasn't used to caring for anyone else other than himself. He was in a whole new territory. Drake knew now that he should've asked Isaac what he needed in the first place instead of blindly guessing.

  Isaac peered up at Drake with a desperation that Drake wasn't used to seeing. "I just need something to make me know that all of this is real."

  That's when Drake had an idea that he hadn't thought of yet. He wanted the moment to feel real? Drake could do that, no problem. He quickly took the two steps that were separating Drake from Isaac and pressed their bodies against one another. Drake put his arms around Isaac's body, then he used one hand to grasp the back of Isaac's neck and tilted it up. Once Isaac’s lips were pointed in Drake's direction, Drake took advantage of the position and lowered his mouth to Isaac’s.

  When the mates first touched their lips to one another, everything changed. Drake knew that this had to solidify everything that had happened for Isaac. However, it made everything feel completely surreal to Drake. He almost felt as if he was flying again. His lips devoured Isaac's like he was ravenous and Isaac’s kiss was his only nourishment. He knew this moment couldn't last too long without going too far, so he took advantage of every second to fill his thirst.

  He had never been so pulled into someone else's kiss.

  Isaac changed everything.

  Chapter Four

  When Isaac watched Drake shift into a dragon in front of his very eyes, he was positive he was either about to wake up from the weirdest dream ever, or die. His mind was wiped completely blank once he saw what was in front of him. It was even more shocking when he saw the dragon move in front of him.

  Nonetheless, he somehow managed to remember what Drake had told him before he changed into a dragon. If he wanted to live, he needed to get onto the dragon that was lying before his very eyes. He wasn't sure why he believed anything Drake had said, but something inside of Isaac was pushing him to listen to what Drake said and trust him. So he did what he was told.

  Flying on the back of a dragon was unlike anything that Isaac had ever experienced. It was completely amazing and he fell in love with it as soon as they were up in the air. They were going at a speed that wasn't comprehensible to Isaac's mind. Everything was moving so fast that it was a complete blur. His eyes couldn't process anything that was around him.

  The next shock came after the flight ended. Isaac couldn't believe where they had landed. Isaac’s family had been well off, but nothing compared to the place they were currently at. It was as big as a castle and there was a giant brick wall surrounding the place. Everything was pure black and it was absolutely gorgeous.

  It took a moment for Isaac to realize that he should probably get off of the dragon's back. Well, Drake's back he supposed. He carefully threw his leg over and slid down the side of the enormous, scaled body. He was surprised when his feet hit the ground, because for some reason he had expected there to be no ground because there was no way this was real.

  Isaac watched in complete and utter shock as the dragon somehow morphed back into Drake's body.

  Isaac's eyes started working on their own accord and taking in every part of Drake's body. First, he studied Drake’s face for a moment; he was so beautiful. His face was one of a warrior, and he had a serious look in his eyes that trapped Isaac. Then Isaac’s gaze followed the sharp angles of Drake's body. The man's body was bulging with muscles over every inch. His eyes continued to travel lower, and that's when he noticed that Drake was completely naked once again. Isaac also noticed that Drake was completely hard and standing at attention. Isaac instantly got hard thinking about wrapping his lips around the thick member.

  He had been staring at the man's intimate area for far too long, and Isaac was completely embarrassed. As much as he didn't want to, Isaac tore his eyes away from Drake's body and cleared his throat.

  Isaac had been distracted for a moment by the man's body, but then the events from the past hour started crashing down around him. "What just happened?"

  Drake's face hardened, even more, when he shrugged and said, "You tell me."

  Isaac couldn't believe what he was hearing, "Are you kidding me? After what you just put me through, I think I deserve an explanation."

  "I don't think there's any way I could explain it other than what I just showed you. I honestly don't know what you want me to say," Drake said.

  Isaac's heart went out to him at seeing Drake so distressed. But to be fair, he should realize that Isaac was going through a lot while trying to process all of this.

  "What are you?" Isaac asked. Maybe he just had to be more specific.

  "I'm a dragon shifter."


  "How is that possible?" Isaac demanded.

  "I don't know how it's possible. I just know that it is. There is more in this world than you know

  The only problem with Drake's explanation was that Isaac was a man who knew everything about the human body. There was no way that this was possible.

  "I don't understand. I really don't. I'm a man of science. This does not make any fucking sense."

  That's when Isaac started to actually lose his mind. Suddenly his body couldn't stay still. He started to pace around with his head lowered into his hands.

  Why was this happening to him?

  Drake didn't say anything, but Isaac could feel his eyes burning into his form as he paced back and forth.

  "C'mon, let's go inside. Just give it time. Everything will start making sense in a little while," Drake said.

  Go inside? How was this ever going to make sense? Drake was a fucking dragon. Nothing was making sense and Isaac seriously doubted that it ever would.

  Drake was suddenly in front of him, looking down into his eyes. "Isaac?"

  When the beautiful man before him said his name, Isaac swore that he could feel his heart stop.


  "It's going to be okay. I know it doesn't feel like it, but it will. I know this is crazy, but it will all make sense," Drake whispered.

  Why did he keep saying that? It definitely did not feel like everything was going to be okay.

  "Will it? This all feels like some sort of crazy dream. I feel like if I accept any part of it, I will be deemed mentally unwell. Maybe I'm already insane."

  Isaac meant everything that he said to Drake. He did feel like he was actually insane. It felt as if he had suffered from a mental break and he was completely delusional.

  "I know that you're not. People who are actually insane never think that they are."

  "I guess you're right," Isaac admitted with a nervous chuckle slipping past his lips.

  "I know I am."

  Isaac heard Drake's footsteps walking away, but there was no way he could follow him. His mind was still racing. There was no extra room for his brain to communicate to his limbs. He couldn't make them move no matter how hard he tried. The footsteps stopped before they came closer once again.

  Drake was standing in front of him once again and asked, "What can I do to help?"

  What did Isaac need?

  He had never felt so vulnerable in his life. It was one thing to crave something physical. Needing and craving emotional was something different entirely.

  "I just need something to make me know that all of this is real."

  Drake stared into Isaac's eyes with a sort of determination that Isaac wasn't used to seeing. It was passionate. It was intense. Isaac had no idea what Drake was going to do next. Hell, for all he knew, Drake was about to laugh in his face and walk away. Isaac was weak. He was vulnerable. But most importantly, he was scared.

  Drake didn't laugh; in fact, he did something that Isaac never saw coming. He closed the distance between their bodies and his strong arms gathered Isaac even closer to him. Isaac had never been so close to another man before. Feeling Drake's hardened body so close to his sent Isaac's nerves haywire. He could feel Drake's hardened cock pressing into his stomach. Adrenaline was coursing through his veins, practically making his body shake.

  One of the man's hands traveled up to the back of his neck. His huge hand wrapped around the back of Isaac's neck and forced him to tilt his chin upward. Before Isaac could even think about what was happening, Drake's lips came down toward his.

  He could've sworn he was reborn the moment that their lips met. Isaac didn't know what it was about this man, but he set Isaac's very being on fire.

  Drake's lips melded with Isaac's. It was almost as if the other man was trying to consume him. Isaac had never kissed another man before, but Drake was quickly making him forget about that fact. Never had another pair of lips felt like heaven against his.

  All too soon, Drake pulled his lips from Isaac’s. It felt as if one of his body parts was being removed, like a part of him was suddenly gone when he had thought it would be there forever. A desperate whimper escaped from Isaac’s lips, much to his embarrassment.

  Drake smirked down at Isaac, “Don’t fret. There will be plenty of time to enjoy a kiss later, but for now, we need to go inside. I have a lot of work to attend to.”

  Isaac could feel his face heat up at Drake’s words. It was almost as if the man could read his mind or guess everything he was feeling inside. Drake placed a hand gently on Isaac’s back, urging him to walk with him this time.

  Drake’s kiss had helped ground Isaac, but as they walked toward the biggest house Isaac had ever seen, Isaac couldn’t help but wonder why he had come with the man at all. There was no logical explanation for it.

  He watched the man heal at alarming rates right before his eyes, then Drake had jumped out of a window with Isaac in his arms. Then he had changed into a dragon and brought Isaac to their current location.

  No part of that story made sense, so why was Isaac simply going along with the wild ride?

  Isaac wasn’t granted any more time to doubt his current situation as they walked into the house. Almost immediately, two identical men stood in front of him.

  “Z, who the hell is this?” one asked.

  The other followed with, “Yeah, why did you bring a human home? That isn’t like you, what’s going on?”

  “Shut up. I will explain everything in time,” Drake growled. “How about you have some manners and introduce yourselves?”

  The man who had spoken first grinned at Isaac. “Hey, I’m Raider. The better third of the triplets.”

  “I’m Rivers,” the second man said, looking slightly abashed.

  Isaac raised his hand in greeting. “I’m Isaac.”

  Before the situation could get even more embarrassing, Drake spoke up, “Where is Rowan?”

  Raider shrugged his shoulders, “I’m not sure. I haven’t seen him since you left.”

  Rivers simply nodded along with his brother’s statement.

  “Well, go and find him,” Drake commanded. “I’m going to get more clothes on and I’ll meet the three of you in the conference room to discuss what happened. Ten minutes.”

  The two men nodded and walked away before Drake continued to walk Isaac through the mansion. All of the rooms were gigantic and adorned in simple white and black. While the place was beautiful, there was nothing inside that made it feel like a home.

  Drake took Isaac to the other side of the house and up two flights of stairs.

  “This place is huge,” Isaac whispered.

  Drake shrugged his shoulders. “I suppose I didn’t need to make it as big as it is. But I knew I was going to live with three other people and I wanted to ensure my privacy.”

  Isaac didn’t say anything else as they walked down the hallway and stopped at black double doors with gold handles. When Drake opened the doors, Isaac tried not to gasp, but he wasn’t quite sure if he succeeded. The room was huge. Drake’s bedroom was the size of Isaac’s decently sized apartment. Just like the rest of the house, everything was white and black. In the middle of the room, there was a bed bigger than any Isaac had ever seen before. It was adorned in pure black silk. There was a small living room setting which even included a television. The furthest wall in the room was made completely out of glass. There was a piano that was turned so one could gaze outside as they played. It was stationed to the right of a balcony door. There was also a desk and overflowing bookshelf on one wall in the room. There were only two other doors, and if Isaac had to make an educated guess, he would assume they led to a closet and a bathroom.

  “You’ll be staying in my room,” Drake said.

  Isaac turned to him in shock and exclaimed, “Y-your room? You don’t have some sort of guest bedroom in a house as big as this one?”

  Drake adamantly shook his head, “You will stay in my room even if I have to sleep on the couch.”

  Isaac wanted to continue to protest, but he knew his objections would fall upon deaf ears. He felt as if his hands were tied. Drake wasn’t exactly the proble
m in this situation. It was Isaac’s hormones when he was around the other man that were worrisome. Isaac had never been overly sexually attracted to any other person he had met in his life. He had always kept his head down and focused on his aspirations. But when Isaac was around Drake, it was as if the man unlocked the door that had kept his raging teenage hormones dormant.

  It seemed as Drake didn’t care to stick around for any more of Isaac’s objections. He had already walked away from Isaac and disappeared through one of the doors.

  Isaac sighed and started to tentatively walk around the room. Naturally, his body gravitated to the bookcase. What did a man like Drake read in his spare time? His eyes hurriedly scanned the titles on the shelves. There were a few books that were bound in leather, the inscription on them wasn’t any language that Isaac recognized and they were basically falling apart. They had to be ancient. Other than those, there were plenty of books on weapons. How to use them, how to make them, and specific weapons for specific uses. Some of it was slightly graphic and disturbing. Isaac could only hope that they were used for educational reasons.

  “I shouldn’t be gone for too long.” Drake’s voice startled Isaac from behind, making him jump and almost knock over the bookshelf.

  He watched as the man crossed the room to pick up a piece of paper off his desk.

  Drake said, “Make yourself comfortable and use whatever you would like. There’s also some paper on the desk so you can make me a list of everything you want.”

  Without another word, Drake left Isaac completely alone in the room. Isaac wasn’t sure how long Drake expected him to stay, but it couldn’t be forever. He had a life, responsibilities. Isaac had patients, his research. He even had his little sister living with him while she went through med school.

  Isaac hadn’t realized how tired he had become until he stood in the bedroom all alone. He walked around the room to observe. He looked in the bathroom and the closet. Isaac even glanced at the desk and the piano. There were plenty of things to do here, but the only thing that interested Isaac was the humongous bed in the middle of the room. When he finally threw his body on top of it, it felt as if he was floating on a cloud and it took mere seconds for him to doze off.


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