Unveiled: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone

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Unveiled: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone Page 37

by Jacklyn Daher

  Luxor couldn’t control the voices, especially when Hunter was around.

  "Perhaps. But only as a last resort. I'm going to be around more often, Principal Wright has offered me a temporary job as a school counsellor. Our normal appointments will remain, but within school hours, whenever you need me, just come to the office and I'll be there to help you."

  "Why? I'm one person, you already have a job, and I'm already coming to see you." Luxor took another sip to whet her parched throat.

  "There are others like you who need my help, besides sometimes it only takes one person to make a difference. Every life is important,” she said. “Promise me if you need anything, no matter the time, contact me. Okay?"

  Luxor nodded, words failing her. Finally, somebody thought she was important, and they would help. She only hoped the empty promises wouldn't be like Principal Wright who recently brushed off her fears when she needed him.

  Valencia glanced across the room at the clock. "That's all for today's session, it's time for the random blood test," she told her even though the appointment had only been fifteen minutes.

  "Wait, what?" She bolted upright, tumbling over the edge.

  "I'm allowed to issue random blood tests."

  "For what purpose?”

  “Are you questioning my qualifications?” Valencia asked sternly.

  I’m questioning more than that.

  “No needles. I refuse.” Luxor hid her arm behind her back as if that would prevent it. She stepped back, her spine smacking into the pine door. She wriggled the chrome handle but it wouldn't budge. In her panicked state, she banged on the door until her fist ached.

  "It's soundproof and remote operated," Valencia told her flatly, waving a monochrome device about.

  A shrill buzzer sounded behind her. Slow and steadily Luxor turned around, shuffling her feet to the noise. Valencia had used the remote to activate an adjoining door. With no choice, Luxor entered the sterile room, hopping onto the awaiting chair, and propped an arm out.

  Valencia pulled along a trolley with an assortment of needles, blood collection tubes, a tourniquet, cotton balls, and medical adhesive tape.

  "Hold out your arm, please," Valencia's voice was firm, but warm to allay her fears.

  Luxor did as she was told, no wanting her disobedience to go on her record. A tourniquet was wrapped around her arm above the venepuncture site, and fastened tightly to restrict blood flow. Her index finger tapped the vein, to make the vein engorged ready for blood to be extracted. Cold, rubbing alcohol was smeared over the skin, tingling and semi-numbing the area.

  Not able to witness the process, Luxor clamped her eyes shut and craned it to the side. A sharp pinch pulled at her skin, and she bit the inside of her cheek to transfer the pain.

  She had always hated needles, but after the accident where she was poked and prodded it became worse. One would think she would have gotten used to it and become desensitised to the procedure, but that wasn't the case.

  "All done." The smacking of latex gloves being removed had her turning her head. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" Valencia wheeled the trolley away.

  “Do I get a lollipop now?” Luxor said sarcastically. Valencia retrieved an apple flavoured one from the container and passed it over. "Why is it blue?" Luxor fixated on the blue vials of liquid rolling around on the trolley. "That isn't my blood, is it?"

  Don't be stupid Luxor. You're a freak, but seriously blue blood?

  "How many people do you know have blue blood?" Luxor was acutely aware Valencia avoided the question. "The actual test tubes are blue. You are welcome to view for yourself if you don't believe me."

  “Forget about it,” she said and dropped the lollipop onto the floor. “You and all your so-called advice and lies can suck on that.” She shattered the lolly underneath her foot and pulled the door open, slamming it behind her.

  The bus arrived on time and Luxor took a seat near the back. She groaned, and lay her head against the cold, glass window and held up her arm which had cramped up. She pulled the Band-Aid securing the cotton ball off the position where she was jabbed. Nothing. No dots of blood. Not even a mark where the needle had been inserted.

  Who am I? No, no, more like what am I?

  She was desperate for a caffeine fix. Dr. Lawson had taken a few vials more than Luxor thought was needed. What did she need it for anyway?

  Would could she possible need with six vials?

  Luxor played the whole session in her head. She didn’t want to breakdown and show weakness but, in the end, she couldn’t hold back the previous night’s events. She was in her own world when she looked up and realised where she was. A sign was just ahead Mount Beauty Town Centre. Before it could get any further, she quickly pressed the buzzer.

  "Hi, how do I get back to The Village in Brighton Falls?" Luxor gripped the metallic pole, and asked the bus driver once it had stopped.

  The bus driver rolled his eyes, impatiently waiting for her to get off. "Obviously, it's across the road."

  If it was obvious, I wouldn't have asked, Luxor wanted to retort back but zipped her mouth.

  Coffee lingered on her mind and she headed down a collection of shops lined up in a pretty row towards the nearest cafe. A distinct aroma of expensive arabica coffee beans assaulted her senses as soon as she walked in. Luxor joined the line, and was quickly served. Taking a quick sip, her coffee warmed her hands as she scanned the café trying to find a seat. The plan was to relax instead, even though she was in enemy territory.

  All the seats were taken, predominantly by upper class high school students, judging by their uniform. The girls wore white blouses and grey pleated skirts and the guy's crisp shirts, grey khakis and burgundy blazers displayed it all. It was apparent this was a popular hangout just like The Hive.

  A backpack hurtled in front of Luxor and blocked her path.

  "Is that in your way?" a girl with chestnut hair pulled into a French braid said in a posh manner. "I am ever so sorry I don't want you to fall."

  Luxor moved along, not believing her for a second. Her current state of mind was fragile, and anything could happen if she was provoked.

  Luxor stepped over the bag, and kept an eye on the girl, whose saccharine smile belied her demeanour. Just as her other leg was going over another bag skidded her way, catching her off balance. Her coffee hurtled through the air, her backpack swinging in the opposite direction, and her body slammed straight on the tiled ground.

  Hold it in, don't lose you shit now.

  Laughter surrounded her, a crowd gathering as she slowly got off the ground. It was her first day all over again except these people were refined, their actions too smooth to be from an amateur, as if they'd done this all too often.

  "Atticus, that isn't nice." The girl held out her hand.

  Luxor used the chair as a support and climbed off the floor, wincing slightly as she dusted off her knees.

  "You must excuse him, hot as hell, peanuts for brains." The girl held up Luxor's bag and swirled her keyring about.

  "Great to know. Can I have my bag?" Luxor held out her hand, her patience teetering on the edge.

  "You know, you don't look like a Brighton Falls resident. You don't exclude their certain, umm…what's the word Atticus?" She held a perfectly manicured finger to her cheek.

  "Trailer park trash-esque quality?" he replied with a bored tone.

  She clicked her fingers. "That's the word."

  “Give back my bag," Luxor repeated with more of an edge.

  Before things get ugly.

  Despite being a crowded café, they were not afraid to cause a scene. They looked familiar, not facially, but by description. It took a couple of minutes, but it dawned on her. Evie had described the Mount Beauty students perfectly. They certainly did look like they had sticks up their asses!

  Except that wasn’t possible.

  A baby pink ball of material adorned with horses hurtled towards her face. With lightning quick reflexes, Luxor held her hands up before
it collided. She turned her body around to pull her mobile from the front of her backpack, realisation hitting her like a ton of bricks on why they disliked her. It had nothing to do with her, and everything to do with her key ring.

  Luxor zeroed in on the emblem on her shirt. "Where are you from?" She thought Brighton Falls rivalry was with Mount Beauty but they didn't have a school.

  She rolled her eyes. "Are you a true blonde?" She pinched the eagle emblem as if that should make any sense to her. "I'll give you a clue, you're in our town." She rolled her eyes.

  That couldn't be right. "But your school burnt down, that's why some people transferred."

  She snorted. "You wish. If any school would be a victim of arson it sure as hell wouldn't be ours." The girl turned on her heel and left with a group of followers behind.

  What in the holy hell was that? Where did Hunter and the rest of MBT come from? Why were they there?

  Now more than ever she was going to get to the end of this. Her problems were menial compared to the ones which had arisen on the horizon. Zoned out, she couldn't remember the last time when her life was normal.

  Principal Wright was filing folders into a cabinet when Luxor barged in into his office, slamming the door forcefully.

  He jumped, turning around having caught his attention. "Hello Miss Everstone, I wasn't expecting you at school today."

  "I'll bet," she said sarcastically. Luxor looked from the door to Principal Wright and back at the door, waiting for him to reprimand her.

  "Everything okay? You appear on edge. Well, more than usual. No more run ins with Miss Kingsley I hope."

  "Um no, like I said it's all worked out. I do have another problem though. More like an inquiry."

  He nodded and she continued. "The MBT's, why are they here?"

  Principal Wright's shoulders stiffened up and for the first time he hesitated before replying. "Their school..."

  "Oh, right the fire." Luxor was convinced he was lying, his body language was a dead giveaway.

  "Miss Everstone what are you getting out?" Principal Wright's face hardened, swiftly coming around to her side.

  "There was no fire in Mount Beauty. It didn't burn down," her words tumbled over each other. It was insane and she expected him to look at her like she was, but he didn't, instead a sense of relief crossed his face. "But you already know that."

  "Miss Everstone do you believe Mount Beauty only has one school?" He leaned against his desk, crossing his arms across his chest in a relaxed mode.

  He was too calm and composed for her liking. The only people she knew who were like that smoked the green, whether in a joint or bong, the result was the same. But he didn't seem the type. Then again looks could be deceiving.

  "No, but the students from Mount Beauty I bumped into said their school never burnt down. Why didn't they go there then? Why did Hunter have to come here?"

  Maybe I'm wrong and jumping to conclusions. But it doesn't feel like I am.

  "Who are you to dictate where students go? If you'll excuse me, I have work to do." He gathered files, books, stationary and anything he could get his hands on in a pile.

  "Yeah covering things up," Luxor replied sardonically.

  Principal Wright slammed the stack of files on his desk. "It would be in your best interests to keep this to yourself."

  "So, I'm right?"

  Principal Wright paused. "Yes. And you're going to keep it quiet." He opened the door letting her out. Luxor was afraid, she knew he couldn't hurt her physically, still he held all the cards. It was in his eyes that made it clear. If she didn't keep his secret, neither would he. "For now."

  Ayla's intuition on Hunter was right. All along she'd said he was up to something but she didn't believe her. Luxor thought she was being her neurotic self. All she wanted to do now was find her and to reveal everything. Ayla was level headed, sneaky, and sometimes erratic but was on point. Being composed and in control, Ayla could manage this problem, and she’d know what to do.

  But she couldn't.

  Principal Wright had made it clear to keep quiet and she wasn't about to push her luck on what he'd do if she told. Besides Ayla was close to Principal Wright and she doubted she could lie about knowing.

  What was Principal Wright hiding? He knew the real reason the transfers were here. Was he in on some conspiracy? Nothing about this made sense.

  Once that was on the way, she'd tackle the MBT issue. After all who would willing come to Brighton Falls High, and why? Principal Wright knew everything, and soon so would she.

  By the time Luxor reached The Village her brain was about to explode. She wasn’t in the right frame to deal with Hunter’s mind games. Adding onto her woes were the parting words from Principal Wright. There was a conspiracy going on involving Hunter and his group. She badly wanted to confront him and extract the answers with any means possible but she thought against it. Principal Wright must have had a reason for bringing these so-called MBT’s to the school.

  As she rounded the corner, heels clicked against the pavement, and she was accosted and she stopped in her tracks. A hand lay on her shoulder, spun her around and slammed her backwards, the back of her knees hitting the park bench.

  “Shit Melita, what the hell?” Luxor swatted her hand away.

  Melita faced Luxor, her golden hair down and wild, her emerald eyes greener when entwined with envy. “What the hell are you up to?” she demanded.

  “I have no idea what you’re on about.” She feigned indifference. “Question is, what are you and the rest of your group up to?”

  “Oh, wouldn’t you like to know. Word of advice. Stay away from Hunter. I will find out your sneaky ways, my sensors are on high alert, so watch out,” Melita growled, her bracelets jingling. She was intimidating, but after Scarlett’s tactics, Luxor refused to let another jealous girl get under her skin.

  “Okay Spider-Man, let your sensors lead your way in the opposite direction.” Luxor made a finger walking gesture and left her alone stunned.

  The door of the library echoed when Luxor entered, preparing to get this over and done with. Well empty except for Hunter. Snuggled into the back corner, a cap covered his eyes, with a laptop positioned in front of him, at the same table where they first met.

  "You came?" Hunter raised his eyes, averting his attention from his laptop when she reached the table.

  "I'm not an illusion, don't make me regret it," she replied, plopping the backpack on the table she unzipped the back section and returned the hefty book. Finally, she was free and not have to worry about him collecting in "non-monetary terms."

  An all too familiar influx of warmth infused her, The Hunter Effect. She rejected the feelings, maybe if she thought of horrible images, they would override the glorious ones, but no amount of conjuring images would subdue the beautiful destruction raging a war within . Her mind versus her body, on opposite sides of the field, making it all the harder to control.

  Luxor pulled down the bottom of her denim cut-offs and slipped into the seat next to him. It was either that or across from him, and she wasn't fond of leaning over the desk all night.

  “No cute outfit?”

  Luxor eased into a seat and roamed her eyes on the table. Dumped in a pile in the middle of the table was a couple of packets of Skittles, a bag of Hershey's toffees, Jelly Babies and copious amount of blueberry liquorice Twizzlers, and satchels of sugar. It was a sweet lover’s dream, and a dentist’s nightmare. Two take away lattes were positioned in front of him, both had an 'S' on it.

  He passed one along. "Don't worry it's untouched, I know how germophobic you are," he chuckled.

  "You drink soy too?" Luxor accepted the warm drink.

  "Usually that's what the 'S' indicates."


  "I thought you wanted answers to family, not my coffee preference." He took a sip. "But if you must know, I'm lactose intolerant."

  Damn we actually have something in common.

  Luxor picked up the cup and took a sip, her
taste buds dancing for joy at the treat. If she could marry caffeine she'd jump at the chance, it had been too long since her last one, a whole hour to be precise.

  "You don't take sugar?" Hunter flipped the lids off and ripped three satchels, pouring it into his cup and stirred.

  “Why am I here Hunter? You could have forced the beach if you wanted?”

  “Why bother, I already have that. Red bikini. Remember?” Hunter retorted with amusement, giving her a smile. "Let's get started."

  “Start what?”

  Hunter returned his attention to the laptop, his eyebrows knitted together, while his fingers typed rapidly on the Braille keyboard. "My father was a P.I. and growing up I witnessed all the tricks, and learnt all the ways of hacking and tracking people down. This resulted in an ability to access classified information."

  Probably why the name was given to him.

  Hunter rolled his eyes. A niggling feeling poked at the back of her head. Is this how he knew so much about her? “Before you say something, I have everything at my fingertips, just in case you weren’t told the truth.”

  Luxor picked up a blueberry liquorice and chomped. She would give him the benefit of the doubt. “So show me.”

  "Be patient, I'm explaining it to you."

  Agitation trickled in and Luxor wriggled about in her chair as if she had ants in her pants. She tapped her two middle fingers on the table.

  Luxor contemplated leaving, clearly whatever this was, was a waste of her time.

  "You want information..." Hunter replied, not taking his eyes of the screen. He swivelled the laptop to fully face her. "It's open for business."

  Luxor squinted at the screen and skimmed through the title of the site numerous times. "You hacked into the Registrar for Births, Deaths & Marriages, are you insane?" she stammered.

  "I can go deeper if you want." Hunter cocked an eyebrow, but was only met with a scowl. "You want answers, don't you?"

  First innuendo, I'll bet he'll reached twenty.

  “Answers, yes? Illegally, no,” she mumbled.

  This wasn't the way to go, Luxor should have been able to do it the normal way. Although if her life had any normality to it she wouldn't be here in the first place, she would be back in Hampton Cove, where she was a happy, materialistic cheerleader whose only worry was shoes. For now, she would have to wipe away her moral conscience, besides it wasn’t like she personally did it. She was just a bystander, but it didn't make any of this right.


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