The Enigma

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by Silena Buckelew

The Enigma

  By: Silena Buckelew

  Cover designed and illustrated by: Silena Buckelew

  Copyright 2013 Silena Buckelew

  This is a work of fiction. Any similarities with real life persons or events are purely coincidental.

  The Enigma


  The world was dying...

  ...and it was not humans who took upon solving such the great issue at hand. Even I had been blind to the disease that plagued the world until he opened my eyes.

  I was born onto the human world and lived with it and enjoyed it for years. I considered some of the humans my friends and could see potential in some. I thought most if how humanity ran was right....that our decisions were the best we could do for the time. I had been furious when it had been taken away and fought hard to retrieve it.

  I chose to defy all of what I was truly born to be all because I was attached to life of humanity. I chose to fight…

  I was, at the beginning of it all, still existing as a human did I see the mass eradication of humanity and its culture. Billions were killed; their cities razed to the ground in meager moments. All of the possessions the humans had, asides from the clothing on their backs, were gone. Just a small number remained.

  I was there with them, and when I saw the intruders, whom had carry out the disastrous deed of eradicating humanity, take a group of individuals into their compound, I rallied those around me to gather up any remaining arms of the human world and seek to reclaim those that they had stolen.

  We were few, so even such a few more was so precious to us.

  Using an old helicopter, surprisingly found in one piece a flyable, out mission began. I, leading them, we flew into the compound.

  We assaulted the place, doing the best we could to avoid any attack from our enemy; sneaking in through the back, using our weapons to keep that path clear… We had reached our stolen ones.

  Yet it had been that moment that the leader of the intruders decided to make attempt to squash our challenge.

  "Go! Continue the mission; get these people out." I commanded, "I'll stay here and take care of them."

  Those with me were hesitant. I had been leading them all up to that point. Abandoning their commander must have been unnerving to them.

  "GO…now! Or all will be wasted!" I commanded again.

  I barricaded the doors of which separated me from the leader of the Intruders and was left alone to face any whom would come through that door.

  I held my ground, holding the portal between I and the intruders closed, until I saw the helicopter fly safely away.

  Seeing it get smaller in the distance, I stepped away from my barricade and waited until the Intruders came through.

  The leader of the Intruders seemed to not look too surprised that I was standing there, alone, on the other side of the door that they had been so hard to break through.

  "What do you think you are doing?" he asked me. He, himself, looked human.

  "We came for our people." I replied bluntly.

  He grinned, showing unnaturally white, fanged teeth. He looked similarly human, so his sharp, clear, perfect features were unnerving. He looked like a perfect porcelain doll. In fact: all the intruders had similar look. But this leader of theirs; he had the more human look to him. It made his presence so much more unnerving, but still I did not waver.

  "We will follow them and find where that vehicle lands, then we will find all of your people." He stated to me.

  "I doubt that." I replied.

  "Oh, so you have already thought and planned around that." He said. "I am not surprised." His voice echoed a tone of amusement.

  "Don't make fun of me!" I shouted. "It was me that broke through you perfect line of defense. How can you be doing all of this anyway! Why have you come; and why have you attacked us?"

  "You misunderstand; we are helping." He stated. "Humanity is a poison to itself and this world. It was not supposed to be this way; so we enacted the program to reset. This is not the first time that we have had to reset humanity to assist it to its true form."

  "What are you talking about?" I asked him, confused by his meaning.

  He walked, calmly, closer to me, "Humanity is a seed placed up on this world, long ago, left to blossom to is perfection. However, it failed and was starting to wilt. We had no choice; left alone humanity would completely destroy itself."

  "What right have you to decide such a thing!" I snapped at him, furious at his cocky behavior.

  He looked at me as if he was studding me; looking at me, as if he was looking for something else, "This is interesting that you do not understand. You should have come to understand instantly; instead you side with those of which you are not."

  "What the hell are you talking about?"

  "Tell me: how man humans do you think is alive?"

  "I have no idea; I'm not the one who chose to wipe us out."

  "There you go again: adding yourself with them." He said to me. "Including you: there are 5,001 beings that had existed upon this world before our arrival remaining.."

  Such a low number shocked me.

  "It has been called the 'perfect amount' by our many encounters with reset upon other worlds."

  I gaped, "You've done this to others!"

  "We've done it to humans twice before; again, you should already know all of this." He stated.

  I glared at him, "Quit saying that! I’m human, like those you've killed; why would I know the reason why you've killed billions of people on this planet!"

  He turned to face me, pointing toward my face, "Because you're not human; not anymore. The moment we came to be upon this world, once again, you ceased in being human. This planet is ours, as are every planet in existence. We are the ones whom sow seeds of life upon worlds, hoping to birth a universe of synchronicity. We, the Enigmas, are the ones whom are the Kings of the world."

  I stared at him, listening to what he had to say.

  "Do you want to know more?" he asked as he lowered his hand. He looked around, "If you have no intention on directly fighting me and losing here, I suggest you simply follow me, and I will fully explain the situation to you since you don’t know."

  I eyed him as he turned his back and motioned for me to follow him. Seeing as my friends had escaped, and I had chance of escape against so many and without a way to get down from their tower, I saw no necessity in any attempt to fight them.

  I considered myself lucky that they had no decided to kill me outright; though I had become bemused by the way he had started talking to me.

  He led the way and I followed. The others that had joined him to confront me in that area had dispersed: leaving he and I alone.

  Some of the tower's village, as what was existed upon the top of the tower, inhabitants were looking at me as I passed them; and it was then I noticed a peculiar fact: every person there was male. There were no women in sight. All of them held different appearance, though; though all held some humanist quality to their appearance. They weren't "deformed" by any means; it was just how they were. Some of their body proportions were different; their skin colors variant; eye shape style from cat-like to almost bug-like; hands or claws… it was all just as they were, yet every one of them was "perfect" as they were. It was unnerving.

  There was a moment I realized I was trailing behind them man I had been following, and found myself making a small dash to catch up. He had barely even acknowledged that I had lagged behind until I had done so, making sure to keep up with him for the rest of the trek.

  He had led us to a central building and inside. He led me down a small hallway and towards a back room. As we passed a few small rooms I glanced into the rooms
. They were sparsely furnished and seemed only to contain what was necessity to live: places to sit in the forms of cushions, a small table, and I caught sight of a small kitchenette of sorts.

  He stopped at the door to the farthest room and turned to the side, motioning for me to enter the dark room first.

  Eyeing him as I walk past him, I proceeded into the room, stopping a few feet in. He followed me inside, stopping to stand next to me.

  "This is a chamber to view the world beneath the tower; seeing as it is the world of Earth, we can look down up that world." He stated. He placed a hand upon my back and ushered me forward, even further into the dark room. As the door had shut behind up, the room was completely dark.

  When we stopped walking, he removed his hand from my back, "Do not startle." He said to me.

  I looked towards the direction of his voice; he stood directly to my side but I had been unable to see him.

  Though that would change; the room lit suddenly. Above me, below me, and all around, the blackness changed to scenery.

  I looked around sharply,

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