Drop a Gear and Disappear (Kings of Vengeance, #1)

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Drop a Gear and Disappear (Kings of Vengeance, #1) Page 7

by Winter Travers

  “Yeah, they do a lot of that.” The Rolling Devils may only party on the weekends, but that didn’t mean they weren’t drinking the other five days of the week.

  “We didn’t see any sign of Kimber, though,” Dyno said.

  Another thing that wasn’t surprising. I knew they weren’t going to have her just hanging out in the front, but I had hoped that Dyno and Zephyr might have been able to get a sense of where she could be.

  There were four rooms in the clubhouse I had never been in before, and I wasn’t sure what they were. She had to be in one of them because all of the other rooms were bedrooms for the full members of the club.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I pulled it out to see a name I never thought I would see. “Core,” I growled.

  I swiped left and put the phone to my ear. “Where is she?” I demanded.


  “My name is Quinn, not fucking Gear.”

  “Right, right. Kimber said the same thing.”

  “Where the hell is she?” I demanded again.

  “She’s safe. She’s safe,” he repeated.

  My mind raced trying to figure why the hell Core was calling. Was he calling because the Devils wanted him to? “What the fuck is going on, Core?”

  “I can’t talk long, Quinn, but I wanted to call to let you know she’s okay. They’re holding her in the extra room in the back.”

  She had to be in one of the rooms I had never been in before. But could I trust anything Core was telling me? He was a member of the Rolling Devils, and he might be leading me into a trap. “And I’m supposed to believe what you’re telling me.”

  “No, but I’m telling you the truth, Quinn. Right now, the club doesn’t know what to do with her so she’s just sitting in that room.”

  “No one’s touched her?” I growled. My greatest fear was that Major or any one of those assholes was forcing themselves on Kimber.

  “Nah, man. I’m the only one that goes in the room. Major went in there right after everything went down, but he hasn’t been in there since.”

  “So what the fuck are you guys going to do with her?” It didn’t matter if they planned on letting her go right away, I was still going to kill every last one of them.

  “Told you, man. The club can’t decide what to do with her.”

  “What’s Hog saying?” I knew if it came down to it, Hog would be the one to decide what happened with her even if it was different from what the club wanted. Perks of being the president was the club followed whatever you wanted.

  “He wasn’t happy with how things went down between you and Major.”

  “He was gonna fucking touch her,” I growled. I knew deep down Major was testing me, but if I stood by and let him do what he wanted, he would have had Kimber in his bed and say in the end it was all a test as he threw her out of his room.

  “True, brother. He shouldn’t have tested you that way, but you went off the deep end. You both flipped the fuck out on each other.”

  “None of this is my fucking fault, Core. I was defending what was mine.”

  “That’s not what I’m saying, Quinn. I’m saying you know Major is a huge asshole and going up against him like you did was only going to drive him over the edge.”

  “So you’re just calling for a fucking counseling session and to tell me Kimber is okay?” I was done with this conversation because I had gotten all of the information I needed out of Core.

  “I’m calling to let you know Kimber is safe, and I’ll do whatever you need me to do to help get her out.”

  “Grab her and walk the fuck out the front door.”

  He laughed flatly. “You were part of the Rolling Devils for four months, Quinn. You really think that’s possible?”

  I knew it wasn’t. Core would be shot before he crossed the parking lot. But if he could get Kimber close enough for her to run, I wouldn’t care if the fucker was shot. “Then we’re done talking.”

  He sighed loudly. “I’ll call you in a couple of days to let you know what’s going on. We’re supposed to have church tomorrow night, and I’m sure Kimber will be brought up again.”

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I needed to reign in my emotions and realize that, although Core was part of the club that was holding Kimber, he was also in touch with her and could tell me how she was.

  “Call me after church. I want all of the fucking details.” I ended the call and clenched the phone in my hand.

  “That sounded somewhat good,” Dyno said quietly.

  “She’s fine. One of the guys I actually liked in the club is looking out for her, or at least, that’s what he says.”

  “We trust him?” Zephyr asked.

  “I did.” And now I didn’t fucking know. How could I trust someone who was directly connected to the club that was holding Kimber?

  “Trusting a guy who is in the club that beat the shit out of you and took your girl. Sounds like a great idea,” Sledge smirked sarcastically.

  “They’re having a meeting soon, and I told him to call me after. I guess we’ll see if he actually calls,” I muttered.

  “Why don’t we use this guy?” Rhino suggested. “We listen to what he has to say, but we don’t forget he’s in bed with the enemy.”

  “And what if he’s leading us into some trap? The Rolling Devils could be having him get in contact with you so they can lure you to the clubhouse and finish off the job they started before.” Dyno pulled a cigarette out of his pack and stuck it in the corner of his mouth. “I say we don’t trust the fucker until he proves himself.”

  “And how the hell do we have him prove himself?” Sledge asked.

  That was where I was at a loss, too. My gut told me to trust the guy, but my gut had also told me joining the Rolling Devils was a good idea. I couldn’t trust myself right now. “We listen to what he has to say, see if he’ll meet with us. Try to run him through the paces to see if we can trust him.”

  Rhino grabbed a slice of pizza from the box on the makeshift table made out of crates. “You really think this guy could be the in we are looking for?”

  “Worth a fucking shot,” Point grunted.

  Dyno moved to the door and motioned for me to follow him. The rest of the guys descended on the pizza, and I followed Dyno outside.

  “You hanging in there?” Dyno asked. He lit his cigarette and blew out a cloud of smoke.

  “Still pretty sore, but I’m getting better every day.”

  “You know that’s not what I’m fucking talking about.”

  I leaned against Dyno's truck and crossed my arms over my chest. “Kimber?” I asked.

  He nodded.

  I stared at the rundown building that was supposed to be my future and blew out a breath. “I at least know she’s alive, and Core said no one was touching her.”

  “Then what in the hell are they keeping her for?”

  I shrugged. “There are fifty different things they could be thinking. Pretty sure the number one reason they don’t let her go is because they know she’ll run straight to the police.”

  “Or to you,” Dyno pointed out.

  “Or that.”

  “You think they’re worried about you?”

  I turned my head and looked at Dyno. “If they aren’t, then they’re even bigger idiots than I thought.”

  “They’re never going to know what hit them,” Dyno chuckled.

  That was exactly how I wanted it to be.

  The Kings of Vengeance were coming.


  Chapter Fifteen


  More waiting...

  “Can’t I get something other than a sandwich?”

  Core grabbed the plate off the floor. “I’ve been trying, but Major watches me like a hawk when I come in here.”

  Stupid Major. “Asshole,” I hissed.

  “We had a meeting tonight,” he said quietly.


  “And Hog made plans to move you.”

  “Move me?”
I hissed. He made it sound like I was piece of furniture and not a woman he was keeping against her will.

  “It’s not a good move, darlin’.”

  “I doubt it’s worse than where I am right now.”

  Core crouched down in front of me. “When I say they’re moving you, I mean he sold you.”

  My mouth dropped open, and I gasped. “What? How? He can’t do that.”

  “You really think he cares if you think he can’t do that? It’s already done, darlin’.”

  I stuttered trying to gather my thoughts. “But I...What is...Core, he can’t think...What am I going to do?” I finally exclaimed.

  “Shh,” he hushed. “Keep it down. As of right now, he doesn’t know when they’ll be here to get you. He also promised three other girls to go with you, and right now, we just have you.”

  “Three more? He’s going to take three other girls just like he did me?”

  Core nodded. Apparently these five days gave Major the idea we go into human trafficking to make money for the club.”

  “And Hog is going along with this?” I hissed. “What kind of person just decides that they’ll start kidnapping and selling women?”

  “The bad kind, Kimber.”

  The bad kind. I had figured that out when I was tossed into this room with little to no light and barely enough food. “The only way I’m leaving this place is with Quinn, Core. And you can bet your ass as soon as he gets me out of here and I know we’re both safe, I’m going to kick him square in the ass for getting us into this shit.”

  Core chuckled. “I’ll make sure to tell him that when I talk to him later.”

  I was jealous as hell that Core was talking to Quinn. “Give me your phone so I can tell him myself.”

  Core looked back at the door. “Kimber, I don’t know if I should do that. If one of the guys walks in here and sees you talking on the phone, we’re both going to be dead.”

  “Just thirty seconds, Core. I just want to hear his voice with my own ears,” I pleaded. I had come to trust Core. I didn’t really have much choice. So far, he was the only person I had seen since Major threw me in here, and he did bring me breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. “Please, Core.”

  He pulled his phone out and swiped a few times. “You’re gonna get us both killed if anyone sees you on the phone.” He handed me the phone, and I pressed it to my ear.

  “‘About fucking time.”

  “Quinn,” I gasped.

  “Kimber? Holy fuck, baby.”

  I clenched the phone in my hand and closed my eyes. I had never heard anything better than my name from Quinn’s lips. “Quinn,” I whispered. The shittiness of the past five days washed over me, and I knew I was going to lose it. “Quinn,” I repeated.

  “Baby, I’m here. Are you okay? Is something wrong? I’m coming for you.”

  I knew Quinn wouldn’t give up on me. It was taking time, but I knew he wouldn't leave me here. “I’m fine. I just needed to hear your voice.”

  He sighed heavily. “Dammit, baby. I can hear the tears in your voice. Don’t cry. I’m gonna get you out of there, and I’ll never let anything happen to you ever again.”

  “I’m gonna hold you to that, Quinn. I just told Core I was going to kick your ass as soon as I knew were both safe.”

  “Kimber,” Core whispered. “Wrap it up.”

  I moved back and clutched the phone to my ear. “I can’t talk long, Quinn. I just needed to hear for myself that you’re alive.”

  “I’m alive, baby. I’m not resting ‘til I have you back.”

  “Be careful, Quinn.”

  “Don’t worry about me, baby. Just try to stay safe, and I’ll have you out of there soon.”

  I bit my lip and closed my eyes. “I love you, Quinn. I know I never told you that before, but I do. I loved you before you got my ass taken, and I still love you.”

  He chuckled low. “That’s good to know, baby. Gotta think if you can love me even if I’m the reason you’re in trouble, then we’re gonna last.”

  “We will,” I whispered.

  “Kimber,” Core hissed again.

  “I hear Core being a pansy in the background. I’ll let you go, but just know I’ll see you soon. I love you, baby.”

  I took the words he spoke and held them close to my heart. “You, too,” I whispered. I handed the phone back to Core and laid down on the mattress. “Thank you, Core.”

  Core slid the phone back into his pocket and picked up my empty plate. “Just sit tight, Kimber. I got a feeling some shit is about to go down before all of this is over and done.”

  He slipped out of the room, and the darkness I was used to surrounded me.

  I fell asleep making a list of things I was going to do after Quinn got me out of here.

  Kissing the hell out of Quinn was at the top of the list, but taking a hot shower was a close second.

  I was ready to get out of here, and I had all faith in Quinn he was going to make it happen.

  He loved me, after all.


  Chapter Sixteen


  The pieces fall into place...

  “Dyno, where is everyone?” I stared at my apartment building, still trying to wrap my head around the conversations I just had with Kimber and Core.

  “Uh, we’re all at the clubhouse. Don’t have much other place to be.”

  “I just talked to Kimber.”

  “Holy fuck,” Dyno swore.

  “Yeah. Then after I got off the phone with her, Core called me. Shit is going down, and we need to make our move soon. Gather all of the guys. Church in an hour.” I ended the call and dropped the phone on the seat next to me.

  I had taken Dyno’s truck over to the apartment.

  I watched Fancy walk out the front entrance and ducked down so she wouldn’t see me.

  I wasn’t quick enough.

  “Gear!” she shouted. She pranced over to the truck in her high as shit heels and pounded on the passenger side window. “Open this damn door,” she demanded.

  I unlocked the door only because I didn’t want her drawing attention to me. “Keep it down, Fancy,” I mumbled.

  She swung the door open and hauled her ass up into the truck. “Where in the hell have you been?” she demanded. “Better yet, where in the hell is my best friend?”

  “People looking for her?” I asked. I had hoped to get Kimber back before people would start noticing but time was getting away from me.

  “Well, besides me, her damn job was wondering where the hell she was,” she spat.

  “Fuck. You tell them anything?” If the cops were looking for Kimber then that was going to cause a whole other set of problems for me to deal with.

  She glared at me and curled her lip. “I told them she was sick, and then I went into the damn bathroom and pretended to be her to call in sick. Now tell me where the hell Kimber is.”

  “She’s with the Rolling Devils.” There wasn’t any point in beating around the bush with Fancy. She would just nag the truth out of me eventually.

  “You’re a Rolling Devil so why are you here and she’s not?” she demanded.

  I picked at the shirt I was wearing. “You see a cut on me, doll?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “No, which is odd because I have never seen you without one.”

  “I’m not a Devil anymore. Not since they beat the shit out of me, dumped me in a ditch, and took Kimber.”

  Fancy’s jaw dropped. “Say what?” she gasped.

  “Yeah, shit got crazy real quick.” Shit I should have seen coming, but like they say, hindsight it twenty/twenty.

  “So, what in the hell are you doing here? Why aren’t you going in there guns blazing getting her back?” she shrieked.

  I shook my head and rested my hands on the steering wheel. “Because if I do that, I’ll be dead and Kimber will be sold to the highest bidder.”

  “Sold? What in the hell do you mean by sold?” Fancy was going through all of the reactions and feeling I ha
d when I found everything out about Kimber. She was just much more dramatic about it.

  The phone call with Core after Kimber called me was very enlightening. The time I thought I had to get things in order was cut to two or three days. Waiting longer than that would put Kimber at even more risk. “I’m not gonna go into it with you, Fancy. Just know I’m gonna do everything I can to get Kimber back.”

  “Then why are you here? I know she’s not here since I’ve been covering for her for almost a week.”

  I nodded toward the apartment. “Need some things from the apartment but I didn’t want to be seen.” As far as Core told me, the Rolling Devils weren’t worried about me. Core said they looked for me for a couple of days, but when they couldn’t find me, they gave it up. Even more proof they were fucking idiots.

  “Well, what the hell are you waiting for? I’ll watch your back.” She opened the door to the truck and hopped down.

  “Fancy,” I called.

  She slammed her door shut, leaving me no choice but to get out too. “Fancy,” I called again. I walked around the front of the truck and blocked her path to walk back to the apartment. “You don’t need to have my back. I just wanted to make sure the cops weren’t sniffing around.”

  She rolled her eyes and tapped her high-heel clad toe.

  “But I do need your key.” My keys were back at the Rolling Devils clubhouse with my bike.

  “Are you kidding me? How were you going to get in if I hadn’t seen you?” she asked.

  “I have certain set of skills I acquired when I was in prison.”

  She reached into her purse and muttered, “Certain skills my ass.” She held out her keys. “I’ll wait here and keep an eye on the door.”

  I grabbed the keys and didn’t argue with her wanting to watch the door. It would keep her off my back while I grabbed what I needed.

  It was weird walking into the place Kimber and I had shared after the shit that had went down the past week. We had only lived together for two months before shit hit the fan, but it felt a hell of a lot longer than that.


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