Copper (RBMC: Tulsa, OK Book 2)

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Copper (RBMC: Tulsa, OK Book 2) Page 8

by K. Webster

  “Hungry?” I ask, coming to sit on the bed beside her.

  She nods, a tear escaping. “Are you going to uncuff me or is this my new life now?”

  “Depends on you.” I lift a brow at her. “Behave and eat this food I’m going to feed you. Then, I’ll see about letting you out of this bed for a bathroom and shower break.”

  “Then what?” Her bottom lip wobbles, making my chest ache for some stupid reason. “What will happen then? What can I expect? Are you going to…” Another tear skates down.

  I fist my hand so I don’t do something stupid like swipe it away. “Am I going to what?”

  “Kill me.”

  My jaw clenches and I pin her with a hard glare. “You’ve painted me as a fucking villain, Stormy, and to be honest, it’s not fair. I’m not the monster you’ve created inside your head.” I point toward the window. “The real monsters are out there. One day, when you get your head out of your ass, you’ll see. Until then, you can slowly die of fucking boredom.”

  I drop the plate on the bed beside her before fishing the key out of my pocket. After unlocking the handcuffs, I pocket them and stand.

  “Eat your food. Shower. Do whatever the fuck you want except leave.” I shrug and start toward the door. “Just remember your place around here. If you want to be ungrateful for me saving your ass from certain death by the hands of my Royal Bastards brothers, then I’ll happily drop you back on their doorstep. I’m done, Stormy. So fucking done. There are no more free chances with me.”


  Five Months Later…

  I thought he was fucking with me.

  Dying of boredom.

  Yeah, right. I’m a captive of a Fed gone bad who’s affiliated with Oklahoma’s most ruthless motorcycle gang. Boredom wasn’t what I anticipated.

  I expected Dragon to pounce on me in the middle of the night, his knife cutting me from my throat to my gut before I even knew what happened. I surely thought Koyn would put a bullet in my head by now. Or, at the very least, I expected Copper to go back on his word and fuck me against my will.

  Instead, they’ve done nothing.

  Copper is diligent about handcuffing me to the bed at night and when he leaves but allows me to roam while he’s here. He speaks the bare minimum to me and buries himself in his work. Sometimes, we end up watching a movie together, but it’s not like it was when I first got here. All interest in me has faded to nothing.

  I’m a chore to him.


  Something he’ll eventually grow bored of.

  But it’s different for me. Because he’s the only person I ever see, I look forward to when he comes home. Not just because I want to be uncuffed so I can take a bathroom break. It’s because I crave the sound of his voice and his scent. I need to speak to him more than I need food or to use the toilet.

  I hate what he’s turned me into.

  This needy, desperate woman who wants her captor to hold her like she’s special to him.

  My thoughts drift to Hadley. I basically have to drag information out of Copper when it comes to Hadley, but I always manage to get some answers. His news a few weeks ago shocked me to my core. They got married. Jared “Koyn” Koynakov married little Hadley “PG” Genworth. I knew Koyn had been married in the past, but I never expected him to marry again. Especially not a girl who’s nearly the same age his daughter would have been. I wanted to assume she’d married him under duress, but the picture Copper showed me told a different story. Hadley and Koyn’s kiss in front of the altar of a small church was a picture of perfection. Love and happiness captured in one kiss. A photograph pretty enough to be on a romance cover.

  One day, maybe I’ll have that.

  If I can ever go from captive handcuffed to a bed to normal human being.

  Speaking of captors…

  “When’s Daddy getting home, Hansel?”

  The dog lifts his head from my thigh and whines. Gently, I stroke my fingers over his head. He must realize Copper’s not here yet because he sighs and lays his head back down. The bed shakes as Gretel joins us. She snuggles up close to the pillows, trying to push her brother away so I’ll pet her instead.

  Had you told me I’d enjoy the companionship of two Dobermans six months ago, I would’ve laughed. I was terrified—still am—of dogs. Just not these dogs. They like me and I like them. I’ve caught Copper’s surprised expression a few times when he sees how taken they are with me. Being cuffed to the bed all day makes me feel vulnerable, but having the sibling pups by my side keeps me calm because they’re the best protectors I could ask for.

  A car door slams outside, making both dogs fly off the bed, barking with excitement. My own heart rate skips over itself, eager to see Copper. Most days, he uncuffs me and then disappears to work out. After he’s done his gym routine, he showers and then cooks for me. I wish, for once, he’d give me the time of day. Talk to me like he used to. Touch me, desire me, kiss me. Anything. His aloofness is driving me insane.

  His deep voice rumbles through the house as he loves on his dogs. Soon, I hear them raising hell outside when he finally allows them their freedom. Like clockwork, he walks into my bedroom, his eyes anywhere but on me as he fishes his key out of his pocket.

  “How was work?” I ask, hoping to get him to converse with me today.

  “Work is work,” he grunts.

  “Copper, I—”

  “I’m going to work out. We can talk later.”

  His masculine scent—pine and something uniquely him—engulfs me as he perches on the bed beside me. I drink in his handsome features. Fingertips brush against my wrist, making me shiver. My nipples harden and I can’t even deny my want for this man. I’m so fucked up.

  Before he can escape, I grab his muscular, tattooed forearm. Now that it’s almost summer, he wears the sexiest fitted Polo shirts to work that show off every sculpted curve. I bet all the bitches at his work salivate over my man.


  He’s not mine.

  But, oh, how I want him.

  “What?” His features are tight as he glances at my hold on his arm.

  “I’m stuck here all day…” I trail off. “I thought I could work out with you today.”

  His dark eyes narrow as he studies me. Normally, it unnerves me when he does this. Today, I leave myself wide-open and visible. He needs to see I really want this.

  “Fine,” he grumbles. “But no whining. If you’re gonna whine, you can whine in the kitchen and make us supper.”

  “You like it when I whine,” I tease. “Makes you want to give me something to whine about.”

  His eyes flash with barely contained hunger, shocking the hell out of me. Okay, so I can work with this.

  “Meet me in the home gym in five,” he grunts out, stalking out of the room like his ass is on fire.

  I suppress a girly squeal. This is the most excitement I’ve had in months. Quickly, I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, and pull my wild blond mane into a high ponytail. After smearing on some lip gloss, I hunt down some yoga pants, a tight white tank top, and my tennis shoes. I’d even say I look almost like the usual me aside from the freaky shock collar on my neck. It’s definitely the slutty version of a workout outfit considering I don’t have a sports bra and I’ve forgone a regular bra. My nipples are visible beneath the fabric, which makes me grin.

  Have fun ignoring me now, asshole.

  I practically skip to the home gym located in the basement. One wall of the basement overlooks the lake. It’s a pretty view, especially with the storm clouds rolling in. The better view is of Copper’s muscular, tattooed back. He’s sexy as hell shirtless and in nothing but a low-slung pair of black basketball shorts. His focus is on the dumbbell he’s curling, making his bicep pop with each time he brings it to him.

  Ignoring the urge to drool, I walk over to the treadmill and turn it on. I begin at a brisk pace and soon turn it up so I can run. For the next half hour, I work my ass off on the machine while secretly stealin
g glances at Copper as he makes his way through his weights. The sky outside darkens with the late May storm that’s brewing making the windows seem like mirrors. Despite Copper facing the window, I can feel his gaze burning into me in the reflection. I bite on my lip when I take in my own reflection. My tits bounce with each step I take and my ponytail swings back and forth.

  “We can’t work out together,” Copper complains, dropping his dumbbell to the mat. “You’re a distraction.”

  I mash the button to stop the machine and step off. “How? I was being quiet.”

  He waves a hand at my tits. “You know fucking why, Stormy.”

  A thrill shoots down my spine, but I feign innocence. “Actually, I don’t. Explain it to me.”

  “Your tits. Kind of hard to focus when I have to look at them.”

  “Oh, you poor thing,” I snap, annoyed that he’s being a dick. “Some of us just enjoy the scenery and don’t act like a pussy about it.”

  He takes an angry step toward me and on instinct, I place a palm to his hard chest that now wears a sheen of sweat. His head cocks to the side as he studies me up close. My heart hammers in my chest, eager for wherever he takes us.

  “Make a list of the shit you need and I’ll get it next time I’m out,” he grunts. “Put sports bras on that list if you want to do this again.”

  “Fine,” I yell, swiveling away from him, “I’ll go ahead and put a vibrator on there too so my vagina doesn’t dry up from non-use.”

  His grip on my ponytail has me halting and my heart leaping into my throat. He steps closer, his erection pressing into me from behind me. Warm lips brush along the sweaty column of my neck above the shock collar.

  “You’ve been such a good girl for months. Why are you deciding to run your mouth now?” he demands, his free hand sliding to my stomach while the other one tugs at my ponytail. “Did you miss the monster?”

  My body shudders at his touch. “You’re not a monster.”

  Thunder rumbles nearby, making the windows rattle. I lean into his touch as I glance out to check on the storm. Lightning flashes and the trees move with the wind that’s begun to pick up speed. My eyes find their way back to our reflection, though. To an outsider, this would most certainly be a lover’s embrace.

  I grip his hand to guide it south of my stomach, but he stops me with his words.

  “Grab a shower. We should start dinner in case we lose power. Hop to it,” he barks out, releasing me. “Now, little storm.” His palm playfully smacks my ass.

  Before I can argue, he’s gone. On my way to the bathroom, I hear him chiding the dogs about getting dirty. I strip out of my clothes and take a quick shower, annoyed I’ve missed an opportunity to seduce Copper. Truth is, I’ve never had to work too hard to get a guy to want me. From my experience, they see my tits and want to jump into bed with me. I know Copper is attracted to me, but because I accused him of being a rapist, he’s going out of his way to treat me like I’m nothing he’d ever be interested in.

  I shower off the sweat and then hunt down a sexy outfit. Because Copper is really kind of a good guy under his tough exterior, he managed to get all my stuff from Koyn’s. In the past, though, I’d dress in something slutty that screamed biker babe. Since the jig is up, I opt for something hot but comfortable. I find a pair of frayed, holey denim shorts that make my ass look good and couple it with a too-tight red T-shirt that shows my midriff, making sure to again leave off the bra. He keeps it cold in his house, so I pull on some University of Arkansas knee-high socks I stole from my sister last time I saw her. I keep my hair in a ponytail and then set out to find Copper.

  His bedroom door is closed and I can hear the shower going, so I make my way into the kitchen to start dinner. A pang of regret hits me in the chest as I remember all the times Bermuda and I would cook together. Like my own brother, Bermuda made me laugh and seemed to enjoy my presence in a non-sexual way. Of all the people I fucked over, I hate what I did to him the most. I hope Hadley’s taking care of him. Thinking of Hadley makes my throat burn with emotion. Copper says she’s still alive and happy. It’s all I can ask for. Blowing my cover was worth it for her.

  Blinking back my tears, I set to work on a dish Bermuda made all the time. Cowboy stir-fry. Rather than the usual Asian-inspired veggies, Bermuda’s consisted of seasoned hamburger meat cooked in Worcestershire sauce, onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, corn, carrots, and black beans. He served it over rice and usually made jalapeno cornbread to go with it. Copper doesn’t have cornbread mix, so I pop some biscuits in the oven instead and pull out the grape jelly.

  I freeze when the scent of manly soap envelops me and Copper’s heat warms my back.

  “That smells good,” he rumbles, his breath tickling my hair.

  I suppress a shiver, turning my head slightly to catch a peek at him. His dark eyes are intense and his wet hair flops over one brow, making him seem boyish and younger. My core clenches with desire for this ridiculously hot man.

  “Bermuda’s recipe,” I murmur. “Hope I make it as good as he does.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be just fine,” he replies as he steps back, giving my ass a pat as he does it. “Red wine go with this redneck meal?”

  “A Bud Light is more fitting,” I say with a grin.

  “Sorry to break your heart, Joe Dirt, but all I have is a locally brewed IPA. Is that good enough?”

  “Beer’s beer and better than wine.” I shrug before turning back to finishing up our meal.

  While he sets to fishing out beer from the fridge, I plate up our food and set it on the bar. The dogs circle my feet, giving me their best eyes, but Copper already laid down the law about them eating human food. Their butts can’t handle it. Literally. I regret sneaking Hansel bacon once. My nostrils still burn from that mishap.

  Copper pops the cap off my beer and slides it my way before doing the same for his. I butter up a biscuit for him and slather on some grape jelly before setting it on his plate. He frowns at me but murmurs out his thanks. We’re quiet as we eat. If I’m being honest with myself, my Cowboy stir-fry tastes as good as Bermuda’s. I wish he were here so I could razz him about it.

  With a sad sigh, I slide off the barstool when I finish my meal to set to cleaning up the kitchen. Copper puts away the leftovers. I’m working on scrubbing the last pan I cooked in when the lights flicker out, bathing us in darkness. The dogs whine from nearby.

  “The radar said we’re under a—”

  Before Copper can get his words out, the tornado sirens begin their eerie wail. Panic climbs up my throat and I whimper out Copper’s name.

  A strong hand grabs mine, tugging me through the darkness. He walks us to a closet under the stairs. With the mash of a button, he bathes the small room in a battery-operated light. A thin twin-sized foam pad takes up most of the floor. Pillows and blankets are piled up at the end. Near the bed are two dog cushions. He whistles for the dogs. Because this is Oklahoma and they’re used to this sort of thing, they plop down on their cushions. Copper closes the door with us inside and then motions for the bed.

  I sit down on my knees so I can fix up the bed for us to lie on. Once it’s situated, I stretch out on one side. Copper looms above me, still hot in a black T-shirt and gray sweatpants. I want to climb him like a tree. Instead, I remain still and waiting. He crawls in next to me, propping himself up against the pillows. I want to touch him or straddle him, but we’ve made such progress. I don’t want to piss him off and scare him away.

  “Is it safe here?” I ask, toying with a thread on my shorts.

  “You’ll be fine.” His fingers absently twist in my ponytail, making me tremble.

  Thunder rumbles loud enough the house seems to shake. Both dogs yelp, causing Copper to chuckle.

  “They’re pussies,” he says to me. “The both of them.”

  I take the opportunity to curl into him, hooking my leg over his. His body stiffens, but he doesn’t push me away. “I’m a pussy too,” I reveal. “Now you have three babies to t
ake care of.”

  “Just my luck,” he drawls out, a playfulness in his tone.

  “How’s Hadley doing?” I ask, unable to keep in the question any longer. “I miss her.”

  He lets out a heavy sigh. I wonder if he’ll ignore my question. After a long minute, he pulls his phone out of his pocket. “She’s good. Her belly is cute.”

  I’m shocked when he swipes his phone open and locates some pictures of her on his phone. It’s from the most recent monthly Q. It isn’t until I see everyone partying it up, all grins as they eat and hang out, that I feel a great sense of loss.

  Copper relinquishes his phone so I can swipe through the pictures. The first one is Hadley sitting in Koyn’s lap. Her belly is swollen with his child. Koyn isn’t smiling, but his eyes don’t lie. He’s happy as hell. Hadley grins in a goofy way that says all is right in her world. The picture blurs as tears well in my eyes. Quickly, I swipe to the next picture of Gibson. His acoustic guitar is perched on his thigh and his head is bowed. Gibson might goof around with Bizzy a lot, but he’s a sad soul underneath his usual grins. It comes out in his music. There are a few pictures of Payne, Halo, and Bizzy. In a picture where Nees grins, flipping off the camera, Filter broods in the background, his angry glare pinned on the camera as though he’s looking right at me.

  “He’ll get over it,” Copper rumbles.

  I swallow down the niggling fear and swipe to the next picture. Bermuda is sprawled out in his lawn chair, his cheeks rosy from being drunk, a lazy grin on his face. His OU hat is flipped backward on his head and a little crooked. My heart clenches at seeing him.

  “I miss Bermuda,” I admit. “Most of all, I think.”

  Copper doesn’t say anything, just continues to play with my hair in a soothing way. I flip to the next picture. It’s of Katana, a rare smirk on his face. Usually, he shows no emotion. It makes me wonder what he’s looking at. The next picture answers my question. Dragon, a demonic grin on his face, has a marshmallow on a stick, flaming bright from where he’s caught it on fire and is trying to offer it to Hadley. Koyn looks ready to shove that fiery stick up his ass. A laugh bubbles out of me.


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