Walk of Shame Series (Books 1-6)

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Walk of Shame Series (Books 1-6) Page 86

by Victoria Ashley

  I’m just sitting back, taking a break from playing ball when I hear footsteps in the grass beside me.

  My heart does a little happy dance when I see my father standing beside me, watching Kash and Alec with a smile on his face.

  It’s been a while since he’s seen Alec so carefree and fun with anyone besides the two of us.

  “This is the guy you’ve been telling me about?”

  “Yes. He’s so good with Alec that I seriously have no words, dad. They’ve been spending time together all morning and afternoon. It makes me so undeniably happy.”

  “Hey.” He reaches for my hand and helps me up to my feet. “Makes your old man happy, too. I knew that piece of shit father of his would never do these types of things with him. I just hope you’re sure he’s going to stick around and not hurt Alec.”

  I turn away from my dad and laugh as Kash hits the ball and then picks Alec up and begins running to first base with him.

  The look on Alec’s face is pure happiness.

  “You see that?”

  My dad nods. “Yeah, I do.”

  “That tells me that he’s not going anywhere. I have to listen to my heart and that’s exactly what I plan to do.”

  “You love him?”

  “I do. A lot more than I ever imagined I could in such a short time. Everything I do is for Alec and I believe he needs Kash just as much as I do.” I turn back to face my dad again to see him smiling at me.

  “I haven’t seen you this happy in a long time, baby girl. So I’m going to trust this Kash guy is going to take care of your heart better than Knight did.”

  Just then Kash looks up at us. He freezes for a second, before pointing up the hill to show Alec who’s just joined us.

  I can tell Kash is a little nervous but he waits for Alec to take off running before he walks up the hill, behind him, trying to keep his cool.

  He waits for my dad to get done hugging Alec, before he reaches out to shake his hand. “It’s good meeting you, sir. I admire how much you love and take care of your daughter and grandson. Reminds me a lot of how my father would be if he were still around.”

  My chest aches at the reminder of Kash losing his father. I lost my mother too but it was from her running off when I was young. I can’t even imagine his loss.

  “It’s nice to meet you too, young man.” My dad gives him a sympathetic look and gives his hand a pat. “I’m sorry to hear you lost your father. He sounds like he was a good man and from what I hear from my daughter . . . you are too.”

  “Thank you, sir. I do my best.” He smiles. “You here to play some ball? There’s always room for one more.”

  My dad shakes his head releases Kash’s hand finally. “Not today. Just wanted to swing by and meet the guy my daughter’s been telling me about for the last couple weeks.”

  “Okay, I’m ready to play again!”

  Kash smiles and tosses the ball up to Alec when he begins bouncing around with energy.

  “Looks like I’ve got a kid to play with.” Kash reaches out and grabs my father’s shoulder. “I hope to see you again soon. For longer next time.”

  “Me too,” my father says with a sincere smile. “Take care of my daughter and grandson until then. That’s all I ask.”

  “That’s all I want,” Kash responds. He leans in and kisses me on the forehead. “We’ll meet you on the field, babe.”

  Happiness fills me as I watch Kash run down after Alec, them stopping every so often to toss the ball back and forth to each other.

  “I have to say I’m impressed with this young man.” He kisses my forehead. “I should get going. My guys are a little behind so I’ve got to light a fire under their asses to get this job done.”

  “Alright, dad.” He gets ready to walk away, but I stop him. “Thank you, dad.”

  “For what?”

  “For always talking care of us. Just like Kash said. I know I haven’t really told you how much it means to me.”

  “You’re my baby. Always will be.”

  I smile and watch him walk away, before I make my way over to where Kash is pitching the ball for Alec.

  “Way to go!” I scream when Alec hits the ball across the field. “Wooo!”

  Alec gets a big grin on his face as he takes off running to first base.

  “Your turn, momma.” Kash winks and tosses the ball up, before catching it. “I’ll take it easy on you.”

  “Yeah!” Alec yells. “Come on, mommy. You can hit it too.”

  I narrow my eyes at Kash and pick up the bat, getting into stance. “Oh I know I’ll hit it. I’m not worried. Just wanted to let you boys warm up first.”

  “Is that it?” Kash asks with an amused smile. “Someone being Mrs. Cocky now?”

  I lift a brow. “Maybe you rubbed off on me.”

  “I love that.” Kash says with a grin.

  “Hurry and throw the ball!” Alec yells. “I’m ready to win!”

  “Alright.” Kash winds up before pitching the ball.

  Both boys look at me with wide eyes when the bat smashes the ball across the park.

  This has me doing a little happy dance all the way to first base.

  I know this is just the beginning, but I’m hoping with everything in me that things stay this way for as long as possible.

  Kash being here makes everything feel so complete. Makes me believe that everything in this world is A-Okay.

  I never thought that feeling was possible until him . . .


  Six months later . . .

  “RIGHT HERE, BUDDY.” I’M CROUCHED down in front of Alec, holding my forearms up for him to punch. “A few more times. You’re almost done.”

  Alec does as told, letting out a grunt with each impact. The face he’s making is of pure concentration.

  “Good. Now elbows.”

  “I’m so strong, Kash!”

  “Yeah you are, “lil man. Pretty soon you might be able to take me.”

  I pull the sparring pads off my forearms and grab Alec’s head, resting my forehead to his. “I’m proud of you. Love you, bud.”

  “Love you too, Kash.” He smiles when I mess up his hair. “Watch this.”

  I stand up and watch with a proud smile as Alec begins punching and elbowing the air.

  The sound effects only make it that much better to watch. I don’t remember ever being as good with that when I was a kid and my father taught me how to fight.

  I love knowing that I’m the one who taught Alec everything he knows about fighting and self-defense. Makes me feel like my father. He was the greatest man I ever knew and it’s because of him I know how to be a father to Alec right now.

  “You two behaving?”

  We both look over at the sound of Eden’s voice.

  My heart still goes crazy at the sight of her even after all these months. I’m pretty positive it’s only gotten more intense as time has passed.

  Alec runs around in a circle and begins punching the air again. “Watch this, mommy! Kash says I’ll be able to take him soon.”

  A huge smile spreads over Eden’s face as she watches her son go all crazy on the air like nothing in this world can hold him down. “Good job, baby boy. Just remember what you promised me, okay?”

  “I know!” He stops punching the air and runs over to give Eden a hug. “I promise not to hit anyone.”

  She grabs his head and kisses it. “And I know you’ll keep that promise. Remember how Kash taught you the importance of keeping promises?”

  He nods his head. “Yes, mommy. Kash is a good teacher. First baseball and now fighting. I’m going to be so cool!”

  I laugh and walk over to take Alec’s gloves off. “So cool, kid. Now why don’t you run over and have a snack before we take off.”

  As soon as Alec runs out of the room, headed to the snack area, I grab Eden’s waist and pull her against me. “Fuck, baby. I’ve missed you all day.”

  She grins and wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me down to her.
“Looks like you and Alec have been having fun running this place together though. I’m sure you can’t miss me that much.”

  I growl and pull her bottom lip into my mouth. “If Alec weren’t here, I’d show you just how much. I’m sure you’d believe me then.”

  She places her hands to my chest and laughs when I run my short beard over her neck, teasing her. “As much as I wish we had time for this . . .” She tugs on my beard, pulling me in for a kiss. “The others are waiting on us. Styx has already started the grill and Meadow has sent me three texts telling us to hurry before the guys lose their shit. Apparently, they’re starving.”

  “Fuck me,” I growl. “They can start without us. They’re not going to miss us if we’re twenty or forty minutes late or so. I’ll let you choose which room. Alec will be busy with snacks for a while. He won’t even notice we’re gone.”

  “And let him empty out the snack stash?” She shakes her head and begins backing away with a grin. “Why don’t you get this place closed down and Alec and I will meet you at Cale’s. Riley has already text me that she’s home.”

  I grunt and run my hands down my sweaty face. “Alright, babe. But you’re mine after this little cookout and Alec falls asleep. We’re both turning our phones off and I’m dedicating all my energy into making you scream my name.”

  She laughs when I lift a brow and slap her ass.

  “I’m serious, babe. Our friends barely give us any alone time anymore. I’m desperate to get you to myself. No fucking lie.”

  I grab her hand, before she can get too far away and pull her back against me. “Kash, we’ve gotta go!” She closes her eyes and moans when I run my tongue over her lips. “Okay,” she breathes. “Our phones are going off after this cookout. I promise.”

  “I knew you’d say that,” I tease. “You never can resist my mouth.”

  “That’s not a lie.” She kisses my neck and turns away. “See you there.”

  I push down on my erection and watch as she walks away, that perfect ass of hers swaying in front of me.

  I only seem to want her more with each day we spend together and to be honest, I’ve never been happier in my damn life.

  Everything is going fucking perfect.

  I opened my training gym two months ago. I’ve been teaching MMA to both kids and adults and I couldn’t have asked for a better family of people to have at my gym as both trainers and students.

  Eden and I moved in with each other just before I opened my gym and Alec was so excited I was going to be around more that he slept at the foot of our bed for a week straight and followed me around the house every chance he got.

  We’ve been spending all the time in the world together that it honestly feels as if he’s my own son. I love him as if he is. That’s for sure.

  Eden took Knight to court and set up child support arrangements and that’s the only involvement he has in Alec’s life now.

  That’s pretty fucking shitty on his part but Alec doesn’t seem to mind now that he’s with me every day and like I said before . . . I’m not going anywhere.

  After shutting off the lights and closing down for the night, I hop into my truck and head over to Cale’s.

  Of course the whole crew is already here when I walk through the back fence.

  Slade, Aspen and their newborn son Mason.

  Hemy and Onyx with her swollen belly.

  Cale, Riley and baby Haven.

  Stone and Sage.

  Styx and Meadow.

  And my family: Eden and Alec.

  They’re all sitting around the huge table, waiting for my ass to arrive.

  There’s so much food out that you’d think we’re expecting the whole neighborhood to show up.

  Slade stands up and tosses a brat at me with a grin. “Sit down so we can eat, dickhead.”

  “Language!” Aspen scolds him. “You’re gonna have to learn to get that in check now.”

  Slade uncovers Mason’s ears. “I covered his ears, babe. I’ll take care of this little guy with my life.” He kisses his baby on the forehead as if he’s the most precious thing in this world. “I love this little guy more than my own life.”

  “You’re a good father,” Riley adds. “I’m so happy for the two of you. Even though you didn’t tell us right away! But . . . I guess I forgive you.”

  Sage reaches over Stone to grab for the corn, but he bites her arm and hands it to her instead. “I got you, babe.”

  “Bite me again and I’ll be sure to bite you later.”

  Onyx laughs and rubs her belly. “You should know by now that threatening to bite any of these men will do nothing but turn them on and excite them.”

  “I’m always excited,” Hemy says with a grin. “Bite me and it’s on against every surface in the house. Pregnant or not. You’re gonna feel that bite.”

  I take my seat between Alec and Eden and cover Alec’s ears. “Hey now. There’s little ears here that understands somewhat. Let’s not talk about banging all around the house. Not until we’re away from the table at least.”

  Eden leans in and kisses my neck. “Thank you, babe. I was too far away to protect him from this crazy group.”

  “Ouch!” Meadow squeals as Styx bites her bottom lip with a growl. “That was really hard!”

  Styx rubs his thumb over her lip and then gently kisses it. “Sorry, babe. All this talk about biting has me wanting to be rough.”

  “Really guys?” Cale says while bouncing Haven up and down on his knee. “Can we ever get through dinner without someone being bitten or fondled? Just remember at some point these babies are growing up.” He rubs the top of Alec’s head. “And We have this little guy.”

  Alec laughs and bites into his hotdog as if he’s just happy to be here with everyone.

  We’ve been doing this once a month for the last six months and Alec loves being around everyone. He barely wants to leave once we get here so we have to wait for him to fall asleep so we can slip out without him noticing.

  We’re all a big family here and no one will ever let anyone hurt our family.

  Alec jumps up and screams Hannah’s name when her and Abe show up.

  He somehow managed to weasel his way back into her life. But I’m good with it as long as he doesn’t hurt her again. I’d hate to have to kick his ass after he’s been working his ass off for me.

  I take a bite of my steak, before leaning over to run my lips up Eden’s neck, stopping below her ear. “I love you so damn much, baby. This—us being a family—makes me happier than I’ve ever been. I’m never going anywhere. You and Alec are my life. Never forget that.”

  She turns to me and grabs my face, pulling me in close so she can speak against my lips. “I know that, baby . . . Alec knows that. We love you more than life. We’re a family and I would’ve have it any other way.”

  Eden and Alec have made my life complete in the last six months and I promise to do everything in my power to keep them safe and protected.

  I’d give my life just to keep them happy. This is what life is made of. Love, happiness and family. And mine is right here next to me . . .


  MY HEART SWELLS WITH JOY when I walk into the living room to see Alec sleeping in Kash’s arms, with his little arms wrapped tightly around Kash.

  The position Kash is in looks uncomfortable, but he doesn’t move anyway.

  “Want me to take him to his room.” I get ready reach for Alec, but Kash shakes his head. “Are you sure? You look uncomfortable.”

  “I’m good,” he whispers. “Come here.”

  With a smile, I crawl onto the couch next to them and lean into Kash when he reaches one of his arms around to hold me.

  “He just fell asleep. I don’t want to wake him up.” He looks down at Alec when he stirs in his arms. “He had a pretty crazy night.”

  I laugh quietly and close my eyes. “Yeah. He always does during our family cookouts. I should thank everyone for wearing him down. He’s always so quiet after we get home.”

  Kash leans over and kisses the side of my head. “I’m always worn out after being around them too. I was hoping to spend some alone time with you tonight, but I think I like being right here, where I am. I feel most complete when I’m near the both of you.”

  My heart practically beats out of my chest from Kash’s words. “How do you do it?” I question.

  He smiles against the side of my head. “Do what?”

  “Manage to make me melt from your words. And make me believe that nothing else in this world matters to you other than us.”

  “Because it’s the truth. You’re everything to me, Eden. And I will keep on proving that to you for as long as I live. You and Alec both.”

  “I love you so much, Kash” I whisper.

  “Love you more, baby. Always will.”

  Kash truly has no idea that there’s no possible way he can love me more than I love him.

  He came into mine and Alec’s lives and made them complete. I honestly can’t imagine him not being here. The thought kills me.

  He’s ours. Kash is everything we need and want and we’re never letting him go. We’re not going anywhere. That’s a promise. . . .


  FIRST AND FOREMOST, I’D LIKE to say a big thank you to all of my loyal readers that have given me support over the last few years and have encouraged me to continue with my writing. Your words have all inspired me to do what I enjoy and love. Each and every one of you mean a lot to me and I wouldn’t be where I am if it weren’t for your support and kind words.

  I’d also like to thank my beta readers. I love you ladies and appreciate you taking the time to read my words. And Lindsey and S Moose. Oh my goodness, ladies. You helped me more than you can ever know with all your notes! Thank you so much.

  My amazingly, wonderful PA, Amy Preston Rogers. Her support has meant so much to me.

  I’d like to thank another friend of mine, Clarise Tan from CT Cover Creations for creating my cover. You’ve been wonderful to work with and have helped me in so many ways.

  Thank you to my boyfriend, friends and family for understanding my busy schedule and being there to support me through the hardest part. I know it’s hard on everyone, and everyone’s support means the world to me.


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