Blackmailed by the Mafia Boss

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Blackmailed by the Mafia Boss Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  Disappearing into her bedroom, she went straight to the bathroom and pulled off the dress. She tore the pins out of her hair and quickly splashed water on her face. Some of her makeup had started to run, and staring at her reflection now, she hated how heartbroken she looked. This was a nightmare. She couldn’t believe she had asked or even allowed herself to believe in something that was never going to happen.

  She and Gino were never going to be together.

  The first sob tore from her.

  The second shattered her soul.

  And the third, she just couldn’t stop.

  The man who’d taken her, used her as a toy, was a man she had fallen for, and it devastated her. No good would ever come from it.

  Please, Dad, hurry up and pay your debt. I don’t know how much more I can take.


  A week later, Gino waited in his bedroom. He’d sent one of his guards to collect Avery from where she’d been working in his garden. She’d already discovered his library, and she was either there or outside. She hadn’t gone back to the pool, not that he blamed her.

  There was a light knock at the door and he was tempted to send her away, but he couldn’t do that.

  Just this one night before he dealt with something else.

  He walked to the door, and there was Avery, looking nervous.

  “You wanted to see me?”

  Gino held the door open, letting her enter.

  “Wow,” she said.

  “Wow indeed.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  He’d covered the bed and floor in rose petals. The finest bottle of wine was chilling in a bucket of ice. He held out a glass to her. “I wanted to apologize for my behavior. It wasn’t right of me.”

  “Apology accepted.” She took a sip of the wine. “This is good.”

  “Only the best.”

  She smiled. “I like this. I really do. You didn’t have to apologize. I knew what you meant. I’m here as payment, nothing else.”

  He took her hand, pulling her in close. “You’re more than just payment.” He slammed his lips down on hers.

  She kissed him back, and as he trailed his hands down her back, she tried to touch him.

  “The wine.”

  He put the glass down on top of one of the cabinets, before moving her back against the wall. Placing her hands above her head, he stroked the tips of his fingers down her body. He spun her around so he had her back, and slid the zipper of her dress down. Before he even had the dress removed, he flicked the catch of her bra open, hearing her gasp as he did.

  Pushing the dress to her hips, he eased the bra off her and kissed across her shoulders.

  “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”

  “Please,” she said.


  “I’ve been thinking about you too. Don’t stop.”

  He pushed the dress past her hips and next knelt behind her, pulling her panties from her body. She stepped out of them. He couldn’t resist biting into her ass cheeks just as she moaned.

  Standing up, he pulled her into his arms, carrying her toward the bed. Laying her down on the silk sheets, he quickly opened his robe.

  He was already rock hard, and as he moved between her legs, he knew after tonight he was never going to be the same again.

  Sliding his cock between her slit, he bumped her clit, watching her moan. He loved how responsive she was. No matter what he did or said to her, she was always on fire for him.

  He pushed the tip of his cock to her core and waited as she cried out, gripping his shoulders.

  With only a couple of inches inside her, he gripped her hips and slid in deep, fucking her hard. He did this for several thrusts, pounding away inside her, before he slowed down, letting her feel every single inch of him.

  He held her hands, locking their fingers together and pushing them above her head, holding them in place so that he could kiss her.

  She wrapped her legs around him, trying to take him deeper, and he loved it. She pushed up as he thrust down, driving her deep into her bed. Not breaking from the kiss, he filled her over and over, feeling her tight cunt wrapped around him.

  When he couldn’t stand it any longer, he broke the kiss, staring into her expressive brown eyes. He saw something in them that gave him hope but also fucking terrified him. From the first moment he’d seen her, Avery had been a pain in his ass, and now, it was fucking scary the way she made him feel.

  She pulled her hand out from beneath his, and he let her. She put a hand against his cheek, and he saw everything and sped up his thrusts, watching the lust once again flash across her face. This was what he could give her.

  All he could give her.

  He fucked her hard, deep, making her feel everything. When he came, he couldn’t look away. He was completely entrapped by her gaze.

  She took everything he gave her, milking every single drop of cum as he came.

  Collapsing against her, he kissed the side of her breasts, resting his head between the valley, as he wrapped his arms around her.

  He didn’t pull out. He wanted to stay within the moment.

  “Gino, what’s going on?”



  “Enjoy this, Avery. There is nothing to think or to talk about.” Tonight wasn’t about words or conversation. This was all he could give her, and no matter what he wanted, there were times he had to learn some things were not for him to take.

  She ran her fingers through her hair, and he was in no rush to leave.

  “I need to use the bathroom,” she said.

  He chuckled. After kissing her tits, one by one, he took her mouth.

  Gino pulled out of her and helped her off the bed. Following her into the bathroom, he set up the shower as she used the toilet. When she finished, he pulled her inside. He loved the sounds of her giggling.

  “You are in a weird mood tonight.”

  He didn’t say anything as he knew what was going to happen come morning.

  Pressing her up against the tile, he nibbled on her neck before spinning her around.

  “You know, we’ve not tried one … hole.” He stroked a finger between the crack of her ass, teasing her anus.


  “You once told me you trusted me. I want to fuck your ass tonight, Avery. Let me.”

  He waited.


  He spread the cheeks of her ass, staring down at her anus. Her virgin anus. He’d take that tonight.

  In a rush to get what he wanted, he washed them both quickly, not needing any more encouragement than knowing he was going to get to fuck his woman’s ass.

  Turning off the shower, he wrapped a towel around her and carried her back through to his bedroom.

  Avery laughed as he put her into position on the edge of the bed. He used a pillow beneath her stomach to push her ass up, exposing her for him.

  He grabbed the small tube of lubrication and returned to her. He made sure his dick was slick with the lubricant before working some around and in her asshole. She tensed up, but he took his time, allowing her to get used to the feel of his fingers and his touch. It wasn’t long before she was pushing back against his dick, begging for him not to stop.

  When her pussy was dripping wet, he knew it was time.

  Holding his cock in his hand, he placed the tip to her asshole and slowly began to work past the tight ring of muscles.

  At first, she was too tight, keeping him out, but slowly, he pushed through, and she had every single inch of his dick.

  Gripping her hip, he kissed her neck. “Play with your clit. I want to hear you scream as I fuck your tight ass.”

  She started to play with her clit, and as she was distracted, he played with her, pulling out and sliding back in.

  He did this multiple times, getting her accustomed to his length as he fucked her harder.

  She was so close, and he felt the tightness in her ass as she squeezed him. He w
atched his cock as her cheeks spread open to accept him.

  Even though he’d already come, he was close to going again. He heard the moan in her throat and the way her body tensed up. She came, and her asshole tightened around him. He stayed perfectly still, letting her feel everything, and as the last ripples of her orgasm began to ebb away, he took his turn.

  Holding her to the bed, he fucked her ass, feeling the stirrings of his own orgasm begin to rise. He didn’t fight it this time.

  Gino was to the hilt inside her asshole as he came, filling her with his cum, marking her as his.

  The thought of letting her go … he just couldn’t bring himself to contemplate it. He once again wrapped his arms around her, holding her, trying to tell himself he was doing the right thing.

  He had to be doing the right thing for her.

  It was the first time in his life, he wasn’t going to do anything selfish.




  “I said no. Shut up and just feel.” He couldn’t answer any of her questions tonight or her concerns. She wouldn’t like the answer, and tonight wasn’t about pain; it was about pleasure.

  Chapter Ten

  Two weeks later

  Avery stared across the produce, still numb. It was moments like this, where they weren’t busy, when she thought about Gino and the last night they’d shared together. She believed there had been a shift in their relationship, but the truth was he’d been having one last night with her.

  The following morning, she’d woken up alone in his bed only to have one of his men tell her she’d been packed up. Her debt to Gino had been paid and her ass needed to be out of his home.

  There was nowhere else for her to go but back to her father, with his broken legs. She’d lost her job at the care center. They couldn’t hold her job after so many days without contact or a no-show. It wasn’t like she could explain where she’d been.

  “I hate to see you like this,” her father said.

  He sat in a wheelchair behind the counter. There were no more customers, and she’d filled the basket of lemons.

  “It’s fine, Dad.”

  “No, it’s not. Since you came back, you’ve been different. Did Mr. Mazza … do anything?”

  It was hard not to flinch when he said his name.

  “No, he didn’t hurt me.” The tears fell. They were not the first ones, either, in the past couple of weeks.

  “Then what is it, Avery?”

  “It’s nothing, okay? The debt is completely paid, and we’ve got nothing to worry about.”

  “Avery, I didn’t clear that debt. The first week I didn’t even make enough to break even.”

  She frowned, turning to her father. “No, you had to have.”

  “I couldn’t pay the amount I owed him.”

  “Then how…” She didn’t understand. “Did he just cancel the debt?”

  “Gino Mazza doesn’t just cancel the debt. What did you do, Avery?”

  “I didn’t do anything. I mean, I thought we were getting on well. We laughed and talked.” She licked her lips. “I think I fell in love with him.”

  Did Gino suspect?

  Even though he’d warned her not to fall in love with him, it didn’t stop her from having feelings for him, really strong feelings.

  “You love him?” her father asked.

  “It doesn’t matter. He wanted me out of his life.”

  “Avery, honey, stop walking around. You’re giving me a headache, and talk to me.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about. I fell for a man who I can’t have.”

  “Gino doesn’t wipe off a debt for someone he doesn’t care about.”


  “He’s not got the best reputation. He always gets his money. This is the first time I know where he’s wiped the slate clean.”

  Avery’s heart started to pound. “Do you think that he may have feelings for me?”

  “I don’t know, honey. You’re the one that stayed with him. You tell me? Most of us don’t think he owns a heart.”

  She knew he did. She had felt his heart pound against her fingertips so many times.

  “I need to call him. I don’t have his number. Do you know where I can reach him? How you made that deal with him?” she asked, biting her lip.

  In the past two weeks, she hadn’t felt any shred of hope, and right now, she did. There was a chance for her and for Gino. It was a risk she was willing to take.

  “I don’t have a number.”

  “How did you borrow money?” she asked.

  “I went to the casino. It’s the best place you can go to get him.”

  She rushed over to his father, and she saw the fear in his eyes. “Don’t worry. I’m happy. I’ve got to do this.”

  “You know who he is? What he does?” her father asked.

  “I know, and I don’t care.”

  She rushed out of the shop and quickly hailed a taxi. Climbing into the back, she gave the driver directions to Gino’s casino. Her hands were shaking, and she could think of so many reasons not to do this.

  Since meeting Gino, her life had been turned upside down. Being held in that room had driven her crazy, but the moments with him, they always made her feel.

  Those feelings for him hadn’t died when he kicked her out. If anything, forcing her out of his life had only helped to make her realize she loved him.

  Avery Finch, childcare worker, was in love with Gino Mazza, Capo to the city, murderer, and one of the most dangerous men she was ever going to meet.

  She took a deep breath and then felt sick to her stomach as the taxi stopped right outside Gino’s casino.

  She paid the driver and walked up the steps. She didn’t have any more money on her, and the chance she was taking was extreme. No one got anywhere in life without taking risks.

  Walking right up to the front desk, she demanded to speak to Gino Mazza.

  The woman on the counter looked startled.

  “I’m afraid you’re going to need an appointment.”

  “Tell him the mother of his child is waiting to see him now.”

  Why did you say that?

  You’re not pregnant.

  What the hell are you doing?

  The guard near the elevator moved closer. Avery didn’t recognize him, but she was at least able to enter the elevator as the man offered to escort her to Gino’s office.

  You can do this.

  Just don’t threaten people.

  Lies do not help.

  The sick feeling was back as the doors opened.

  There were more guards. All of them had their hands on their guns, ready to draw a weapon.

  “Hold it, lady,” the guy said. “You’re not getting any further. Arms out.”


  “You think you’re the first person claiming to be the mother of Mr. Mazza’s children?” he asked, and started to tap down her body.

  “I thought it was rather original.”

  “Most women just want money.”

  “Oh,” she said. “I’m not after money.”

  The man stood. “What are you after?”

  “Gino and I have an agreement. My father owes him a debt, and well, I need to make an arrangement with him.” She held her hands up. “I’m not going to hurt him. I promise.”

  Was that something all dangerous people said? She didn’t know.

  The man nodded down the hall.

  “I can go?” she asked.

  “Knock before you enter.”

  She walked as slowly as she could so it didn’t look like she was in a rush. This was it. She was finally going to see Gino after two weeks. She didn’t even get the chance to say goodbye. Even if this ended horribly, she would still get that chance. It was the least she could have.

  If she was able to say goodbye, it might offer her some closure.

  At the door, she lifted her hand and knocked.

  “Come in.”
/>   Her heart was pounding so badly. She wondered if anyone else could hear it.

  Pushing the door open, she entered Gino’s office. She had never been here before, and seeing him now, he looked like a very powerful man. His head was bowed over some paperwork and he was writing frantically.

  “Whatever it is, state your request and get the fuck out,” he said.

  He didn’t lift his head. He must trust his men to make sure no one brought a gun in to shoot him.

  With the way he’d treated her, she had a right to shoot him.

  She opened her mouth and closed it. Clenching her hands into fists, she knew she had to be strong.

  “I’m in love with you,” she said.

  This made him raise his head, and when she looked at him, she gasped.

  His face was covered in bruises, and now she saw one of his hands was bandaged

  “What the hell happened to you?” She rushed toward him, not caring what he said.

  He turned toward her as she rounded the desk and touched his face.

  “It looks like you ran into fists, so many of them.”

  “It’s not far wrong.” She cupped his cheek, careful as he winced. “Let’s say I had a bad day at the office.”

  “Who did this?”

  “Work did this. I had a little problem that I had to take care of.” He took her hands and placed them down her sides.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked.

  “You know why I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Avery, this is not—”

  “I’m in love with you. I don’t care what life it is you lead. I hate that you kicked me out the way you did, but I don’t care. I forgive you. You can give me multiple orgasms. I know you have feelings for me too. Seeing you like this, that’s why you made me leave, isn’t it?”

  Gino’s lips were in a stern line.

  “I’m not taking no for an answer here, Mr. Mazza. You scared me once but no more.”

  “You’re a pain in my ass.”

  “But I’m the kind of pain you like. Now, answer my question. Did you send me away because of what you had to do?”


  Gino didn’t expect to see Avery again. Not when he gave his men strict instructions to push her out of his home and to make sure he never had to see her again. That last night was all he was going to allow himself to have. A night of letting his actions tell this woman that he loved her, every annoying inch of her. He couldn’t say the words as he didn’t know if he’d be around to tell her just how much.


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