Christmas with the Denton Billionaires: The Complete Series

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Christmas with the Denton Billionaires: The Complete Series Page 8

by North, Leslie

  She brushed past him before he could say anything else. He watched her storm off, half of him determined to follow her and finish this conversation, once and for all.

  But he needed to maintain his presence here. To run into Stan, to defend himself against any more of Colin’s advances.

  And besides, maybe Amelia was right.

  He did care about winning. It had always been the priority. But had he taken it too far?

  Thoughts and doubts swirled inside him as he drifted through the caroling presentation. He clapped when everyone else did, tried to smile when others caught his eye. But without Amelia at his side—without her heat sinking into him or the soft rasp of her jokes in his ear—this festive event felt like just one more chore.

  There was one thing for certain. He wanted Amelia in his life. Not just in a professional context, within arm’s reach at the office.

  He wanted her at his side. His partner. His girlfriend.

  He needed to figure out a way to right the scales. Josh dipped out of the sweet harmonies of the carolers early so that he could wander the inside of the resort. Lost in thought and combing through options. Every path led him back to Amelia. He’d been attracted to her since the day he met her. And as they worked together, his admiration and respect bloomed even more.

  This sexual dimension between them was just the final layer in the cake that looked suspiciously like a long-term relationship. Which he believed they could create. And he wanted to. He wanted to give it a shot with Amelia, because everything was just better with her at his side. In business and in love.

  And the longer he wandered, the more he realized that there was only one path forward.

  If he wanted to convince her that he was being real with her, then he needed to be real with everyone.

  It was time to fess up. To Stan himself.


  After another night of sleeping on the farthest reaches of the bed, Josh woke up with a renewed vigor the following morning. Christmas Eve was just three days away, which meant that Amelia would be breaking away today or the next day to begin her previously planned Christmas vacation. He didn’t have much time left—with her, or to convince the Lewises. Which meant he had to act now.

  “What’s on deck today?” Amelia asked after she’d taken her shower and done her makeup. She’d stopped changing in front of him, stopped sleeping naked. There were lots of drawbacks to their recent freeze, and one of the worst ones was not being able to spoon her naked body at night.

  They’d only been intimate for a couple days, and already he felt like he’d wither if he didn’t get her every day for the rest of his life.

  “Well, I scheduled a last-minute meeting with Stan,” Josh said tentatively, taking out his phone to check the message thread. He crossed his ankle over his knee, leaning back in the arm chair in the bedroom. Stan was on board but hadn’t confirmed the time yet. “You should be there.” He paused, weighing his words before he admitted his plan. “I’m going to tell him that we’re not engaged and that this was just a ruse to get him to pick me.”

  Amelia blinked, turning to face him. Her face was a neutral mask, one he was desperate to break through. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  “I don’t want to win this hotel on a lie.” He cleared his throat, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “I don’t want to lose you on a lie either.”

  Amelia’s throat bobbed, and she turned toward the closet to slip her feet into her black heels. “So what’s your plan?”

  “I’ll just be honest with him. I don’t care if I lose the deal because of it. I’ll tell your parents the same, if you want me to. Because if he picks me, I don’t want the win to be stained by the fact that it was dishonest.”

  Amelia was quiet for so long he worried she hadn’t heard her. But that was impossible. There was so much more he wanted to add, too. About them. About a future. But he had to choose his words carefully.

  His phone buzzed then. Stan had sent a text that simply said: “Now?”

  “He’s ready. We should go down there.” He sighed and stood, recognizing the nervous flutters in his belly. He could be flushing all this hard work down the drain. Good thing his father wasn’t here to watch this. But Amelia’s opinion of him meant more than his dad’s disappointment. Because this thing between them promised to be something real…if only he could get the chance to cultivate it.

  “And don’t worry about our arrangement,” Josh said, heading for the door. Amelia trailed close behind, the floral notes of her perfume hitting him in a nostalgic wave. She’d be gone from his life for good after the new year, unless he could convince her to take a chance on this. “I plan to pay you like we agreed. Nothing about that changes.”

  “I wasn’t worried it would.” Amelia sniffed, clutching a small handbag against her thighs as they waited for the elevator. Josh drank her in, the oversized white sweater paired with shiny black leggings. Her “work boot” heels. The bright lipstick that always made him crave a kiss from that juicy pout. “But I appreciate that.”

  “Amelia, haven’t you felt…” Josh paused when the doors slid open. They stepped inside and he jabbed his finger at the ground floor button. “There’s something between us.”

  She lifted a palm to stop him. “Let’s talk about it after, okay? Let’s let one thing go down in flames before you light something else on fire.”

  He clenched and unclenched his jaw, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He wanted to scoop her up in his arms and kiss away the confusion of the past few days. But she was right. One thing at a time.

  And the next thing on his list was winning over Amelia.

  They started a somber walk to Stan’s office once the elevator hit the ground floor. He ushered them inside, gesturing to two open chairs facing his wide wooden desk. The bay windows overlooked a secret corner of the property. A side door led out to a little, snow-covered garden, and Josh was suddenly desperate to see what that alcove might look like in the spring. Could already imagine the rhododendron in bloom and the wisteria lining the brick path. And beyond the hidden garden, he could see in his mind’s eye the paths he used to walk with his mother. The rolling hills that had formed a part of his childhood memories and now even his adult memories, with Amelia at his side.

  He wanted this property, for reasons that went way beyond just winning. It had been that way from the beginning, but if anything, Amelia’s dissent had caused him to look harder at why. She’d formed a new horizon of meaning for him. One that he wasn’t eager to let go of.

  “Stan, I’m sorry for the abrupt meeting, but we need to talk.” Josh eased into his seat as did Amelia.

  “Is everything okay?” Stan asked, lifting a brow.

  Josh licked at his lips, trying to recall the monologue he’d been practicing in the suite. “I haven’t been completely honest with you. Owning this resort is a dream of mine, but in my quest to…for lack of a better word, woo you, I asked my assistant Amelia to pretend to be my fiancée.”

  Stan’s eyes slowly narrowed as Josh spoke, which sent his stomach plummeting to his toes.

  “I thought that if I came as a family man, you might be more inclined to choose me. Amelia is every bit as amazing and accomplished as you think she is, and you should know that this was my idea. I asked her to be a part of my ruse. And I wouldn’t feel good knowing that you chose me based on a lie.”

  Stan’s gaze shifted to Amelia, who only grimaced in response.

  Josh pushed ahead. “As I’ve told you before, my interest in this hotel is sparked by the amazing memories I have of being here with my mother. With my family. That much was true. But my mother raised me better than to accept an ill-gotten gain, so I had to come clean with you. I’m sorry for misleading you, and I understand if you decide to go with Colin.” The air went out of him, and he collapsed back into the chair, bracing himself for whatever came next.

  Stan blinked, looking between the two of them. His face was an impassive mask, until suddenly he
barked out a sharp laugh.

  “Well! That was the last thing I was expecting to hear today.”

  Josh pushed two fingers back and forth over his hairline, his entire body on pins and needles waiting for more from Stan.

  “Honestly…what can I say?” Stan leaned back in his own chair and steepled his fingers. A strange smile curled at his lips. “I’m quite impressed that you decided to come clean with me.”

  “It’s the right thing to do,” Josh said, clearing his throat. “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t.”

  “You know, I was planning to find you later today anyway,” Stan said. “To let you know that I’d finally made my decision. And that I wanted Denton Hotels to be the new owner.”

  Josh’s stomach cinched, awaiting the final blow.

  “But now I’m even more certain of my decision,” Stan went on. “Admitting something like this takes a level of honesty and reflection that isn’t often seen in today’s world.” Stan’s smile curled even larger. “In fact, you’ve made me even more certain in my decision to choose Denton Hotels.”

  Josh’s eyes widened. This couldn’t be real. With such a sordid confession, he’d been one hundred percent ready to accept the defeat he knew was coming.

  He hadn’t even planned for a response like this. Hadn’t even thought it possible.

  “Are you…sure?” Josh couldn’t keep the disbelief from his voice.

  “Oh, yes. Believe me, there are plenty of others I could pick for the new ownership. But none fully understand the vision of this place. Nobody else has the history with it. I have my own qualms about Forest Family’s offer. Colin is a fine man, but you…you’re the best man for the job, Josh. Even if you got a little caught up along the way.”

  Josh surged to his feet to offer his hand. Relief and excitement vibrated through him, and he wanted to kiss the man’s feet. Stan stood as well to shake his hand, and Josh thanked him no less than five times as he wrapped up the meeting. Amelia looked just as surprised and happy as he felt, and once they were back in the lobby, he turned to her with wide eyes.

  “I can’t believe that just happened.”

  She grinned up at him. “I’m glad it did. Look at you, Mr. Cedar Grove Owner!”

  He pulled her into a hug, and this time she didn’t resist. All the frostiness between them over the past few days had thankfully melted. For now. But he needed to make sure it stayed that way.

  “Let’s go celebrate,” Josh blurted. Her smile fell slightly.


  “The bar. Right now. I need a shot of whiskey. It’s my tradition.” He grabbed her hand and brought her knuckles to his lips. “And besides, the vacation has officially begun.”

  This win was his in to Amelia again. And he wasn’t going to let it slip by.


  Two shots into their celebrations, and Amelia’s body was buzzing with more than just alcohol.

  It was only noon, and she’d hit her limit for so early in the day. But even the minimal amount of alcohol had eroded the happiness of Stan’s decision, leading her right back into the cyclone of doubts that had been plaguing her over the past few days.

  She admired Josh’s confession. She really did. But she was hesitant to accept it at face value.

  Because what if this was just another power play? What if this was just Josh’s attempt to make sure he didn’t lose her to the competition?

  Josh sighed, slapping his palms against the wooden bar top. “God, it feels good to be alive.”

  She smirked. “Says the most victorious man in the world.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t quite have it all.” Josh pushed his empty shot glass away. “Can we talk about us now?”

  Her stomach shrank. She was so hesitant to go there, but she didn’t know why. Having these doubts about Josh felt like a betrayal to the man she’d secretly been in love with for the past two years. Like the real Josh wasn’t as perfect as the version she’d created in her head. She didn’t fully believe he was a con artist. It was just so hard to know.

  “Go for it,” she said, also pushing her shot glass away. At least the whiskey would lubricate things slightly. It had taken the edge off her hesitation. It was just them in the bar and the bartender at the far end washing glasses. This was as good a time as any to dive into this sticky situation.

  He turned to her on the bar stool, opening up his legs. He jerked her stool toward him, the legs scraping against the floor. She laughed a little, and his hands encircled her waist.

  “This,” he said in a low voice, his eyes hooded. “I want this. With you.”

  “You want me half-drunk in a bar three days before Christmas?” she teased, only because she didn’t know how else to move forward.

  His jaw flexed. “Don’t play coy. We’ve got some chemistry, and I know you feel it too. I fucked up, but I want to make things right. Amelia, I want to be with you.”

  His words were a balm to the slashes he’d caused inside her. And god, she wanted to fall headfirst into his words. Into his promises. Into this dreamy future that could be theirs if only she could overlook her doubts.

  But she didn’t believe him. Not anymore. Not like she used to.

  “I…could want that too,” she said carefully, trying to walk that fine line between shitting all over his idea and being honest with herself. “I just don’t want to play games anymore. I’ve learned a lot about you during this trip, Josh.” She laughed. “More than I expected, I’ll be honest.”

  Josh’s gaze swept over her body, his hands coming to rest on her hips. And with his heat pouring into her, the reassuring firmness of his touch, the scent of him that filled her and sent her into a spiral…it was hard to want to pull away.

  But these doubts were real. And she needed to be certain that she was making the right choice with Josh. That she wasn’t just being used as a pawn in his game.

  “I’m not playing games,” he insisted quietly.

  “Honestly?” She licked her lips. Willing herself to say the words. “I need some time.”

  He deflated a little. “How much?”

  “I’m going to my parents’ house like I planned,” she said deliberately, allowing time for the plan to form in her head as she spoke. “And you planned on heading home to celebrate Christmas with your own family. So I think we should spend the holidays apart.”

  His jaw flexed again. “Amelia.”

  “I just need some time by myself,” she said, running her thumb over the bone in his wrist. The heat she felt even there made her eyelids flutter. God, she wanted endless nights with this man. She wanted all the happiness and bliss she’d felt earlier in the week. But she wanted it only if it was real. “You make it hard for me to think. Because I see you, and I want you. I’m not going to lie. What you’re asking for is…big. It’ll change both our lives. Being in a relationship. And I just…” She trailed off. “I want to be sure.”

  Josh surged forward, cupping her face before snagging her lips in a passionate kiss. She whimpered, receiving his lips hungrily. After days without a kiss from him, without feeling his touch, she was starving for him. Heat stormed her as they kissed again and again, only breaking when she needed to take a gulp of air.

  “Jesus,” she muttered. Josh pressed his forehead against hers.

  “Meelie,” he started, which made her laugh. She swatted his shoulder.

  “That horrible nickname cannot be the one that sticks,” she warned.

  “Fine,” he said, brushing his nose against hers. “But only if you give me a chance.”

  Her stomach tightened—a signal she needed to retreat. “I think I’m going to go get my stuff packed and head to my mom’s house.”

  Josh wet his bottom lip and watched her for a moment before nodding. “Okay. Yeah. Of course.”

  She lingered there, facing him on the stool, hesitant to leave the intimate cocoon they’d created at the bar. But she steeled herself and scooted away.

  “I’m not going with you b
ecause I’ll just make sure you don’t leave,” Josh said, squeezing her hand.

  It was thoughtful and respectful in a way, which made her smile. Because if she didn’t leave now, she might never.

  Amelia made quick work of packing her things, stopping no less than four times to sit on the bed and reconsider her decision. But this was for the best. Because she needed to clear her head. Because she needed to be sure.

  When she arrived at her parents’ house that afternoon, both her parents were shocked that she’d come without Josh. In fact, when she sat them down at the table to reveal the truth, they insisted they wait for Josh before she told them her “big news.”

  “No, Mom,” Amelia said, sighing. “The big news has to do with why Josh isn’t here.”

  “What’s going on?” her dad asked. “Did he have to go back to New York City?”

  Amelia worked her jaw back and forth as she stared at the familiar wood grain of the dining room table. “I’m not sure actually. He has separate plans for Christmas.”

  Her mom frowned, and regret flashed through Amelia. “I thought he was going to be spending it here with us.”

  “No. Actually, that was never the plan.” She tapped her thumbs against the dining room table. What a stupid position this was…all because of Josh. “This isn’t the best thing to hear but…Josh and I, well, we were never actually engaged.”

  Mom’s frown deepened. “What?”

  “We were faking it. It was part of his bid to win the Cedar Grove Hotel. But I’ve been secretly in love with him for…a long time. Without even realizing it. And we started to fall for each other on this trip. And he came clean about the ruse, except now he wants to be with me, and it’s just…” She groaned. “It’s a big, stupid Christmas mess, and I just need some time away from him so I can think.”

  Her parents shared a look. Her mother reached out and squeezed her hand.

  “I’m sorry to hear all this, honey. We really liked him.”

  “Should we like him now or not like him?” her dad asked.


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