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CELESTIA CHRISTMAS (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles Book 5)

Page 6

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Evening, Blessed Love," I replied, leaning in to kiss him. He kissed me back and brushed his hand against my cheek.

  "Sorry. I was thinking," he admitted.

  "I know. You alright? Something bothering you?" I asked, hoping he wasn't worried about anything in particular or feeling homesick.

  It was possible that he missed the Dark World. It was taking Momo time to adjust, but I hadn't asked how he was doing so far.

  "Not really," he replied. "Just thinking."

  "Do you miss the Dark World?" I asked.

  "A little. I like the company and being around the others. Just taking some time for me to absorb it all," he admitted.

  I shuffled over so I could press my body against his and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

  "You know if something is ever bothering you, you can tell me, right?"

  "I know," he replied. "Just sometimes I don't want to burden anyone."

  "You're not burdening anyone," I defended. "You're around people who care and love you, Odion. You're not alone.”

  He smiled slightly and nodded. "I just have to keep reminding myself of that. It's like...when I'm around everyone, I feel the love and acceptance. When I'm alone, however...I struggle. I don't mean to, but I feel a bit lost in my own thoughts and don't know what to do with my spare time. In the Dark World, there wasn't much to do, but I was fine being on my own because it was my normal. Now I'm in a world where there's so much I can do...but it’s a little overwhelming," he admitted.

  I moved my head off his chest to look at him as he gave me a conflicted expression. "I'm happy, but I feel lost. Almost as if I don't belong, even though I know I belong here...with the others and by your side. Maybe it'll just take some time before I can really accept this new way of life."

  "It will take time, but there's no rush. I had a similar conversation two days ago with Finn and he said that in life it's not a race. We don't need to rush and have all the answers to our questions. It's the same in your case. You and Momo don't have to immediately adapt to this new way of living. You can take your time," I reassured him.

  "Do we have time?" Odion asked.

  "I think so. I'm sure Mother Nature has plans for us, but I'm also sure we'll have time to figure ourselves out. This is a journey and we're the ones in the driver's seat. Even if there are bumps in the road, I think we'll be okay as long as we don't lose sight of what we want."

  I had to thank Finn and the others for their pep talks. Their words and reassurance were now helping me reassure Odion, leaving me even more grateful for their guidance.

  "You'll stay...right?" Odion didn't look at me when he asked his question, a hint of vulnerability in his voice.

  Lifting my hand up, I pressed it against his cheek, forcing him to look back down and meet my confident gaze.

  "I'll never leave you. Just like you'll never leave me."

  His relieved expression told me my words had helped and he lowered his stare to my lips. After three seconds, he leaned down and kissed me.

  "Then the future won't be as scary," he mumbled against my lips. I smiled and nodded in agreement and we looked up to stare at the stars.

  Something gently touched my leg and I looked down to see big swirling eyes.


  "Hey, Momo. How did you get up here?" I asked, immediately reaching out to pick her up and give her a greeting hug.

  "Bibibi BiBo!" she replied, hugging me tightly while shaking her legs in excitement. "Orion climb. Check on Daddy and Mommy."

  Odion and I exchanged a look and glanced to our left. Orion stood near the ladder that led back down to the house. He noticed our surprised eyes and waved but remained in place.

  I looked back at Odion and noticed the pleased smile on his face. "My brother is pretty considerate."

  "He is," I replied.

  "BiBo!" Momo leaned back and reached for Odion. He grinned and picked her out of my hold to give her a hug. "You ready for the festival?"

  "Bibibi," Momo sang in response as she snuggled against Odion. He patted her little back and whispered. "It'll be different but fun. I'll buy you something sweet."

  "BIBO!" She squealed and wiggled in his hold. The both of us laughed and rose up.

  "Let's go have fun," I whispered. Odion smiled and slipped his free hand into mine.

  "Yes. Our first winter festival," he whispered.

  "BOOOOO!" I knelt down and patted Momo's head as she hid behind Odion, who looked unsure as to what he should do.

  "I don't think I have enough magic to change her appearance to uh...something less attracting?" Odion admitted.

  "Hmm. Maybe a little girl would help. We'll be here for only a few hours. I think I have a enough magic for it,” I suggested.

  "Bibi." Momo sniffed. "Go home. Hide."

  "Momo, you don't need to hide. We haven't entered the festival yet. It's fun," I suggested.

  "BOOO!" Momo returned to crying and I picked her up to comfort her.

  Orion was quiet, looking deep in thought before his lavender eyes lit up. "I think I can do something."

  "Aren't you still recovering?" Odion countered.

  "Ya, but you used a lot more energy than the rest of us. I can handle a few hours. It'll be like supporting Gabriel through our familiar link, but with Momo. Shouldn't be hard since we're twins."

  " isn't too much trouble. I want Momo to join in," Odion quietly confessed. Orion grinned and moved to face me.

  "No trouble at all. Momo?"

  "Bi?" Momo stopped crying to turn to Orion, who sweetly smiled at her.

  "Want to be a little girl for the night?"

  "BiBo?" She tilted her head. "Girl? Me doll."

  I grinned and stroked her head. "Yes, Momo. You're a doll, but Orion wants to make you a little girl so you can enjoy the festival with Daddy."

  "Bi...Bibibibibibi." Momo looked excited, her eyes filled with hope as the last of her tears rolled down her cheeks.

  "It'll be fun, I promise," Orion whispered, and rubbed his hand against Momo's cheek.

  "BiBo!" Momo replied and raised her hands up. "Fun!"

  I looked at Odion, who appeared a little hesitant. "She'll be fine, Odion."

  "Okay," Odion replied and took a deep breath. "I trust you, brother."

  Orion nodded and closed his eyes. His hand began to glow a light purple and my wrists grew hot. I lifted my right wrist to see my blessed mark from Orion was glowing and I hesitantly glanced his way to see he'd opened his eyes slightly and was looking at the glowing mark.

  Maybe I can help a bit.

  Momo was staring at my hand and I smiled. "Momo, close your eyes and think about what you want to look like."

  "BiBo." Momo closed her eyes and I placed my hand on her head and let my eyes close. Orion's hand laid upon mine, but I didn't let it distract me from the vision forming in my head.

  A hand pressed against my back, supporting my weight when I felt a tad wobbly, but I kept my vision strong until the warmth in my wrist calmed.


  I opened my eyes and they grew wide at the sight of the little girl in my hold. "Momo!"

  "Mommy!" Momo's big purple eyes were filled with love and I looked to see her little frame in a cute purple dress. She had pale skin, but her cheeks were a rosy pink that matched her smooth lips. She had long, curly purple and black hair and her hands and feet looked human.

  "We did it!" I cheered, looking at Orion, who nodded in approval. "We did."

  I glanced at Odion, who still had his hand still on my back. His surprised, almost white eyes were still on Momo, who turned to look at him.

  "Daddy, BiBo!" She reached out for him and he smiled and plucked her out of my hold to hug her.

  "Hey, Momo. You're super cute."

  "Daddy, BiBo! Cute, BiBo!" Momo looked at least three or four in age, and I felt so relieved to see my vision had come to life.

  Odion looked beyond happy, his smile so wide I thought he'd hurt his cheeks. He pressed his fore
head against Momo's. She wiggled in his hold and slowly lowered her to the ground.

  "Do you want to go to the festival now?" Odion asked Momo, as he let her go for a second.

  With a wide grin, she turned around and began waddling away, her speed so fast that the three of us gawked in shock.


  "Uh-oh! Momo!" I called out.

  Odion sighed. "I'll get her. Damn, she's so fast! Uh..." He quickly hugged me and then hugged Orion, who looked a bit shocked by his sudden gesture.

  "Thank you," Odion said earnestly and gave us both a wide smile before he rushed over to catch Momo, who was almost at the entrance of the festival.

  I sighed in relief when Odion reached her, picking her up, and said something. We watched Momo hug his neck and noticed Finn, Hunter, Caio, and Cairus approach from the other entrance path.

  Glancing back to Orion, I noticed his exhaustion and I took a step forward to slip my arms around his waist. "You okay, Orion?"

  "Hmm," Orion replied. I pulled him over so I could rest my back against one of the large trees and gave him a hug. He rested his head on my shoulder and took a few calming breaths.

  "I just need a moment." He sounded tired. "That took a bit of energy."

  "You didn't have to, Orion," I whispered, rubbing his back. I felt a tad tired too, but Orion had contributed a lot more magic energy.

  "Seeing Odion smile like that...was worth it," he mumbled against my skin.

  I hugged him tighter than before. "To see him smile that wide is rare."

  "I wanted him and Momo to enjoy Christmas as much as you, Blessed Love. The rest of us have enjoyed Christmas before. He hasn’t and I doubt he remembers when we were younger. I just want him to have fun tonight."

  "He will. You helped him feel at ease now that Momo can have fun too."

  We stayed still for a few more minutes and I secretly gave Orion bits of my energy by rubbing his back. It wouldn't help him feel completely better, but at least he'd be able to maintain a relaxed appearance without worrying the others.

  He lifted his head and looked into my eyes. "Thanks, Celestia."

  "I didn't do anything," I mumbled, hoping I wasn't caught too soon.

  With a grin, he kissed me. "I love you."

  "I love you more, Blessed Love. Let's go enjoy the festival," I whispered. With another kiss, I hooked my arm around his, and we made our way to the entrance where the others waited for us.

  Time to enjoy the festival.


  * * *

  "Everything's set!" I nodded in triumph as I turned my phone off.

  Finn was relaxing with his head on my lap while I'd been texting Mother, Arielle, and Faelia throughout the late evening.

  It was close to midnight and we'd all been texting back and forth to finalize the plans for tomorrow. Seeing as we were going to be a big group, there was no way we'd be able to fit in our dorm or Faelia's for Christmas dinner. I also wanted Mother, my dads, Othello, Miolana, Aaron, Esme, and Finn's family to join as well.

  Mother suggested it would be best if we had our celebration at Alpha Pure. Even after the mayhem, they had been able to create a stronger barrier, deeming it safe for all of us to gather and enjoy the holiday.

  We'd spent yesterday setting up the tree, waiting until we were all home to do it. I'd been quietly making things for each of the guys. The gifts weren’t much, but with the short planning, I’d been low on ideas and time. None of them had wanted anything when I'd inquired, but at least with a small knitted item, they would be able to keep warm during the colder months.

  It was difficult to hide the presents when I'd been spending so much time with each of them, but I'd wake up in the middle of each night and get some knitting done. Orion had almost caught me, but he was still half asleep and had no memory of it in the morning.

  I was waiting for Momo to tire herself out so I could put her to bed. She'd most likely sleep in my bed tonight, which I'd be sharing with Finn and Hunter, who was quietly sitting next to me while reading a book.

  The others were chilling in their rooms; Theo, Caio, and Cairus were probably talking or playing video games and Orion and Odion were most likely in another room reading.

  "Everything's planned for tomorrow?" Finn asked.

  I looked down at his lazy pink eyes. "Yup. We'll open presents and have breakfast, and then we can head down to Alpha Pure. Faelia and Arielle said they'll go separately with their men so we don’t attract too much attention. Mom has everything in place. Your family will be there, too."

  His tired smile made me smirk and I plopped a kiss on his lips.

  "I'm sleepy," Finn admitted.

  "Then sleep," Hunter mumbled before he yawned. "I'm almost done with this chapter."

  "Where's your brother?" I asked Hunter.

  "I don't know. He was chasing Momo around earlier."

  "Better make space for Momo. She's most likely going to want to sleep here." Finn sat up and began to stretch.

  "That's fine. She likes kicking you in the face, not me." Hunter replied, sounding unconcerned.

  "I'm going to kick you out of the bed," Finn grumbled.

  "Keep your hands, legs, and ass to yourself," Hunter argued.

  I started to get up, but I picked up on five sets of footsteps. The three of us looked at the door to see the rest of the guys standing there.

  "Uh, guys? Do you sense that?" Caio and Cairus asked together.

  I blinked and looked at the others, who were just as confused as me.

  "Sense what?" I asked.

  "There's a Forsaken nearby. It feels like a powerful energy downstairs and Aaron left long ago," Orion explained.

  "Where's Momo?" I asked, realizing she had been downstairs staring at the tree.

  "Uh..." the others said, and I looked to Odion, who frowned.

  "She's downstairs, but I can't really sense her which tells me she's playing hide and seek."

  "Or actually hiding," Theo commented.

  We moved off the bed and I walked past the guys into the hall. I was ready to race down the stairs, but Finn walked in front of me.

  "Not so fast."

  "Momo's downstairs," I argued.

  "I'm aware of that, Cutie Pie, but you can't go down there without a plan."

  "Who needs a plan? There could be a Forsaken in the home! It's not going near our Momo!" I fought. An arm wrapped around my waist and I looked up to see Odion's calm expression.

  "The mom side of you is coming out," he quietly teased, and I pouted my lips in response.


  "Momo doesn't feel like she's in danger. If she was, I would have unsummoned her. She is hiding, which means something is downstairs, but I don't think she's necessarily in danger."

  " long as she's okay. For now," I muttered the last part.

  "If it's a Forsaken, this is going to get messy," Cairus noted.

  "We don't have enough energy to fight back," Theo added.

  "And we'd damage our dorm," Hunter noted.

  "Which will be a hefty fine on our part,” Finn continued.

  "If we can keep it still, I can purify it," Orion suggested.

  "You're still tired from yesterday," Odion acknowledged.

  "I'm fine," Orion argued.

  "Why don’t I help him? If we both do it and you guys keep it still, we'll be okay," I suggested.

  "It’s better to work as a team than have any one of us pushing too hard. Let's go with that." Theo nodded in approval.

  "Let's not delay. It's almost midnight." Finn pointed to the clock that read 11:58 PM.

  With a nod in agreement, we filed into a line to go down the dark stairs to the living room. The only lights were the multicolored ones from the tree, but I immediately noticed the huge shadow sitting in front of it.

  The guys spread out and I took the lead with Orion, knowing I could do a counter attack if anything happened. We approached and I signaled Orion to stay still. Si
lencing my steps with a hint of magic, I got close enough to the slightly transparent black blob.

  I reached out to it, ready to blast a flood of magic, but I noticed a pair of swirling eyes appear from the side.


  Huh? Momo?!

  Momo must have been hiding behind the black blob, but she didn't look afraid or anything. She looked comfortable.

  "BiBo." Momo got up and waddled to my leg. "Sad friend."

  "Friend..." I whispered and looked at the blob. It didn't seem bothered by my presence, and from the looks of it, I was standing behind it.

  Going on one knee, I met Momo's gaze as she reached for a hug.

  "BiBo," she whispered. "Sad. Darkness. Wants home."

  Looking back at the others, I caught their confusion and Odion silently made his way to where I was. Keeping his voice at the bare minimum volume, he commented.

  "It’s not a bad Darkness. I don't feel any evil intent or anything. It’s intrigued by our tree."

  I nodded and looked at Momo once before returning my gaze to Odion. "Momo said it’s sad. That it wants to go home," I noted.

  Odion frowned and nodded. "I get it. It's kind of what Aaron does on the daily. Rids us of Forsaken but helps pure Darkness to find a new home that doesn't bring them danger. If I was at my normal strength, I would have sensed it right away. However, I don't think I can send it back."

  "What should we do? If I use light magic, it'll get rid of it." My shoulders sank as I thought about it, and I wondered if this Darkness was lonely and remembering a life before it had become what it was.

  Odion bit his bottom lip, looking deep in thought until the patio door opened. We looked to see Aaron walk in with a small smile on his face. Momo turned her attention to him and began to sing quietly.

  There was movement in front of me and Odion protectively pulled me back a few steps as the Darkness turned around.

  It had glowing pink eyes, but no mouth could be seen on the black surface of its semi-translucent face. What I could tell from the glowing eyes was that it was sad, and I watched a single pink tear roll down its face and vanish upon impact with the floor.

  "Aaron," I whispered. He closed the door to keep the cold and falling snow from blowing indoors and walked toward us. He didn't stop when he reached us, instead walking right up to the Darkness that lowered its pink eyes.


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