Bad Company

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Bad Company Page 6

by S. L. Sterling

  “Hey, Logan, you about ready to go?” John asked stopping at my office door.

  “Yep, whenever you are.” John was my neighbor, co-worker and best friend. We carpooled to work every day and spent weekends together cruising around Boston and hanging at local clubs. Although now he was seeing Cynthia our nights out were few. I rolled up my plans and shoved them back into the tube. I grabbed my briefcase and the plans I needed to work on tonight and made my way down to John’s office. I spent most nights working at home and being it was Valentine’s Day today I already knew I wouldn’t be going anywhere tonight.

  We walked into the apartment building lobby together and I went straight to my mailbox. I couldn’t wait to see what Leah had cooked up for me this year. She had written me a letter every single holiday, never missing one, no matter how insignificant, since I had moved out. I had grown so used to receiving them and looked forward to them. I opened the little mailbox, my heart racing in anticipation when I saw the stack of mail waiting for me. “You waiting for something? You’ve been talking about the mail all day.” John laughed. He was right, I had been talking about it all day, because I couldn’t wait to see what she had sent, her perfect handwriting, her words, I guess you could almost call me obsessed.

  “Yeah, you could say that,” I said routing through the pile of mail that had been roughly shoved inside the mail cubby. I flipped through the bills and flyers, my heartbeat speeding up as I was coming near the end of the pile.

  “You have a girlfriend I don’t know about, or perhaps one of those sexy pen-pals from overseas. If that’s the case, I want to see a picture.” John let out a laugh.

  “No, no, nothing like that,” I said frowning as I reached the end of the pile and started my search through the bundle all over again in case I had missed the pink paper she always sent for Valentine’s Day, but the second search revealed exactly what the first had—nothing. All there was were bills and junk mail. “It’s not here,” I mumbled more to myself.

  “What’s not there?” John asked, now pulling out his own mail.

  “Just a letter I’ve been waiting for.” I shoved the mail into my briefcase, disappointed, and pressed the button for the elevator. As I stood there waiting, I couldn’t tear my mind from that damn letter. It should be here, I mean I hadn’t gotten my mail in a week and over the years, Leah had gotten damn good at getting those letters to arrive on the actual holiday, not a day before or after. “It is the fourteenth, right?” I asked John who now stood beside me.

  “All day, man, all day. Which reminds me I forgot fucking roses. I’ve got to run and get those. If you see Cynthia, just let her know I had to run back to the office, okay.”

  “Sure thing.” I watched as he ran out the door, in some ways I was glad I didn’t have to deal with that yet.

  Once I had gotten changed, I heated leftovers from the night before and ate dinner in front of the TV, just like I always did. I flipped through the channels trying to clear my mind but the fact the letter hadn’t arrived was bothering me more than it should have. I even ran back down and double checked that I hadn’t missed it because it was pushed up against the wall of the mailbox, but there was nothing.

  I slammed my apartment door and went straight to the closet. I reached up to the top shelf and pulled out the little shoe box that sat there. I took it to the couch and removed the lid. Inside sat nine year’s worth of letters mixed with funny odd little gifts. I pulled out the one that stuck out most and opened the pink envelope.


  Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope you enjoy this black licorice, black instead of red because it matches the color of your heart!


  I smiled as I dug through the box and found the disgusting black licorice buried in the bottom and flipped the box over in my hand. I continued routing through reading and re-reading all the letters she had sent me over the years. I remembered receiving every single one of them and although I never answered her, for reasons only I knew, I was utterly gutted that one hadn’t arrived today. This was the first holiday in ten years she hadn’t sent me anything, I guess perhaps some guy had won her heart and she had forgotten about me. The thought piqued my curiosity, who would Gingersnap date, she was so pouty and bratty most of the time. The only thing I knew had changed about her was her language in her letters, it had become more sophisticated over the years, I silently wondered if maybe the rest of her had caught up. I grabbed my cell phone and opened Facebook.

  The only notification I had was an invitation from Leah to my parents ten-year wedding anniversary. I glanced through the photos she had posted. I hadn’t seen my mother in a few years; she looked great, almost as if she had aged in reverse. The anniversary party was being held in two weeks. I quickly glanced at my calendar, that is the weekend they were supposed to close in the framing on my house. I knew John would probably look after all that for me, it would only be one weekend.

  Without giving it a second thought, I quickly booked a ticket to head back home for the party. I thought about responding to the invite but decided I would let it be a surprise, not only for my mother, but for Leah as well. I wanted my damn Valentine’s Day letter, and I would get it, even if it meant going back home.



  I woke and looked around the room through blurry vision, almost forgetting where I was. I stared at a chair I didn’t recognize and then I remembered that I had taken the red eye in last night so I wouldn’t have to miss a day of work. I was swamped with projects and couldn’t afford any extra time off. I ran my hand over my face and reached for the room service menu that sat on my bedside table. I was starving and tired since I had only had two hours of sleep. I had thought about going to see everyone this morning for breakfast but decided last night it may be better to wait and see Mom alone after everyone had left for the day.

  I read through the menu, pancakes and bacon catching my eye. I picked up the phone and placed an order then I jumped into the shower while I was waiting. A long shower was just what I needed and after thirty minutes of letting the hot water run over my aching body, I shut the water off and wrapped the white towel around my waist. As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom, I could smell the fresh blueberry pancakes and found them under a covered plate on the desk. I poured a cup of coffee from the little coffee maker and sat down at the desk and dug into the stack of steaming pancakes after dousing them in syrup.

  I drank down my cup of coffee, refilling it after I finished eating and then headed into the bathroom to shave. I normally kept my beard trimmed short, but I had been working so much I had little time to worry about it, but I didn’t want to see my mother without looking half decent.

  It was close to ten thirty by the time I had finally gotten dressed. I grabbed my wallet and keys and headed out the door. I figured Mom should be alone by now, everyone else would be working. I had a good half hour drive to the house. As I drove down the once familiar streets of the old neighborhood, it was like time had stood still in this small town.

  I finally pulled into the driveway the house looked the same as it had the day I left. I turned down the music and sat there for a moment. I had vowed never to return home after I left for Boston, and I had succeeded, until now. I didn’t even know what I was doing here. I didn’t know how I would face Leah after that kiss we had shared, and how I ran after wards. I got cold feet and was about to back out of the driveway when I caught a movement in the front window. My mom stood there looking out at the unfamiliar car that was sitting in the driveway, my car. As I watched her through the window, I shut the car off and climb out, taking my time to walk to the front door. I had opened the screen door and was just about to knock when the door was pulled open and my mother stood in front of me with tears in her eyes.

  “Logan, is it really you?”

  “Yeah, Mom, it’s me.”

  She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in for a tight hug. “My god, it’s so good to see you. My little man all grown up, loo
king as handsome as his father.”

  I pulled out of her embrace and looked at her, really looked at her. She didn’t have that exhausted look she used to have, nor the deep dark circles under her eyes. She wore black dress pants and an expensive white sweater, her hair professionally colored and styled, she even wore makeup. I couldn’t remember a time I had seen her wear makeup. She was well looked after, about ten pounds lighter and she carried a sense of peace and happiness about her.

  “You look great, Mom. I’m glad to see you’re taking care of yourself.”

  “Thanks, honey. It’s easy to do it when you have the money and time and aren’t run off your feet every waking second. Come in, are you here for the party? Leah didn’t tell me you were coming.”

  I stepped inside the house and noticed it had been redesigned by a professional, everything had its place. “That’s because she doesn’t know, I didn’t respond to the invite. I wanted it to be a surprise,” I said continuing to take everything in. “How do you know about the party, the invite said it was a surprise?”

  “Well, Leah had to tell us, we were planning to go away for the weekend.” She smiled. “And yes, I’m surprised. Joe will be so happy to see you. Come in, tell me what is new? Where are you working? Are you dating anyone?”

  I removed my shoes and together we sat down. You would almost think I didn’t speak to my mother on the phone by the way she was acting. “No, Mom, I’m not dating anyone. I’m in the middle of building my dream home though. Maybe after that is done, I will find someone to share my life with, if not no big deal. Did you want to see it?” I pulled my phone from my pocket and showed her the pictures of what they had accomplished and then I pulled up the floor plan.

  “You designed this?” she asked studying the plans. “Maybe I should talk to Joe about hiring you to design us our dream retirement home. He promises he is getting ready to retire sometime soon.” She giggled.

  “I did, Mom, I designed it. I would be happy to do something for you guys. I mean you guys paid for my education.”

  “So where are you staying? You’re more than welcome to stay here, your old room has been waiting for you?”

  “Thanks.” I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I was staying at the hotel by the airport.

  “Let me grab you a coffee,” she said getting up from the couch and heading into the kitchen. I looked around the room, “You’ve done great things in here, Mom.” I heard her banging in the kitchen, finally returning with a tray holding two mugs of hot coffee, and a piece of her chocolate cake for me.

  “Here you go,” she said handing me my mug and the slice of cake. I dug the fork into the soft moist cake, it tasted like it always had. “Leah did all the work on the house, she’s an interior designer now.”

  I looked around the room, everything flowed together well. I swallowed hard, “Wow, she did a great job.”

  “You think you can get along for the weekend?”

  “Who knows, depends on her.” I shrugged, my normal attitude when it came to her coming through.

  “Logan, don’t be ridiculous, you are both adults now.”

  I was dying to ask her where she was, if she still lived here, how she was doing, who she was dating or married to, but I couldn’t give myself away. If my mother thought for a second that I cared, she would wonder what was going on. I didn’t need her to be suspicious. I left the topic of Leah alone and soon we were wrapped up in conversation and we passed the afternoon away talking and getting reacquainted. It had been so long since I had seen my mom, and it was nice to just spend the time talking with her. I missed her a lot. I had been so wrong before I left, and I felt the need to apologize to her, Joe had looked after Mom just the way she had said he would. I had been foolish to think otherwise.

  Shortly before dinner Mom had to run out to the store to grab a couple things for the dish she planned to make. She had offered to take me with her but with the time difference and all the travel I was tired, so I decided to just stay and hang out until she got back. I put the magazine down I had been reading and wandered into the kitchen. A sense of déjà vu came over me as I grabbed a glass and opened the fridge looking for juice. I poured the cold orange liquid into the glass and shut the door and that was when my eyes caught her beautiful red hair. I stared for a moment, taking her in, and then I let my eyes wash slowly over the rest of her, it was like I was on sensory overload. The outfit she wore accentuated her soft curves, I wanted to run my hands over them, and my mouth nearly watered at the sight of her lips. She stood leaning up against the door frame her arms crossed in front of her. “What are you doing here?” she asked, a smirk playing on the corner of her mouth.

  I could barely take my eyes off her, she had grown up, and the way her green eyes danced over my body told me she was as happy to see me as I was her, or so I hoped. “Well, someone didn’t send me my usual Valentine’s Day letter, so I came to get it in person.”

  “Don’t hold your breath, Logan, there is no letter.” She walked over and took the juice out of my hand and brought the glass to her lips. I stared at those perfect kissable lips, the ones I had dreamed of kissing for the past ten years. She never took her eyes from mine as she drank the cold liquid. “You know I never loved you.”

  She placed the cold glass back in my hand. I watched her eyes do another quick sweep of my body, then she turned and looked over her shoulder at me, smiling, before heading upstairs. I firmly planted my eyes on her tight ass as she walked away from me. I wanted so bad to grab it and pin her against the wall and do things to her that I shouldn’t even be thinking about doing. Instead, I quickly averted my thoughts and my eyes when I heard the front door slam and my mother came into the kitchen carrying a bag full of groceries.

  “Logan, what on earth is wrong?” she asked looking at me.

  “What do you mean?” I asked as I took a sip of the orange juice, still imagining Leah’s kissable lips on mine.

  “You look like you did when you were ten years old, as if you were doing something you shouldn’t be.” She laughed.

  Just thinking of fucking my stepsister ten ways to Sunday, I thought to myself. I finished my juice and then helped Mom put the groceries away.



  I stood in my room leaning up against the cold wooden door. Every part of my body was on fire after that encounter, with need and anger. How dare he show up. I had sent that invite weeks ago and suddenly here he was, in the kitchen. I hadn’t known how to react when I saw him. The first thing that had gone through my mind was how badly I wanted to feel his lips and hands on me, everywhere. I had never gotten the sight of naked Logan out of my mind after that night in the hallway. I wanted him then, and apparently still wanted him now. However, I had to hide those thoughts quickly, especially when he brought up that damn letter. I didn’t think he even bothered reading them, but apparently, I had been wrong.

  I had finally calmed down and now I stood in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on the desert I had made, while Logan, Anna, and my father were talking in the other room. They were laughing and joking with Logan while he told them all about the projects he was working on. I listened from the kitchen; it sounded like he had become very successful, working for a large architectural firm in downtown Boston. I was happy for him, he deserved it. I had overheard him mention something about building his home in one of the more scenic areas of Boston.

  “Are you seeing anyone?” I heard Dad ask him as I put a couple more strawberries on the top of the chocolate cake I had made. I listened harder than I should have, and I prayed that he was still single, “Will there be wedding bells anytime soon?” I held my breath as I waited for him to answer.

  Logan cleared his throat. “No, sir, I’ll have the perfect house for the perfect family, but no one special to share it with.” As I heard his words, I released the breath, I was holding. A sense of peace came over me at hearing his answer. I shouldn’t care, but I did, I cared a lot.

  “Oh, swe
etie, you will? Look at how happy Joe and I are. It takes time. Honestly, I figured you would be settled down by now, maybe with a little one on the way.”

  “Oh god, Mom. I’ve dated, but no one holds my attention long enough. I want the perfect picture, and I’m not willing to settle. So, until that time, I will have a beautiful home and my dream job. The rest will come when it comes. And nothing you’re going to say will make me hurry and change my mind.” He let out a laugh.

  I heard my dad laugh too. “Logan, I won’t tell you the picture doesn’t exist, because look what I now have, but I will tell you it took me years to find it. Don’t waste your youth. Have fun.”

  Logan let out a laugh. “Believe me, I’m not wasting my youth. I want the perfect family and I will not settle for anything less.”

  My heart sunk a little at his response, “I’m not wasting.” I wondered what type of woman he dated, how many women he had slept with.

  “Anna, your son is as stubborn as you.”

  I giggled at what my father had said, Logan was stubborn, I was glad I wasn’t the only one who saw it. I grabbed the head of lettuce and was just about to prepare the salad when I felt a large warm hand on my waist and felt someone close behind me.

  “You aren’t going to poison me, are you?” I felt the light puff of his breath on my neck as I heard his deep sexy voice ask me, his cologne invaded my senses.

  “I thought about it, but I’ll let you live, at least for this visit,” I said turning, looking into those blue eyes. The anxious feeling that ran through me from his touch made my voice quiver.


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