Bad Company

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Bad Company Page 13

by S. L. Sterling

  “Yes. Come in.” I stepped to the side and let her in. “Miss Tate told you I have meetings to attend this morning, so I won’t be here to oversee things.”

  “Yes, sir.” She sat her briefcase on the living room table and pulled her laptop out of her bag. “She gave me instructions to follow until she could get here.”

  I was a little uncomfortable leaving her here alone, and I wondered where the hell Leah was. This was what cell phones were for. I would have canceled the few meetings I had if I didn’t have to be there in thirty minutes.

  “There is coffee in the kitchen. Help yourself. I will be back as soon as I finish my meetings.” She smiled up at me as she dialed a number on her phone and spoke to someone about the deliveries today.

  I grabbed my jacket from the closet. As soon as I was in my car, I dialed Leah’s cell. If she thought I would put up with this shit, she was wrong. I waited for it to connect but after only two rings her phone went straight to voice mail. “You’ve reached the personal voice mail of Leah, leave me a message.”

  “Leah, where the hell are you? Call me back.” As I hung the phone up, I felt the tension in my jaw getting worse as I drove down my driveway. I quickly dialed her office.

  “Hello Preston Interior Design.”

  “Hi, Could I speak with Leah Tate, please.” I flicked my thumb on the steering wheel as I sat at a red light.

  “May I ask who is calling?”

  “Logan Lehmbeck.”

  “Mister Lehmbeck, I’m sorry. Miss Tate is on the phone. Didn’t her assistant show up on time?”

  “Yes, she did, but I have a few questions for Leah.” I closed my eyes praying the girl either got Leah or put me through to her voicemail.

  “You could always try her personal cell number.”

  “I already did, she isn’t answering that.”

  “I’m sorry, sir, you can always try emailing her. Is there anything else I can help you with?”

  “No, thanks.” I hung up the phone. I was beyond irritated that she didn’t show up this morning.

  I sat through my meetings trying hard to focus on the task at hand. Instead, my phone wouldn’t stop going off. Every time I looked at it, another question from Susan sat on my screen. Questions I couldn’t answer because Leah was supposed to be in charge and answering them—not me. Leah would be there in forty minutes and she gave Susan all the instructions she needed, my ass.

  I shortened the second meeting, my phone still going off, now with questions from my own clients as well as from Susan. I left the building in a rush and headed home.

  I pulled up to the house, noting furniture was still being unloaded out of trucks. When I walked inside, Susan stood in the living room directing people. “Everything okay now?” I asked.

  “Yes, sorry about all the questions. Leah finally arrived and everything is going fine now.”

  I looked around—it was beginning to look and feel like a real home. “Where is Leah?”

  “She is upstairs,” she answered as she crossed another thing off her list and directed two men where to put the item they were carrying.

  I looked toward the stairs and smiled at Susan, excusing myself. I climbed the stairs and found Leah in my bedroom making the bed. “Hey,” I called out as I entered the almost finished room.

  “Hey,” she said letting out a breath. “Sorry I wasn’t here for the start of everything, I needed to speak with the appliance company, they were showing the wrong model fridge coming in.”

  “I see. Listen, do you have a minute, I want to talk to you.”

  “Now isn’t a good time, Logan. I need to make sure things keep moving along.”

  “It will only take a few minutes.”

  “Miss Tate, I need your help,” Susan called from downstairs.

  “See she needs me,” Leah said placing the last pillow on the bed before leaving the room. I stood there looking after her.

  The rest of the afternoon went that way. I would corner Leah somewhere and she would find any excuse to get away from me or Susan would appear out of thin air. The next day started the same way, only I got so tired of it I ended up leaving the house.

  At six I pulled into the driveway in time to see the last truck pull away. The only two vehicles remaining were Leah and Susan’s. I hurried into the house, hoping to catch her before she left.

  Susan and Leah were in the kitchen going over one the final plans. “Can you make sure that everything is in place according to this please?” I watched as she handed over the plan to Susan. “Oh, and check to make sure that the peach in the blinds matched the peach in the duvet, please.” She was beautiful when she took control. I leaned up against the door frame waiting for Susan to leave.

  Finally, Leah was alone, studying something that sat in front of her. I cleared my throat letting her know I was there.

  “Logan, we are just finishing up. We should be out of here shortly.”

  “No rush,” I said walking over to her. I went up behind her and placed my arms on either side of her. “I’d like to speak with you in private,” I whispered into her ear.

  “Logan, please, now isn’t the time.”

  I went to whisper something else into her ear when Susan walked into the room. “Oh my, I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  “Don’t be silly, Susan,” Leah said as she stepped away from me. “I was just showing Logan something. Is everything good to go?”

  Susan nodded looking at me and back at Leah.

  “We should get going.” Leah packed up everything that was on the counter and shoved it into her briefcase then she and Susan walked to the door.

  “Miss Tate, you will be here for the magazine shoot, correct?”

  “Yes, sir. Thursday at nine. I will see you then.”



  I checked my makeup for the fifth time before walking out the door. I had been able to avoid speaking to Logan all week. I knew it pissed Logan off, but I struggled to handle how I was feeling and that kiss we had shared recently hadn’t left my thoughts.

  I smoothed my skirt and quickly wrapped a scarf around my neck then, for the sixth time in five minutes, I checked my hair and makeup. As soon as I was satisfied, I headed down to my car and started the drive to Logan’s. I decided that as soon as the shoot was over, I was flying home for the weekend. I needed to get out of this city for a while and away from Logan.

  I drove up the driveway and parked in beside his truck. I shut the engine off and sat there for a moment taking in everything. I had hit this design out of the park, fully impressing Mary with the whole design too. She had come to see it yesterday with Susan and had told me so. She was thrilled that it would be featured in the magazine and that the magazine wanted me to be part of it.

  “I seriously cannot think of a better designer to represent Preston Interior Design,” she had said as she continued her way through Logan’s home. I should have been proud of what I had accomplished, but instead I felt empty.

  I took a deep breath, climbed out of my car and slowly walked to the front door. I hadn’t even knocked before Logan had pulled the door open and stood before me. He wore loose fitting khakis and a tight white t-shirt that showed off every muscle in his upper body. I felt that familiar ache and a rush of heat between my legs as he smiled his classic “come fuck me” smile while leaning against the door frame.


  “Morning. I hope everything is to your satisfaction?” I asked.

  “Better than I could imagine,” he said his eyes traveling the length of my body.

  “Glad to hear. What time are they coming?”

  “The crew should be here in ten minutes, come in and have a cup of coffee.”

  I slipped my shoes off, then I followed him into the kitchen, smelling his delicious scent the whole way. I was quiet as I watched his forearm flex when he poured me a cup and handed me the mug, our fingers touching as I took it from him.

  We both sat down at
the table and each took a sip. Our eyes met and held. “About that night . . .” we both said in unison and then we smiled at one another.

  “You go first,” I said waiting for him to speak.

  “No, ladies first.”

  “Logan, I meant what I said back home. Sex with you was amazing but I can’t do this with you. I know you are only after a fling or whatever you call it, but for me, my clock is ticking, and I want and need to find the real thing. I don’t want to waste your time or mine.”

  As the words fell from my mouth, I wished I could take some back as I watched the reaction that fell across his face. It was like I had gutted him in a matter of two seconds.

  “After the shoot today, I’m heading home for the weekend. I need to figure out what I am doing with myself and this job. I’m going to ask that you don’t call me or come home too.”

  “Leah, I—” The doorbell rang interrupting whatever it was he was going to say. He looked at his watch. “Fuck, she’s here already.”

  “Go get the door, I’ll tidy up in here.” I smiled at him.

  He looked at me and said, “Just wait a minute—” The doorbell broke into his words again.

  “Logan, go, they’re waiting.” I got up from the table and rinsed our mugs before putting them in the dishwasher, ignoring the fact that he stood looking at me waiting to say something.

  I looked around, wishing that along with Logan, that this home could be mine too. I had put the finishing touches on his beautiful design and standing here with him in this kitchen, being wrapped in his arms last night, I felt complete. I quickly wiped the tears that built in my eyes, I couldn’t afford to have my makeup run.

  Jean walked into the living room and I watched from the kitchen as her crew set up their equipment. Jean had pulled Logan aside to speak to him about the process for today, I stayed in the kitchen out of the way. I knew she wanted to include a small section about me and the firm to go along with the article.

  I was hoping to get my part done and over with first so I could get out of here. I sat at the table and checked my emails. The bustle of everyone in the living room as things were set up was a little louder than I wanted. Over it all, I could still hear Logan and Jean talking.

  Soon Jean came into the kitchen. “Hello, Miss Tate. It’s nice to meet you. You have done a wonderful job with everything. The house looks stunning.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled. “If it’s not too much to ask, could we possibly get my stuff done and out of the way first? I have a flight to catch.”

  “I wanted to talk to you about that. We would like you to partake in all the photos as well.”

  I couldn’t believe my ears and I looked to Logan. He stood there straight-faced and shrugged his shoulders. “I . . . that is unnecessary.”

  “No, believe me it’s necessary. The model we had chosen to help with the shoot fell ill at the last moment and canceled,” she said firmly. I could see there would be no arguing with this woman, so I shut my mouth and followed them both into the living room where we began an entire day of photos. We worked tirelessly to get the right shots done in every room. When the last shot had been taken, Jean began directing her crew and I excused myself, Logan following closely behind me.

  “Leah, aren’t you going to stay for the interview?” he asked catching up to me.

  “I told you, I have a flight to catch.”

  “But I really need to talk to you alone, it’s important,” he said brushing away the strand of hair that had fallen into my eyes.

  “There is nothing more to say, Logan. Good luck with everything. You have designed a beautiful home, and some woman will be very lucky to have you.” I leaned into him and placed a long lingering goodbye kiss on his lips. It was wrong to do that to him, but I felt it was necessary for my own closure.

  “Logan, I would like to do the interview now,” Jean called from the living room as some of the crew walked by us.

  I took my purse and coat from the hall closet, smiled at Logan, thanked Jean, and walked out the front door. I knew he wouldn’t make a scene with everyone around. I was already fighting back tears when I felt his hand on my arm. “Wait.”

  I looked up at him. “What?”

  He said nothing, as he leaned into me. I put my hand to his chest, stopping him from coming any closer.

  “Logan, I meant what I said. All or nothing. I have to go, and Jean is waiting for you.” I kissed him one final time and then I turned and made my way to the car, swallowing hard as I listened to the gravel crunch below my feet. I looked back. Logan stood watching me as I climbed into the car. I started the engine and quickly backed out letting the floodgate of tears open once again as I drove down the driveway.



  One month later

  My plane landed shortly after one. I glanced at my watch to check the current time. I had called my mother last night asking her if she had gotten my email. She told me she had run right out to the store and picked up the magazine and that she was so proud of me and what I had done. I had asked her if she would mind telling Leah it was available, she hadn’t been answering my calls or texts again.

  “I’ll admit, Logan, I’m a little worried about her,” she whispered into the phone. “She arrived home last night, this is the second visit this month and she has barely left her room since she got here. Joe is beside himself. She isn’t herself. Do you know what happened to her?”

  “I have a feeling I do,” I mumbled more to myself, mentally beating myself up for not telling her how I really felt before she got on that plane the night of the photo shoot. I had even debated following her to the airport, but Jean had taken up too much of my time. All I knew was that I wanted to be with Leah, and I had to let her know it.

  “Is it serious, Logan? Did something happen to her?” she asked.

  I knew Joe was probably sitting beside her praying I would tell them so he knew how to help his daughter, but there was nothing they could do, this was all up to me. I figured if I wanted his daughter, I deserved whatever words he would have to say, and that they should be said to my face and not over the phone.

  “I don’t think it’s anything to worry about, Mom, I think she is just overworked, perhaps a little homesick.” I lied.

  “I hope you’re right. Well, you’re coming home will do her good, I think. She told me she did a fantastic job on your home. Are you happy with it?”

  “I couldn’t be more pleased.” Mom was right, she had done a fantastic job designing my home. There was only one thing missing, and I hoped that the missing object would agree with me and come home.

  “Do me a favor, Mom, don’t tell her I am coming.”

  “Why on earth not?”

  “Are you alone, Mom?”


  “Joe isn’t there?”

  “Logan, what is going on. Why would it matter if Joe was here or not?” she asked me, alarm building in her voice.

  I debated how to tell her what happened. I mean it’s not everyday someone falls in love with their stepsister. “Are you sitting down, Mom?”

  “Logan.” Her voice came over the phone a cross between irritated and annoyed.

  “She came home because of me.”

  “What? What did you do?”

  I took a deep breath and replied, “We slept together, I’m in love with her, Mom. I was horrible to her.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  I couldn’t tell if I pissed my mother off or if she were shocked.

  “Logan, when did this happen?” she asked.

  “The weekend of your anniversary. I told her I didn’t want anything serious, when I was just confused as to how I really felt. I need her, Mom.”

  “Oh, Logan . . .”

  “I know, but please help me make things right, Mom. I need her, she is my missing piece,” I begged into the phone.

  Mom agreed to help me and together we devised a plan. She wouldn’t tell Leah I was coming home. Once I arrived,
she would call Leah down from her room to show her the magazine article, which I had demanded be titled “It Was All or Nothing.” I hoped she would see through that title, but then maybe she wouldn’t. I had asked Jean to use only the pictures that were of Leah and me together so that as she read the article perhaps, she would put two and two together.

  The plan was for Mom and Leah to be looking through the magazine together then I would surprise Leah from behind. Mom had said she would talk to Joe for me. I prayed that everything was all right and Joe wouldn’t kill me when he saw me.

  I made my way through the airport toward the car rental counter, and ten minutes later I was sitting behind the wheel of my rental car. I quickly sent a text to my mom and was on my way to the house. My hands shook on the wheel as I sat at a red light just around the corner from my girl. My girl, I loved the sound of that. I couldn’t believe how nervous I was.

  Within a few minutes I pulled into the driveway, Joe’s vehicle parked behind my mom’s. I went in quietly through the kitchen door and found my mom with her head in the oven basting a chicken and roasted potatoes.

  “Honey! You’re home!” she whispered as soon as she saw me. She dropped the baster in the sink and ran over wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “Hey, Mom.” I hugged her back, my stomach literally turning at what I was about to do. The thought of knowing the real answer from Leah within minutes was playing with my mind.

  “Just be quiet, Leah is in the other room. I’ve been waiting for you,” she whispered. “Don’t worry, Joe is okay with it.” She winked.

  For whatever reason the news of that eased a lot of my nerves. “I’ll warn you now, she isn’t in the best of moods, but you stay here while I go show her the article.”

  I nodded, letting go of my mother and heading to the fridge for a bottle of water. I sat just inside the doorway to the kitchen and listened as my mom went into the living room, first picking the magazine up off the counter and taking it with her.


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