The Queen's Advantage

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The Queen's Advantage Page 5

by Jessie Mihalik

  “How extensive is the outage?”

  “Zone 15 extends from the palace to the edge of the park, including the folly.”

  “You knew Valentin was going to pass through a dark zone. Why wasn’t he warned?”

  “Teams swept the entire zone while you were entering the atmosphere.”

  I leaned over his desk. “Have you questioned the team responsible for sweeping the folly?”

  “The four soldiers were questioned independently. They all swear the folly was empty.”

  So the attackers had either moved in after the sweep, or all four of Valentin’s soldiers were compromised. If the attackers had known about the sweep, then that still meant that someone had alerted them. Rooting out traitors was difficult because there were so many possibilities.

  I stayed where I was, so Young would have to look up at me looming over him. “Who ordered the surveillance upgrades?”

  He held my gaze. “Advisor Krystopa.”

  “How many people knew about the outages?”

  “Everyone in the chain of command from Advisor Krystopa down and most of the teams. We always schedule extra patrols when the electronics are down. We alerted Valentin’s assistant, too, but he approved because the emperor wanted to show you the gardens.”

  I barely managed to hold in the sigh that wanted to escape. Maybe no one in the Kos Empire actually wanted Valentin dead, and instead, they were all just horribly incompetent. Still, there were too many coincidences here, and all roads led back to Oskar Krystopa.

  I leaned back. “Do you believe that Advisor Krystopa is loyal to Emperor Kos?”

  “Yes.” Young’s expression didn’t even flicker—he either believed what he was saying or he was the best liar ever.

  “Have you worked with Advisor Shah at all?”

  “Rarely. I usually work with Commander Grant if I am working with the Imperial Guard. The Guard isn’t part of the military directly, but Grant is my equivalent in their organization.”

  “Do you believe that Commander Grant is loyal to Emperor Kos?”

  Young paused in thought. “She’s never given me any reason to believe otherwise, but I’ve only worked with her occasionally.”

  “Did she know about the surveillance maintenance?”


  I turned to Valentin. “He’s all yours. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I will meet you later, after I’ve dealt with this.” Valentin waved a negligent hand at Young, but his menacing expression belied his nonchalance. Silently, he linked me to add, Be careful. Stay safe.

  Chapter Six

  After Valentin spoke to Commander Young and Advisor Krystopa, he was pulled into an urgent meeting. Left to my own devices, I used the afternoon to wander the grounds and smuggle in my trunk full of weapons and gear. Imogen shadowed me, but we didn’t run into any trouble.


  Now it was time to face the wolves at dinner. My evening gown was gorgeous, with an off-the-shoulder bodice that flared into a wide skirt. It flattered my petite figure while also giving me a pocket for my plasma pistol. The stunning sapphire blue fabric draped like silk and protected like light armor. I’d loved this dress when I first tried it on, but I still thought the price was ridiculous. Ari and Stella had both told me it was worth it.

  I left my long hair down. It was naturally wavy, so the dark brown strands curled over my bare shoulders without the need for a curling iron. I lined my eyes with a heavy black liner and applied smoky eyeshadow. This dress wasn’t meant for meek makeup.

  After I finished getting ready, I practiced drawing and holstering my pistol a few times until I could do it without looking. I’d already been shot at once today. Next time, I wanted to be able to shoot back.

  A knock on the suite door announced Valentin’s arrival. “I’ll get it!” Imogen called.

  I firmly quashed the flutter of nervous anticipation. I wasn’t going to get nervous just because I had a pretty dress and makeup on. I turned in front of the mirror to check that my pistol was concealed.

  It really was a beautiful dress.

  In the living room, Imogen spoke to Luka in a low tone. She had traded out her blouse and slacks for a simple black dress that hugged her figure. Luka wore a black suit and looked a little shell-shocked.

  I caught sight of Valentin and my heart skipped a beat. He had on a three-piece charcoal suit with a white shirt and a striped silver tie. His dark hair fell over his forehead and he hadn’t shaved the stubble from his jaw. He had always been objectively gorgeous—the Kos dynasty had access to the best genetics money could buy—but tonight he had a rough edge that made him even sexier.

  He glanced up, caught sight of me, and froze. Several emotions crossed his face, too fast to track, before he crossed the room to me. He took my hand and bowed over it. “Good evening, my lady,” he murmured. He straightened but kept my hand. Desire smoldered in his eyes. “Samara, you are stunning.”

  My pulse kicked. If he kept staring at me like I was the most beautiful woman in the universe, we might not make it to dinner. “Thank you. You look incredible, too. Even without your imperial regalia,” I teased, trying to find my way back to solid ground.

  He smiled and brushed a feather-light kiss across my knuckles, then reluctantly let go of my fingers. “The one nice thing about being emperor is the ability to set dinner dress,” he said. “No regalia required.”

  “Must be nice. Stella bullied me into buying this dress despite the fact that it cost more than the new hull shielding for Invictia.”

  “Remind me to send Stella a token of my appreciation,” he said.

  I laughed and shook my head. “Don't. She’s already impossible to live with,” I said affectionately. “If she finds out how much I like this dress, she’ll be unbearably smug.”

  “She deserves to be unbearably smug,” he said. He held out an elbow. “Shall we?”

  I hooked my hand through his arm. “How many people are going to be at dinner?” I asked.

  “I’m hosting official dinners while you are here, both to show my support and to give you a chance to interact with my advisors. My whole court is invited to official dinners, so close to a hundred people, but you really only need to worry about a dozen or so.”

  “The advisors I met this morning?”

  “Yes, and their spouses, and a few other key people.”

  “Sounds delightful,” I lied.

  Valentin grinned before he turned serious. “We don’t have to go. I can order dinner brought here.”

  Temptation, thy name was Valentin Kos. I squeezed his arm. “That means a lot to me, but we’re going. I want to know who shot at us. I want you to be safe in your own home, even if that home is a ridiculous palace.”

  We took the elevator down to the second floor, then Valentin led us through a series of labyrinthine passageways until we popped out in front of a tall set of double doors flanked by a pair of young men in imperial servant uniforms. They bowed to Valentin.

  “Ready?” Valentin asked. When I inclined my head, he gestured to the servants. They turned in perfect sync and opened the door.

  The doorway revealed a wide set of marble steps leading down into a massive ballroom. A crowd circulated below, clustered in little gossiping groups. The women wore colorful evening gowns and piles of expensive, sparkling jewels. The men wore suits or tuxedos ranging from somber black to bright violet. They all turned as we were announced by the uniformed attendant at the top of the stairs. “His Imperial Majesty Emperor Valentin Kos of the Kos Empire and Her Majesty Queen Samara Rani of the Rogue Coalition.”

  Silence descended on the room, swift and absolute.

  I had debated whether I should attempt to pass myself off as a naive simpleton, but any advisors worth their salt should’ve done research on me—just as I had done on them. Most of the information about my past was buried, but one didn’t become queen of a bunch of rogues by being stupid. If I played dumb, they would know I was up to something

  Instead, I’d decided to go for coolly arrogant and aloof. It was closer to my natural personality than wide-eyed innocence, so it would be easier to maintain. And nothing bothered people as much as not being able to read their opponent. With that in mind, I affixed a neutral expression to my face and looked around in apparent boredom as Valentin escorted me down the steps.

  Boredom was difficult to fake because the ballroom was incredible. The soaring ceiling was painted in a series of murals depicting ancient, stylized battles that told the story of the rise of the Kos Empire. Heavy, embroidered draperies lined the walls and three massive chandeliers provided soft illumination. Servants in imperial uniforms wove through the crowd with trays of champagne and tiny appetizers.

  At the bottom of the steps, Myra Shah, the head of the Imperial Guard, waited for our arrival. She wore a deep amber sheath dress that complemented her dark hair and golden skin. She dipped into a shallow curtsy as we approached. “Your Majesties,” she said.

  I would never get used to someone calling me ‘majesty.’ The fact that I was grouped in the same category as Valentin was laughable, and evidently I wasn’t the only one who thought so. Sound returned as a low rumble of voices, and most of them didn’t sound welcoming.

  “Myra,” I greeted, “it’s nice to see you again.”

  She launched into polite small talk at the same time I got a group neural link request from an unknown contact. Valentin was the third person in the group and when I caught Myra’s eye, she nodded very slightly, while not pausing in her chatter.

  Holding two conversations at once was a skill not too many people possessed. The human brain wasn’t designed to focus so heavily on two things at once. It took a lot of practice, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if all of Valentin’s advisors could do it. I’d learned how to do it because it was a handy—and underhanded—skill to have.

  I accepted the link as I murmured the correct responses to the small talk.

  Rumor has it that the attack this afternoon was Rogue Coalition rebels attempting a coup, Myra said without preamble. Is there any possibility it is true?

  No, I said flatly. I’d heard no rumors of unrest anywhere in the Rogue Coalition, and I would’ve if they’d existed. Someone is setting me up.

  I thought so, she said. Everything I’ve heard indicates that you’re beloved by your people.

  I did my best to ensure my people’s happiness, and in return, they gave me their loyalty. Perhaps that was close enough to being beloved, especially when compared to Valentin’s court.

  Aloud, Myra had switched from the weather to the ballroom. I commented on the murals and Valentin launched into their history. It seemed we all could focus on both conversations at once.

  Who started the rumor? Valentin asked.

  I don’t know yet, Myra said. I’ve got a few people looking into it, but the first I heard of it was when I arrived tonight, otherwise I would’ve given you more warning.

  Thank you, I said.

  Let me know as soon as you find anything, Valentin said.

  Myra agreed and closed the link. When Valentin finished his mural explanation, she bobbed another curtsy and took her leave.

  I opened a link to Valentin. When he accepted, I asked, How long until dinner? There will be dinner, right?

  Yes, dinner will be served in an hour.

  In that case, I need you to go get me a drink. Take your time; I want to see who smells blood in the water. And if you can, listen in on your advisors.

  Valentin’s eyes flashed with suppressed temper, even as he smiled at my compliments on the ballroom. If I leave you, it will look like I am withdrawing my support.

  Even better, I said. You know I can handle myself. And what people say to me alone will be far more interesting than what they say when you’re around. I may say some things you won’t like to provoke a response. Let me know if any of them get back to you.

  I could practically feel his reluctance to leave me alone across our link, but he nodded very slightly. Subtly, his demeanor changed. He looked around as if he were looking for an escape, and his posture slowly went rigid and unwelcoming. Spotting someone in the crowd, he gave me a stiff bow. “Excuse me, my lady, but I see someone I must speak with. Alone.”

  He walked off without another word, but across our link he said, Be careful. I will be monitoring the situation, but link me or shout if you need help.

  If we hadn’t discussed it, I would’ve truly thought he was trying desperately to escape me. Note to self: Valentin was a hell of an actor.

  Thank you, I said then closed the link. I needed to focus on a single conversation. Valentin’s advisors were unlikely to walk up and announce they were traitors. It certainly would speed things along if they did, though.

  Asmo Copley, the advisor for domestic affairs, was the first to pounce. He sidled up to me and put a hand on my—thankfully covered—lower back. My skin crawled, and I held onto my indifferent mask by sheer force of will. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something about him set off all of my internal alarm bells, and I always trusted my gut.

  “Advisor Copley, to what do I owe the pleasure?” I asked flatly.

  He beamed at me. The man was blindingly handsome in his dark tuxedo, and he used that beauty as a weapon. “Call me Asmo, my darling,” he said.

  Ugh. He was the spoiled son of a wealthy family. I doubted very many people in his life had ever told him no. I’d happily be the first.

  He continued in a conspiratorial whisper, “I believe you may have offended our fearless leader. I don’t know what you said, but I’ve never seen him so eager to leave a beautiful woman’s side before.”

  I glanced away in disinterest. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Asmo’s smile go tight. Oh, he didn’t like to be ignored. I waved a negligent hand. “Valentin needed to speak to someone. He will return when he is finished.”

  Asmo leaned close, forcing my attention back to him. I clenched my fist against the urge to smash his perfect nose and reclaim my space. “I don’t know how it works in the Rogue Coalition, but here, we don’t leave our honored guests to fend for themselves in a crowd,” he said, his words dripping with thinly veiled condescension. “I will escort you until he returns.”

  I’d rather eat glass, but I kept my expression bland. “As you wish.”

  Chapter Seven

  Rather than offering me an elbow, Asmo guided me around the room with his hand on my lower back. Forcefully removing said hand would probably get me arrested, so I just thought about it. Perhaps the thoughts were a little too obvious because the group in front of us stopped talking mid-sentence.

  Do you want me to remove him? Imogen linked. If not, tone down the murderous expression. You’re scaring the locals.

  I smiled and the people around me relaxed. Leave him be. It’s better if he thinks I’m weak and easily manipulated by his dazzling good looks. Rumor has it that the attack was Rogue Coalition rebels.

  I could hear her mental snort across the link. Someone is spreading lies. And if his hand slides any lower, I’m breaking it, she promised. He should learn some respect.

  Agreed. I closed the link. I could break his hand myself, but that would ruin the whole persona I was trying to pull off. It would be better for Imogen to do it, but less fun for me.

  Asmo introduced me to a few more people before leading me toward a cluster of the advisors I’d met this morning. Oskar Krystopa led military strategy, Joanna Cook advised science and technology, and Hannah Perkins was in charge of diplomatic relations.

  They were standing with three people whom I hadn’t met, but I recognized two of them from my research. The older, white-haired gentleman was Hannah’s husband. They had been married for decades. Beside them stood Oskar’s stunning daughter. She shared his curly black hair and green eyes. Rumor had it he was grooming her to take over his advisor position. The only person I didn’t recognize stood next to Joanna. He was an attractive, middle-aged man, and judging by their closeness, th
ey were lovers.

  As we approached, Oskar scowled, Joanna ignored me, and Hannah looked entirely too smug. Their companions took their clues from the group and gave me chilly glares of their own, with the exception of Oskar’s daughter. She smiled at me.

  It even seemed genuine.

  They were all dressed in expertly tailored designer clothes. Hannah wore a long black and silver gown that perfectly matched her husband’s silver tie. Oskar was dressed in all black: black suit, black shirt, black tie. The monochromatic clothing made his green eyes pop. His daughter had followed his lead and wore a black A-line gown. Joanna had on a gorgeous red mermaid gown and had piled her blond hair up in curls on top of her head. Her lover hadn’t gotten the memo and wore a dark suit with a navy tie. The ladies dripped with enough jewels to feed everyone in Arx for weeks.

  “Hello, dear,” Hannah said. “I do hope the rumor we’re hearing about you isn’t true.” Her tone indicated just the opposite. She had to be in her seventies or eighties, but she hadn’t lost any of her bite. She also didn’t bother to introduce me to her companions—a subtle snub.

  “That depends on the rumor,” I said. “There are plenty of rumors about me that are absolutely true.”

  “They say the attack this afternoon was Rogue Coalition rebels attempting a coup. Is it true that you’re facing a rebellion at home?” she asked with a shark’s smile.

  “If I were, do you think I would be stupid enough to confirm it to the emperor’s advisors?” I asked coolly.

  “You will if Valentin’s life is at risk,” Oskar growled. “Or I’ll have you deported.”

  “Father,” his daughter chided softly.

  I narrowed my eyes at him. I had many reasons to suspect Oskar Krystopa and none to believe him, but he sounded strangely sincere. I’d learned to trust my gut, but I decided to press him a little, to see what he would do.

  “Try it,” I said with an unruffled smile. “Valentin would never allow it, as you no doubt learned this afternoon. He’s quite enamored with me.” I let my sly expression and tone imply that I had Valentin wrapped securely around my finger. I wondered just how long it would take to get back to him. Based on Oskar’s expression, I’d guess less than five minutes, but the other three advisors were harder to read. Oskar’s daughter looked strangely disappointed.


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