Bamboo & Lace

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Bamboo & Lace Page 19

by Lori Wick

  "Thank you, Gabe." Lily made herself answer and not chatter on about how much they had already done for her. If she lived to be a hundred she would never forget that they had made her feel like family, if only she could relax and enjoy it.

  Gabe nodded, not sure he could say anything more.


  "Did you say something about lunch?" Lily ventured forth to ask.

  "Yes, I did. We're out by the pool." Lily stood.

  "I think I'll go have a little something to eat." "Sounds good."

  Lily led the way, and Gabe was thankful. His emotions were tumbling a bit, and it was good to have a few moments with no one looking him directly in the face, especially Lily.

  By the time they arrived at the pool, Gabe had things under control.

  Lily woke slowly and stretched like a cat. Still out by the pool, she had fallen asleep in a lounger, thankfully in the shade. A turn of her head told her that Bailey was still asleep in the lounger next to her.

  For a moment Lily remembered the conversation they had shared before dozing off. Lunch was over, only the women were by the pool, and Bailey had seated herself next to Lily's lounger, surprising her with a question.

  "If you could do anything you want this afternoon, Lily, what would it be?"

  "Oh, let me see..." Lily thought a moment, thinking that a nap sounded good, but so did something else. "I would walk through that grocery store again."

  Bailey laughed.

  "You really liked it, didn't you?"

  "I did, Bailey," she admitted with a shy smile. "All those shelves full of new things! I found it fascinating."

  "Well, the resort store is not as large certainly, or as full of groceries, but you'll have to walk over there and have a look around."

  "There's a store within walking distance?"

  "Sure, right at the office."

  Lily's mouth opened in her characteristic "oh."


  "Have you not been to the office store?" "I haven't even been to the office."

  "You'll have to go. You might even find a little something to take back to your father."

  "What does the store carry?"

  But Lily remembered the way Bailey smiled and got a teasing glint in her eye, telling Lily that she would have to go and see. Lily was thinking about doing just that when she suddenly wondered what time it was. Depending on what Wang planned to make for dinner that night, he might already be in the kitchen.

  Moving as quietly as she could, Lily left her chair and then the pool area. She took a moment to freshen up before heading to the kitchen, and when she arrived, she saw that her hunch had been correct. Not only was Wang already working, he welcomed her help. Lily settled in for a delightful afternoon of cooking and learning.

  It was the type of meal that would have been nice to linger over. Much to everyone's delight, Wang and Lily had prepared a rice dish to go with lean roast beef, and it was delicious. However, everyone had to be out the door for Bible study by 6:45. The meal wasn't rushed, but neither was it a dining experience. Lily felt a little uncomfortable about this and said something to Wang when they had a moment alone.

  "You worked so hard, and we're all rushing off."

  "You worked hard too."

  Lily shook her head. "I just did as I was told. The hardest work is brain work." Wang smiled.

  "Go, Lily. Have a good time at Bible study." Lily still looked uncertain.

  "I'll be at one of the other Bible studies, Lily; don't forget that. Don't deliver pity where there is no mailbox."


  And with that she was rescued. By the time they all got to the van, things had become a bit rushed, so Lily took the driving time as an opportunity to pray and calm down. And she was glad she did.

  This was the night that Pastor Stringer devoted to communion and prayer; they spent no time in study. After they broke bread, people all around the room shared their prayer needs. Some were heartbreaking, and Lily was glad that she was not distracted. Then they broke into small groups, and Lily ended up praying with two women she didn't know. Lisa had just miscarried her baby. The other, an older woman Lily hadn't caught her name had a mother who was dying of cancer.

  Lily was tense when it was her turn to pray, but then she realized how foolish that was and simply opened her heart to the Lord.

  "Father in heaven, I thank You that You know all of our needs before we even speak them. You know my heart tonight, Lord, and how unfamiliar I am with so many of the people here, but I still ask for Your grace to be upon each one. Help us to remember that You are in control at all times and we can trust You. Forgive the sins in our hearts, Lord, so You can bless us. Open our eyes to new truths, that we might become more like You. Amen."

  "Thank you, Lily," Lisa said when they were through.

  "Yes, thank you, Lily," the older woman agreed. "Its hard when you don't know folks, but you covered us all very well."

  Lily smiled in genuine warmth, wanting to say thank you right back for the way they had included her.

  Lily heard the phone ring just ten minutes after they had arrived home, but she was not in the habit of picking it up. And, too, Wang said he would be back for the book she'd told him about, and she wanted to make sure it was in the kitchen before she went to bed.


  The aromas of the marvelous dinner they had enjoyed still lingered in the kitchen air, and Lily was thinking of getting out some leftovers when Bailey stuck her head in the door.

  "The phones for you, Lily."

  "Oh! Thank you, Bailey."

  Lily went to the phone, a smile on her face. It was so fun when Jeff called. "Hello?"

  "Lily?" her fathers voice said, sounding as far away as he was.

  "Father," Lily said, automatically switching to Kashienese, her eyes dropping unconsciously. "Where are you calling from?"

  "Hankuo," he said, his voice sounding pleased. Lily's last moments with him had been rather tense. It was wonderful to hear his light voice.

  "How are you?" she asked, genuinely wishing to know and so pleased that he sounded the same.

  "I am well. How are you?"

  "I'm very well. I've learned so much."

  "Tell me about it."

  Lily did, her voice excited with the wonder of it all. She rattled on for some time until she remembered that morning.

  "I think things were going well until we went golfing this morning."

  "What happened?"

  "I didn't do well," she admitted. "We're going to try again tomorrow, but I hit a ball into a man's cart and felt terrible about it." "What did it do to the cart?"

  "Dented it," Lily answered with dread. Already her father's voice had started to change.

  "Lily," Owen now said, all playfulness gone, "you have shamed me."

  "I am sorry, Father."

  "You will make a promise to me, Lily."

  "Yes, Father."


  The door from outside opened behind Lily, but she took no notice.

  "You will not eat until you have learned to golf." "Yes, Father."

  "Say it back to me, Lily, so I know I am understood."

  Like a child, Lily repeated the words back to him, her voice low and repentant. Her father did not stay on the line much longer, but his voice was no less displeased before he hung up.

  Lily stood for some time staring at the wall when the discussion ended. It was not a terribly harsh sentence; after all, they were going to golf again in the morning. But with the turn in the conversation, Lily had not had time to inquire after Ling-lei or anyone else in the village.

  Finally taking herself off to bed, Lily realized this made her as sad as having her father angry at her from across the ocean.

  "Was that Jeff?" Gabe asked when Bailey came back to the television.

  "No, I think it was her father."

  "No kidding!" Evan sounded pleased. "That's great that he could call."

  "Where do you suppose he calls from?" Ashton asked. "Maybe
Capital City," Gabe guessed. Celia called from the top of the stairs just then, her voice very wobbly, and Bailey rose.

  "What are you doing out of bed?"

  Bailey's question was met with full-blown tears, so she moved to the stairs.

  The sports highlights came on just a short time later, and all at once the men were absorbed. Had Bailey been in the room when their guest came through, it might have been different. As it was, Lily went from the kitchen to her bedroom for the night without having to speak with anyone.


  "Something has come up, Lily," were Gabe's first words to her the next morning.

  Lily, who was reading on the veranda, looked up from her book. She had been planning to start the day with her customary run but then realized how hungry that would make her. Concern that something would keep her from eating as was about to happen had stopped that idea. Lily opted to read instead.

  "Can we do our golf lesson tomorrow?"

  "Certainly," Lily told him, managing to smile.

  "Thanks, Lily. I appreciate your flexibility."

  Lily smiled again.

  "Well, I've got to run. I'll probably see you this afternoon." "Okay."

  Lily shut the book as soon as Gabe went back inside. She stared at the ocean before shaking her head a little. Her father had required this of her, and it had never occurred to her to question him. And then she had foolishly promised something both she and her father knew better than to commit to. Lily went back to her book, knowing she was going to have to ignore her stomach all day.

  The resort store was delightful. Water toys, sand buckets, T-shirts, magazines, gum, mints, candy, and much more, all waited for Lily to feast her eyes on. By lunchtime she had become quite hungry and knew that the book she was reading was not going to distract her any longer. It was then she had remembered Bailey's words about the store. In less than ten minutes Lily was at the door, her small coin purse in hand.

  The woman in the office said that no one was actually manning the store today, but Lily could let her know if she found something she wanted.

  "Will it be a problem if I take a long time looking?" Lily had asked.


  "Not at all," Mollee had assured her with a smile. "We don't close until 5:00."

  With that, Lily's mind was taken completely off her stomach. The postcard rack alone kept Lily busy for a long time. The cards were three for a dollar, and Lily chose several to send home and even a few to keep for her own memories.

  From postcards she moved to the seashells. Many shells could be found on the beach, but the ones inside the glass case were very special. Perfect in shape, with no broken or chipped pieces, some were so intricate and lovely that Lily knelt down to gain a better view.

  Lily read every single T-shirt message and inspected all of the tourist books and maps, but not until she discovered the water domes did she know what she would take to both her father and Ling. The glass globe with the sunset and palm trees, where tiny pieces of glitter floated in the water, would be for Ling. Her father's was of the beach with minuscule particles of white sand floating all about.

  Lily set the two she wanted to one side and continued her perusal of the store. Dozens of bottles of every type of suntan lotion filled one shelf. Other shelves held film, disposable cameras, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and so much more. Her hunger receding from her mind, at least for a time, Lily read and explored every item she could lay her hands on. It wasn't the way she had planned to spend the day, but it was going to work out fine.

  Much later that day, Gabe did a double take when he climbed from his car and found Wang Ho waiting for him. Normally a picture of tranquility, the older man was the most agitated Gabe had ever seen him.

  "You're waiting for me," Gabe said respectfully. "Is something wrong?"

  "I am not the one who waits. It is Lily who waits."


  Gabe's heart sank with dread, sure that something had gone wrong while he was at Waikiki.

  "Has something happened to Lily?"

  "She has not eaten all day. When her father learned that she did not golf, he made her promise.. .and then you left..."

  Wang was so upset that he wasn't even finishing his sentences, but Gabe still caught his meaning. His hand was already unbuttoning his dress shirt.

  "Where is Lily now?"

  "At the cove."

  "Make me some sandwiches, will you, Wang? And throw in a little fruit and something to drink. I'll change and meet you on the veranda."

  Wang left without further comment.

  Gabe rushed around the side of the house and went in through the veranda. He hit the stairs at a run, reminding himself to hang his slacks in case the bankers wanted to see him again in the next few weeks. The temptation to throw his clothes on the bed and jump into shorts was strong, but he made himself slow down.

  A glance at the clock told him it was almost 3:30. Lily never ate very much at one sitting, which meant she'd gone for hours on only the dinner she had had last night. Not enough time to starve, but plenty of time to grow tired, have a headache, or feel very dizzy. And all for what? Not learning to golf. If Gabe let his mind go too far, he would be furious with her father by the time he spoke with Lily.

  Ten minutes later, shorts, T-shirt, and sandals in place, golf balls in his pocket and an eight iron in his hand, he met Wang on the veranda and took the hefty sack lunch from his grasp.

  "Thank you, Wang."

  "You are welcome, Gabriel. Take good care of her."

  Their eyes met for a moment, and then Gabe turned and went down the beach. He could have taken one of the carts but thought the walk might help to calm the wild racing of his heart.


  Did he let on that he knew about the phone conversation with her father, or wait to see if she figured it out? He knew they would speak of it at some point, but he wasn't sure when the time would be right. He also knew that he needed to put a call in to Jeff. This one was a bit out of his league. He could tell Lily not to ever do this again, but he didn't want to be her father all over again. He was more than happy to let Jeff be the heavy if that was needed.

  All thoughts of how to handle the situation flew from Gabe's head the moment he spotted Lily. She was not actually down at the cove but above it on a sandy platform, her eyes out to sea. She had a blanket under her and an open book in her lap, but she didn't seem to be aware of anything around her.

  "Hello," Gabe called as he started up the knoll, hoping not to startle her. It didn't work. She started and then turned to him, smiling when she saw his face.

  "Hi, Gabe. How was your day?"

  "It was all right. I don't think I told you," he said as he crested the top and joined her on the blanket, "but I had to meet with our bankers today. We're looking into making some improvements next fall, and the whole thing turned into a rather long, drawn-out affair."

  "Did it seem like they will be favorable?"

  "Yes, it did. Evan was with me for part of the time, and he's very good at explaining the plan. Hey, did you see what I brought with me?" Gabe asked, reaching for the golf club. "We still can get a little golfing in today"

  "You don't want to go all the way to the golf course, do you, Gabe?"

  "We don't need to," he said as he pushed to his feet. "Come right down here, and we'll have our lesson."

  Lily was so surprised that she didn't say anything, but she did follow Gabe to where he was teeing up a ball. He handed her the club.

  "Okay now. You know what to do. Just whack that ball up the beach."


  "This way?" Lily asked as she addressed the ball.

  "That's it. A little better position with your feet. That's good. Keep your arms nice and straight. Okay. Go."

  A sudden case of the shakes overcame the hungry woman, but she made herself concentrate, eyes on the ball, working to remember everything Gabe had said the day before. Not sure if she could ask much more of herself, she swung. It wasn't the pretties
t or the straightest, but it went up the beach about 65 yards. Lily watched it land and then looked to Gabe, who was smiling at her.

  "You golfed, Lily," he said simply.

  "I golfed?" she asked, visibly brightening.

  "You golfed. That's all there is to it."

  Gabe laughed when she sighed, looking very content.

  "Can I join you?"

  "Sure. I was just reading."

  Gabe gathered the club and tee and followed Lily back to her seat. She could go to the house and eat now, but the knowledge that she had golfed was something to be savored a little longer.

  "I missed lunch," Gabe began almost as soon as he sat down. "I hope you don't mind if I eat."

  "That's fine," Lily said quietly. For obvious reasons she had not gone near the kitchen or dining room earlier in the day. She might need to head to the house sooner than she thought.

  "Do you want a sandwich or anything?" he asked around a mouthful of food.

  "I don't want to take your lunch, Gabe."

  "I have plenty," he said, passing a wrapped sandwich and a small cup of fruit to her. "Here's a spoon."

  The first bite was so good that Lily felt tears fill her eyes.

  If you cry in front of this man about the flavor of this food, Lily Cathleen, she scolded herself, you deserve to go hungry.

  She took a moment to compose herself and then took another small bite. It tasted so good. She couldn't remember the last time anything tasted so wonderful. Finally in control, Lily glanced at Gabe. She found him studying her. Just a moment of meeting his


  gaze and she knew. They watched each other for a moment, but Gabe didn't speak until Lily's gaze went back to sea.

  "What am I going to do with you, Lily Walsh?"

  "Did I really golf, Gabe, or were you being kind?"

  "You golfed. I would have stayed down there with you the rest of the day if that's what it took."


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