Kit: Carson Brothers #1

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Kit: Carson Brothers #1 Page 10

by Dyble, S R

  I was honestly gobsmacked and yet again I wished I hadn’t had so many shots because the alcohol was just kicking in and causing my head to spin with the confusion Kit was applying.

  “I don’t know what she’s said but-”

  “She didn’t have to say a lot,” he looked me up and down as if I was dirt and it hurt like hell.

  “Forget it. I can get laid by any of these girls in here, I’m over it.”

  Before I even had a chance to comprehend what Kit had said, he slid around me and was gone.

  I looked to the floor and then back up as Lilly made her way over.

  “Eve, you’re crying, what happened?” She rushed over to me and placed her hand on my face.

  I shook my head and quickly pulled myself together before pulling Lilly to the dance floor where I planned to lose the hurt I’d felt after speaking with Kit.

  I almost forgot about Maddison and when she saw me, she moved over and asked if I was okay. Her friend Allison was now dancing with Nick and grinding her arse up against him. I was disgusted and I saw Lilly watching their every move.

  That and the fact that Maddison was standing in front of me, riled me up beyond compare.

  “How the hell would I be okay?” I threw at her.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, looking confused as hell.

  “You told Kit that I was in the supply room with Chris like I was making out with him or something? We were getting fucking paper, Maddison!”

  “I told him the truth, and what should it matter if you were? You’re not together? Seriously Eve, stop acting like a whore- leading guys on and then getting upset when they get pissed about it!”

  My eyes widened and I glared at Maddison as Lilly came closer to try and calm us down. We were shouting so loud that people were starting to move away from us.

  “Me the whore? You’ve practically slept with the whole male population in our college building alone, how the hell can you call me the whore?” I grinned at her, in disbelief at what she’d accused.

  Maddison lunged at me and I screamed as we both hit the floor, my head being the first point of contact.

  “You fucking bitch!” I shouted and managed to get the upper hand and rolled us over so I was on top of Maddison but she shouted at me and hit me hard across the face. It made my blood boil and just as I was about to hit her back, I felt arms gripping around me and I was lifted off of Maddison who yanked at my hair in the process.

  “Jesus, Eve, what the fuck are you doing?” Kit spoke angrily against my ear and dragged me back further so I couldn’t lunge back at Maddison.

  She was about to come at me again but was stopped by Nick who quickly moved forward out of nowhere and gripped onto her. Maddison was lifted into the air she was that mad and I would have been doing the same if I wasn’t being carried away from the dancefloor.

  “Get the fuck off me!” I yanked Kit’s arms off of me and marched outside myself, I didn’t stop when he called after me. I didn’t stop until Maddison was being carried outside by Nick who was being escorted by a bouncer.

  “What the fuck is your problem?” she shouted at me and I walked back over to her, only for Kit to stand in front of me so I couldn’t face up to her.

  “Me? It wasn’t me who told Kit a pile of crap, seriously honey if you want him you only have to ask him. You don’t have to make him hate me!”

  Kit turned to face me then and looked me in the eyes. It was intense and I looked away before my eyes would give anything away and tears would form.

  I started to walk away from him when screams could be heard from inside the club and I stood in disbelief as a riled-up Lilly and Alison were being carried out by another set of bouncers.

  I eyed Lilly, wondering what the hell had happened in that short amount of time which resulted in her and Allison needing to be carried out by bouncers.

  “She fucking started it,” Lilly said in protest and I couldn’t help but smile.

  The alcohol had definitely hit me strangely because this whole thing now seemed quite funny and I couldn’t help but smile at the ground.

  I shook my head as Kit walked over to the bouncer who now had hold of Maddison after her second attempt to confront me. When the bouncer let go, Kit took hold of Maddison’s arm and spoke something into her ear. It was sweet for her and awful for me to watch.

  It made me feel like a total idiot and it was clear that he’d favoured Maddison. I glanced over to Lilly who looked at Alison and said, “Seriously though, good smack.”

  I’d have laughed if I wasn’t so wounded by Kit paying special attention to Maddison like she was his girlfriend and without even thinking I turned around and started walking away.

  “Wait, Eve!” Lilly said after me and started explaining to the bouncer how sorry she was and how she was now calm enough to be released.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Arms wrapped around me and the back of my body connected against Kit’s front like a jigsaw as he spoke into my ear.

  “Let go of me,” I said tugging at his arms around my waist. I didn’t even know until then that I was crying and Kit held me against him with his face in my hair and against my ear.

  I squealed when Kit turned me around and flung me over his shoulder. He then began to walk and I heard him say, “She’ll call you, make sure you get home safe.”

  I knew he was talking to Lilly and I fought against him until he almost threw me inside of a taxi and shut the door behind him.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I demanded as Kit moved forward to talk to the driver. I noticed the driver nodding through the plastic screen and Kit slid the little door between the driver and us shut.

  He then moved back to the seat as the driver started driving.

  “Didn’t you learn your lesson after getting wasted last time, Eve?” He looked at me from across the seat.

  “I kind of like it,” I glared at him.

  When he edged closer and pulled me onto his lap, I lifted my hand to slap his face but instead, he caught it and used it to his advantage so that I was straddling him perfectly.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are? Get off of me!”

  “Seriously Eve, getting into a fight? Have you lost your mind?”

  “I’m not going to sit here and listen to a lecture from you, okay?”

  “What, you’re going to pout and sulk now because I called you out for starting on Maddison?”

  I was literally fuming at that point and fought the best I could to get off of Kit’s lap.

  “Of course, that’s what you think, why the hell are you even in this taxi with me? You should be in the taxi with her!”

  “Because I don’t want Maddison, I want you.”

  I had to ignore the sensation building in my chest.

  “No you don’t, Kit.”

  “Yes, I fucking do,” he bit back through gritted teeth and brought his face close to mine.

  “You weren’t so sure about that earlier, accusing me of ditching you for Chris.”

  “So, you weren’t ditching me for Chris?”

  “If you think I’m that type of person-”

  “Just answer me Eve, are you with him or not?”

  I glared into his eyes before shaking my head.

  “I’m not interested in Chris.”

  Kit seemed to ease up then and I took the opportunity to climb off of him and I got as far away from him as I could, which happened to be beside the window.

  He came back for me but I smacked his hand away.

  He sighed when I continued to fight him off and eventually, he stayed put at his side of the taxi.

  “Look,” he sighed, “no girl has ever rejected me before, it made sense to me that it was because of another guy.”

  “It must have been a massive blow to your ego,” I spat back.

  “It was, it hurt like a bitch.”

  I looked over at him and studied his face, something seemed different about him. I felt the car stop and behind Kit
, through the window, I could see we were in Beverley already.

  I really must have been drunk, I’d somehow managed to miss the full journey to Beverley and I wanted to kick myself.

  “Why the hell are we here?” I asked.

  “Because that’s where I told the driver to take us.” He reached forward to pay the driver, thanked him and then reached for my hand as he opened the door. When I refused it, he smiled and I pushed past him out of the sliding door.

  I crossed my arms and walked down the front of the Beck that was lit with street lamps and once we got to the front of Kit’s house some people randomly walked in and I stared up at the three-story building.

  “There’s a party inside your house?”

  “It would appear that way,” Kit answered.

  From the outside, you wouldn’t have thought a party was going on inside. It wasn’t noisy, I could only tell because people were arriving like it was a private frikkin' club.

  “Why have you brought me here?” I hugged myself as the chill hit me.

  “Because I want you here. Now, come inside. You’re getting cold.”

  “Eve!” I heard Jason shout my name and I froze as he came over and hugged me, something I was never going to expect from the likes of Jason.

  “He gets friendly sometimes when he’s drunk,” Kit said from behind me as Jason went back into the kitchen.

  In the living room, a group of girls and guys were watching a spinning bottle in the centre of the coffee table and I noticed two of the guys were Jax and Eric who were sitting back in the chairs as if they weren’t partaking but just enjoying the atmosphere. I fully understood why when the bottle landed on one of the girls and all of the guys hooted in celebration. The girl grinned and stood up to take a piece of clothing off. I widened my eyes and couldn’t help but stare, thankful that the girl had a two-piece top on. I assumed the game had just begun because everyone was still fully clothed.

  A bottle of beer came into my sights and I looked at Jason who was handing it to me.

  “Thanks,” I said, reaching for it but before I could take it it was taken and I looked at the culprit.

  “She’s had enough to drink,” Kit said before handing the bottle back.

  “I swear to God, Kit, keep ordering me around…” I dared him.

  “Why don’t you join in, Eve?” Jason asked, smirking against the rim of his beer bottle.

  I could feel Kit getting riled up from behind me and he shifted me away as he glared at Jason who chuckled and drank his beer.

  “Why are you pushing me away?” I asked him.

  “Because we’re going upstairs.”

  “You brought me to a party, I’m not going upstairs with you when the party is down here…”

  We both heard Jax whistle in astonishment as he walked past.

  “Shut up, man,” Kit said after him.

  “First time Kit has had to fight for what he wants, we should be getting this on film,” Jax said to Eric who had now got up and followed after him.

  “I’m not a frikkin’ prize to be won!” I said. It was pissing me off that these guys were talking about me like a frikkin’ object.

  “You are a prize though, sweetheart, let’s face it,” Eric smiled at me whilst opening another bottle of beer.

  “Hey!” Kit warned him and Eric lifted his hands in surrender with the rest of his brothers laughing.

  “He’s really sensitive over this girl, never thought I’d see the day,” Jax said to Eric and I could see Kit’s face becoming even more pumped.

  “Come on,” Kit took my hand and tried leading me away but when I wouldn’t move, he came back fast and squared up to me, as close as he could get.

  “Damn it, Eve, if you don’t come with me now I’m gonna throw you over my shoulder and take you with me.”

  “You wouldn’t dare do that again!” I stood tall and was about to move away when Kit bent down and lined himself up with my body.

  “Kit!” I screamed and smacked at his back as he threw me over his shoulder.

  I yelled even more when he began climbing the stairs and he pulled at the bottom of my dress so that it covered my arse. He smacked it before climbing further, and from what I could see it looked like I could potentially plummet head first down a set of tall stairs at any minute.

  “I’m gonna be sick!” I said loudly.

  Kit took a few more steps and stopped at the halfway landing where he pointed behind me.

  “The bathroom is that way."

  “I’m not really going to be sick, I just want you to put me down."

  Kit sighed and shook his head.

  “Fine, then my room is up there,” he pointed up the second set of stairs.

  “I’m not going up there with you."

  “Why not?”

  “Because I wanted to play that game, you brought me to this party and now you’re taking me away from it?”

  “If you want a stripping game, I’ll happily oblige,” he smirked at me.

  “In my bedroom…” he finished.

  “You’ll need your bedroom free for your shag tonight, I’ll just go and enjoy the party and go home, thanks."

  Kit looked disgusted. “I don’t ever bring my shags to my bed."

  I frowned and called bullshit on that. “So where do you take them, Escort. Do you have a private room for your ladies?”

  My sarcasm wasn’t missed and Kit didn’t look impressed.

  “Actually, smartass, I do. We have a spare room and I take them there, I’ve never had sex or had a woman in my bed,” he finished as if he was proud of that achievement.

  “Well, apart from you. You’ve been in my bed…”

  I just looked at him.

  “I didn’t bring you here to party, I brought you here to cuddle."

  “To cuddle?” I couldn’t quite understand what Kit Carson was saying to me.

  “You want to just cuddle?”

  “Oh yeah, I wanna cuddle,” he smiled.

  I shook my head just as a door opened and a bunch of people came spilling out of the room which meant we had to move so they could get by. I walked the first few steps so Kit could move by and I watched as all of them left. I wondered what the hell all of them were doing in that bedroom as Kit turned around to look at me.

  “You may as well go up the rest of the steps now, Blondie."

  I glared at him and finally gave up, I took the rest of the steps and walked into Kit’s room where he flicked the light on and shut the door behind him. I suddenly felt massively nervous about being alone with him. The buzz I’d felt from the alcohol was fading and I stared at him as he moved around me and to his cupboard where he pulled out some clothing.

  “You should probably go take a shower,” he said, passing me some clothes.

  I frowned at him.

  “When you fell, you fell in a load of sticky beer and cocktails that had been sprayed on the floor…”

  “Oh.” I reached up and felt my hair which did indeed have a clump of sticking mass in it.

  “Fuck,” I hissed as my fingers got caught in it.

  I looked back at Kit, he was stood perfectly chilled out whilst I stood anxious just being in his presence. Something about Kit lit every sense in my body, it was something I’d never felt before and made me extremely nervous and paranoid.

  “What happens when I’ve had a shower?”

  “I donno, let’s wait and see, shall we?” He smiled which made me even more nervous.

  He chuckled, “Don’t look so nervous, Eve, I’m not gonna fuck you, okay?”

  “You’re not?” I had no idea why I asked that. I literally looked like a fool with no thoughts of my own. I sounded like I wanted him to fuck me and that I was disappointed that he wasn’t going to…

  “No, I told you, I wouldn’t go there with you unless you were sober."


  Kit laughed, “Just go get a shower, will you? I’m dying for that spooning."


p; “You know what spooning is, right?”

  “Yes of course."

  “Then what’s the confusion?”

  What was the confusion? Why the hell was I here?

  I figured I probably needed the shower to just gather my thoughts and I headed that way with the clothes Kit had given me.

  After wetting my hair and washing it with Kit’s shampoo, I let the water trickle over my face and within seconds I felt soberer. I started reliving everything that had happened earlier and I rolled my eyes, feeling morbidly embarrassed by the whole thing.

  I dried myself quickly with a towel I’d found on the side and prayed that the toothbrush I’d left from the last time was still here. I smiled when I found it and I quickly brushed my teeth and dabbed at the makeup residue on my face before searching for a hairbrush.

  When I found one, I brushed my hair and found a huge clump of knots straight away. The stickiness had been washed away but with Maddison gripping at my hair, a large knot had formed and I whimpered as I tugged at it.

  “You washed yourself away?” I heard Kit ask as he knocked on the door.

  I nervously opened the door with the brush still stuck in my hair and Kit looked me up and down as if I were a full glass of water and he’d been dehydrated.

  “There’s a knot in my hair,” I said pitifully.

  He smiled sympathetically. “Come here."

  Leading me over to his bed he told me to sit down and he moved behind me. He took the brush from me and gently used it against the knot, using his other hand to separate it.

  “Does it need cutting out?” I asked.

  “There’s no way I’m cutting your beautiful hair,” he said after a short while and he continued to pursue the knot as a butterfly whizzed around my stomach at his comment. I was glad he couldn’t see my face because that meant he couldn’t see the small smile that was tugging at the edges of my lips.

  “Got it!” Kit said.

  I reached around and ran my fingers through my hair before turning and smiling at him, he really did hit it and my hair felt smooth again.

  “Now, do you want a bedtime story?” he smirked at me which caused me to push at his chest.

  I wasn’t expecting Kit to grab my hand and the grin that was on my face slowly faded away. It turned into something else as I looked into Kit’s eyes. I let him pull me forward, mainly because I couldn’t fight even if I wanted to. Kit was fast and before I knew it, he had me pulled onto his lap so I was straddling him.


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