Kit: Carson Brothers #1

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Kit: Carson Brothers #1 Page 16

by Dyble, S R

  “What’s up with you, Blondie?” Kit asked in a moment of silence.

  I was indeed in a daydream until that moment and I had to blink my eyes a few times before answering.

  There was something bothering me but I wanted to ask Kit alone, so I shook my head and pied it off as nothing until we somehow ended up in Beverley.

  “I didn’t even realise you’d driven all the way to Beverley,” I said, looking dumb.

  “Not surprised, you’ve been in a daydream all the way,” Kit answered.

  Nick went along inside and he waited until Nick was out of sight, then he pulled me to a wall where he encased me up against it.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, looking around to make sure no one could see.

  “What’s up, and don’t say nothing because you’ve been strange all afternoon."

  “Is that why you’ve been studying me?”

  Kit lowered his hands from the wall and looked at the floor.

  “I figured there was more to the story with Maddison and the black eye."

  I nodded, knowing I couldn’t say anything about it.

  “So, there is more of a story?” He looked me in the eyes and I nodded.

  “I promised Maddison I wouldn’t tell anyone."

  He sighed and rubbed his head, he seemed far too invested into the whole thing and I wondered why. Of course, we all cared for Maddison but it seemed like Kit really had to know what was going on for some reason.

  “You should really tell us, Eve, if Maddison is in danger we should know, we hang around with her all day and we can’t help her if we don’t know what’s going on."


  “Me and Nick?” He looked at me as if it were obvious, maybe it was to him but why would he suddenly involve Nick?

  “The police are dealing with it. Maddison asked me not to tell anyone so I’m not going to."

  “Not even your boyfriend?” he pushed.

  “No, not even my boyfriend."

  Kit sighed and moved away from me, looking defeated as well as pissed.

  “Why are you so affected by this?” I approached him.

  “I’m not,” he tried to sway it but I wasn’t having it.

  “You are, you’re pissed because I’m not telling you the deal with Maddison. Why don’t you go ask her yourself if you’re so interested?” I began walking to the back of Kit’s house when he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

  “Wait, you don’t think I’m interested in Maddison again, do you?”

  “You seem very concerned, more than just in a friendly way."

  “Eve, how many times have I got to tell you, I just want you."

  I looked down, away from his piercing eyes. They had the ability to delve deep into the secrets of my soul.

  “It gets a little hard to believe,” I answered quietly.

  Lifting my chin up Kit connected with my eyes again and shook his head.

  “You’re insane if you think I’d lose sight of what’s in front of me. I’m not interested in anyone else and I wish you’d get that into your head."

  I honestly didn’t know what to say and in Kit’s eyes I could see myself slithering down the wall like a melting snowman.

  “You’re a sweet talker, Kit,” I told him. I wasn’t completely oblivious to the spell I knew he had me under, the spell I swore to myself I’d never fall under.

  Kit smirked and used his hand under my chin to guide my lips to his. It was a sweet kiss, filled with something I needed. The reassurance that was more than just a ravenous kiss but passionate as well.

  “Now, I’m cooking dinner so let’s go inside."

  I rose my eyebrows in question. “You’re cooking tea?”

  “Yes, Blondie, I can cook you know?” He gave me a stern look before smiling at me and playing with a strand of my hair.

  “And, by the way, Yorkshire lass, the term is dinner, not tea."

  “Shut up, you Ozzy twat,” I smirked and walked away from him, only to feel a smack against my behind as Kit followed me.

  “My God, my hand just bounced straight off!” Kit came up closer and held my arm so he could try again, he was clearly fascinated by the amount of fat gathered on my arse cheeks.

  “Kit, would you mind unhanding me? All of your brothers are watching through the kitchen windows,” I said whilst staring at his grinning brothers.

  It was a strange concept to be sitting at the kitchen counter and watching Kit prepare the tea. Somehow, I had him down as the physical type of guy who didn’t really cook. The fact that he did, made him so much sexier and the fact that the radio was on and Kit started singing to one of my favourite songs, had me gazing at him like a swooning teenage girl.

  We were alone in the kitchen and after all of Kit’s brothers greeted me, the majority of them went into the living room to watch the TV.

  “You can sing!” I said to Kit.

  “You think?” He smiled at me, placing some carrots into the steamer.

  I nodded and lowered my head under his gaze. I caught sight of a magazine that had been left on the counter and I pulled it over to me as Kit continued singing Maroon 5 – Man who can’t be moved.

  I wanted to close my eyes and just listen to him because it was what I’d done so many times relaxing to this song. Hearing Kit singing, it was so much better and I flinched when I felt him coming up behind me.

  I wasn’t sure if I should feel overly awkward by Kit wrapping his arms around me and singing into my ear. When he ran his nose along the back of my ear and sang quietly, my eyes did indeed close and Kit turned me around in the swivel stool and stood in between my legs still singing and bringing his hand to my face.

  “Most girls like gifts, all I have to do is sing to you, Blondie, and I’ve got you where I want you,” Kit said against my lips before kissing me.

  He didn’t need to sing to me to have me where he wanted me, I was a pool around him pretty much 24/7 anyway. Surely, he knew that.

  “Will you two just get married, for Christ sake,” Nick said as he entered the kitchen and I shot up so fast my back hit against the counter.

  Kit smiled at me and moved away, feeling well achieved with himself that he’d had me so eager for him a second ago without me even thinking twice about it.

  Nick grinned at us both and got himself a drink whilst Kit carried on with the rest of the tea. Shortly after, the rest of his brothers made their way into the kitchen.

  “Have we got time to work out before dinner?” Eric asked.

  “Yeah, it’ll be about an hour,” Kit answered and I watched as his brothers left the kitchen by the side door that led to the house next door.

  “It’s so weird that you guys own the house next door, too."

  Kit came around the counter and moved in between my legs once more.

  “If you had four brothers, you’d be thankful for the space, especially at night…"

  “Is that why all of your rooms are so far apart, so you can all shag in peace?”

  Kit chuckled and bedded his head into my shoulder.

  “Something like that, Blondie."

  “I thought we agreed you weren’t gonna call me Blondie anymore, seeing as my dad used to call me that?”

  At the sound of my dad, Kit seemed to tense up and he looked away, both of his arms were outstretched onto the kitchen counter at either side of my body and I watched as they tightened with the flex.

  When Kit looked back at me, he didn’t look so affected anymore, whatever bothered him had vanished but his face was still so serious.

  “No, you decided that. I actually decided I’d honour your dad by continuing the nickname."

  He gave me a brief smile and kissed my cheek before heading back to the cooker.

  I wanted to ask where Kit’s parents were, it was something I always wondered about whilst being here with his brothers.

  I eyed Kit’s back and thought about asking him but he turned around and smiled as if he was back to his original self.

�You wanna go watch TV whilst we wait?” he asked.

  I nodded before hopping off of the kitchen stool and walking into the living room. Sitting close beside Kit, he threw his arm around me and encased me into his side whilst flicking the TV on with the remote.

  I could have stayed there forever alone with Kit, but he had to get up a few times to check the food cooking. I watched as he got up and went into the kitchen.

  “I had no idea you were so domesticated,” I said as Kit sat back down and blew out a breath.

  Looking at me, he smirked. “Yeah? Does it turn you on, Blondie?” He winked at me and turned slightly so he could get a clear view of me.

  “I had you bagged the type of guy who stuck to your punching bag and didn’t know how to cook,” I answered honestly.

  “Wow, thanks,” he chuckled. “I’m glad I’ve proved you wrong."

  Kit leaned in then and gripped my leg as he tugged me over for a kiss, only for me to pull away when I heard one of his brothers clearing their throat.

  Kit sighed and looked around at his grinning brother, Eric.

  “You understand now why we each need our own rooms away from each other?” Kit asked me and I smiled.

  “Don’t let me interrupt,” Eric grinned. “I’m going for a shower anyway."

  Eric disappeared up the stairs and halfway up I saw him pulling his t-shirt over his head, revealing his impeccably toned back.

  “Will you stop ogling my brother?” Kit said from beside me and I shot a look at him like I’d been caught thieving.

  “I wasn’t!” I said too quickly and it made him smirk, looking extremely chilled out.

  “Uhuh, I believe you."

  One by one each of Kit’s brothers returned from working out and they headed upstairs to get a shower before tea and just as Kit got up to check on the food, the front door could be heard opening and a very tired looking Jax walked into the living room.

  “Oh, hey, Eve.” He headed my way. “How you doing?” he asked, taking a seat on the couch opposite.

  “I’m good, how about you?”

  He nodded, “I’m good."

  “You look exhausted,” I commented.

  “Just another hard day at work,” he smiled before getting up and heading into the kitchen just as Kit returned.

  I settled back into Kit’s side just as an unspeakable sound made me shoot back into my seat, it was coming from upstairs.

  It was a mix between a scream and a shout and I’d never heard a man make a noise like it.

  "Fuck!" A roar sounded from upstairs again and it scared the hell out of me as Jax came in from the kitchen and looked at the stairs, just like we were.

  "What's wrong?" he shouted up the stairs but all we could hear were a series of chants over and over – all being the word fuck.

  "That fucking Nair, those fucking savages!"

  It was Jason and he was clearly in pain, and lots of it.

  "Men's fucking hair removal, my fucking ass."

  "Why are you gripping your ass like that?" Jax spoke up at him from the bottom of the stairs and we all waited for his reply.

  "At this moment, bro, I’m not sure I even have an ass. It's been singed from my body. I can’t even fucking feel my balls!" Shortly after, a half-naked Jason came plummeting down the stairs with only a towel around his waist and I had to avert my eyes.

  Kit laughed from beside me. "Why didn’t you just shave, man? Who even uses removal cream on their balls?"

  "Convenience, dude. When someone promises you the relief from having to drag your balls over your shoulder to shave with something as easy as some cream, you're telling me you wouldn’t try it?"

  He clearly didn’t care that I was indeed standing right there listening to everything and Jason didn’t wait for an answer as he rushed into the kitchen, only for a scraping sound to be heard next.

  "What the hell are you doing now?" Jax asked after him.

  "Ice, I need fucking ice. Jesus, how do gays take it up the ass?"

  I couldn’t help but smile, despite Jason's obvious pain, it was frikkin’ hilarious to watch. Seeing Kit looking at me, I tried to seal my smile but he smirked at me, rubbing his head.

  "Did it even work?" I heard Jax ask.

  "Dude, I can’t feel my skin, I'd say it fucking worked!"

  "I was just asking…" Jax answered.

  "Don’t touch the frozen veg’, you animal!" he then shouted and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  Listening to a set of Australian men arguing made the whole situation even funnier.

  "When I read the reviews, I figured all of those guys complaining were just pussies…" Jason went on and on about his ordeal until he finally came back from the kitchen and ran upstairs - ice packet in hand.

  I couldn’t help but snort as I watched Jason taking his seat at teatime. I tried to conceal my amusement by taking a drink from my cup, but he heard me and glared at me.

  “Careful, Veggie, I’ll force feed you pig if you laugh at me one more time."

  I was no longer laughing or smiling, in fact, my face had turned serious as I glared at him.

  “I have a full tube of Nair at home,” I said casually, hoping to warn him off.

  “You threatening me, or just telling us about your lack of feminine grooming?” he threw back at me and his brothers couldn’t contain themselves as they snorted and tried to cover it up.

  Kit placed more food in the middle of the table and took a seat beside me as his brothers began digging into it.

  “I’m threatening you,” I answered Jason. “You wouldn’t dare feed me meat,” I threw back at him and it caught Kit off guard.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Your girlfriend is telling us about her feminine grooming regime,” Jason answered him and I shot a look at Kit so fast it hurt my neck.

  “He’s lying. I threatened to use my bottle of Nair cream on him because he said he’d force feed me meat."

  Kit smirked and looked from his plate back to me.

  “So, you told him you have a full bottle of Nair, unused, at home?”

  “Not exactly,” I answered, hoping he’d take my side. Kit knew all too well that my grooming regime wasn’t below par, he’d been close and personal to know exactly how well-groomed I kept myself.

  “You did kind of walk into that one, Blondie,” he smirked before shovelling food into his mouth.

  My frown deepened and I glared at Jason who was smirking into his plate.

  “I’ll bring you the unused tub of Sudocrem too, for your nappy rash, seeing as you’re such a baby,” I said casually without looking at Jason.

  Each of his brothers snorted once again and laughed after I’d succeeded in owning him.

  I smirked and picked up a piece of carrot from my plate as Jason grinned at me from across the table.

  After the laughter had died down, I felt Kit’s hand resting on my leg and it caught me off guard, so much so that I actually shifted and looked at him. He looked totally casual as he smiled at me and continued the conversation, slowly moving his hand higher and higher.

  He knew the effect it would have on me and I stared down at my plate, trying to focus on something else. I calmly lowered my hand under the table and gripped his hand to stop him from going any further.

  It was pointless because his hand fought against mine and shifted all the way to in between my thighs, making my legs squeeze together with his hand still between them.

  I wanted to tell him to stop, but looking around the table, I didn’t fancy scolding him in front of his brothers for feeling me up. I glanced to the end of the table where Jax sat in his suit. Kit didn’t have parents but if I had to pick a parent figure then I’d pick Jax and I really didn’t want to make a scene in front of him.

  Thinking of an excuse quickly, just as Kit’s hand applied extra pressure in between my legs I almost shot up, nearly taking his hand with me.

  Thankfully he pulled it away quickly enough and I saw him smirking down at his plate whilst
I excused myself, then rushed to the bathroom in Kit’s room.

  I took a few minutes after relieving myself just to take in where I was. Things with Kit had gone so fast that suddenly I was having tea with his family and being sexually tormented in a way I never saw possible for myself.

  Rubbing my head, I left the bathroom and stopped in my tracks when I heard Kit clearing his throat. I eyed him and his smirking face as he looked me up and down.

  “You done relieving yourself?” he asked - suggesting something.

  “If you meant relieving my bladder, then yes…"

  “You were pretty heated downstairs, you sure you didn’t need a little-”

  “Oh my God, Kit, stop!” I threw my hands over my face in embarrassment and heard him chuckle as he got up and pulled them away.

  “Why are you getting embarrassed?”

  “I don’t feel comfortable talking about this stuff."

  “You mean, fingering yourself?”

  “Kit, please!” I really was becoming a red mess and I just wanted him to stop.

  Kit smirked and brought his hand up to my face to study me.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “You just amaze me, we’ve done things together, I’ve seen you cum and been in between your naked legs and you’re embarrassed about talking about you fingering yourself?”

  “Yes,” I answered quickly because I really did just want to end this conversation so I could stop feeling so embarrassed.

  “I’m your boyfriend, Eve, we can talk about stuff like this, besides, it’s sexy as hell."

  “Well, I’m sorry to disappoint but I don’t do that.”

  Kit looked at me confused and edged back a little – “Like ever?” he asked and I shook my head.

  “You’ve never fingered yourself before, ever?”

  “Kit...” I lowered my head and crossed my arms.

  “How do you please yourself so you don’t blow up?”

  Kit wasn’t playing anymore, he actually sounded worried, and it made me feel even more embarrassed.


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