Kit: Carson Brothers #1

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Kit: Carson Brothers #1 Page 22

by Dyble, S R

  Having Lilly there for the full weekend, meant that by Sunday night I had given in to her constant questions regarding Kit’s and my sexual activities.

  “Four times!?” Lilly sat up in bed and stared at me.

  “What the hell is he, a fucking sex god?”

  I smirked. “Without anyone else to compare to, I couldn’t honestly say but I’m going to go with – yes, fucking yes!” I smirked.

  Lilly laughed. “I suppose I can’t be surprised, he is the brother of Nick Carson, after all."

  “Well, they’ve had more experience than most lads,” I said, feeling noticeably jealous of all the women Kit had been with. It didn’t help that I hadn’t heard from Kit all weekend and was feeling seriously worried that he’d perhaps regretted telling me he loved me and that he wanted out of the full thing.

  “What do you mean?”

  I shook my head, not knowing if I should even be saying anything about it.

  “Kit just told me about his childhood, how he lived in a mansion and because of his dad’s work there were always prostitutes and needy women around for them to use."

  “Holy fuck!” Lilly stared at me and I nodded.

  “And it bothers you, doesn’t it?” she asked.

  I shrugged. “It was before I even knew him."

  “Doesn’t mean it can’t still bother you. It’s easy for him because no one has touched you before."

  I nodded. “That’s what he said, and he did make me look at him as he said that none of those girls meant a thing to him."

  Yet, he still hadn’t bothered to text me all weekend after filling me with so much confidence on Friday…

  She smiled and after a while, we both were so tired that we had no other option but to go to sleep.

  * * *

  I cursed Lilly as I got up, spending half the night talking meant I was frikkin’ exhausted and I was already late for college.

  Using my foot, I knocked it against her foot and she stirred before looking up at me.

  “Give me a ride to college?” I asked as she looked up at me from beneath the bed covers.

  “Doesn’t lover boy usually take you to college?”

  Exactly, he usually did, but today he wasn’t outside like I’d expected and I realised how stupid I was to just expect him to be there.

  “Not today, don’t you have work today?”

  “Not until this afternoon, give me a sec to get ready."

  I nodded and headed downstairs, trying not to look bothered. I knew my grandparents had also noticed that Kit wasn’t here and I really didn’t want to talk about it.

  “Stop chewing your finger,” Lilly scolded me as she drove me to college and I frowned.

  “I’m hungry, I haven’t eaten."

  “You’re worried, you always bite your hands when you’re worried."

  “I do not.” I threw back, not wanting to admit that I was nervous. If Kit was at college then it was going to be awkward as frig, because then my thoughts would be confirmed and if he wasn’t then I was going to be even more worried.

  “The last time your grandad had to be taken into hospital you made your hands bleed with worry, don’t bullshit."

  I didn’t know how to answer and instead, I bit the bullet and got out my phone.

  * * *

  Are you okay? Haven’t heard from you all weekend.

  * * *

  I hit send and instantly regretted it but it had gone beyond me being a needy girlfriend, I was actually worried if Kit was okay after not hearing from him.

  “He still hasn’t messaged you?” Lilly asked, glancing over at me sympathetically.

  “Nope,” I answered as she pulled up to the side of college.

  “I’m sure everything is fine, he must have just been tired all weekend,” she concluded and then slapped her hand up in the air like the voice of reason. “Maybe his phone is knackered!”

  “Yeah, but I doubt his car is too and he knows where I live."

  If Lilly could swear, I’m sure she would have but instead, I smiled and thanked her for the lift before getting out.

  “I’ll text you later,” I said back into the car and she smiled and nodded.

  “No lover boy today?” Chris asked the second I walked into the classroom. I wasn’t sure If I should have been relieved that Kit wasn’t there, but neither were any of the other students.

  “Where is everyone?” I asked, ignoring Chris’s remark about Kit. I seriously wasn’t in the mood.

  “It’s computer day, they’re all downstairs, and no, lover boy isn’t down there,” he said, not looking away from his screen. I glared at him then, thinking how pathetic and immature he was being.

  “Don’t you think this thing with Kit is getting a bit out of hand?”

  He looked at me then and smirked. “What, like I’m not allowed to like you too? You chose that arsehole over someone who could actually make you happy."

  “No matter what, you’re our teacher and you should be more mature about it."

  Chris chuckled and it made me even madder.

  “I like you, Eve, and I see the same thing happening with you that happened last year."

  Completely shocked by what he’d said, I stared at him.


  “He didn’t tell you, did he? Why does that not surprise me?”

  Again, I stood firm and glared at him.

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “It’s not the first time I’ve taught Kit, he was here last year whilst I taught graphic design and he had a relationship with another girl quite like you."

  It knocked me back like a slap to the face. “You’re fucking with me, right?”

  “Why would I do that?”

  As I stared at Chris, I realised he wasn’t lying at all, and that he was being completely genuine.

  “Is that why you made that comment before about-“ I stopped myself and thought some more. Fuck, Chris had made comments about Kit being here before and how he didn’t want a repeat of the last time. How could I have been so stupid to not remember that?

  Kit hadn’t mentioned a single thing about being at college before, in fact, he had made it quite clear that he’d only started this course because he was looking for something to do.

  “Yeah, Eve, that’s what I meant when I mentioned not wanting any trouble again. Because Kit is trouble and I saw him hurt that girl just like he’s going to with you."

  “What do you mean? What happened?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t know that much, all I know was that after they got together things got bad until she suddenly disappeared and disenrolled from the course. Kit left with no word, we didn’t know what had happened to him. I’m still confused why the hell he’s been allowed back after all the trouble he caused."

  I honestly couldn’t speak, the last few weeks were playing over and over in my head like a taunting message of how I’d let myself get so close to a person I barely knew. I’d given my virginity and heart to him, for Christ sake, and at that moment, it shattered and was making my chest feel tight.

  “I’m going home, please just mark me down as being sick today,” I said before turning around and rushing away before Chris could see me crying.

  “Eve, wait!” Chris called after me but no way was I stopping. I rushed all the way down the stairs where I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

  * * *

  I need to talk to you, I’ll pick you up later around 8pm.

  * * *

  What the hell was going on? Kit hadn’t messaged me all weekend and now, after hearing the news from Chris, he decided to text.

  I was already crying, I felt cheated. Was all of this with Kit just a ploy to get into my pants?

  It then dawned on me that he probably didn’t love me at all.

  What if he was some sort of serial deflowerer, seeking innocent women and taking their virginity?

  What the hell was going on?

  It made me cry harder and as I rushed ou
t of college I picked up speed around the building, looking for somewhere to hide so that no one could see me.

  I didn’t slow until I reached a housed area and it was so quiet, I could compose myself and take a seat on the curb as I thought everything over.

  I thought about calling Lilly but quickly decided against it because I had no idea what the hell to say. I had no idea what was going on and as I wiped my face clean it suddenly dawned on me, I wasn’t this type of person. I wasn’t the type of person to be seen as a mug by anyone and my frown hardened as I stood up and took my phone out to call Kit. No longer was I the fragile girlfriend, nervous that he didn’t want me anymore but the person who wasn’t going to feel like this because of him or the bullshit I’d just heard from Chris. As I pressed to call Kit, I walked across the road and held my phone to my ear, only to jump back and scream as a black van almost swiped me and parked so close, I feared for my feet.

  “What the fuck?” I mumbled as I lowered my phone and took a step back. I felt my back hit something and I turned quickly, only to see a tall man dressed fully in black and staring down at me like the devil himself.

  “What the hell-”

  “Get in the van,” he ordered and at that moment it dawned on me what was happening because the doors to the side of the van opened behind me and my heart stopped.

  I shook my head and tried to make a getaway but the guy before me quickly grabbed me, forcing me back to the van.

  I screamed, hoping to God that someone would hear me as I struggled against the man’s hold.

  All I could think was Oh God, not again. Please not again.

  It wasn’t the first time I’d been kidnapped and as I thought on what was happening, I started crying and I begged him to let me go before lifting my hands and using my nails as my only weapon.

  “You fucking bitch!” He hissed as I felt his skin peeling underneath my nails. It was a disgusting feeling and just before he acted, I saw the huge scratch across his face that now had blood streaming from it.

  I gulped and tried to get away again but he was much madder than before and lifted his arm to smack me. He hit me so hard across my face that I fell backwards into the van and my head bounced hard on the floor.

  “Pull her the fuck in,” the man ordered and I screamed again as another set of hands dragged me inside so the door could be slid shut.

  “Please, let me go!” I started to beg and I crawled away from the hands that had pulled me inside. Their host was grinning at me, he was a huge guy too and they were both dressed in dark clothes, looking like a set of bouncers.

  “What do you want with me?” I asked, searching both of their faces as I felt the van shift to start.

  With neither of them answering, I looked at the sliding door and reached for it, trying my hardest to open it before another blow landed on my head. This time I was thrown against the door itself. My head had been forced so hard into the metal work that my eyes blackened for a second and as I fell to the floor, I felt another blow to my side as the guy kicked me.

  I couldn’t even describe the sound that came from my lungs- a mixture of a scream and a groan left me and I sobbed as I lay there and prayed for someone to help me.

  “Did you get her phone?” one of them asked the other and it wasn’t until then that I realised both of them had foreign accents. I couldn’t make out exactly what accent though because my entire face and head hurt so bad, all I could do was lay there against the cold floor and cry.

  “It’s still on the side of the road,” the other answered and I sobbed thinking that no one could even track my phone to try and find me.

  We weren’t in the van long and I had no idea where they had taken me but as they dragged me up onto my knees, one of them tied a piece of fabric around my eyes and made sure to tie it tight.

  With every move and action on their part, I fought as best I could but each time I received more punishment and they weren’t eager to stop either.

  By then I’d given up begging because I knew it was pointless, and all I could do was wait to see where they were taking me so I could try and escape again.

  I whimpered as both of them dragged me to where they wanted me and I heard various doors opening and closing until I was dumped hard on the floor.

  “You tied her up, what, you couldn’t control her or something?” I heard a different man. He was right because they had tied me up. My arms were forced together at my back and tied there together whilst my eyes had been blocked with another tie.

  “She’s fucking feisty,” I heard one of them answer and as I listened the first guy chuckled. As it got closer, I tried to shuffle back, only to hiss when a wall hit the back of my head hard. I hadn’t even been touched and I was getting a beating.

  “Just like her mother.” I heard the comment before the fabric was pulled from my head and his words sliced through me like a knife.

  “Who are you?” I questioned, and why had he just mentioned my mum?

  “Ah,” he smiled down at me,

  “You’ve changed, Eve,” he said as if he’d seen me before. I’d never seen this man before.

  “How do you know who I am? Why am I here?” I asked as a single tear fell down my cheek and I searched the only parts of the room I could see around his large body in front of me.

  We appeared to be in a basement. It looked like an old abandoned bar because tables and chairs were covered by huge white cloths and the floor looked chipped and battered from not being cared for.

  Walking over to one of the free tables he pulled a chair out and calmly took a seat in front of me. “My name is Ralph, it’s a shame we never got to meet,” he said, looking me up and down. It gave me the creeps and made my skin crawl.

  This guy was middle-aged and well-dressed but he stunk of evil, everything about him was made to cover the evil, down to his expensively pressed suit.

  He could have been the perfect Mafia man, based on looks alone.

  “Who the hell are you?”

  Rocking backwards he got back up in a civil manner. “Should I just cut to the chase, stop all this breaking the ice thing? I hate small talk anyway."

  He smirked at me and it scared me even more, it was a devil’s smile and it was false as fuck.

  Nevertheless, I nodded.

  “Good,” he started pacing, walking one way and then back again.

  “So, Eve, there’s something I need from you."

  I didn’t understand, none of this made any sense and as I caught sight of the door, I saw both of the men who had kidnapped me standing there as guards.

  “When your father died, he left a great deal of wealth. Wealth that will have now been passed to you, should you choose to access it. Happy belated birthday, by the way,” he smiled down at me before continuing his walk.

  “I need that wealth."

  “I don’t have any wealth, I don’t have anything. You have the wrong person!”

  My dad wasn’t who he thought he was, my dad ran his own small-town business and that’s all there was to it. It was obvious that he’d gotten mixed up and was looking for another person.

  “I’m never wrong!” In a split second, he changed and spat in my face as he came close. I screamed and pushed back against the wall.

  “Well,” he sighed, “I guess, I am sometimes wrong. I hired idiots, it took two of your friends for my men to eventually find you. Kit protected you very well."

  It was at that moment that I knew he hadn’t gotten the wrong person, otherwise, how would he even know about Kit?

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Would he just come out and tell me, already? Closing my eyes briefly, I managed to stop the buzzing sensation that was filling my ears and as I opened my eyes, I felt a rush from something dripping down my face. It couldn’t have been tears because it came from my forehead.

  The pain in my forehead wasn’t just a bruise that would heal, it was bleeding and as I watched it dripped down my chin and onto the floor in front of me.
  “Oh dear,” Ralph said, moving closer once again.

  “Kit won’t be happy,” he commented before pressing his finger so hard against the wound that I screamed out and begged for him to stop.

  He wasn’t at all affected by my screams, instead, he tutted and brought out his perfectly clean handkerchief to wipe his bloodied hand on.

  “Why Kit, what about him?” I cried.

  “You know, Kit – good looking guy, the guy hired to protect you from the likes of me."

  “Wha-at?” I stuttered, not sure if I’d heard him right amongst the buzzing going on in my head.

  “Come on, Eve,” he smiled. “Catch up, a photographer from Australia?

  What, there weren’t enough trees in Australia to photograph, or did he give you the bullcrap story about following his brothers here?”

  My chest hurt worse than any of my wounds did at that point, how could he know so much about Kit and it not be the truth?

  “Why was he sent to protect me, I told you, I have no wealth, my dad was just- ”

  “The wealthiest man of an undercover security firm? Dealing not only with crime but funding the protection scheme so that girls like you aren’t found and murdered."

  I gulped, I wasn’t sure what part of the statement I should answer first.

  “You’re going to kill me?” I asked.

  “No, of course not. Not Billy’s little girl, although I must admit, it was a huge blow for me knowing you got away the first time. Though, if you’d have died that night along with your family then we wouldn’t be here and I wouldn’t be able to access the wealth I desire so deeply."

  He smiled, looking very civil again. He’d taken his seat again and crossed his legs.

  “My dad, you killed my dad?”

  I’d never seen this man before, I knew I hadn’t.

  “No! Don’t be stupid, I couldn’t risk my identity being exposed. I hired men to do it, the men you would have seen that night, don’t you remember them?”


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