Kit: Carson Brothers #1

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Kit: Carson Brothers #1 Page 28

by Dyble, S R

  “You’ve gotta believe me, I’m dying here.” I felt his lips moving against my skin and the touch made my skin spike.

  It was as if he’d noticed because he slowly lifted his face and brought his lips to mine but yet again, I fought him on it and moved my face aside.

  “Fuck sake, Eve,” he cursed and bent down to pick me up. Despite me fighting against him, he carried me over to his bed where he forced me to straddle him.

  “Kiss me,” he said as his hands held onto me tightly.

  “Are you crazy, no!” I yelled down at him and tried to get off but it was no use. Kit held me there and brought his lips to my neck where he placed sweet, torturing kisses.

  “Fuck sake, Eve, kiss me,” he ordered against my skin and then he placed his hand to the back of my head and kissed me.

  Although, this time I didn’t fight him back but I continued to cry as my chest ached.

  Everything that had happened, hurt me so much and although I wanted to be in Kit’s arms so bad, I just couldn’t forget it all.

  “I know you love me too,” he said between kisses and I closed my eyes tightly before capturing his lips again and giving in to the desperation that I’d felt.

  Gripping hold of his shoulders I pulled myself closer to his chest and bathed in his touch as Kit wrapped his arms around me and held me there.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” he said against my lips and it made me cry more.

  I wasn’t sure what I was crying for anymore. I think it was a mix of hormones, hurt and pure love for Kit.

  It wasn’t hard to miss Kit’s growing erection beneath me and although I wondered how the hell he could get one at a time like this, feeling it between my legs lit something inside of me and I suddenly wanted it inside of me so I could feel connected to him in every possible way. My body was yearning for it and my hips started rocking against his hardness as we continued to kiss.

  Kit didn’t tell me to stop, instead, he answered my need with his own and he rolled us both over so he was in between my legs. He made short work of removing my clothes so that I was naked from the waist down.

  Neither of us spoke, instead, the intense need we both felt meant we couldn’t get naked quick enough and I watched as Kit moved back off of the bed and pulled his bottoms off, allowing his length to spring free.

  Before I could rethink he was in between my legs again, only this time we were both naked and back to kissing each other ravenously.

  I moaned as Kit brought his length to my opening and slid inside with ease.

  “My God, Eve,” he moaned against my lips before moving his lips to my neck where he continued kissing.

  It wasn’t just plain sex, we were making love and it was clear by the way Kit gently moved and caressed my skin with his lips.

  I loved every second of it and I gripped onto Kit as he continued to make love to me slowly.

  “I’ve missed you so much, Eves,” he said again, panting against my ear.

  In answer, I kissed against his stubble and ran my fingers through his hair as he told me just how much he loved me.

  “I love you too,” I said without even thinking about it. It was one hundred percent true because I’d never stopped loving Kit and although I knew I was probably doing something so stupid, I loved every second of being in his arms and having him making love to me.

  We both came together and in perfect harmony. Hearing Kit saying my name as he had his release, heightened my own and I gripped him hard as he thrust into me.

  “So, fucking, perfect,” Kit said as we both slumped against each other.

  I closed my eyes and savoured the moment the best I could because although making love had been laced with so much passion and pure love, it still didn’t mend anything.

  “We shouldn’t have done that,” I said, hating to be the one to ruin what we’d just done.

  “Yes, we should have. We needed it,” Kit said, kissing my lips.

  “You know what I mean, we’re not even together."

  Rolling his eyes, Kit eyed me and rolled me over so I was the one on his chest and not the other way around.

  “Let’s stop pretending like you’re not mine, Eve, because it drives me insane. You’re mine and it’s my job to make you feel that good."

  “I think you need to stop pretending that everything is fine."

  “It will be if you just trust me, you know you can but you’re determined to deny it."

  I shook my head. “You lied to me."

  “Because I had to. I will spend the rest of my life regretting it but I still had no other choice, if I had to do it over again, I would still have to because it was to keep you safe."

  “How can I ever trust you again?”

  “I’ll tell you anything you want to know, I swear it."

  “Anything?” I sat up and eyed him.

  “Yes. Apart from where my Oreo stash is, if I tell you where that is, I’ll have to lock you up…."

  Staring at the large cupboard I pointed at it. “Is that where you keep the mask?” I asked.

  Nodding, Kit sat up and sat with me in the centre of the bed.

  “Yes. That and other stuff related."

  I nodded and searched my brains for what I needed to ask next. After having so many questions in my head constantly and now having the opportunity to ask them, I had nothing…

  I watched as Kit got up and headed towards the cupboard, then from somewhere he revealed the key and opened the door.

  Even though I knew what he was doing, nothing could have prepared me for when Kit turned around and his face wasn’t his own anymore but a black thick mask.

  As he neared, I couldn’t help but move back, because although I knew it was Kit, I couldn’t shake the fear that I had connected to the mask. So many nights had I had nightmares about the man in the mask, wondering who he was and why he was there that night my parents were killed.

  Reaching my hand forward I placed it on Kit’s bare chest and held him there.

  “Up until recently, I thought you were the bad guys too. I thought the men in the masks were the ones who I had to fear as well."

  Taking the mask off Kit looked at me and frowned.

  “That night I picked you up from the floor and took you to the hospital."

  I nodded, knowing that his eyes were the last set of eyes I saw the night my parents had been killed. It was his eyes that I saw every night in my nightmares.

  “You were so busted up and...” I heard what sounded like a lump forming in Kit’s throat and I waited for him to clear it whilst looking down. It took a second for him to compose himself after remembering the state I was in before he continued.

  “That day I’d spoken with your dad. I tried to tell him that I thought something was going to happen, there had been a lot of undercover spies that we had to deal with, a lot of break-ins and rumours. They were all just distractions from what was really going on..."

  Kit shook his head as if he was reliving it in his head. “He didn’t believe me that something was going to happen, he was too caught up in the things he had already discovered, he was sure he’d covered everything. I should have made him listen, then... they would still be here."

  It wasn’t until then that I realised Kit blamed himself for what had happened.

  “You’re not the reason they’re gone,” I said so he’d believe it.

  He nodded, but I knew he didn’t believe me.

  “I just wish I’d have done something sooner, if I had, then may- ”

  “Stop it, please,” I begged him.

  Kit may have been a lot of things but he was not to blame for my family’s death and I wasn’t going to let him think that.

  He nodded, although I knew he still didn’t fully believe me.

  It really hurt to know that Kit blamed himself for their death, he didn't deserve that guilt, despite everything.

  “How did you know where I was?”

  I tried to change the subject, I had been strong up until then whilst K
it spoke about what had happened to my family but I couldn’t talk about them any longer.

  That was a question that had been eating away at me since I’d woken up in the hospital. The day I’d been kidnapped, he knew where to come and find me and I watched as he gently picked up my hand and pointed to the bracelet on my wrist. The bracelet he’d given me for my birthday. After everything that had happened, I still couldn’t bring myself to take it off. All this time it had been on my wrist as a constant reminder of Kit.

  “It’s a tracker,” he said simply.

  Lifting my arm, I looked at the tiny gem on the thin piece of chain and wondered how something so small and beautiful could be a tracker.

  “So, all of this time you’ve known my whereabouts?”

  He nodded, although he didn’t look proud of himself.

  “It’s the only way I’ve been able to leave you alone for so long, I knew you needed time to be alone and I respected that. I’d have never been able to leave you alone If hadn’t have known you were safe."

  Letting that sink in, I spoke again without looking away from my wrist.

  “Nick spoke to me about what Ralph said that day, about my dad’s wealth and it being inherited by me.”

  He nodded, “Now you’re twenty-one, the company is technically yours. However, the firm has a board to answer to of trusted members. Members your dad chose.”

  “Was Ralph one of them?” speaking his name was hard and it made my stomach twist.

  Nodding, Kit continued. “With everything that’s happened recently, the board has decided to keep you away from Delta for your own protection.”

  I rose my eyebrows at Kit, “The board decided that, or you did?”

  “I’m not gonna lie, I brought the idea to the table. When the time is right, Delta will be discussed with you. Right now, too much has happened.”

  I wasn't sure if I should have been mad at Kit for deciding for me, or if I should have kissed him for trying to protect me.

  I decided to do neither.

  I understood what Kit was saying.

  “How did you get involved with my dad’s firm?”

  Kit narrowed his eyes at his palms before speaking.

  “I’ve told you about my dad... My dad was a murderer, he was greedy and insane with it. He beat and trained me until I became his puppy. For some reason he had a particular interest in me and making me just like him. He tried to make me a murderer like him but instead, I collected debts and boxed to gain respect for him. There were and still are various gangs, boxing is just another way of gaining respect. The more fights I’d win, the more respect I’d earn for my father’s gang. I was a monster, people who had borrowed money and didn’t pay up in time- I was the collector."

  “So, you hurt people?”

  I could tell that Kit didn’t like the way I’d looked at him.

  “I didn’t kill anyone, Eve. Granted, I beat the shit out of a lot of people who probably deserved it but I never went as far as my father probably thought I did."

  “I can’t believe you were trapped like that."

  It hurt imagining Kit being so caught up in a web like that and seeing the scars that I’d felt before on his skin made me feel sick with hatred.

  “At the time it’s who I was, I wasn’t like I am now."

  “So, when did you change? When you met my dad?”

  He nodded and sat back down on the bed in his boxers.

  I hadn’t noticed I was still partially naked, I only had the sheets covering my bottom half and I reached for my knickers that Kit had placed on the floor and pulled them on.

  Although I felt Kit’s eyes staring at me, I didn’t look at him until I came back to the bed.

  Kit had moved and was sitting on the edge of the bed, and he pulled me closer so that I stood between his legs. Lifting my top he stared at my stomach before looking up at me. Then gently he placed his forehead against where our baby was currently growing and it melted my heart. I wasn’t quite expecting it and I wasn’t expecting him to kiss the skin there either.

  “I can’t believe you’re pregnant,” he said.

  I nodded, knowing exactly how he felt.

  “Are you scared?” he asked, looking up at me.

  How couldn’t I be? I was terrified. I had no idea what the hell I was doing. “I think that’s a given, Kit,” I answered.

  “We’ll figure it out, okay?” he said, looking me in the eyes.

  I nodded as my chest skipped a beat just staring at him.

  “You were telling me how you came to be a part of my dad’s security firm."

  He nodded and gestured for me to take another seat on the bed, and I did.

  “One of the main jobs at Delta is tracking down major criminals such as my dad, the ones who are experts at keeping under the radar. We find them."

  I nodded and waited for him to continue.

  “Your dad had been tracking my father for years, it was only a matter of time before he got caught."

  I gulped before blurting it out. “Did my dad kill your dad?”

  “Not personally, but he sent his men to stop him at one of his main dealer grounds in Australia."

  I nodded, knowing my dad had to have given orders many times that meant a man had to be killed.

  “Your dad was a good man, Eves. He had to make decisions to protect others, he wasn’t murdering people, he was saving lives by taking out these type of men."

  I knew that, it was still hard to swallow though.

  “After my father had been killed, your dad approached me, he offered me a chance to work for him and train with him. At the time I had no idea why. Why on earth had he chosen a messed-up fuck like me to work for him? I asked him not long after. He told me that I reminded him of himself, and that he could see potential. That he wanted to try and mend the wrong that had been done with me."

  “It makes me wonder if I knew my dad at all,” I said, looking away and eventually at my hands.

  Kit caught my chin in his hand and made me look at him, frowning as he shook his head.

  “You knew your dad better than anyone, Eves."

  “I didn’t know he was the person you’ve described him as."

  “He was just protecting you, he wasn’t fake with you, Eves, he just had a secret he had to keep from you in order to protect you."

  I nodded, knowing that Kit was also referring to himself when he said what he had.

  “How many times have you had to deal with a case like mine?”

  Kit looked away and I knew he didn’t want to tell me. Part of me wondered if I wanted to know but I didn’t take back my question.

  “They realised I was good at a certain job and so it would always be me they sent to cases with females around my age…” he trailed off as if he wasn’t proud of it.

  “You mean, there have been lots of cases where you’ve potentially broken someone’s heart because you’ve had a job to do?” This was my concern, what made me any different to any of those girls?

  “Yes, Eve. I’ve been good at my job and it’s acted well in keeping lots of girls safe who have all been under some type of threat. Most of them being that they had rich parents and to get to the parents they’d try to hurt their daughter, that’s where I came in. I’d protect them and-”

  “Make them fall in love with you to make it easier?”

  I saw Kit’s face fall, even so, I could tell that this was pissing him off.

  “You’re not being fair. I had a job to do and yes, it probably doesn't seem like the right thing to do, but all of those girls are alive right now because I used what I had and kept them safe."

  I nodded, knowing I understood but still, I couldn’t understand what made me so different.

  “So, if your job was to make me like you so you could protect me, why were you so mean to me when we first met?”

  “You ever heard the term, ‘treat ‘em mean, to keep ‘em keen?’” Kit replied and it made me snort.

  “Don’t tell me that shit actual
ly works?”

  He smiled, “Besides, I wasn’t nasty to you…”

  “You said I’d never seen a gym before! Clearly called me fat.”

  Shaking his head, he smiled in disbelief.

  “So, is that what makes me so different then? I don’t fall for the shit?”

  “That, and other reasons,” he winked and it made me raise my eyebrows.

  “The difference is my job with you has ended and I’m still here, doesn’t that tell you something?” Kit questioned me and waited for me to reply but I still wasn’t getting it, because of course I couldn’t see what he saw.

  “You’re beautiful, Eve. Everything about you is just contagious, I found myself wanting to be with you constantly and obsessing over you when I wasn’t with you."

  I couldn't hide how the edges of my mouth turned upwards because hearing him saying all of these things made me feel great and I wanted to know that I was different. I was being selfish because I was so insecure.

  “Weren’t the others beautiful?”

  Kit sighed then and eyed me as if he couldn’t quite believe that I still didn’t get it.

  “Not like you, not to me."

  I nodded, not knowing what to say and when I eventually picked up the courage to look at him the edges of his mouth were turned up slightly like mine were only seconds ago.

  “How can you not see how amazing you are?”

  I shook my head then, feeling really awkward over what he’d asked. “Don’t Kit,” I said. “You don’t have to say things like that, I get that I’m somehow different. I don’t understand how but I get it." I didn’t really get it…

  “I love you, Eve. I didn’t love any of them, okay?”

  I nodded again.

  “I love you too."

  Those four words had never been so true, but yet I still couldn’t deny that it would take more than Kit’s explanation for me to fully trust him again. “I wish I didn't, but I do,” I said honestly.

  Kit already knew that I loved him but the look of relief and how his face lit up was like that of a little boy.

  I bet he was a seriously cute child and it brought my thoughts back to our baby. I kept forgetting that I was pregnant because it still hadn't sunk in.

  “So, when do we get to see a picture of him?” he asked, gesturing to my stomach.


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