The Stand-In Boyfriend: A YA Contemporary Romance Novel (The Boyfriend Series Book 5)

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The Stand-In Boyfriend: A YA Contemporary Romance Novel (The Boyfriend Series Book 5) Page 25

by Christina Benjamin

  When they were finally alone he sat down on the bed, giving her a real kiss. Her lips tasted like maple syrup and she sighed into him. “How was your breakfast?” he asked.

  “Perfect, but you knew that already because you ordered my favorites.”

  “How do you know it’s from me?” he teased.

  “Because there was maple syrup in my coffee. No one knows I like that but you.”

  “You caught me,” he said upending the Scrabble board as he moved to sit next to her. He took a sip of her coffee and shivered at the excessive amount of sugar. “How can you drink this?”

  Beth laughed. “All that sugar makes me sweeter.”

  Parker grinned at her brilliant smile. Maybe it was true, because he’d never seen a sweeter sight. “You might be right about that.”

  “I love that you know me so well,” she said snuggling into him.

  He shrugged, playfully. “What can I say? It’s a gift.”

  Beth’s face turned serious as she pressed a kiss to his lips. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “For what?”

  “For everything. For knowing all my weird habits and loving me anyway. For taking care of me. For still being here.”

  “Beth, there’s literally nowhere else on earth I’d rather be than by your side. And all that other stuff,” he said kissing her forehead. “It makes me love you even more.”

  She blinked up at him, longing glowing in her eyes. “My parents left for Boston an hour ago.”

  A sudden surge of desire flared inside Parker. They were finally alone. For the first time ever, they were in the same place, on the same page and they were free to do whatever they wanted. Excitement nearly overtook him as Beth traced a delicate finger down his chest.

  “Oh, and Brenna left us something,” she added.


  “Open the top drawer in the nightstand.”

  Parker peeled himself away from Beth long enough to open the drawer. “A key?” he asked pulling out the only item inside the drawer.

  Beth grinned. “To the beach cottage. It’s ours for the rest of the week if we want to stay there.”

  Parker blinked. “Are you kidding?”

  Beth shook her head.

  “Do you want to?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Do you?”

  “Of course I want to,” Parker replied.

  “Good. I do too.” Beth giggled and Parker was back in the bed in a flash, pulling her into his arms again.

  Their kissed carried them away and in seconds Parker was burning. Beth’s hands twined in his hair and down his back. The soft whimpers she made anytime his lips brushed a delicious new spot sent thrills through his body. Her hands slid under his shirt tugging his hem higher and higher. Parker yanked his shirt off in one fluid motion, easing Beth onto her back. She gasped as his chest pressed against hers. It was enough to make him still. “Are you okay?”

  “There’s something digging into my back.”

  Parker lifted her up, finding the culprit. Beth laughed when he held up a small wooden Scrabble tile and pulled him back in for a kiss. Things got hot and heavy quickly and Parker forced himself to slow down.

  “What’s wrong,” Beth asked.

  “Nothing. I just . . .” he paused.

  “Parker, you can tell me anything.”

  “I know,” he said kissing her lightly. “I just want to be sure that you really want to do this?”

  “I’m sure,” she whispered. “I’ve never been more sure of anything. I want this Parker. I want you.”

  Her eyes threatened to ignite his soul and it took every ounce of willpower he had to utter the next words. “Not like this.”

  “What?” Beth blinked up at him. “Why?”

  “Because I want it to be perfect.”

  “Parker, it is perfect. It’s us. I couldn’t want anything more.”

  “I want our first time to be perfect,” he whispered. “Not with Scrabble letters poking us in all the wrong places.”

  Beth giggled.

  Parker sat up, pulling Beth with him. “Plus, I’ve sorta been planning something.”

  “Since when?”

  “Technically, since you said the words beach cottage . . . but I’ll admit that it’s something I’ve thought about on more than a few occasions.”

  “Well now I’m curious. What is it?”

  “It’s a surprise. Are you feeling up for an adventure?”

  “I was sorta feeling up for spending the day in bed with you.”

  Parker grinned, his heart soaring at Beth’s words. “Give me two hours,” he begged. “And can I borrow this?” he asked picking up the key from the nightstand.

  She nodded and he gave her a quick kiss. “Take a shower and pack an overnight bag. I’ll pick you up here in two hours.”



  True to his word, Parker was back at her door in two hours. He knocked and when she yelled, “Come in,” he only knocked again.

  Beth wondered for a moment if maybe it wasn’t Parker. But when she answered the door he was standing there in navy Bermuda shorts and a white linen shirt with a giant bouquet of daisies in his arms.

  “What’s this?” she asked.

  “It’s a date,” he replied brightly.

  “Parker, you didn’t have to do this.”

  “Yes I did. I told you I wanted to take you on a real date.”

  She blushed as he handed her the flowers and gave her a kiss on each cheek.

  “Beth Bennett,” Parker said, his voice serious and official. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

  She laughed. “Yes.”

  “And will you accompany me on a date today?”

  “I’d be honored,” she said slipping her arm through his.

  Suddenly, Beth did feel like she was going on a real date. No one had ever picked her up with flowers before. She and Jared had to keep their dating a secret from her parents. And she and Parker had done a million date-like things, but only as friends. This was uncharted territory.

  Parker slung Beth’s overnight bag over his shoulder and led her from the room, bouquet and all. She followed him to a golf cart he had waiting out front. There was a large wicker picnic basket in the back. Parker added her bag and flowers alongside it before helping her into the cart.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  He leaned in and kissed her sweetly. “You’ll see.”

  They drove toward the beach and Parker steered the cart onto the conservation path. It was a long and winding boardwalk that wove through the inland side of the dunes that separated the golf course from the beach. The path ran through the protected area for wildlife the estate had designated when it was turned into a hotel. Beth and Parker used to spend hours hiking there as kids.

  “Are we hiking?” she asked.

  He grinned at her. “We’re doing a modified hike, golf cart style.”

  Beth raised her eyebrows.

  “I didn’t know how steady you were feeling.” Parker said. “And I don’t want you to get too worn out.”

  “Parker, I feel fine.” Beth placed a soothing arm on Parker’s. “I promise.”

  “Good,” he said. “But we’re still taking the golf cart.”

  “Are we allowed?”

  “I cleared it with the hotel.”

  She laughed.

  Parker queued up a playlist on his phone and Frank Sinatra’s sultry voice serenaded them as they slowly cruised through the beautiful greenery. It was perfect. Beth leaned into Parker and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close. She could’ve stayed like that forever, but their joyride eventually ended at a little sandlot in front of the beach cottage.

  Beth could hear the waves crashing in the distance and the smell of salt in the air instantly brought her back to her and Parker’s first kiss. She looked over at him and could tell he was thinking the same thing from the wistful curve of his lips.

  Beth was awestruck that this beautiful
boy was all hers. She leaned in to kiss him but he dodged her, scooping her up in his arms instead. He twirled her around before planting a kiss on her lips that left her breathless. He set her down for the briefest moment to grab the picnic basket, then he swept her up in his arms again.

  “Parker,” she shrieked. “I can walk.”

  “I know. I’m just being romantic.”

  “So carrying me everywhere is just part of our date?”

  “Yep, get used to it.”

  “Really? You’re going to carry me everywhere from now on?”

  “I just might. You’re great strength training,” he teased curling her like she was a kettle ball.

  She gave up fighting him and nuzzled her face into his neck instead. He smelled delicious—like fresh soap and boy. Parker carried her around the side of the beach cottage, which was a small white-washed bungalow shaped like an octagon. Every room had a stunning view. Beth had only been there once before, since it was almost always rented out by guests.

  When they reached the back of the cottage, Parker finally set her down. “Ta-da,” he said drawing her attention to the fire pit where a perfect bonfire waited to be lit.

  Beth clapped in delight. She instantly knew what was in the picnic basket Parker set down. “S’mores?” she guessed.

  “I promised you hiking, bonfires and S’mores,” he replied.

  “It’s perfect,” she exclaimed, launching herself back into his arms.

  Beth kissed Parker madly as the ocean air blew her hair like a golden storm around them. He held her with such intensity that she wanted to cry. She was his and he was hers. Parker was everything she’d ever wanted and they’d finally found their way to each other.

  Beth’s feelings overwhelmed her as tears slipped down her cheeks.

  Parker pulled away in alarm. “Are you okay?”

  “Perfect,” she murmured.

  “You’re crying.”

  “I know,” she said swiping at her cheeks. “I’m just so happy.”

  “Me too,” he said, caressing her face with heartbreaking tenderness. “Me too.”


  Parker lounged in the oversized Adirondack chair with Beth in his arms. He stared at the dancing flames of their bonfire. They’d both eaten their fill of S’mores and were now snuggled in a warm cable knit blanket as the sun set, painting the sky cotton candy pinks and blues.

  Today had been perfection, and there was still more to come—if that’s what Beth wanted. Parker was happy to stay right where he was. But if Beth wanted more, he wanted to let her know he wanted it too. It was a fine line to walk. He didn’t want to push her, but he didn’t want her to think that every fiber of his being wasn’t craving her.

  The flames were smoldering down to embers and it was starting to get cold.

  “Do you want to go inside?” he asked.


  Beth gathered the blanket in her arms and stood up. She walked a few steps and turned back to him with a smirk. “What? You’re done carrying me already?”

  Parker laughed but made no move to pick her up. If they were going to do more than kiss, he wanted her to lead the way. He never wanted her to feel pressured.

  Beth made her way to the cottage and Parker followed her inside. It was dark and she reached for the light switch.

  “Wait,” he said, grabbing a remote instead.

  Parker pressed a button and the room blazed to life with the dozens of LED candles he’d set up earlier. He clicked another button and Snow Patrol’s seductive melodies softly greeted them.

  Beth gasped as she took in the room. Parker watched as her hand flew to her chest. Her eyes misted up as she drank in the scene he’d arranged for her. The round cottage studio was aglow with candlelight and scattered on every surface were hundreds of bouquets of daisies. The flowers had taken him the longest to arrange, but it had been worth every second to see the look of awe on Beth’s face.

  “Do you like it?” he asked.

  “I love it,” she whispered.

  Beth walked further into the room, moving toward the king sized bed at its center. Her fingers trailed over the soft white flower petals. “Where did you get so many daisies?”

  Parker laughed. “Let’s just say every florist in Savannah had a very lucrative day.”

  Beth looked at him, curiously. “Why daisies?”

  Parker rubbed the back of his neck shyly. “I didn’t know your favorite flower.”

  Beth sauntered over to him and looped her arms around his neck. “Parker Reed, are you saying there are things you don’t know about me?”

  “I guess so.”

  “I think that’s a very wonderful thing,” she whispered against his lips. “That means there are still things for us to discover about each other.”

  Parker kissed her for a long moment before pulling away. “What is your favorite flower?”

  Beth looked as though she was pondering it for a moment. “I guess I don’t have one. Why’d you choose daisies?”

  “I thought you might like them since they were the flowers on your lucky shoes.”

  He watched Beth’s eyes blink in a mixture of adoration and astonishment. “Ya know, I may not have had a favorite flower, but I do now.”

  “I was hoping you might say that,” Parker admitted kissing her again. “I sort of think of them as my lucky charm now.”


  “Yeah. The last time you wore daisies on your shoes it was in my favor.” Parker kissed her slowly. “Do you remember?” he asked between kisses.

  Beth nodded, whimpering as Parker trailed kisses down her throat.

  “It was the night you told me you picked me,” he murmured.

  “I remember.”

  “I think it was the greatest night of my life.”

  Beth smiled and for a second, the candlelight made her look more devilish than angelic. “I was sorta hoping tonight would be the greatest night of your life.”

  Parker’s heart thumped so loudly in his chest he thought he would have to turn the music up to drown it out. Beth turned away from him and started to unzip her dress. Time slowed as it fluttered to the floor and Parker drank her in—flawless skin, pearl-white lingerie.

  Beth shimmered in the candlelight. She took a step toward him tugging at his shirt. It was off in an instant and they were kissing like their lives depended on it. They moved to the bed. Parker followed Beth across the plush white sheets, hypnotized by her beauty and hungry for more. She lay back, pulling his hard planes against her soft curves. The moment was so painfully exquisite that Parker found it hard to breathe. He’d always known he loved Beth, but now he was falling, deeper and faster than he knew existed. Parker never knew he could feel so much all at once. But when Beth wrapped her arms around him, he knew he was irrevocably changed.

  Parker’s chest rose and fell quickly as their bodies aligned. Beth’s breaths came in fast, shallow bursts. But through it all, Parker noted their heartbeats and how perfectly matched they were—both pounding with frantic pleasure. He felt like he was about to dive off a cliff. He was terrified and exhilarated, and he’d never felt more alive.

  “Are you sure?” he whispered one last time.

  Beth stared into his eyes. “I told you, Parker. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  “I love you, Beth.”

  “I love you too, Parker.”



  The next morning Beth awoke first. The pale dawn light filtered in from every window, washing the beach cottage with an ethereal glow. Beth glanced at Parker. He was still fast asleep, cradling her in his arms.

  Her heart swelled just looking at him. Last night had been perfect. Beth’s sisters were right; sex was incredibly special when you waited to be in love. And Beth was most definitely in love. She couldn’t imagine anything being more special than what she and Parker had shared last night. He’d been so kind and gentle with her. He knew her better than anyone else in the worl
d and she trusted him in a way she couldn’t put into words. He was her other half, her better self—hers.

  Hers. Beth would never grow tired of that word. Parker Reed was hers. And she was his. They shared the most perfect moment and nothing could ever steal that from them. Not college, not gossip, nor time. It would exist forever, just for the two of them.

  She traced the warm skin of his bare chest, placing her palm above his heart. She loved feeling it beat beneath her fingers. She could lay with her head on his chest and listen to the steady rhythm of his heart forever.

  Carefully, Beth placed a light kiss where her hand had been over Parker’s heart.

  She was content to watch him sleep. He was so sublimely beautiful in the morning light. All mussed black hair and fine angles—a sleeping prince.

  She didn’t want to wake him, but she couldn’t resist placing soft kisses up his neck. She got to his jaw before he began to stir.

  His vivid blue eyes flickered open and his gorgeous face quirked into a lopsided grin. “Good morning, beautiful,” he said in his devastating morning voice.

  Beth closed her eyes with delight. “I think I could die happy if I never heard another sentence for the rest of my life.”

  Parker grinned. “Challenge accepted.”


  “Beth, no boy wants to be called beautiful,” Parker groaned. “You need to pick a new nickname for me.”

  “Why?” Beth whined, snuggling further under his arm. They were lying in his dorm room bed—on top of the covers at Parker’s insistence. The first day of college had snuck up on them and Beth was being sappier than usual.

  “Because I don’t want my roommate to start calling me beautiful,” he joked. “I haven’t met him yet and I want to make a good impression.”

  “He’s going to love you, beautiful,” Beth teased.

  Parker pinched her side and she erupted into a fit of laughter. “Come on,” he pressed. “How about handsome? Or maybe I could get away with gorgeous?”

  “Someone’s feeling full of themselves,” Beth taunted.


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