The Stand-In Boyfriend: A YA Contemporary Romance Novel (The Boyfriend Series Book 5)

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The Stand-In Boyfriend: A YA Contemporary Romance Novel (The Boyfriend Series Book 5) Page 29

by Christina Benjamin

  “Yep, I am,” Megan said pluckily. “I’m Megan Fields, Zander’s friend from Boston.”

  “Funny, he’s never mentioned you,” Tabitha remarked.

  “I was just thinking the same thing,” Megan shot back.

  “She’s hilarious,” Tabitha purred, turning her attention back to Zander. “Where on earth do you find these people?”

  “These people are my friends, Tab,” Zander replied taking a step away from her.

  Tabitha turned back toward Megan, seeming to notice Devon and Sam for the first time. “Really?”

  “Yes, this is my business partner, Devon James, his girlfriend Samantha Connors and my friend Megan Fields. Megan is shooting Cor-Tec’s new film campaign.”

  Tabitha’s demeanor noticeably changed once she learned everyone’s titles. She quickly shook Devon’s hand, flashing him a winning smile, while Sam got a curt nod and Megan a second glance. “Zander, darling, you should’ve told me your friends were coming out with us tonight. I would’ve dressed up.”

  Megan snorted. “Do you own pants that are more sparkly?”

  Tabitha was wearing a plunging black top that left little to the imagination, and there was no missing her in her silver sequin pants and stilettos. Megan couldn’t imagine what dressing up was if Tabitha thought she didn’t look flashy enough.

  The super model gave Megan a snide look but before Tabitha could reply a waitress squeezed into the room carrying four nearly overflowing pints of Guinness.

  “Thanks, Ali,” Zander said taking two pints from her and passing them to Sam and Megan. He grabbed the last two, handing one to Devon and keeping the other for himself.

  Tabitha made a pouty face. “Darling, you know I don’t drink that stuff.”

  “Right,” he said grimacing. “Ali, can I trouble ye for a drink for the lady?”

  “Sure, Z. What’ll it be?” Ali asked in a rapid Irish brogue.

  “Gin martini, dry. But only if you have Bombay Sapphire. Everything else is just piss.”

  Ali raised her eyebrows, but turned back the way she’d come muttering angrily under her breath.

  “Meg, let’s go to the ladies,” Sam said linking arms with her as Megan drained half her pint in two long gulps.

  “I don’t need to go to the ladies’ room,” Megan muttered eyeing Tabitha jealously. The leggy twat had snaked a long arm around Zander’s waist.

  “I think you do,” Sam insisted, practically dragging Megan from the room.

  “What the hell was that?” Sam asked when they were finally in the ladies’ room.

  “I know, right? Freaking Tabitha Hall is a total bitch waffle!” Megan exclaimed.

  “I was talking about you?”

  “Me? What did I do?”

  “Besides practically claw her eyes out?”

  “I didn’t touch her.”

  “You didn’t have to. You know your face is an open book. You looked like you wanted to punch her every time she opened her mouth,” Sam accused.

  “Well that’s because I did. The girl’s a class-A fame-whore. Did you see the way she fawned over Devon when she found out who he was? I hate fake bitches and that ho is wicked fake!”

  “I know,” Sam said. “And so does Zander, but if you don’t tone down your Boston brawler attitude, he’s gonna be pissed at you too.”

  Megan wrinkled her nose in disgust, but she knew Sam was right. Zander and Megan had several conversations about how much they despised phony people, or pretenders, as Zander called them. She remembered because she had unknowingly accused him of dating too many of them, causing him to admit that Cor-Tec’s PR team had been setting him up with all these high-profile head cases to ride the wave of fame as long as they could.

  Zander had seemed rather agitated about the subject so Megan tried not to press him when she saw tabloid photos of him with other women. Plus, it did her ego good to think he was only posing with them for press, not actually hooking up with these women who possessed unattainable levels of mortal hotness.

  And what could she even say? Technically she and Zander were just friends who flirted online. If she thought that gave her the right to act like a jealous diva than she had bigger problems than Tabitha Hall.

  “Fine,” Megan muttered. “But give me a sip of your beer so I can calm down.”

  Sam handed it over. “What happened to your beer?”

  “I chugged it on my way to the bathroom.”

  Sam rolled her eyes. “Can you at least try to pace yourself? You know you’re a lightweight.”

  “All is fair in love and beer,” Megan said after slamming what was left of Sam’s beer and burping loudly.

  “And now you’re speaking in quotes. Just great,” Sam muttered following Megan out of the bathroom.

  Megan tried not to let Tabitha ruin her night, but she couldn’t help being bothered by the fact that she’d never seen any photos of Zander and Tabitha together. Megan would’ve remembered that. Before meeting the model, Megan had been a big fan and she would’ve pestered Zander for details and at the very least an autograph if he was pretend dating her. Plus, he knew how much Megan loved 1922. She’d been nagging him to watch that movie for a few months now.

  They routinely watched the same movies so they could argue each other’s points. Their conversations mostly consisted of Megan telling Zander his taste in film was abysmal, which it was, but she sent him a list of movies he needed to work his way through to improve it. It was the same list she’d been trudging through with Devon to get him up to the twenty-first century. Ireland really needed to get up to speed on their movies.

  Zander had been surprisingly eager to watch nearly every movie on the list just so he could debate them with Megan. And now that Megan was thinking about it, it seemed strange that he had skipped over the one movie that Tabitha Hall happened to star in. It couldn’t be a coincidence. She really wished it were, but her gut was telling her something more was going on, and her gut was seldom wrong.

  A dark and doubtful seed began to take root in Megan’s chest. It worried her that Zander had kept whatever he and Tabitha were from her. They told each other everything—secrets, worries, fears, hopes, dreams. The fact that he hadn’t told her about Tabitha meant it was big. And maybe more of an obstacle than Megan’s resilient optimism could handle.

  Suddenly Megan wasn’t ready to face Zander and Tabitha again. She quickly changed course and veered toward the bar, easily losing Sam in the crowd. She quickly caught the attention of an old barkeep and held up two fingers.

  “Jagermeister,” Megan yelled.

  The old man eyed her suspiciously. “Ye got ID?”

  “Sure do.” Megan slapped it down on the counter and the bartender coughed a laugh.

  “Christ, ye look like yer sixteen.”

  Megan grimaced. “Yeah, yeah, I’m short and I’ve still got my baby fat, I’ve noticed.”

  The bartender laughed again. “Two jagers?”


  “Both of ‘em for you?”


  “Why don’t ye tell me who ye suppose the other is for, lass?”

  “Because the other might be to throw in the face of the slutty giraffe trying to steal my man.”

  “Aye, now if ye tell me dat I can’t be serving ye any jagers, lass.”

  “But I’m old enough to drink. Look,” she said waving her ID at him again. “Megan Fields. Date of birth, August—”

  “Shite! Megan Fields, did ye say?”


  “Well why didn’t ye say so?”

  “I just did. Do you know me?”

  “Of course. I’m Pete,” he said excitedly.


  “I’ve known Zander since he was a wee lad. Still acts like one from time ta time but he’s turnin’ a new leaf it seems.”

  “So it seems.”

  “I’ll be,” Pete said slapping the counter. “Megan Fields.”

  “So Zander’s talks about me?” Megan felt l
ike a schoolgirl asking such a question but she couldn’t deny the rush of relief that flooded her when Pete nodded enthusiastically.

  “All the time. He talks to ye here a lot. I’m sure ye know dat, but ye probably didn’t know I was privy to yer conversations. Hazard of the job I s’pose. But don’t worry, my lips are sealed.”

  Megan grinned. “Well maybe my second shot of Jager is for you.”

  Pete made a face. “Nah, I don’t drink that shite.”

  “Well what do you drink?”

  “Whiskey, but not while I work.”

  “Ah come on Pete, you’re the first friend I’ve made in Ireland. We should celebrate.”

  “Dat we should.” Pete winked and poured two shots of Jager for Megan and a nip of whiskey for himself.

  “Cheers,” Megan said shooting both shots in a hurry.

  “Sláinte,” Pete murmured.

  “So he really talks about me, huh?”

  “He certainly does.”

  “What does he say?”

  “Ah no ye don’t. Yer in Ireland, lass. The pub’s as good as any confessional and dats cause us barkeeps keep our yaps shut.”

  Megan grinned and nodded to the bottle of Jager. “One more?”

  Pete poured her another shot and Megan drank it slower.

  “Did you know I’ve wanted to come to Ireland my whole life?”

  “I didn’t,” Pete said, leaning onto the bar, ignoring the throng of patrons clamoring for drinks.

  “Did you also know that I’ve had a crush on Zander for three years.”

  Pete gave her a toothy grin. “Dat I might’ve guessed.”

  “Three whole years, Pete! That’s crazy. I’m not usually crazy like that. Well, okay, I’m a little kooky but in more of a cute, artsy way. Not like a stalky way.”

  “I see.”

  “And ya know something? I think Zander likes me back.”

  “I’d say he’s quite smitten wit ye, lass.”

  Megan grinned. “Wanna know a secret, Pete?”


  “I think he’s the guy I’m gonna marry.”

  “Is dat so?”


  “Do ye plan on lettin’ him in on dat dar secret?”


  “What’s holdin’ ye back?”

  “Oh just a six foot gazelle in sparkly pants.”

  “Aye, he’s brought another of ‘em ‘round, has he?”

  Megan finished her shot and slumped against the bar, nodding.

  “Don’t look so glum, they don’t hold a candle to ye, Miss Megan Fields.”

  “Thanks, Pete. You’re a good friend. Has anyone ever told ya that?”

  “Aye, s’pose a time or two dat’s been said.”

  “Well it’s true.”

  “Look here, lass. Ye don’t seem like the type dat lets these paper girls stand in yer way.”

  “Paper girls?” Megan asked arching her eyebrow.

  “Aye, the pressed-thin kind dat look like they’re liable to blow away in a strong breeze.”

  Megan barked a laugh. “You’re right, Pete. You know me so well. I’m gonna go get my man.”

  “Ye do dat, lass.”

  “Bye, Pete! Good talk,” Megan called as she pushed her way back through the crowd.

  Also by Christina Benjamin


  The Geneva Project - TRUTH (Book 1)

  The Geneva Project - SECRETS (Book 2)

  The Geneva Project - LIES (Book 3)

  The Geneva Project - DESTINY (Book 4)

  The Geneva Project - Complete Box Set

  The Geneva Project - Prequels Collection


  (All Boyfriend Books are Stand-Alone Novels and can be read in Any Order)

  The Practice Boyfriend (Book 1)

  The Almost Boyfriend (Book 2)

  The Goodbye Boyfriend (Book 3)

  The Holiday Boyfriend (Book 4)

  The Stand-In Boyfriend (Book 5)

  The Maybe Boyfriend (Book 6)


  Retreat To Me

  Retreat Again

  The Practice Boyfriend (Book 1)

  Hannah Stark is a high school senior with a resume of straight A's. She's never stepped a toe out of line. But that's also why she's never had a boyfriend. While all her classmates are counting down the days until graduation, Hannah is dragging her feet. She feels like she missed out on the high school experience. Can a practice boyfriend change everything for her?

  The Almost Boyfriend (Book 2)

  Sam Connors always follows the rules. But when her father forces her to leave Boston to finish her senior year of high school at a posh prep school in Ireland she has no choice but to rebel. She’s determined to break all the rules with a little help from bad boy Devon James and to return to Boston by any means necessary. Her plan is crazy, but she’s convinced it will work—almost.

  The Goodbye Boyfriend (Book 3)

  Camille LaRue is a nobody, and she likes it that way. She has her senior year planned out and it doesn’t include falling in love. That’s why she’s quick to say “Goodbye” when Nate says "Hello.” But the handsome new transfer student from California is intrigued by Camille’s quirky NOLA charm and doesn’t give up easily. Will his persistence pay off or is Camille too far gone to risk her heart with so little time left?

  The Holiday Boyfriend (Book 4)

  Emma Rhodes is hesitant to return to Manhattan for Christmas. After all, she left for a reason. A tall, dark and handsome reason named Will Taylor. But Emma has been homesick for the city ever since she moved to Boston with her mother. So when the opportunity to spend her last high school holiday with her father presents itself, she can’t resist. Will there be magic in Manhattan for Emma and Will?

  The Stand-In Boyfriend (Book 5)

  Beth Bennett has it all—the world’s best friend and the world’s best boyfriend. As the last few months of school tick by Beth scrambles to balance being a girlfriend & best friend to the two most important guys in her life. But when her perfect Spring Break plans get ruined, Beth’s life spirals out of control as the boys in her life pull her in two different directions. Who will Beth choose…her boyfriend, or the boy who’s never let her down?

  The Maybe Boyfriend (Book 6)

  Megan has stars in her eyes and dreams in her heart. As a Boston University film student, she never could have imagined going to Ireland for a semester abroad. But that’s exactly what happens when her dream guy, Zander O’Leary’s company offers her a film scholarship. Their Irish adventure soon goes awry and things get dangerously close to revealing Zander’s dark past. Can Megan push past his walls …or will she decide that maybe, isn’t enough?

  About the Author

  Award-Winning author, Christina Benjamin, lives in Florida with her husband, and character inspiring pets, where she spends her free time working on her books and speaking to inspire fellow writers.

  Christina is best known for her wildly popular Young Adult fantasy series, The Geneva Project and her bestselling Young Adult romance novels, The Boyfriend series.

  The Geneva Project has won multiple awards and stolen the hearts of YA readers. Packed with magic and imagination, her epic tale of adventure hooks fans of mega-hit YA fiction like Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and Percy Jackson.

  The Boyfriend series proves that book boyfriends are like Chocolate… you can never have enough. Check out the Boyfriend series for fast, fun, YA romance reads. These stand alone novels let you fall in love with new characters every time.

  Christina loves to read and write across genres. YA is her favorite but she’s a sucker for a good love story. Don’t miss her romance, paranormal and historical fiction, as well as the multiple anthologies she’s been a part of.

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  I’d like to thank everyone who made this book possible. To Philip, my best friend, my husband, my everything. Your unyielding belief and encouragement forces me to pour my best self onto each and every page. I’m beyond grateful to be married to my best friend. To Molly and Megan, who take time out of their busy lives to let me blab endlessly about my books while they help make them shine. There’s not enough wine and chocolate in the world to thank you for all you do. I’m so blessed to call you friends. To Vince for literally sitting by my side during every word, edit and rewrite. You are the stinky heartbeat at my feet and I wouldn’t trade you for the world. To Tybee Island and Palmetto Bluff for being such inspiring, romantic settings. To everyone who has ever fallen in love with their best friend and survived. To my parents for teaching me that love conquers all. And to everyone who still believes in it. And to all of you who are taking the time to read this to the very end.




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