Spells and Shenanigans: A Paranormal Academy Bully Romance (Sleepy Hollow Academy Book 2)

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Spells and Shenanigans: A Paranormal Academy Bully Romance (Sleepy Hollow Academy Book 2) Page 11

by Zara Zenia

  "What about the other people on the list?" asked Tom.

  "Do you see them offering themselves up?" replied Colin snidely. "Not that I want you to do this, Marina," he added quickly.

  "I know, I know," I said. We were sitting in my room at Jay's place. This had become our secret hideout, a place we would meet and discuss things. I felt so guarded and loved here with my boys that it was almost going to be sad to have to go back to my dorm. Only, when that happened it would be because I was finally safe, and this would all be over with. Plus, I was really missing Laurie, even though she came to visit as much as she could manage with her busy study and training schedule.

  The guys were not happy about my idea, but I was adamant. They were going to have to let me do this, or I'd wind up being stuck in hiding for the rest of my life. "Seriously, what could go wrong when I have you all watching my back the whole time?" I knew I had a good point there.



  Unsurprisingly, none of us liked Marina's idea to make herself bait. "That's just crazy," I told her. Daniel and Vlad didn't say much more apart from agreeing that it was too dangerous. Colin did think it would work but he was just as against the idea as the other four of us.

  "I know you guys care about my safety, but as we all know— there's no better protection in the world than you four."

  "Those two masked men who helped her escape were carrying guns," said Colin. "It's just crazy. There's no need to do something like this when you're perfectly safe now."

  "And how long until she figures out that this is where I've been hiding? She has been here before." I was getting fed up with the discussion.

  Colin refused to relent though. "She doesn't know you're here. Plus, you're sharing this place with paranormal footballers who'd love to get their hands on the killer. There's always someone home here."

  "I won't let you do it," said I.

  That really annoyed her, and I knew she thought I probably thought she was my possession.

  "Excuse me?" she replied, ready to start telling me off.

  Standing, I held my palms out flat, facing up, pleading my case, I said, "What if I use my powers to disguise myself and act as a decoy? I'll be able to make any attackers think that I'm Marina with my mind magic."

  That impressed everyone, even Marina. I knew she didn't want me to risk myself, but I knew none of the guys would forgive me if I allowed her to act as bait and got hurt. We decided to hold a pretend party in a public place and post about it on social media.



  The evening of our plan was agonizingly slow. I was so nervous that something would go wrong and Tom would be hurt that I couldn't let myself relax. I was pacing around my bedroom at Jay's room like a rat trapped in a cage, as Laurie put it so eloquently. Laurie was there keeping me company. She'd been hanging out with me that day, although she was also doing some reading too.

  "Why don't you go visit each of them tonight? If you're so worried that something bad will happen, that might be the best thing to do anyway," she said to me from her bed. She had her feet up and head propped against some pillows with a book in her hand. My pacing was clearly starting to annoy her.

  "Aren't you freaking out about this too?" I asked her.

  Laurie put her book down slowly and looked at me with intent. "Of course, I am. But pacing around the room doesn't do anything more than reading a book and patiently waiting. Growing up on a big farm, you learn a lot about death and hardship. Most of the time there's nothing you can actually do about it but wait and hope for the best. You just put your best game plan together and do everything possible to make sure things will work out well, then you wait and hope."

  "Wow ... you're actually really smart for a country bumpkin," I said with a laugh. The humor was a way of coping I guessed.

  "Smart ass," Laurie said with a laugh as she picked up her book again. "Why don't you go visit your boyfriends and relieve some stress? I'm sure they've been dying to spend some alone time with you."

  That was actually a good idea. "But I don't have enough time to visit them all for this 'alone time', as you so delicately put it. Who do you think I should visit?"

  "Why not all of them?" she said with a shrug and a kind of dirty look on her face. She was watching for my reaction from the corner of her eyes without looking up from the book she clearly wasn't actually reading anymore. "You did start dating four guys because you wanted to be with four guys, didn't you? What if this is the last chance you'll have to be with them all at once?"

  It was the naughtiest idea I'd even considered, and that drove me to really consider it.

  But I couldn't...

  Could I?

  I called the guys up one at a time and told them in their own unique ways how much they meant to me, and how I had something special that I wanted to do with them. Not wanting to drop this on them in person, I did also mention that I wanted to be with them all at the same time. I guess it shouldn't have come as much of a surprise that they were all fine with this. Colin and Tom were a little apprehensive at first, but that was mostly just because they'd never done anything in a group like that.

  Okay, this was really going to happen this. I couldn't believe it. Laurie headed off and I put on my favorite lingerie: a black one piece that was so lacy and delicate that I could hardly stand how sexy it was. I was thinking about what I should wear over that, or maybe if I should just wear a coat over it. But I couldn't decide.

  So hey, why not just let them find me on my bed as I was? There was no point pretending like this wasn't exactly what these four handsome, strong boys were coming over for: to take me all together as one unit. I was growing wet just at the thought of it. And the more I accepted that this was really happening, and soon, the more I started to like the idea.

  Tom arrived first, since he was driving in his car and probably sped over just so he would be first. I had him wait outside my bedroom door though. The other three arrived together in Vlad's car and when they were all outside the door, I told them they could come in.

  What they found was just little me, kneeling on my king-sized bed with a lamp covered in a silky multicolored scarf the only lighting in my room. Their reactions made me feel amazing. The look on each of their faces was like a predator who'd just seen their prey and wanted to devour it.

  "Wow," was the only thing any of them said, and they all said it in chorus.

  "Come on, my boys," I said, "take your pants off."

  They each did. Tom and Colin were a little shy. I couldn't believe how big each of them was.

  "You're going to have to be gentle with me," I said. If they didn't go at my pace, I knew I wasn't even going to be able to walk the next day. That wouldn't be much good for carrying out any kind of plan, not that I was the one who would be bait now anyway.

  Colin was the first to move on me, which was surprising. He pulled me forward to a sitting position on the edge of the bed's length and went between my legs, head first. He was always the most eager to go down on me. Maybe that was something to do with his carefree Fae nature, or maybe he just loved doing it. Either way— that tongue worked all the wonders a girl could ever hope for! I was gently moaning almost right away as he used his oral magic to work me into a sweat.

  Daniel and Vlad came to kneel on the bed to either side of me, so I took each of their dick's in my hands while Colin was going down on me. This was getting hotter by the second. I couldn't believe I was actually being sexual with three guys at once. There was still Tom left, who I worried might be feeling left out since there was nowhere for him to get in on the action with Colin in front of me, then Daniel and Vlad to my sides.

  But Tom did something then that actually surprised me. Instead of trying to push in or assert himself as the alpha in the group, he went behind me and began massaging me. Caressing me. Kissing my neck, and earlobes. It was so distracting that I was taken aback for a moment and stopped stroking Daniel and Vlad's thick dicks. They began to pull off my l
ingerie and that was soon tossed to the side, leaving me totally naked.

  "Now I feel a little exposed, boys," I said. This confidence was difficult to put on for long. I was half loving this, but half kind of wanting to run screaming from the room. Colin's expert mouth and tongue on my dripping pussy was helping to keep me from wanting to be anywhere else in the world though.

  I grabbed his head and pulled it into me, wrapping my legs a little around his head. I knew he loved to feel my thighs pressed against his ears and to be barely able to breath while he ate my pussy.

  "Who wants to fuck me?" I finally blurted out. It wasn't the most sensual or romantic thing, but this wasn't some cheesy rom com. This was real life, and we were all creatures of primal passion when it came down to it.

  Tom pulled me back and moved aside so that I could lay down on the bed. Colin stood up and kissed me before placing his dick in my mouth without saying anything. I really liked how take-charge he'd become since hanging around Daniel and Vlad. Tom stood to the side of the bed still looking like he didn't feel part of the group. It was common knowledge that the others were suspicious of him and didn't like that he was a rich kid.

  "Tom, why don't you do the honors?" said Daniel finally, while Vlad nodded in agreement. I could almost swear it was like those two had some kind of psychic bond sometimes, the way they agreed so often without even needing to speak.

  Tom slid himself inside me slowly, keeping halfway out with his strokes at first. I was so wet and wanting this that it wasn't difficult for him to enter me, but he was still being careful, and I appreciated it. While Tom made love to me missionary style, I sucked Colin's dick and let him gently fuck my mouth with small, slow thrusts as I did so with my head turned to the side.

  Daniel and Vlad took turns swapping with Colin until I had all three of them kneeling around my head with their impressive cocks in my face. I had never felt dirtier in my life— and I had never felt more treasured and loved either. They were so gentle yet dominant in just the right doses that I could barely contain myself when I came hard all over Tom's cock. My vagina tensed up in a crazy way like it had never done before and I felt him pulse too like he was about to come too.

  "Don't come inside of me," I said.

  "I would never be so inconsiderate to my friends here," Tom said with a chuckle, pulling out and bringing his dick over to me. Daniel moved aside and went over to have his turn fucking me while I started to suck Tom's cock. It wasn't long before he was ready to come.. “Don’t pull out of my mouth,” I told him. I'd never swallowed before. The taste was so strong, but not in a bad way really. I gulped down Tom's load as he moaned in pleasure and then went to sit on the edge of the bed to watch.

  Once Daniel had almost climaxed, he too came over and put his dick in my mouth like Tom had. Then it was Colin's turn to fuck me while Daniel came in my mouth and I swallowed it all up. I couldn't believe how filthy I was being. But I honestly enjoyed every moment of it, feeling so safe and cared for at the same time.

  Vlad started to take on his dragon form as he came, and I got to experience sort of what it was like to have a shifted dragon come in my mouth. Only the slightest bit of shifting though, so that wasn't too strange. He got so huge when he started to let his inner dragon take over like that. I gushed and came hard again while Colin fucked me with my ankles up over his shoulders.

  Then it was Colin's turn to come, and he surprisingly gave me the biggest load out of all of them to swallow. Once that was over, we cleaned up and just lay there together without our clothes on. We fell asleep that way, only with blankets over us. I could have died happy with in the arms of my boys like that.



  We set the trap up at the local pizza bar. It was almost Christmas so having a little party seemed pretty normal even given the dangers. I didn't want the owners or workers involved, so Tom paid to rent the place out like a venue only without any staff there. The dining area was a fairly small, square room with each wall about fifteen feet long. That was the perfect place for a trap. Daniel, Vlad, and Colin hid out in the kitchen with me while Tom took my form. He wasn't actually changing forms though. He was just casting a spell using his mind magic so anyone nearby would see him as me. It would definitely work to fool other students and amateur magic users, as well as easily working on normal humans.

  We invited a few trusted student friends, including Brian and Zap the twin brothers. Laurie was there too and some of her friends who'd also come to Sleepy Hollow from rural areas. These were dainty looking girls who were used to doing things like rodeos and hauling bales of hay around by themselves. They were even eager to help and sure they could handle themselves if anything went wrong. There were three of them total. That was enough people to make it seem like a small pizza party.

  At least, we assumed it would. Sure enough, who should come along but Carlotta and Jacob. They didn't even bother wearing masks, which gave us a good idea about how confident they were that they were never going to get caught. As they were coming through the door they stopped for some reason. Carlotta looked at Tom and furrowed her brow.

  "She's onto us," I whispered to Colin from where we were hiding out watching through a tiny crack in the swinging double doors of the kitchen.

  "Do you think she saw us?" he replied.

  "There's no way they could see us from out there through that glass window or door. We checked it a million times," said Daniel. And he was right. Then Carlotta and Jacob just walked away, continuing along the front of the building until we couldn't see them anymore.

  "I guess that is a bust then," said Vlad. The guys went out the front to track them down, while I waited at the doorways of the kitchen. The other party guests were instructed to leave. I wasn't about to have their blood on my hands.

  Then I heard a sound behind me, and the kitchen doors swung open just enough for something to strike me on the back of the head. My skull felt like it had just been kicked by a bull and I realized it was a small, hard object, something like a baseball bat, a kid's sized one.

  I turned around, nearly falling over and too stunned to shout out or even speak. Carlotta was standing there. I jumped back and turned to run toward Tom who would be able to take her easily. He and Jacob were busy fighting though, with Tom no longer keeping up the magical disguise now that our cover was blown anyway.

  "How did you know?" he shouted at Jacob as he punched him in the face.

  But Jacob got a lucky hit with his small club of a baseball bat and sent Tom to the floor. My heart sunk as I saw that he didn't get back up right away. He was wobbly as he tried to lift himself off the floor. I was so distracted that I let Carlotta get the drop on me again as I ran to help Tom.

  She put the baseball bat around my neck from behind and pulled back, putting a lot of pressure on my throat and choking me. I know a lot of girls like to be choked by their lovers, but I was sure it wasn't done so hard and with a solid length of wood! I couldn't move.

  But Carlotta clearly wasn't expecting three other furious supernatural men in their prime to come rushing back into the pizza place. Colin came in through the front with Daniel and assaulted Jacob, easily restraining him after giving him a few retaliatory knocks each for good measure.

  Vlad came bursting through the back door where he must have used his shifter senses to track Carlotta. He went into full dragon form and that was all it took for our two would be attackers to give up and beg not to be killed right there. But I should have known Carlotta was too crazy to give up. She managed to slip around the impressively large dragon. He was just too big for the small space, especially with all the tables and chairs and other people there. She got back through the kitchen and got away. But at least we had Jacob, who was taken into custody by the police.



  We found out that Carlotta had duped Jacob by seducing him. She'd planned the murders, but he was the one who'd used his mind magic to help her. He was used to manipulating others with his min
d, tricking girls into sleeping with him, making people's lives miserable for no reason. It seemed like poetic justice that a girl who wasn't even a paranormal was the one who finally got him back and tricked him.

  It turned out that Carlotta was a sleeper agent for some local hunter group. Jacob confessed to the murders, so the police weren't putting out a lot of resources finding Carlotta. That didn't sit well with us at all.

  She was still out there, and she probably wanted us all dead. Worse still, there was a hunter group operating around here that was behind all this. The thought sent a chill down my spine.

  Christmas had already come and gone, so I went to visit my mother for a week. By the time I got back to Sleepy Hollow everything had pretty much calmed down. I went to exchange gifts with my four guys, Laurie, Brian and Zap, and the others who'd helped us and our other friends. We did it at the pizza place where the fight had gone down. Giving them the extra business during the quiet time of year was the least we could do after almost destroying their dining area. Tom paid for the few broken chairs and we cleaned the scuff marks off the floor anyway.

  "You didn't have to buy us gifts," said Zap. He was so friendly and good natured, which I had heard was common for all Grays.

  "It's the least I could do for helping us get to the bottom of this," I told him.

  My men pitched in to get me a beautiful silver chain with a little amulet on it. "That's to symbolize the protection you'll always have from all of us," Colin said.

  "Only you don't need magic for that," added Daniel.

  "You have us instead," said Vlad.


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