Saving Grace

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Saving Grace Page 27

by Julie Garwood

  "This is Alex," Johanna answered. "Do you remember Gabriel's son?"

  "Of course I remember the lad," Auggie answered. "But I'm in the middle of a sour mood, Johanna. I'm not fit for company today. Go away and leave me to my pout."

  Johanna tried not to laugh. "Couldn't you spare a few minutes to show Alex how to strike the stones into the holes here in the meadow?"

  "No, I couldn't spare a few minutes," Auggie muttered even as he motioned the little boy over to his side. "This isn't a child's game. How old are you, boy?"

  Alex had a death grip on Johanna's hand. He wasn't about to leave her side. She had to walk with him over to Auggie.

  "Alex doesn't know how old he is," Johanna explained. "I'm thinking he's four or five summers."

  Auggie rubbed his jaw with concentration. "Open your mouth, boy. Let me have a look at your teeth. I can tell you how old you are."

  Johanna burst into laughter. "He isn't a horse," she said.

  "When it comes to teeth, they could be the same, at least with the young ones."

  Alex tilted his head up and opened his mouth. Auggie nodded with approval. "You've been taking good care of your teeth, haven't you now?"

  "Papa showed me how to rub them with green hazel and wipe them with a woolen cloth," Alex answered. "I only forget some of the time."

  Auggie squinted against the sunlight as he bent down to have a good look.

  "He's close to five, I'm guessing. He couldn't be any older. His first teeth are still nice and tight," he explained after he'd reached in and tried to wiggle Alex's two top front teeth. "Too snug for six and two big for three. Aye, he's going on five. I'd wager my game on it."

  Alex was finally allowed to close his mouth. He turned his gaze up to Johanna. "I'm five?"

  "Almost," she answered. "We'll have to choose a day and give you a proper birthday celebration, Alex. Then you'll officially become five."

  Alex had gotten over his fear of the leathery-looking warrior and now begged to play the game. Auggie spent close to two hours supervising the child. Alex didn't understand the word concentrate and he talked nonstop all the while. Auggie was extremely patient with the boy, but he did cast several glares in Johanna's direction every now and again. Alex couldn't seem to remember he was to keep quiet when Auggie was about to strike his stone.

  Johanna sat on the side of the hill to watch the pair. She listened to Auggie tell stories about the past, and it soon became apparent to her that Alex was in awe of the warrior. He begged to hear more.

  The sun was setting and Alex had started yawning when Johanna finally called a halt to the entertainment. She stood up, adjusted the pleats of her plaid, and started to thank Auggie.

  She didn't remember what happened next. She opened her eyes and found both Auggie and Alex leaning over her. Alex was crying. Auggie was gently patting the side of her face and trying to soothe the boy at the same time.

  It didn't take Johanna any time at all to realize what had happened.

  "Oh, Lord, I fainted again, didn't I?"

  "Again?" Auggie asked, his brow wrinkled with worry. He helped his mistress sit up. Alex immediately sat down on her lap and leaned against her chest. He obviously needed her assurance, she decided. She put her arm around the child and gave him a quick hug.

  "I'm quite all right now, Alex."

  "You fainted before?" Auggie persisted.

  Johanna nodded. The movement made her head spin. "Last night," she answered. "Gabriel caught me. It happened so quickly that I didn't have any warning."

  "It sure as certain was quick," Auggie agreed. He squatted on the ground next to Johanna and continued to brace her back with his arms. "You were standing one minute and flat on the ground looking as dead as a corpse the next."

  Auggie was deliberately trying to make light of the topic for the child's sake. He hid his worry as best he could.

  "I don't understand what's wrong with me," she whispered.

  "You'd best go and see Glynis," Auggie advised. "She knows a few healing tricks."

  "She wanted to sew Calum's arm, so she must have some experience," Johanna remarked. "Yes, I'll go and see her tomorrow."

  "No," Auggie countered. "You'll go now. I'll take Alex home."

  From the stubborn set of his jaw, Johanna knew it would be pointless to argue with the man. "All right then," she agreed. She turned her attention to her son.

  "Alex, let's not mention this faint to your father. We don't want to worry him, do we?"

  "Shame on you telling the boy not to…"

  "Auggie, I'm thinking of Gabriel's feelings now," Johanna argued. "I don't want him to worry."

  Auggie nodded agreement. He had every intention of telling his laird what had happened, of course; and when his mistress pitched a fit, he'd remind her she hadn't made him give her his promise not to stay a word.

  Both he and Alex accompanied Johanna to Glynis's door. They left her there, but only after Auggie pounded on the door and the Maclaurin woman had answered the summons.

  "Lady Johanna's got a complaint to give you," Auggie announced. "Come along, boy. It's time for your supper."

  "Have I done something to displease you, m'lady?" Glynis asked.

  Johanna shook her head. She motioned her over to the rock ledge away from the entrance so that Glynis's husband wouldn't chance to overhear the conversation.

  "Please sit down, Glynis," she requested. "A friend of mine is ill and I would like to gain your advice on what's to be done to help her."

  Glynis immediately looked relieved. She sat on the ledge, folded her hands in her lap, and waited for Johanna to continue.

  "Twice now this woman has fainted for no apparent rea son," Johanna blurted out. She stood in front of the Maclaurin woman and waited for her response to that news.

  Glynis simply nodded. Johanna didn't know what to make of that reaction.

  "Is she dying of some dread disease?"

  Johanna was wringing her hands together now and trying not to let Glynis see how upset she was.

  "She could be," Glynis replied. "I'm needing more facts before I give you my suggestions for treatment, m'lady. Is your friend young or old?"


  "Is she married?"


  Glynis nodded. "Does she have any other symptoms to speak of?"

  "I… that is to say, she awakened feeling very sick and did in fact throw up. Her stomach is queasy most of the morning. Yet when she isn't feeling queasy, she's feeling quite fit."

  "I'll have to ask a few personal questions before I give you my opinion, m'lady," Glynis told her mistress in a low whisper.

  "I'll answer them if I know the answers," Johanna replied.

  "Has your friend missed her monthly?"

  Johanna nodded. "She's missed two months now but that isn't unusual, for she isn't at all consistent."

  Glynis was trying not to smile. "Would you happen to know if her breasts are feeling tender?"

  Johanna almost checked to see before she gave her answer. She caught herself in time. "Perhaps just a little, but not overly much."

  "Is she newly married?"

  Johanna thought that was an odd question to ask. She nodded. "Do you think the strain of the new marriage would cause such symptoms? I don't believe so, Glynis, for the woman was married before."

  "Did she have children with the first-"

  Johanna didn't let her finish her question. "She's barren," she interrupted.

  "Perhaps by one man she was," Glynis remarked.

  Johanna didn't know what to make of that remark. Then Glynis turned her attention with yet another question. "Are you… I mean to ask, is she sleeping more than usual?"

  "Yes, she is," Johanna cried out. She was amazed by the clever questions Glynis was asking now. "You've heard of this sickness before, haven't you?"

  "'Tis the truth I have," Glynis answered.

  "Will she die?"

  "Nay, m'lady. She won't die."

  "Then what should she d

  Johanna was close to tears now. Glynis hurried to assure her. Her smile was wide when she gave her answer.

  "She should tell her husband she's carrying his child."

  Chapter 15

  It was a blessing Glynis was such a strong, strapping woman. She proved to be quick on her feet, too. She caught her mistress before she hit her head on the stone wall.

  The joyful news had sent Lady Johanna into a dead faint. She awakened a few minutes later in Glynis's bed. The first words out of her mouth were given in a shout.

  "I'm barren!"

  Glynis patted her hand. "By one man you were, but not by our laird. You've got all the symptoms, m'lady. You're carrying, all right."

  Johanna shook her head. Her mind couldn't accept such a possibility. "Women are barren, not men."

  Glynis snorted. "So men say," she muttered. "You and I have had out differences, m'lady, but I'd like to think we've come to an understanding. I count you as a friend, especially on the days you're wearing our fine Maclaurin plaid," she added with a grin.

  "I'm happy to have you for a friend, Glynis," Johanna replied, wondering why in heaven's name the woman would bring up that topic now.

  Glynis was quick to explain her reasons. "Friends hold each other's confidences," she said. "And so I would ask you if your first husband ever took any other woman to his bed. I'm not trying to shame you, m'lady, only sort out the truth."

  Johanna sat up before. "Yes, he did take other women to his bed," she admitted. "And not just a few. He seemed determined to bed as many as he could. He liked to flaunt his women in front of me. I didn't mind, though," she added in a rush when she caught Glynis's pitying look. "I didn't like my husband. He was an evil man."

  "But what I'm really asking, m'lady, is if you'd be knowing if there were any illegitimate bairns as a result of his dalliances?"

  "No, there weren't any babies born," Johanna answered. "Raulf told me the women used a potion to keep from getting pregnant. He thought I used one, too, and would go into a rage each month because be was sure I was deliberately foiling his attempts to have a child."

  "There are such potions around," Glynis replied. "You're certainly carrying now, m'lady, so we can conclude you aren't barren after all. I'm going to keep silent about this joyful news. It's up to you to pick your time and tell your husband. Our laird will be very pleased."

  Johanna left the cottage a few minutes later. Glynis followed her to the stone wall. Johanna suddenly turned around.

  "My husband won't allow me to work in the fields," she announced.

  "No, of course not," Glynis replied. "You're our mistress. You shouldn't be doing common work."

  "I can sew," Johanna said. She added a nod. "Each night I sit by the hearth and either work on my tapestry or do a little embroidery. I can fashion flowers on… things," she added.

  "What are you getting at, m'lady? Just spit it out, why don't you?"

  "I noticed you wear saffron-colored blouses under your plaid, and I was wondering if you'd like me to sew a border of flowers around the neckline for you."

  Glynis's eyes widened. "Why would you want…"

  "You tend the fields all day long, Glynis, and I would like to do something to show my appreciation. If you'll bring one of your blouses up to the hall, I'll start work tonight."

  She was too embarrassed to wait for an answer. Johanna didn't understand why she was suddenly feeling so shy and unsure of herself. She waved as she ran down the path leading to the courtyard.

  She slowed her pace when she reached the hill. The fullness of her condition hit her again. She walked the rest of the distance home in a daze.

  Auggie caught up with her in the center of the courtyard. "I'll be coming to supper tonight," he began. "I'm going to tell your husband…"

  He quit his explanation that he was going to tell his laird Johanna had fainted when he saw the look on her face. "What has you smiling like you just found a pot of gold, lass?"

  She shook her head. "I'll tell you tonight," she promised. "It's a grand day, isn't it, Auggie, even though the weather's a bit unusually cold."

  "Now, lass, you'd best be knowing something about the weather here."

  Auggie wanted to tell her the truth that the weather was actually mild for early fall. Keith had told him their mistress believed the Highlands were as warm as the summer all year long. He didn't want the soldiers laughing behind Johanna's back over her naivete, but his mistress went sailing right on past him, her head apparently lost in the clouds, before he could set her straight on the topic of the Highland weather. He decided he'd wait until later to tell her the truth.

  Johanna sat with Alex at the table while he ate his supper. He was too young to wait for his elders. When he was finished, she sent him to the buttery to wash his face and hands.

  She went over to sit by the hearth. Dumfries came loping into the hall. She gave him a firm pat of affection, then settled herself in the chair to do some sewing. Dumfries collapsed with a loud thud next to her chair and rested his head on her shoes.

  Alex joined her a scant minute later. He was still wearing stew on his face. Johanna fetched a wet cloth and cleaned him properly. He wanted to sit next to her in the same chair. She scooted over to accommodate him.

  "Will you want to stay here with your father and me, or will you miss your other relatives, Alex?"

  "I want to stay here," he replied. He let out a loud yawn and leaned against Johanna, watching as she threaded her needle.

  "I want you to stay, too," Johanna whispered.

  "Papa says you missed me."

  "He's right. I did miss you."

  Alex's chest swelled up with importance. "Did you cry like a baby when you missed me?"

  She smiled over his choice of words. "I most certainly did," she lied. "Would you like me to tell you a story before you go to bed?"

  Alex nodded. "Where did you learn the story? From Auggie?"

  "No," she answered. "My mother told me stories when I was a little girl; and when I grew up, I learned how to read and I…"


  "Why what?"

  "Why did you learn to read?"

  Johanna's gaze was fully directed on Alex's upturned face, and for that reason she didn't notice her husband had walked into the hall. He stood on the top step watching his wife and his son while he waited for one of them to acknowledge his presence.

  "I learned because it was forbidden," she answered. "I was told I was too ignorant to read, and for a time I believed that nonsense. Then I got my gumption back and decided I was just as clever as anyone else. That is when I learned how to read, Alex; and when you're older, I'll teach you."

  Alex was fingering her plaid while he listened to her explanation. He suddenly yawned wide enough for her to see the back of his throat. She instructed him to cover his mouth with his hand and then began a story that used to be her favorite when she was a child.

  Alex was sound asleep less than a minute later. His head dropped to the side of her chest. Johanna was so content to have the little one in her arms, she closed her eyes to say a prayer of thanksgiving. She fell asleep almost as quickly as Alex had.

  Gabriel didn't know who to carry up to bed first. Calum came to his rescue. He took Alex.

  "Where should I put him for the night, MacBain?" he asked in a low whisper so the little one wouldn't wake up.

  Gabriel didn't have any idea. Clare was using the second chamber and so he couldn't put his son in there.

  He didn't want Alex to sleep with the soldiers either. The boy was too young and needed to be close to his mother and father in the event he became fearful or disoriented during the night.

  "Put him in my bed for now," Gabriel instructed. "I'll figure something out before tonight."

  He waited until Calum had carried Alex out of the hall before turning his attention back to his wife. He squatted down next to her chair and started to reach for her when she suddenly opened her eyes.

  "Gabriel." She said his
name with wonder in her voice. He felt as though he'd just been caressed.

  "Were you dreaming about me perchance?"

  He was trying to tease her, but his voice was gruff with emotion. Damn but he loved this woman. He let out a sigh then and added a frown in a bid to get his thoughts under control.

  He wanted to bed her. He knew he'd have to wait, so he decided to growl at her instead. "You should go upstairs, wife. You're clearly exhausted. You're doing too much work. I've told you time and time again to rest, but you blatantly…"

  She reached over and brushed her fingertips down the side of his face. Needless to say, his concentration was broken. He thought it might be a deliberate ploy.

  "I'm not doing too much," she replied. "I wasn't sleeping just now. I was dozing and thinking about something wonderful. I still can't quite believe it, Gabriel. It doesn't seem possible, and when I tell you my important news…"

  She suddenly stopped and peeked around her husband to make certain they were alone. She didn't want anyone else sharing in this special moment.

  Keith and three other Maclaurin soldiers came strutting into the hall just as she realized Alex was missing.

  "Do you see, you were sleeping," Gabriel told her. "You didn't even notice Calum took my son upstairs."

  "He's our son," she corrected.

  He liked the sound of that. Johanna was becoming possessive, and he thought that was a good sign. In time he hoped her possessiveness would extend to him.

  "Yes, he is our son," he agreed. "Now tell me your news."

  "It will have to wait until later."

  "Tell me now."


  His eyes widened. He stood up, then hauled her to her feet. "You dare to deny me?"

  She smiled. "I dare anything these days, thanks to you, husband."

  He didn't know what she was talking about. He decided he'd wait until later to badger her into giving him a proper explanation. Now he was determined to make her tell him her news.

  "I wish to know what has you worrying. You will tell me now," he commanded.

  He was sounding arrogant again. Heaven help her, she was beginning to appreciate that flaw. "I'm not worrying," she said. "I'll tell you my news when I'm ready, m'lord, and not a moment before. I won't be rushed."


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