The Campaigns of Napoleon

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The Campaigns of Napoleon Page 143

by David G Chandler

Kamenskoi, Russian general, commander-in-chief in Poland, 518, 519, 524, 529, 540fn

  Kamenskoi, Russian divisional general, 540, 54ofn, 563, 564

  Keith, Lord, English admiral, 271, 303

  Kellermann, F. C, the Elder, Duke of Valmy, French marshal, 36, 46, 54fn, 56, 62, 84, 85

  Kellermann, Count F. E., the Younger, French general, 158, 296, 301, 998, 1035, 1052, 1053, 1064, 1084

  Kienmayer, Austrian general and chief of staff, 417, 437

  Kilmaine, C. J., French general, 89, 98, 114

  Kléber, J. B., French general, 220; attitude toward Napoleon, 245; during campaign in Egypt, 220, 231, 235; in Syria, 235, 239; at battle of Mount Tabor, 239; left as governor, 244; death of, 303; mentioned, 260

  Kleist, von, Prussian general, 502, 882, 927, 989, 990, 1017

  Klenau, Austrian general, 711, 722, 724, 727, 910, 925, 927

  Koblos, Austrian general, 116, 118, 120

  Kologribov, Russian general, 573, 578

  Korjietulski, Captain, in Polish Light Horse, 641

  Korsakov, Russian general, 257

  Kray, Paul, Austrian-general, 45, 267, 269, 271, 302

  Kurakin, Russian ambassador, 748

  Kutusov, Prince Mikhail Golenischev, Russian general, 331; character of, 752, 793, 814; during campaign of 1805, 398, 402, 404, 405, 410; at battle of Austerlitz, 416, 417, 425, 426, 428; retreats, 432; appointed to supreme Russian command, 793; at battle of Borodino, 797, 800, 804, 805; retreats, 806; abandons Moscow, 808; negotiations with the French, 813, 815; advice to the Tsar, 814; surprise attack on Murat, 819; and battle of Maloyaroslavets, 820, 821; conduct of the pursuit, 824; 829, 833; General Wilson’s reported remarks of, 834; too late for the Beresina, 837, 846; cautious advance into Poland, 851; advance into Germany 873, 874; impending death of, 880; mentioned, 382, 408, 859; picture, 751

  Laborde, Count H. F. de, French general, 649

  Lafayette, Marquis de, French general and statesman, 67

  La Harpe, A. E. F., French general, 54, 64, 66, 73, 77, 80

  Lamarque, Count J. M., French general, 1094

  Langeron, Andrault, Austrian general, 931

  Lannes, Jean, Duke of Monte-bello, French marshal, 89, 434; biographical sketch, see Appendix; character of, 692; during campaign of Italy, 89; at battle of Bassano, 98; leads crossing of the Po, 80; during campaign in Egypt and Syria, 235, 244; leads crossing of Alps, 278, 279; during campaign of 1800, 278, 279, 282, 283; at Montebello, 288; at battle of Marengo, 291; during campaign of 1805, 390, 394, 397, 399, 410; Vienna bridge, 407; defends the Santon at battle of Austerlitz, 416, 426, 428, 432; during campaign of 1806, 468, 472; at battle of Saalfeld, 470; reports Prussian presence, near Jena, 474-75; at battle of Jena, 475, 477, 480, 484, 485, 486; during campaign of 1806-1807, 514, 521, 524, 530; at Pultusk, 521, 524; before Fried land, 563, 568, 570-71; at battle of Fried-land, 572, 577, 582, 583; during campaign of 1808, 637; defeats Palafox, 637; made a marshal, 434; during campaign of 1809; 684, 686, 692; at battle of Aspern-Essling, 698, 700, 703; death, 706; Napoleon’s grief, 706; Napoleon’s opinion of, 706; mentioned, 484, 498, 504, 507; picture, 434

  Lapoype, J. F., French general, 21, 22, 25, 283, 289, 291

  Larrey, French surgeon-general, 213, 342, 366, 708

  Lasalle, Count A. C. L., French cavalry general, 69, 356, 501, 725, 728

  Latour-Maubourg, M., French general, 569

  Lauriston, Count J. A. B. L., French general, 528, 725, 814, 888, 895, 936

  Lebrun, Charles F., Third Consul, 262, 308

  Lecchi, Austrian general, 282

  Leclerc, Victor-Emmanuel, French general, 120, 320

  Lecourbe, Count C. J., French general, 268, 274

  Lefebvre, F. J., Duke of Danzig, French marshal, 259; biographical sketch, see Appendix; character of, 561; during Brumaire, 260, 263; during campaign of 1806, 462, 468; commands siege of Danzig, 526, 530, 561-64; made a duke, 564; during campaign of 1808, 631; at battles of Pancorbo and Valmaceda, 632, 633; Napoleon’s anger with, 632; during campaign of 1809, 672, 677, 681, 683, 684, 686, 732; commands Bavarian contingent during Russian campaign, 759; during the campaign of 1814, 973, 979; mentioned, 263; picture, 435

  Lefebvre-Desnouëttes, Charles, French cavalry general, 651, 652, 915, 997, 1030, 1031, 1035, 1064, 1080

  Legendre, d’Harvesse, Baron F. M. G., French general, 618

  Legrand, Count C. J., French general, 709

  Lestocq, Prussian general, 515, 520, 521, 536, 545, 555

  L’Heritier, Baron S. F., French general, 905

  Lichtenstein, Prince John of, Austrian general, 420, 426

  Liptay, Austrian general, 80, 116, 118, 120

  Liverpool, Lord, British Prime Minister, 1016, 1095

  Lloyd, Marquis de, military philosopher, 179

  Lostanges, Captain, in the Marines of the Guard, 403

  Louis, Austrian archduke, 666, 685

  Louis XVI, King of France, 14, 54

  Louis XVIII, King of France, 1003, 1009, 1012, 1022, 1095

  Louise, Queen of Prussia, 331, 453, 506, 587-88, 663; picture, 447

  L’Ouverture, Toussaint, ruler of San Domingo, 320

  Ludovica, Empress of Austria, 663

  Lusignan, Austrian general, 116,118, 123

  Luxembourg, Duke of, French marshal, 138

  Macdonald, E. J. J. A., Duke of Tarentum, French marshal, 260, 263; biographical sketch, see Appendix; during Brumaire, 260; during campaign of 1809, 709; drives Archduke John into Hungary, 709; arrives near Vienna, 709; at battle of Wagram, 719, 724, 725, 727; promoted to marshal, 729; during Russian campaign, 755, 781, 851, 853; during campaign of 1813, 886, 889, 938; at battle of Lutzen, 886; at battle of Bautzen, 890; flees from the River Bobr, 913, 915, 919; at battle of Katzbach, 911; at battle of Leipzig, 925, 926, 929; during campaign of 1814, 948, 967, 968, 973, 984, 986; failure at Chateau-Thierry and Bray, 974, 997; part in the abdication, 1001; mentioned, 734, 905, 913, 986, 998; picture, 730

  Mack, K., Austrian quartermaster-general, 157, 162, 330, 382, 383, 390, 391, 394, 395, 398, 399, 400, 436

  Macquart (or Macquard), F., French general, 77

  Maison, N. J., French general, 949, 978, 992

  Malet, C. F. de, French general and conspirator, 826

  Mamelukes, the, rulers of Egypt, 211, 222, 223, 224

  Mamelukes, the French, see Imperial Guard (Cavalry), Index B

  Marboeuf, Marquis de, French governor of Corsica, 6

  Marbot, Colonel (Baron), French cavalry officer, 477, 577, 610, 692, 704, 1073

  Marchand, Count J. G., French general, 755

  Marchant, Colonel le, founder of Royal Military College, 44

  Marescot, Count A. S., French general, 70, 277

  Maret, H. B., Duke of Bassano, French foreign minister, 819

  Marie-Louise, archduchess of Austria and second French empress, 744; biographical sketch, see Appendix; marriage to Napoleon, 744; during 1814, 971; leaves Paris, 1000; Napoleon’s feelings for, 1002; mentioned, 952

  “Marie-Louises, Les,” see Infantry, Index B

  Marigny de Tott, French explorer, 209

  Marmont, A. F. L. V. de, Duke of Ragusa, French marshal, 57; biographical sketch, see Appendix; early association with Napoleon, 57; at battle of Castiglione, 198; in Egypt, 226, 244; during campaign of 1800, 278; at Marengo, 296; made a marshal, 729; during campaign of 1805, 391, 392, 395, 404; in campaign of 1809, 670, 671, 711; at Wagram, 722; during campaign of 1813, 874, 884, 886, 903; his prophecy, 903, 911; at battle of Dresden, 906, 908, 911; at battle of Leipzig, 925, 928, 930-31, 933; defence of the Rhine, 949, 951; during campaign of 1814, 961, 965, 967, 984, 993; at battle of La Rothière, 962; at battle of Champaubert, 969, 1000, 1001; blunders at battle of Laon, 989-90; Napoleon’s anger with, 991; deserts to Allies, 1001; mentioned, 74, 301, 1002; picture, 418

  Massena, André, Duke of Rivoli, Prince of Essling, French marshal, 27; biographical sketch, see Appendix; character of, 55, 366, 511; at Toulon, 27; in campaign of 1794, 31, 38;
victor of First Loano, 38, 40; background, 55; in campaign of 1796, 55, 56, 63, 66, 71, 73, 78, 81, 82, 96, 98, 102, 114, 123; defeated by Würmser, 93; defeated at Caldiero, 103; at battle of Arcola, 106, 110, 112; at battle of Rivoli, 116, 118, 120; marches back to Mantua, 120; occupies Klagen-furt, 124; defends Switzerland, 257; wins Second Zurich, 257; commander of the Army of Liguria, 263, 269; besieged in Genoa, 271, 277; capitulates, 285; recrosses River Var, 290; made a marshal, 312; in command of Army of Italy, 1805, 385, 387, 404-5; sent to Naples, 448; created Duke of Rivoli, 312; in Naples, 448, 511; summoned to Warsaw, 560; wounded by Napoleon, 594; during campaign of 1809, 670, 678, 681, 682, 683, 684, 686, 687, 691, 693, 695, 732; at battle of Aspern-Essling, 700, 703; at battle of Wagram, 710, 716, 723, 724, 725; 727, 728; pursues Archduke Charles, 730; defeated by Wellington, 747; governor of Marseilles, 511; attitude to Napoleon’s return from Elba, 501; avarice of, 366, 511; mentioned, 45, 70, 258, 269, 286, 299, 433, 708; picture, 418

  Massenbach, Prussian colonel, 455, 459, 476

  Maximilian-Joseph, Elector (later King) of Bavaria, 450, 915

  Mazis, des, Napoleon’s friend of cadet days, 8

  Melas, Austrian general, 45, 162, 267, 269, 271, 284, 289, 290, 291, 300

  Menou, J. F. de B., French general, 216, 219, 220, 303

  Mercer, A. C., English captain, 1033, 1061, 1080

  Merlin, Count A. F. E., French brigadier-general, 1050

  Merveldt (or Meerveldt), Austrian general, 405, 924, 926, 930, 932,

  Mesnil-Durand, Baron de, French general of I’ Ancien Regime, 136

  Meszaros, Austrian general, 98

  Metrouski, Austrian general, 106

  Metternich, Prince Von, Austrian statesman, 330, 589, 592, 663, 890, 899

  Milhaud, Count E. J. B., French general, 69, 501, 544, 1062, 1064, 1080

  Miloradovitch, M., Russian general, 808, 824, 880, 888, 911

  Mireur, F., French general, 222

  Molitor, Count G. J. J., French general, 698, 703

  Mollendorf, R. J. H. von, Prussian general, 455, 493

  Moncey, B. A. J. de, Duke of Conegliano, French marshal, 278, 283, 602, 605, 612, 629

  Monge, Gaspard, French scholar and man of letters, 213, 228, 244

  Montbrun, Count L. P., French general, 642, 801

  Montelambert, French fortification expert, 70

  Montfort, Baron J. de, French colonel, 935

  Moore, Sir John, English general, 43; character of, 627, 646; reforming activities of, 43, 627; sent to Portugal, 622; in command of the English expedition, 627; during campaign of 1808, 627, 628, 639, 644, 648; opinion of Spanish generals, 629; nearly gives up, 645; new plan of, 646, 648; during the retreat, 651, 652, 653; at the battle of Corunna, 655-57; death of, 656; mentioned, 631, 649, 650, 655, 658; picture, 647

  Morand, Count C. A. L. A., French general, 352, 490, 491, 494, 495, 770, 949, 1086

  Moreau, J. V., French general, 46; character of, 268; Napoleon’s opinion of, 269; popularity of, 269, 309; rivalry with Napoleon, 268; conduct during campaign of 1796-1797, 46, 57, 96, 125; conduct of, during Brumaire 259, 260; given key German command in 1799, 267, 268; obstructs Napoleon’s plans, 268; Napoleon’s servility toward, 260, 268; Napoleon’s true feelings toward, 269; during campaign of 1800, 270, 276, 277, 278, 298; tardy cooperation of, 278; victor of Hohen-linden, 302; implicated in Royalist plots, 308; trial of, 309; disgrace of, 309; mentioned, 99, 229, 256, 269

  Mortaigne, Count, French military philosopher, 159

  Mortier, E. A. C. J., Duke of Treviso, French marshal, 403; biographical sketch, see Appendix; made a marshal, 434; during campaign of 1805, 403, 404, 407, 410; at battle of Durrenstein, 406; during campaign of 1806-1807, 465, 502, 559, 563, 570-71; at battle of Heilsberg, 569; at battle of Friedland, 573, 577, 5795 in Spain, 620, 630, 638, 644; commands the Young Guard during campaign of 181, 783, 799, 801; ordered to destroy the Kremlin, 820; during the retreat, 848; commands the Guard during campaign of 1813, 874, 884, 886, 910, 913; at battle of Dresden, 908, 910; at Leipzig, 924, 928, 934, 935; during campaign of 1814, 949, 951, 953, 958, 959, 960, 964, 966, 980, 986; at battle of Montmirail, 973; at Laon, 989; joins with Marmont, 993, 1000; defence of Montmarte, 1000; mentioned, 987; picture, 434

  Mouton, Count G. of Lobau, imperial aide-de-camp and French general, 369; during campaign of 1809, 687, 705-6; during campaign of 1815, 1020, 1026, 1038, 1043, 1047, 1060, 1064, 1076, 1078, 1084, 1089

  Müffling, Baron C. von, Prussian general and liaison officer, 458, 1068, 1087, 1093

  Muiron, French Revolutionary general, 27

  Murad, Bey, Mameluke ruler of Egypt, 210, 222, 226, 230

  Murat, Prince Joachim, King of Naples, French marshal, 6; biographical sketch, see Appendix; showy character of, 56, 568, 784, 850; his critics, 398, 569, 784, 794; role during Vendémiaire, 39; offers services as aide-de-camp, 56; during campaign of 1796-1797, 75, 92, 98, 120; sent to Genoa, 89; during campaign of Egypt and Syria, 213, 215, 235, 239; at battle of Aboukir, 243; returns to France, 244; marries Caroline Bonaparte, 263; during campaign of 1800, 278, 283, 284, 287; at battle of Marengo, 291; created a marshal, 435; during campaign of 1805, 385, 386, 390, 394, 397, 400, 404, 410; the Strasbourg feint, 390; difficulties with Ney, 397, 398; reproved by Napoleon, 398; later errors, 405, 406; further reprimands, 406, 408; the Vienna bridge, 407; tricked by the Russians, 408; at battle of Hollabrunn, 408; at the battle of Austerlitz, 416, 426, 428; made Grand Duke of Cleves and Berg, 445-46; role during campaign of 1806, 472, 474, 475; at battle of Jena, 485, 486; conduct of the pursuit, 486, 498, 499, 501; “bluffs” pay off, 501; during campaign of 1806-1807, 515, 520, 524, 532, 566, 567, 570, 571, 572; at battle of Eylau, 536, 537, 543-44, 554; at battle of Heilsberg, 567-68; absence at Friedland sorely felt, 576, 582-83; reaches Tilsit, 583; snubbed by Napoleon, 569; during campaign of 1808, 605, 612, 614, 615; advances on Madrid, 607; welcome of, 607; Napoleon’s “lieutenant in Spain,” 607; attitude to the Bourbons, 607, 610; revolt of Madrid, 610; illness of, 611; made King of Naples, 609; plots in Paris, 654; cavalry command for campaign of 1812, 770; during the advance, 770, 771, 775, 776, 778, 779, 784, 794; reaches Vilna, 774, 850; difficulties of, at Smolensk, 784, 785-86, 788; further disagreements with colleagues, 784, 794; at battle of Borodino, 801, 805; first into Moscow, 808; tricked by the Cossacks, 813; surprised at Vinkovo, 819; during the retreat, 848, 850, 869; given over-all command at Smorgoni, 849, 850; abandons the army, 852; during campaign of 1813, 906, 911, 917, 918; at Dresden, 910; at Liebertwolkwitz, 922; at battle of Leipzig, 929, 930; deserts Napoleon, 950, 966; Napoleon’s fury, 950, 966; premature attack in 1815, 1022; mentioned, 69, 356, 433, 450, 555, 778; 869, 1023; picture, 435

  Nansouty, Count M. A. C. de, French cavalry general, 426, 691, 727, 775

  Naples, King of, see Murat

  Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, King of Italy, passim; biographical sketch, see Appendix; character of, see Introduction passim; health of, 10, 11, 796, 799, 807, 1021; antecedents, 5, 6

  (1) early years, 5; at Brienne, 6, 7; at École Militaire, 8; joins La Fère Artillery Regiment, 8, 9; at Auxonne, 10, 11, 12; voracious reading of, 8, 10; illness of, 10, 11, 12; visits to Corsica, 10, 12, 13, 14; visits to Paris, 10, 13, 36; opinions of Paris mob, 14, 39; expedition to La Maddelenna, 15, 16, 29; criticism of Paoli, 13, 14, 16, 17; expelled with family, 17; joins Carteaux’s army, 3, 20; writes “Le Souper de Beaucaire,” 3, 20; contacts with Augustin Robespierre, 4, 30, 32, 33; at siege of Toulon, 19, 20, 22, 23-28, 29; wounded, 27; atrocities, 27, 28, 86, 89, 236, 309; promoted brigadier-general, 28; artillery command in Italy, 30; during campaign of 1794, 30-33, 34-36; sent to Genoa, 32; almost shares fall of “the Dictator,” 34; in prison at Antibes, 34; released, 34; administrative troubles, 36; journey to Paris, 36; resigns and cashiered, 36, 39; at the bureau topographique, 37, 57; saves Directory at Vendémiaire, 39, 40; and Paul Barras, 20, 23, 39, 55, 260; given command of the Army of the Interior, 41, 47; friction with Schérec, 40, 41; given command of Army of Ital
y, 41, 47; marriage to Josephine, 49, 56; feelings for Josephine, 56, 92, 103, 227; adultery of Josephine, 227; reconciled, 245; deceives Josephine, 231, 526-27; and the divorce, 744

  (2) campaign of 1796, see Part Two passim; battle of Montenotte, 66; battle of Mondovi, 74; Armistice of Cherasco, 75; move to Piacenza, 78, 80; at battle of Lodi, 81-84; pursuit to the Mincio, 86; welcomed at Milan, 85; rapid disillusionment of populace, 85, 100; the revolt, 86; cruel repression, 86; new republics set up, 101; at battle of Borghetto, 87; expedition against the Pope, 92; first siege of Mantua, 89, 92; abandons siege of Mantua, 92; battles of Lonato and Castiglione, 94, 95, 191-201; resumes siege of Mantua, 95; attack up the Adige, 96; advance down the Brenta Valley, 97; battle of Bassano, 98; Würmser reaches Mantua, 98; third siege of Mantua, 99; army reorganisation, 100, 114; Alvintzi’s advance, 102; battle of Caldiero, 103; battle of Arcola, 104-12; nearly drowned, 108; advance, 112, 115; at battle of Rivoli, 115-20; surrender of Mantua, 120, 121; relations with the Directory, 41, 84-85, 122, 206, 207, 253-54; Peace of Gampo Formio, 125; sacrifices Venice, 125; analysis of his success, see Chapter 12

  (3) campaign of 1798-1799, see Part Four passim; its conception, 207-12; reports on English invasion scheme, 209; behind the scenes at Fructidor, 207; given command of Army of Egypt, 212; orders and aims, 212; preparations, 213-15; enlists savants, 213, 220; sails from Toulon, 215; near-brushes with Nelson, 215, 216, 217; capture of Malta, 216; reorders Maltese affairs, 216; reaches Alexandria, 217; disembarks at Marabout, 205, 217; captures Alexandria, 205, 219; the march to Rahmanieh, 220; quells mutiny, 222; the Croisier incident, 222, 248; action at Shubra Khit, 223; pursuit of Murad Bey, 223; battle of the Pyramids, 224-26; capture of Cairo, 226; reforming endeavours, 227, 228, 229; routs Ibrahim Bey, 227; sends Desaix to Upper Egypt, 229, 230; prepares for Syrian campaign, 230-34; revolt of Cairo, 230; failure of diplomatic efforts, 230; marches from Katia, 235; held up at El Arish, 235-36; takes Gaza, 236; takes Jaffa, 236; massacre at Jaffa, 236, 248; the plague cases at Jaffa, 236, 237, 241; reaches Acre, 237; siege of Acre, 238, 240; at battle of Mount Tabor, 239; failure at Acre, 240; retreat to Egypt, 241; at Cairo, 242; marches to Alexandria, 243; battle of Aboukir, 243-44; and Sir Sidney Smith, 207, 237, 238, 246, 599; and Pauline Fourés, 231, 244; sails for France, 242, 244; assessment of campaign, see Chapter 22; at Brumaire, 258, 260; preparations for, 260; near-disaster, 261; eventual success, 262; appointed Provisional Consul, 262; relations with Siéyès, 259, 262; becomes First Consul, 262; early reforms of, 262, 263; military reorganisation, 264, 265, 266


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