Entranced (The ROGUES Billionaire Series Book 1)

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Entranced (The ROGUES Billionaire Series Book 1) Page 9

by Tracie Delaney

  Ryker glanced over his shoulder, beckoning me forward. “This is my associate, Ath—”

  “Athena Bancroft as I live and breathe.”

  My eyes widened as I spotted Charles Haworth, an ex-boyfriend of mine. Not that I could really call him an ex. We’d gone on a few dates, shared a few kisses, even gotten naked together once before I’d completely frozen at the thought of having sex with a man who wasn’t Ryker. Charles had been a perfect gentleman, helping me back into my clothes and assuring me it didn’t matter. We’d remained friends, but over the years had lost touch.

  “Charles,” I said, greeting him with a wide grin. “Long time no see. How are you?”

  He enveloped me in an enormous hug, then kissed both my cheeks. “All the better for seeing you. Still as gorgeous as ever, I see.”

  I chuckled. “And you’re still a smooth talker.”

  “Not smooth enough to capture your heart, angel.”

  I laughed. “It really is wonderful to see you, Charles. I’m so sorry we lost touch.”

  “And yet fate saw fit to return you to me.” He winked. “Cupid’s arrow strikes again.”

  My laughter grew. “You’re terrible.”

  “And I’m busy,” Ryker snapped. “I have thirty minutes, and you’ve already used up two with your reminiscing. I suggest we get started.”

  Charles arched an eyebrow, his gaze cutting between me and Ryker, sensing an undertone but unable to quite put his finger on the reason.

  “Of course,” he said. “We’re all busy. Follow me.”

  He linked his arm through mine and, with Ryker lagging behind this time—which I admit I took enormous glee in—we went through to a large conference room. Charles held out a chair for me to sit in, and he took the one adjacent. Ryker sat on the other side of the table, his face set in stone, his eyes glinting ominously.

  The meeting began, but Ryker’s snippy attitude soured any hopes of a business partnership. Even with my limited experience, I figured that out. As the minutes ticked by, Ryker’s mood grew darker, generating enough negative energy to power Manhattan for a month. He wrapped it up five minutes ahead of schedule.

  I got to my feet, relieved it was over. I couldn’t wait to get back to my office and away from Ryker. He’d sucked all the positivity out of me, and I needed space.

  “It was so great to see you again, Charles,” I said, giving him a warm squeeze.

  “You too, angel. Would you mind awfully if I gave you a call? I’d love to catch up over a coffee and a blueberry muffin. They always were your favorites.”

  I could have sworn Ryker muttered something that sounded remarkably like “Over your dead body, asshole.” Charles didn’t seem to notice, though, or if he did, he didn’t react.

  “That sounds lovely,” I said. If Ryker could date, then damn it, so could I. “I’ll look forward to it.”

  “Great.” He beamed. “I’ll walk you out.”

  Ryker stormed on ahead with me and Charles trailing behind.

  “What is it you’re doing at ROGUES, Athena?” Charles asked.

  “IT support. Finally putting my degree to good use.”

  “Hmm. Well, we’re always on the lookout for talented techies. Do keep us in mind when you’re considering your next move.”

  Ryker stopped so fast, I almost bumped into him. He whirled around, blotches of anger coloring his neck. He narrowed his eyes, his nostrils flaring, and his hands formed fists at his sides.

  “It is the height of bad form to attempt to poach staff in front of their current boss,” he snarled. “If this is the kind of leadership behavior you display, I don’t think you’re the right fit for a joint venture with ROGUES.”

  Charles flushed beet red while I prayed for a large hole in the floor to open up and swallow me.

  “I’m sure I didn’t mean anything by it, Stone,” Charles said with a clenched jaw. “You’re right, I apologize.” He turned his attention to me. “I extend my apologies to you also, Athena. That was completely out of order.”

  “No apologies needed, Charles,” I said as hot, burning rage raced through me. “At least not from you. And thank you. I will keep your company in mind. One never knows when their current employment may become untenable.” I reached up on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “Don’t forget to call me, and we’ll grab that drink. Maybe dinner.”

  I charged outside and flung myself into the back of Ryker’s limo, my chest heaving with pent-up anger. How dare he speak to Charles in such a manner. And he accused me of unprofessional behavior.

  The door beside me opened, and Ryker got in. The car pulled smoothly away. The screen between the front and back was still in place, so I let him have it. Both barrels. For the second time in an hour.

  “What the hell was that? You acted like a petulant, childish schoolboy. What’s the matter with you, Ryker? You don’t want me, but you don’t want anyone else to have me either. Talk about hypocrisy. Pah! It’s fine for you to flaunt your girlfriends in my face, to grope their asses and whisper sweet nothings in their ear over the dinner table. It’s okay for you to fuck anyone you goddamn please, but I can’t even go for a coffee with an old friend.”

  He gripped my jaw, his fingers biting into my skin, and slammed his mouth over mine. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, as Ryker’s tongue ravaged me, his lips pressing down hard enough that I tasted blood. A growl radiated through his chest, the sound so male, so dominating, I almost orgasmed. Jesus, Ryker was actually kissing me. Fiercely. Possessively. He wasn’t drunk. I wasn’t seventeen. If Charles had been the catalyst to force Ryker’s sudden loss of control, then I’d buy the man coffees and muffins for the rest of his life.

  I buried my hands in his hair, the shock at the turn of events receding, allowing me to be a full participant. My tongue danced with his, earning me a groan of pleasure. His fingers moved from my jaw to my throat. He applied pressure, not enough to cut off my air supply, but more to assert his dominance.

  As fast as he’d come on to me, he withdrew. He pressed a button in the center console. “Pull the car over,” he snapped.

  “Ryker,” I panted. “What are you doing?”

  He didn’t respond. The car stopped. He pushed down on the handle.

  “Take Miss Bancroft back to the office.” The door slammed, and Ryker left me dazed, confused… and alone.



  I watched the car drive away, blind fury blurring my vision. I directed every ounce of anger at myself, and zero at Athena. Every word she’d spoken was laced with a truth so painful, it tore me apart. I was a hypocrite. For fuck’s sake, I’d flaunted Lissie in front of her not two days earlier, yet Athena comes face-to-face with an ex, and I completely lose my shit.

  Athena had been wrong about one thing. I hadn’t fucked Lissie. I couldn’t. Believe me, that had been the intention, a way to claw Athena from my mind, but when push had come to shove, I’d had my driver take Lissie home instead.

  Nothing worked when it came to trying to forget Athena and move on with my life. Nothing. I’d tried it all.

  Ignoring her.

  Talking to her.

  Being nice to her.

  Behaving so badly toward her that if my mother heard me, she’d tan my hide (even though I’m a foot taller than she is).

  Pretending she doesn’t exist.

  Whacking off in the shower in the hope I won’t get a boner the second I see her. (FYI, Epic Fail).

  I was used to testing strategies, changing direction, trying different approaches until I found one that led to success.

  Not this time. Not with her.

  Yet, what did success look like? Was it to have her out of my life, or to keep her so close a sheet of paper wouldn’t fit between us? For years I’d managed to lock up my feelings after that one fateful night, pretending it never happened. On the odd occasion when Athena had tentatively tried to discuss it, I’d shut her down with a barbed comment or a cruel word, and she’d retreated instantly.
  When Elliot had informed me that Athena was heading off around the world, no one could have been happier than me. At last, I’d thought, I might stand a chance of moving on with my life. Of forgetting how her body felt against mine. Of how her amber gaze tracked my every move, silently begging me to reconsider, to risk everything for a chance to be together. To put what I felt for her ahead of my love for Elliot.

  Seeing her in Japan, dressed in that scrap of material with dirty old men pawing all over her had opened the lock to the lion’s cage. No matter what I did, he refused to go back in.

  And who the fuck did Charles think he was? Blatantly flirting with her at a business meeting and then having the audacity to try to poach her. What a fucking asshole. Wave bye bye to any partnership with ROGUES, Charles. Jerk-off.

  And if he dared to take her on that promised date, I’d kill him.

  I took a deep breath and scraped a hand down my face, trying to calm the rage swirling inside, stoked by years of pent-up frustration and denial.

  Shit. I was in so much trouble.

  I made all my business decisions based on facts and always maintained a cool head. Emotion didn’t come into it.

  Yet here I was, cutting off the chance to work with Charles on what would be a mutually beneficial opportunity because I couldn’t stand the idea of seeing him and Athena together.

  I touched my lips, the taste of Athena still there.

  This isn’t me.

  Athena and I were all wrong. Complete opposites. Where I remained calm under pressure, Athena could open her own drama studio, she created that much of it. She was highly emotional. I kept my emotions in check so much that my dates often called me Ice Man.

  Not to mention that if Elliot heard even a whisper I’d put my tongue—let alone my cock—anywhere near his sister, the ability to father children wouldn’t be in my future.

  Not that I had a remote interest in fathering any children that weren’t Athena’s.

  I fisted my hair.

  The situation was fucking impossible.

  She’d been right in her assessment, though. I couldn’t have Athena, but I didn’t want anyone else to have her either.

  Spotting a cab with his light on, I darted across the street with my hand in the air. The driver saw me and waited. I climbed inside and gave him my office address.

  Half an hour later, I handed him a bunch of bills and got out. It had started to rain and, without an overcoat or an umbrella, I dashed inside and took the elevator up to the top floor.

  “Any calls, Patricia?” I held out my hand for the stack of Post-it notes I knew were coming. Patricia still liked the old-fashioned method of writing down the name and number of anyone who called.

  “Seven.” She handed them over. “I’ve put them in order of importance.”

  “Thanks.” I pushed open my office door half hoping, half dreading I’d find Athena waiting for me. The office was empty. “Grab me a coffee, would you?”

  “Coming right up.”

  I shut the door and sank onto my leather chair. Tossing the notes on my desk, I opened my laptop. I’d begun going through my emails when Elliot entered holding my cup of coffee.

  “Got a minute?” he asked, setting it down on my side of the desk.

  “Sure.” I pointed my chin at the chair opposite.

  “I’ve come to say thanks.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “For what?”

  “I heard you took Athena along to the meeting with Charles Haworth this morning. Thanks for giving her a chance. It’s good for her to learn more about the business.”

  “Who told you I’d taken her?” I asked.


  My pulse juddered. I schooled my expression and kept my eyes fixed on his. “Did she say anything else?”

  “Only that she’d found the meeting fascinating and she hoped for similar opportunities in the future. See, she wants to learn. All she needs is for us to have some faith in her and give her some responsibility. She’ll flourish, I’m sure.”

  “Indeed,” I murmured.

  “So, how was the meeting?”

  I shrugged. “Don’t think it’s got legs.”

  “Really?” Elliot’s mouth turned down in surprise. “Why?”

  Because Charles is a dick who wants to get into your sister’s panties. And I’ll commit murder if he achieves his aim.

  “I didn’t get a good vibe from him. I don’t think he’s got the right level of professionalism.”

  “That’s odd,” Elliot said. “You said he’d been great in all your interactions with him.”

  “He tried to poach your sister. Offer her a job.”

  Elliot’s eyes widened. “She never told me that.”

  “It pissed me off to be honest. I mean, if he’d do something like that right in front of me, what kind of shenanigans would he undertake behind my back? I don’t want ROGUES to lose its top talent.”

  “I get that,” Elliot said. “It’s still strange, though. Maybe I should give him a call.”

  “Just fucking leave it, will you? This is my project, and I’ve decided to can it. Quit interfering.”

  Elliot threw his hands in the air. “Whoa. What’s biting you?”

  “Nothing,” I muttered. “Bad night’s sleep, that’s all.”

  “You seem to be having a few bad nights lately,” Elliot said. “Maybe you need more sex. Why not give Lissie a call? She seemed like a nice girl.”

  “Why is my sex life so interesting to you?” I snapped. “Anyone would think you wanted a tryout.”

  Elliot burst out laughing. “In your fucking dreams, Stone. If I was going to swing that way, I’d pick someone far hotter than you.”

  Despite the shitty start to the week, I grinned. “Bullshit. You’d be punching above your weight, Bancroft.”

  Elliot snorted. “Yeah, yeah. Listen, why don’t we go for a drink tonight, maybe shoot some pool. I think your sleep problems and crappy mood is because you’re working too damned hard. You’ve been burning the candle at both ends for far too long, Ryker. Something’s gonna snap if you don’t let off steam soon.”

  He was right. I did need to let off steam—in the form of getting his sister into my bed.

  As that wasn’t about to happen, I’d have to find other ways to manage my growing frustration. Shooting pool wouldn’t cut it, but neither would sitting here bemoaning shit I hadn’t yet figured out how to fix.

  “Sounds like a plan.”



  After the longest week of my entire life, Friday finally came around. I’d seen Ryker on three occasions since he kissed me then abandoned me in his car. On each occasion he’d studiously ignored me, refusing to even shoot a glance in my direction. The other day, I was at lunch with Claire, one of my coworkers in the IT department, and Ryker walked into the company restaurant. He caught my eye, his brow furrowed like he was constipated. Then he scowled, spun on his heel, and marched back out.

  Fortunately for me, Claire had her back to him, meaning she missed the entire exchange, and I didn’t have to scrabble around for an explanation as to why the boss seemed to hate me, especially when he also happened to be my brother’s best friend.

  But every time I thought about the kiss, my brain went all fuzzy, and I couldn’t concentrate on anything else. After seven years pining for another bite of the cherry, so to speak, I’d finally gotten my wish—and then Ryker ran out on me. I’d lost count of the number of times I almost stormed up to his office to demand an explanation, but then I’d stop myself. What if he wasn’t alone? What if Elliot was in there, or one of the other board members? I had no reason to be there, and therefore, questions would ensue.

  Dragging my mind back to the IT problem I’d been asked to review, I frowned at the line of programing code, looking for reasons why the backup failed last night. It felt like a test. I couldn’t believe Aaron, nor any of the much more experienced team members, didn’t know the answer. I took it seriously regardless.
Here was an opportunity to prove my worth.

  “How are you fixed for lunch?”

  I lifted my head to find Elliot standing by my desk. I’d been so engrossed I hadn’t heard him arrive.

  “You’re stealthy,” I said, smiling despite my low mood.

  He grinned and held out his hand. “Come on, sis. I’ve barely seen you this week.”

  “I’ve been right here.” I stood and playfully bumped his shoulder. “It’s you that’s Mr. Elusive. Brienna keeping you busy, is she?”

  At the mention of his latest conquest, my brother blushed, sending my curiosity sky-high. Elliot didn’t blush, especially when it came to women.

  I widened my eyes. “You like her,” I stated. “I mean, really like her.”

  “Shhh.” He glanced over his shoulder almost as if he expected to find her standing behind him. “I don’t want the entire building knowing my personal business.”

  I grabbed my purse and linked my arm through his. “Lunch is on you. And I want to know everything.”

  Elliot took me to a Thai restaurant two blocks from the office. After we’d ordered he grew coy, barely saying more than Brienna was “okay” and “not as annoying as some of my ex’s”. I let it slide. If Elliot didn’t feel ready to spill yet, then who was I to press him.

  As he seemed to be in such a good mood, maybe now was the right time to broach the Ryker subject. Oh, and the apartment. But Ryker first. If I got Elliot on my side with the whole idea of me and Ryker, it’d remove one hell of an obstacle, leaving me to freely pursue him without his fallback excuse of losing Elliot getting in the way.

  “Elliot, about Ryker—”

  “Would you like something to drink?”

  I glared at the server. Not that it was her fault she’d interrupted. She was only doing her job, but, darn it, her timing couldn’t have been shittier.

  “Water,” I said, my tone brisk.

  Elliot perused the drinks menu. “Craft beer. Thanks, darling.”


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