Something Witchy This Way Comes

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Something Witchy This Way Comes Page 26

by Veronica Blade

  I didn’t answer, telling myself that Tessa’s chance of survival increased without me.

  Chait slipped into the back seat carrying a duffle bag. “I snuck out the window and jumped the fence when no one was looking, then sprinted down the block. I’m pretty sure no one knows I left.”

  Without saying a word, I started the car. Tessa stared out the window.

  “Uhm, is everything okay?” he asked.

  “Everything’s peachy,” she said after a few moments of silence, then gave a sigh-moan combo. “I need to go home and see Bree. What are our plans tonight? Or am I assuming too much, Hayden, by thinking that we’re all still a team? Have you decided to go on alone?”

  “We’re a team, Tessa. We’re sticking together, no matter what.”

  “I’ve heard that before,” she muttered.

  Chait poked his head between the two seats. “What the hell is going on?”

  “Hayden dumped me. Cool, huh? I shouldn’t be surprised, but what can I say? I’m a girl. We tend to believe guys when they say they care — even users like Hayden. May as well write sucker on my forehead.” She glared at me.

  “It wasn’t like that. I never meant to mislead you.”

  “Maybe you guys should finish this when I’m not around,” Chait said mercifully.

  If I had my way, the subject would go away and Tessa would forget about it completely. She was the most grounded and confident girl I’d ever met. Once she recovered from the sting of betrayal, she’d realize what a dog she’d fallen for and wonder what she ever saw in me. Unfortunately for me, that would come too soon. I hated the thought of Tessa getting over me. Realistically, there probably wouldn’t be much for her to get over. How much could she really care for someone like me anyway?

  Until then, I would be eternally grateful that Chait would be stuck to us — he’d offer a much needed buffer. If she and I had been alone together, she’d make me talk and eventually, I might tell her the truth — how much breaking up with her ripped me up inside.

  But if I had to watch her take up with him or anyone else, I couldn’t hang around. I’d pick sides in a hurry or take my chances with Boris.

  * * * *

  Bree did her homework at the dining room table at Tessa’s while we practiced moving objects in the living room. We huddled into a triangle and kept the lights dim, so Bree couldn’t easily see what we were doing.

  “So you’re really going to stay, huh?” she asked me between turns. “You’re not obligated.”

  I loved Tessa, more than anyone I’d ever loved my entire life. But her occasional barb made me want to pick a fight. I wanted to yell at her and tell her to get over it.

  Then take her to bed.

  “I said I would.”

  “I thought with your commitment phobia, it might be a problem for you.”

  “Tessa, can we stop this? I never lied to you and the last thing I want to do is hurt you.”

  “That may or may not be true.” She nodded. “But that’s not what I mean. I’m talking about being honest with yourself. You knew from the beginning that I wouldn’t sleep with you anytime soon. You also knew how committed I was to my little sister and that she was part of the package. And you still went for it.”

  “Can you guys do this later?” Chait asked.

  Tessa plowed on as if he hadn’t spoken. “If, deep in a corner of your mind, it occurs to you that the next girl might not be right, maybe you should pay attention. You might try not asking her to be your girlfriend.” She stomped off and a moment later, a door slammed.

  “Dude, what the hell are you doing?” Chait asked, voice low.

  “We’re waiting for Tessa to get back. When Bree’s done with her homework—”

  “You know that’s not what I’m asking.” Chait looked genuinely concerned.

  I squeezed my eyes shut. “The door’s open for you and you’re questioning me? You like her. Here’s your chance.”

  “Yeah, who wouldn’t mind hooking up with that? But she likes you, idiot. Besides, I don’t do rebound girls.” He shook his head. “No, thank you.”

  Inwardly, I breathed a sigh of relief. Tessa shouldn’t be with me. She needed to move on.

  But not while I watched.

  Chapter Thirty-five


  Bree fell asleep during her bedtime story and I curled up on the floor at the foot of her bed. I cried. Not the kind of crying you do when you’re frustrated, hurt or a little angry. It was the cry that contorts your face and makes your nose run, your eyes bloodshot.

  That bastard.

  I’d known better, but had stupidly let my guard down. My instincts had screamed at me but I’d ignored them — because he’d looked at me and touched me like he cared. He’d been so convincing. Could anyone fake it that well? If he hadn’t learned to block his thoughts, I would’ve known.

  When I’d cried myself dry, I tiptoed out of her room and crept close enough for the boys to hear me, while keeping some distance, so they wouldn’t see my splotchy face. “I’m jumping in the shower.”

  In the bathroom, I called my grandmother. I knew I shouldn’t since it wasn’t an emergency. But I needed to hear her voice and see how Zoe was doing.

  “Hi, sweetheart. We can’t talk long.”

  “Okay.” I was elated she picked up the phone at all. “But I have to know how she’s doing.”

  “We gave her blood and an IV with medicine and nutrients so she can begin healing. Plus I’ve worked on her personally, as a healer. She was in bad shape, honey, and she’s got a ways to go. But I think she’ll be waking soon. We’re seeing more movement.”

  “When she’s up, will you tell her that Rena, the one who tried to kill her, is dead? After all she’s been through, I think she might like to know.”

  “I will. Be safe, baby.”

  After my shower, I took some extra time making myself presentable by blow drying my hair and putting on a tiny bit of makeup. I wouldn’t be leaving the house the rest of the night, but that didn’t mean I had to look frumpy. We would be up a while so no point in wearing pajamas. I threw on a tank top and short shorts, then left the safety of my room to face the boys.

  I’d be nicer to Hayden. Being bitchy only stirred things up. He couldn’t help how he felt and I couldn’t force him to love me. I wouldn’t go out of my way to be friendly though.

  “Hey.” I smiled at both of them. Hayden flinched and looked away. I sighed inwardly and focused on Chait. Thank goodness for him or I’d feel so alone. “What are you guys doing?”

  “Working on Hayden’s mind reading skills. I’m showing him the difference between an image completely made up and something the person may have seen through someone else.”

  “Oh, good. Yeah, I did that with Frank and Lila.”

  “Tessa,” Hayden said, “if we go to school every other day and switch like that, it’s going to look weird by the end of the week. I was thinking it might be a good idea for you to go to school tomorrow. I’ll stay and train with Chait. At night, I can take care of Bree while you train.”

  Why would he do such a thing, taking care of a little girl? He wasn’t my boyfriend anymore. “I—”

  “I don’t mind. Bree’s a sweet girl. We have fun when we hang out. You and I are still a team, right? Neither of us can do it alone.”

  “He’s right,” Chait said. “We might come up with a better plan up the road, but for now, it’s a start.”

  “If I’m using Hayden, I may as well use the babysitter. Same difference. That makes me as bad as my mom.”

  “No,” Hayden said. “Because you’ll still be close by and available if she needs anything.”

  * * * *

  I squeezed in with Bree and snuggled up to her little body. The boys slept in my room, one on the bed and the other on the floor. I’d heard my parents come home in the middle of the night, laughing. Together. Strange. They hadn’t looked in on their children before disappearing into their room right across from Bree’s. They never di

  It would be tricky dealing with the boys and ensuring they didn’t get caught in the morning. Dad would wake up soon and be long gone when we got up. Knowing he’d signed the papers so easily, and hadn’t even bothered to have a conversation with me first, left me without any inspiration to get up and say hello. I cuddled closer to Bree and dozed off.

  * * * *

  “Hey.” Hayden nudged my shoulder.

  I forced my eyes open, but the glaring sun burned through Bree’s window.

  Hayden loomed over me, bare-chested and looking like a lifeguard with his sun-kissed hair and the halo of bright light behind him. “Time to get up.”

  I turned away to keep myself from reaching out to touch his magnificent six-pack. “Put on a shirt.”

  He scurried off and I scoped the place out. My house was deserted and I didn’t sense my parents in their bedroom either.

  Once the guys were dressed, they stayed. It would be easy to pretend they’d just arrived, if my mom returned. While Hayden started on Bree’s lunch, Chait scrambled eggs.

  On my way to check on Bree, I paused to watch the boys in action. “Two gorgeous guys slaving in the kitchen. Doesn’t get any better than this.”

  “You have low standards.” Chait grinned over his shoulder and dropped bread into the toaster. “If I had two hot girls in my kitchen, I’d want them naked.”

  I stood immobile, seeing Chait and Hayden in my mind’s eye. Naked, cooking for me.

  Hayden glanced my way and chuckled as I dashed away.

  With the boys handling the food, I spent my time with Bree. A rare treat. And when we all piled in the SUV to drop off Bree, I didn’t feel rushed for a change.

  “We have a test today.” Hayden stopped at the curb of Bree’s school. “I can’t afford to miss it. The makeup credits Frank arranged with the teacher won’t help me much if I get a zero.”

  “Okay. Come for that class,” I said. “Then go.”

  I walked Bree to the front of the building and saw her safely inside. On my way back to the car, my cell went off. I waited until I was in the car then flipped my phone open. It was my grandmother. She’s awake. And it was David, not Rena.

  I dropped the phone and twisted in my seat to see Chait in the back. “David’s a spy for Boris. He’s the one who tried to kill Zoe.”

  Chapter Thirty-six


  I showed up to fourth period, just for the test. My plan had been to leave immediately afterward, since Chait would be waiting for me in the school lot. Instead, I walked with Tessa to the cafeteria. “I’ll sit with the guys.”

  “Whatever. It’s not like you’re required to sit with me, Hayden. You never were.” She picked up her pace and sailed through the entryway to the lunchroom.

  “Fine,” I mumbled, but she’d already left. After getting my food, I took my usual spot with Brad, Skyler and the guys.

  “What’s up with you and Tessa?” Skyler asked. “I’m not feelin’ the love.”

  “There was no love to begin with,” Brad said. “Right, Hayden?”

  Chait expected me outside. That’s where I should’ve been. But I couldn’t make myself leave Tessa. I picked up my hamburger though I didn’t feel like eating. “She’s still tutoring me but, yeah, that’s it.”

  “You sure about that?” Skyler asked. “You don’t care at all? Because, you know, I thought I might ask her out if you’re sure you’re finished.”

  “He doesn’t care,” Brad answered for me. “His leftovers are always a free-for-all. This one’s no different, right?”

  “Nah, go for it,” I said. Tessa wouldn’t go out with him in a million years.

  “Who’s that guy talking to Tessa?” Skyler asked.

  “Looks like you’re too late, dude.” Brad chuckled and elbowed Skyler.

  Chapter Thirty-seven


  “Chait, what are you doing here?”

  “Came to get Hayden. He was supposed to meet me outside.” He grinned at Nadia and Corinne. “But since I’m here, mind if I steal her away a moment?”

  “Not at all.” Nadia didn’t take her eyes off him.

  “She’s all yours,” Corinne said as if mesmerized.

  I rose from the bench and rolled my eyes. We took a spot near the garbage cans, the only place no one wanted to hang out. “So what’s up?”

  “Boris called.”

  “What? Why?”

  “And I can guess how he got the number. David. Those two must be like this.” He twisted his two fingers together. “I trusted him.”

  “I kinda did too.” In frustration, I let the air whoosh from my lungs. “I think David and Rena teamed up. She took credit for killing Zoe, so he’d look like a saint.”

  Chait growled and ran his hand through his hair.

  “So what did Boris want?” My palms dampened as I anticipated seeing Boris again, now that I knew so much more.

  “To meet with us. Tonight. I figure Hayden’s house is the best place. We’ll make sure the cameras are on and the security guys are on alert.”

  “Did he say what he wanted to talk about?”

  “Would it matter? We can’t trust anything out of his mouth,” Chait replied. “We’ll have to prepare for the worst.”

  “The worst would be that he’s going to kill us. How does one go about preparing for that?” I rubbed my temple to relieve the tension already working its way in.

  “Hey.” Chait lifted my chin with his fingertips. “You guys are doing great, far better than any rookies I’ve ever seen. Between Hayden’s martial arts training and your extra powers, we’re as ready as we can be, considering our lack of preparation time.”

  “Are you crazy? We’re nowhere near ready.” I choked back the fear.

  He grasped my upper arms and looked into my eyes. “We never will be. Whatever happens, we’ll deal as it comes.”

  Chait was right. I swallowed and closed my eyes.

  “Arrange the babysitter for all night, okay?” His hands brushed my arm and rested on my shoulders, but I barely noticed.

  I nodded, picturing Bree without me, an orphan. No matter what happened, whether the confrontation took place tonight or next week, leaving Bree all alone wasn’t an option. “Too bad you weren’t able to snag that book,” I said.

  “Sorry. I tried. It’s too big to sneak out without anyone noticing.”

  “What’s going on?” Hayden asked, eyeing Chait who then dropped his arms to his side.

  “What time is the meeting?” I asked.

  “Eight,” Chait answered. “That gives us time to practice before he gets there.”

  “Like that’s going to do us much good,” I scoffed. “I’ll see you guys later.”

  Chait touched my arm when I turned to leave. “Make sure you eat. Now is not the time to be hungry. Tessa, trust me and eat well, okay?”

  I nodded and went back to my table. Moments later, Hayden and Chait took off.

  When I sat with my friends again, their interrogation rivaled the Inquisition. For once, I was grateful for Nadia’s and Corinne’s interference in my love life. It kept my mind off the escalating feeling of impending doom.

  * * * *

  The boys decided that Boris probably wouldn’t make any moves on us before our meeting. Since Chait felt comfortable staying behind, Hayden picked me up after school by himself. We drove in silence and when we entered the guesthouse, the scents of garlic, basil and tomato welcomed us.

  “Hey.” Chait grinned, holding a large spoon in one hand, wearing an apron draped over his front.

  I laughed. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m cooking dinner for you guys. Me too, of course. We need to be well fed for tonight. Italian sausage in a marinara sauce should work.”

  “Dude, are you sure you know what you’re doing? Will it be safe to eat?” Hayden nudged Chait away and lifted the lid to the pot. “Smells edible.”

  My phone went off. She’s awake again. Still very weak but wants 2 c u.
br />   Zoe was on the mend. My eyes blurred. If only Boris was out of the picture, I could spend some quality time with her now. Boris will b here @ 8. Hayden’s. I’ll text u when he’s gone & make plans. I closed my phone and tossed it on the couch.

  Grandma wouldn’t like the Boris situation. She would’ve been great as extra backup, and probably would’ve been more than willing to help. But I couldn’t take a chance on her leaving Zoe and something happening to either of them. I’d just gotten them back. “What’s the big deal over being well fed? And where did you learn to cook?”

  “When I first joined up, they were afraid I’d get crushed, because I was so young and inexperienced. They gave me things to do around the house, but I needed more. Then I got to thinking. We use up so much energy in battle. Eating well can make all the difference between winning and losing. So I learned to cook and became very popular.” Chait chuckled. “Even after my training, I still cooked sometimes.”

  “Spent all that time cooking, then trained with your mentor? You’re not really nineteen,” I said.

  Chait wiped his hands on the dishtowel. “They found me younger than the norm. I was twelve.”

  “Oh.” I cocked my head. “Where were your parents? That’s awfully young to choose sides, isn’t it?”

  “Not necessarily.” Chait shrugged. “But that’s a story for another time.” He said it like the subject was closed.

  I glanced at Hayden who’d been unusually quiet, which reminded me of the only reason we were in the same room together. “So, we’re going into battle, huh?”

  “Hope not,” Chait answered. “Never met Boris, but I’ve heard stories. He’s in power, because he killed the previous ruler. Actually, the rumor is that the guy is still alive. Supposedly, Boris cut off all his limbs, cauterized them and cut out his tongue. Now he’s a decoration in Boris’s office.”

  “That’s disgusting,” I said. “You think it’s true?”


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