Guarding the Truth

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Guarding the Truth Page 17

by Becca Jameson

  Madeline reached her hand to his thigh and set it gently on his jeans, needing his contact, his warmth, to keep her grounded. Fear coursed through her. The fine hairs on her arms stood up. A chill sent a shiver down her body even though the air in the cabin was quite hot from the fire that burned all night. The last embers were still crackling in the fireplace.

  “According to your perp’s profile, he seems to have struck again nearby last night. He…well you don’t need to hear the details, but…he’s in town.” Christine took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She ran her hands through her curly, blond hair in exasperation. Her frustration did nothing to sooth Madeline’s nerves.

  “Parker?” Madeline stared at his confused look that reflected her own sentiments. “How could he…”

  “Fuck.” He glanced around the room.

  Christine continued. “No one but Mark and I knew where you were, and Mark’s knowledge was vague. He only knew how to reach me.”

  “I don’t get it. I thought we could hide here for the rest of eternity if necessary and avoid this guy.” Parker raised his face to the ceiling and ran his hand over his eyes, brushing away the sleep or perhaps asking the rhetorical question of the heavens.

  “Well, apparently we need a new plan now.” Christine looked back and forth at the two of them.

  Madeline squeezed Parker’s thigh, hoping to get a grip on…anything. And he grabbed her hand, brought it to his face, and kissed her knuckles. His gaze reached deep into her eyes when she raised her head up to meet it.

  “Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you. We’ll figure this out. Trust me?”

  Madeline could only nod, but was relieved to have Parker’s attention on her. She’d had a niggling feeling in the back of her mind ever since they first arrived at Christine’s cabin that told her Christine and Parker had once been an item. The intimate effort he made to sooth Madeline’s nerves spoke volumes. He’d made clear his intentions toward her for both women’s benefit.

  * * *


  Parker got up from the table and paced the room again. No way had Christine compromised them. Who then? “Do you think that computer link we had—”

  “No, not a chance.” Christine shook her head.

  “Shit. Let’s think this through. There has to be something. Some hole we haven’t considered.” Parker could feel a headache coming on. How had this assignment gotten so out of control?

  “What do we know about this perp?” Christine pulled a pad of paper out of her purse and grabbed a pencil. Just like old times.

  Madeline jumped up and stormed around the room, taking Parker by surprise. “His breath smells. He smokes. He likes his sex rough…” He’d never spoken to her about the attack. She was hot, angry. She listed things, holding one hand up to tick them off with her fingers, her hip cocked to the side. A definite don’t-fuck-with-me stance of exasperation. Everything boiled over, months of pent-up frustration in one huge breath of words.

  “In fact, he likes his sex with unwilling women,” she screamed. “He has a tattoo of a skull on his right biceps. He wears combat boots to hold his victims’ legs down. He spits on you when he speaks.”

  She started over with the first finger when she ran out of them. “His tongue is nasty when he licks your face with it. He kisses like a dog. His teeth are brown and crooked. He holds you down by the wrists to keep you from escaping and loves it when you squirm. He sticks his hand practically in your mouth to keep you from screaming. And…he uses a sharp knife against your throat to keep you from screaming while he roughly squeezes your breasts or your crotch.”

  At that, Madeline stormed from the cabin and screamed at the top of her lungs outside the door. Neither Parker nor Christine had moved an inch during the entire display.

  “Fuck. And, God damn.” Parker looked at Christine, her eyes wide and shocked. She’d had no idea what they were running from. “Does that answer all your questions?”

  “I believe so. Go to her, Parker. She’s hurting.” Christine was the most sensitive person he’d ever met, and he was incredibly grateful to have her in his court. If he’d ever felt even a smidge of passion toward her, he would’ve kept her. Thank God he hadn’t made that mistake.

  Parker edged out the door, not sure what would be waiting for him on the other side. He had to comfort her. If only you had a clue what she needed, asshole. He felt terribly inept at the moment.

  Madeline had wandered only a few yards from the door. She scooped up a handful of rocks off the ground, her back to Parker, and threw them as hard as she could, one at a time, toward the trees, a loud “uh” sound escaping her lips with each act of violence.

  Doing his best not to startle her, Parker approached her with the loudest leaf-crackling stomps a person could accomplish in the wooded area.

  She didn’t turn to him, but he stood right behind her. He could feel the steam radiating off her. He flinched every time she drew her arm back to hurl another stone. As she threw the last stone, he cautiously put his arms around her waist and pulled her in tight when she went limp instead of fighting him. Thank you, God. Her breathing slowed. Her chest rising and falling against him, the anger ebbed out of her.

  “Madeline?” He wanted her full attention for what he was about to say.

  “Hmmm,” she murmured.

  “I love you.” Parker turned her in his arms and held her firmly against his chest. He ran his hands down her soft fine hair. “We’re going to figure this out. We’ll get through this. I promise.” Please, Lord. Help me keep that promise. The last thing Madeline needed was for someone to let her down.

  Silent tears flowed out of her eyes, soaking his shirt. He held her, rocking her gently, a slight breeze picking up to cool their heated skin.

  After a few minutes, she pulled back, wiped her hands across her eyes, and stared up at him. God, he wanted to erase that look of pain and fear.

  “I’m…sorry,” she managed to mumble. “I never got the opportunity to be…well, mad, I guess.”

  “Baby, you don’t ever have to be sorry. And anytime you want to talk about what happened, I’m here for you. I’ll always listen.” Parker tipped her face up higher with his finger beneath her chin. He leaned in to place a kiss on her forehead. Her body shivered beneath his touch, and her slender arms reached around his waist once more in a tender embrace.

  “Do you really think this will ever end? How did he find us?” She took a deep breath and released it against him.

  “I don’t know, but I aim to find out.” Not sure how. “In the meantime, we need to get out of here.”

  “Right. I hadn’t thought of that.” Madeline pulled back and walked toward the cabin. Her shoulders were slumped, and he heard her mumble, “I’m so tired of living on the run.”

  He echoed that sentiment.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Christine was waiting patiently in the cabin when Madeline and Parker returned. She didn’t hesitate, though, when they came through the door.

  “We should get going. We can figure out whatever we need to on the move. Do either of you need anything?” Christine was all business.

  “Nothing we can’t replace at any superstore.” Madeline managed a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes, but it was a start. Parker couldn’t contain the chuckle that jumped out.

  “Okaay. I’ll assume you had to be there.” Christine giggled around the words. “Ready?”

  Just as Parker reached for the door, all hell broke loose.

  The clear sound of gunfire pierced the serene quiet nature. It echoed off the mountains, making it sound like several shots had been fired, when in fact, there was just the one. The one that was now lodged in the wall behind the three of them.

  Christine hit the floor next to the table. Parker flew through the air, taking Madeline down for the second time in their short relationship, right next to the bed. Adrenaline raced through his system. How the fuck had this bastard managed to track them down? Unbelievable.

  But Parker was trained to survive in these situations. Madeline was not. Parker wrapped himself completely over her to protect her from stray bullets. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” he whispered into her ear, trying not to make any more noise than necessary. No reason to let the bad guy know whether he hit anything or not.

  “Fine.” Her voice was muffled. “But you’re crushing me to death.” She pushed on his chest, not causing him to budge an inch.

  “I need you to squeeze yourself under the bed and stay there. I have to get to the door and protect us. Okay?” Parker looked into her petrified gaze.

  “No. Don’t leave me,” she pleaded, grabbing onto his biceps. “Don’t you dare fucking leave me here.” She hissed the words.

  Parker reached under the bed and pulled out the duffle bag full of guns and ammunition. He took the one he’d trained Madeline with and placed it in her hand, wrapping her fingers around it to ensure she understood the implication. “Just in case.”

  Horror filled her expression. His heart squeezed. Sweat ran across her face. She was white as a sheet. But she took the pistol as he instructed.

  The next weapon Parker slid carefully across the floor toward Christine, only then realizing she already had an automatic aimed at the door to the cabin. Where the hell had she been keeping that? This is Christine we’re talking about here, Parker. She probably pulled the thing out of her bra.

  Christine caught the new addition with her free hand without ever taking her eyes off the door. She still had what it took. Parker gave a slight smile while he reached in for his piece.

  “Squeeze under the bed now, and whatever you do, don’t let go of the gun. Got it?”

  Madeline did as he said while he eased off her and rolled toward Christine who had the best angle. Thank God Madeline didn’t put up more of a protest. Parker wasn’t sure what he would’ve done if she’d gone hysterical on him.

  “How many do you think there are?” Parker whispered to Christine.

  “I don’t know, but there was only one warning shot fired so far.” She inched toward the door on her stomach. “He fired it from a handgun, so he should have at most six rounds.”

  Suddenly, a rain of bullets pelted the inside of the cabin, shattering two of the windows and splintering the frame of the little room. “Unless, of course, he has other weapons on him,” Christine continued, shaking glass out of her hair.

  Parker turned to Madeline, who was peering out from under the bed, shaking. Her eyes were wide as saucers, and her gun was pointed at the door. Parker was immensely grateful he’d given her that lesson yesterday. She held the revolver steady with her finger on the hammer as he’d taught her.

  A quick glance was all he could afford. Parker looked at Christine and pointed in the direction of where the shooter had to be located outside, based on the angle of the shots fired. He exchanged several hand signals with her, thankful to the core that she was the one he was trapped in this mess with. As much as he hated putting her life in danger now too, there were few people alive he would trust his own life to, and Christine Jacobs was near the top of that list.

  Before either of them could move, a voice screamed at them from outside. “I know you’re in there, you little shit, and you cannot escape this time.” The voice was that of a certifiably crazy man.

  Madeline gasped from her position under the bed, but not loud enough to raise suspicion.

  “I’ve been following you and your fuck partner for four days. Now I get to kill you both,” he continued to scream, wild hysterical laughter following. “And now you’ve even added that pretty little damsel to the pack. My dick is hard just thinking of the fun I’ll have with her before I kill her too. I love to get my hands tangled in blond hair… I hope you’re a natural blond, sweetheart. I’m so looking forward to the sight of your cunt under all those yellow curls.”

  Parker could feel the sweat building under his arms, running down his face, dripping in his eyes. He couldn’t afford to reach up and wipe it away. Every single move a sharpshooter made was calculated. His job was to keep this perp from getting to him. There was no room for emotion in a situation like this, ever.

  “What? You aren’t talking to me now? You sure had plenty to say to me that night we were so rudely interrupted by the night guard before I could stuff my cock into your sweet pussy. I’m still hard just thinking about it. In fact, I think I’ll capture your pretty boyfriend, tie him up, and let him watch while I finish what we started.” Reginald continued on his rant. He was pacing outside the cabin, evident from the ever-changing direction and volume of his voice.

  “Yeah, you’ve had me on quite the goose chase, but don’t worry. I’m not mad. I love a challenge. Once chased a woman over the border who thought she could get away from me. Months I spent stalking her ’till she was nearly out of her mind. Oh, we had fun when I finally lured her in.” He laughed again, deep guttural noises that ended with a wheezing sound.

  This bastard has asthma.

  Time to get the upper hand. “Put the gun down. You won’t be able to outwit all of us. There’s only one of you. If you give up now, your life will be spared. If not, I’ll be forced to kill you.” It was a long shot, but Parker had to start somewhere.

  “Parker Phillips. Isn’t that special? Do you really think I came all the way out here unprepared to take the three of you on?”

  Parker winced. Were there others? Did he have backup?

  “I’ve had days to plan this. Trust me, you are the only ones leaving here in body bags.” Maniacal laughter erupted from Jones.

  It dawned on Parker that this was not your average, run-of-the-mill rapist he was dealing with. This man enjoyed the hunt, relished it. How many women had he hunted down? Did he purposefully attack Madeline in that precise location on the Yale campus to start a game of cat and mouse? The idea caused Parker to shudder in disbelief.

  Deciding to call his bluff, Parker yelled, “You have to be kidding if you think I’m going to fall for that backup crap. You and I both know you work alone. There isn’t anyone to help you for hundreds of miles.” I hope.

  “Fuck you. You don’t know shit, you asshole. You’ve been too busy bopping that pretty little brunette to even pay attention to anything.”

  Parker grimaced. It was true. Don’t you dare let that fucker get to you, Parker. You know better than to fall for his shit. Pull it together.

  Time to make conversation. Buy some time to come up with a plan. “How did you do it? How did you find us?” Parker knew the asshole was itching to share his scheme.

  “Oh, you made it so easy. I almost wet my pants trailing you two.” More cackling. “The funny part is you almost got away with it. It was purely coincidental that I happened to follow you when you went to buy that beat-up, piece-of-shit car you drove to flee from Nebraska. I didn’t even have to do anything at all once I put a GPS tracking device under the hood.”


  “God it was funny watching you two running across the country thinking you had outsmarted me. Gives me chills just thinking about it.”

  Never in all of Parker’s days as a private agent had he been so careless. Who was he kidding? At no point had he imagined this job was more than a routine bodyguard. He never suspected the mother fucker would actually hunt Madeline down. It was a costly mistake, and it made his blood boil to think of the danger she’d been placed in due to his irresponsibility.

  “What’s the matter, Phillips? Cat got your tongue?” Wild chortles. “Anyway, it was a bit tricky when you traded the old junker for the Cherokee, but it only took a few twenties to get the bastard at the used car lot to tell me what he sold you and what plates were on it.”

  Lord have mercy. This guy was serious. He truly had been following them all the way from the college campus. Parker’s skin prickled, no plan formulating in his mind. Just keep him talking. Help will show up soon. Won’t it?

  “You followed behind us all the way from New Mexico?” That could not have been possible. Parker may hav
e failed miserably at this assignment, but he sure as hell hadn’t been followed. His senses were always on the alert, even when he was not on a job.

  “Man, you’re slow. Dude. I only had to follow you until you stopped. As soon as you left the car to pee I just slipped the GPS tracker under the rear bumper. Still there now.” His roars of merriment were beginning to wear on Parker’s nerves.

  A glance at Madeline told Parker she was still with him, still wide eyed, but not shaking more than expected. Parker hoped she didn’t shoot either himself or Christine with her twitching fingers.

  Christine inched her way behind the door. She gave Parker the signal to continue talking, buying time.

  “So what took you so long to make your move? We’ve been here almost three days now. Why wait to attack us?”

  This was met with silence.

  Had he finally hit a nerve? Would it help or hinder the situation? Oh, Lord. Had he been stalking them? Had he watched them have sex in the hot spring last night? Surely a madman like him could not have contained himself and stayed his distance if that were true. Nevertheless, the idea was unsettling, and a knot formed in Parker’s empty stomach. If he’d eaten breakfast, he would’ve hurled it.

  Finally Reginald continued. “There was a small snag. But I’m here now.”

  “What? Were you on a date or something? Had to go to the movies?” Parker chuckled, but Christine gave him an eyeful that said “shut up, you’re too close to the truth.”

  Parker mouthed the word “what” in Christine’s direction, realizing they hadn’t had the opportunity to thoroughly discuss what tipped her off and brought her out there.

  “Something like that… Had me a hot little number last night. She was tasty but barely even put up a fight. I like it better when they struggle. It’s more satisfying. Makes me horny as hell, don’t you think so?”

  Not in this lifetime. Who in the world would like their women struggling beneath them, begging to get away? Fucked up bastards like Reginald Jones.


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