Only Pretty Betas: A Shifter Paranormal Romance Series (Rebel Werewolves Book 2)

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Only Pretty Betas: A Shifter Paranormal Romance Series (Rebel Werewolves Book 2) Page 2

by Rosemary A Johns

  For a moment, she didn’t even move in shock, whilst the paint dripped from the end of her nose. Then Emperor laughed, lounging next to Amadeus like he only needed popcorn to enjoy the show.

  At last, Lyall snarled, launching herself on top of me.

  Holy hell she was large, heavy, and powerful… Plus, why did I forget that without my magic, I could barely fight off a kitten, let alone a wolf shifter? Except, that stress had morphed into rage and grappling with Lyall was as good therapy as breathing exercises or a yoga session in Corpse Pose.

  Okami shot out of my pocket, biting Lyall on the ass, whilst she yelped and tried to swat him. I knew from painful experience that even his silken bites smarted.

  I didn’t have my shadows but I could still be a pain in the ass.

  Lyall growled, smearing her hand through the paint on her face, before deliberately rubbing it into my face, so that we’d match. I squirmed against the squelching feel of her palm, wrestling to escape from underneath her.

  “Throw in some glittery costumes, and I’d pay to watch this,” Emperor said dreamily.

  “Sexist,” I hollered.

  He shrugged. “Absolutely not. I’d pay more if it was Moon and you.”

  “I’d pay even more if it was Moon, you, me…and the Wolf Charmer.” Beta’s eyes glittered with excitement.

  Emperor pointed at Lyall. “Sorry, but you’ve been voted out.”

  “This is how you allow your Oms and Bes to talk?” Lyall slammed me back against the floor in horror. “You’re daft to think that you can control any of your men. What kind of arrogant witch are you to come swaggering into our world? I’ve craved to care for the Prince of the Wilds, loving him as a perfect Om should be, ever since we were wee kids. Because of you, however, he’ll suffer.”

  I blanched, as my breathing because ragged. I couldn’t deny it because Moon could be suffering right now because of my choices. I hated that I hadn’t been able to protect him.

  “I don’t want to control my guys,” I gritted out. “We’re equals—”

  “Silence, lest you be flayed!” At Princess Morag’s booming command, the music cut off and the Betas fell onto their knees, trembling.

  Lyall and I looked up from our position entangled on the floor, covered in paint like naughty kids who’d been caught…literally…red-handed.

  Morag strode through the flap in the tent in a layered leather dress that looked like fur with the same pointy and calculating face that I remembered. Her hair hung in stormy waves around her shoulders. When she studied me, I almost caught the twitch of a smile, before she masked it.

  “Playtime’s over,” Morag announced, “although it looks like you had more fun with furless than I would’ve expected, Lyall.”

  Lyall flushed, snatching her hand away from the unfortunate position that it’d ended up in, cupping my tit in our struggle. I shoved her away and pulled myself up onto my knees. Okami settled on my shoulder, sticking his nose in the air like he’d singlehandedly won the battle.

  “Aye, right,” Lyall muttered, not meeting my eye. “I hate the witch. She stole my—”

  “Nay, Om wasn’t yours for a long time,” Morag snapped. Then her expression gentled, as she glanced between us. “Both of you love my brother in your own way. Fur and fangs, I’ve pushed his behind to act more like a perfect Omega, but he’s always rebelled. I never considered that it’d lead to his execution, until tonight.”

  Lyall’s stricken expression must’ve mirrored mine.

  When I glanced at Amadeus, I saw that he’d leapt up, and Emperor clutched him close to his chest in distress.

  “If you want him to survive my ma’s rage, you’ll both…” When Morag wrapped her arms around herself, I was shocked at the way her eyes gleamed. The last time that we’d been here, she hadn’t even hugged Moon. I’d never considered that the way she treated him didn’t mean she hated him. Yep, witchy arrogance… She slammed her hand against her thigh in frustration, before taking a hitching breath. “You’ll leave off your feuding and do what’s best for him. Lyall, ever since you were a cub, you’ve wanted to Wolf Bite my brother, even though you know that you scare him. It’s an obsession.”

  Lyall opened her mouth as if to object, but Morag waved her to silence.

  “And Wolf Charmer, my ma thinks that you’re unworthy because the witches abandoned you.” Morag’s smile was all fangs. “Om told me that you only lost your place with the House of Blood because you protected him. I could never like a single skin…but know that at least I now don’t want to rip out your throat.”

  I swallowed. “That’s just peachy.”

  “You both love him,” Morag said more quietly, “please, will you not work together this once to save him?”

  Lyall and I shot each other self-conscious glances, before we nodded at the same time.

  Morag let out a breath, before her shoulders slumped. “It’s time to meet with the queen. There’s nothing I can do about the state of you.” She eyed me critically. At least the crimson could pass as war paint…maybe. “I can’t be arsed to clean you up, but I don’t imagine it’ll matter, since you’re even more likely to be executed than my brother.”

  I swayed, caught by Emperor and Amadeus, who’d darted to my side. “Don’t you think you should’ve led with that?”

  Morag shrugged. “Nay, I don’t, furless. Why do I care if you die? Come on, Queen Rhona will be even more furious if she’s kept waiting.”

  Amadeus wound his arms around my waist, and Emperor squeezed my fingers between his, as I followed Morag out of the tent of pretty Betas on unsteady legs towards a meeting with the queen. Now I had to save Moon from death, whilst facing my own execution.


  When I stared at the monstrous Alpha with fangs studding her dress like armor and a glove with silver claws clutched around Moon’s throat, I forgot that I was knelt on the forest floor surrounded by shifters eager to execute me. Instead, I craved to kill any of them who’d hurt my Charm, especially the one who was now sizzling finger marks into his pale skin.

  I’d never been bloodthirsty or possessive before Wolf Biting Moon, but marrying into werewolf royalty would do that to you, go figure.

  Morag had shoved me to my knees in the glade next to Amadeus and Emperor, whilst Lyall had stood behind us in warrior stance.

  Now, Lyall couldn’t look away from Moon, just the same as me. You know, having to work with the ex to save your guy sucked but not as much as knowing that if it didn’t work, those claws would take off his curly head.

  I shivered, despite the waves of heat from the spitting campfire, dragging my mom’s cape closer around me. The woodsmoke stung my nostrils. My crimson shadows raged inside to be free, but I still couldn’t reach them like the high tide of an ocean. The fresh night air after the intoxicating incense inside the Betas’ tent was like a slap to the face.

  Moon was naked, as if everyone had equal gawking rights over his dick. His long limbs were crouched over to try and ease the pressure on his seared throat, and his moon blond curls hung into his golden eyes, which were flecked with silver. Despite his humiliation in front of the predatory court of Alphas — dark-haired women just like the Omegas were blond men — he tilted his chin, shooting me a defiant grin.

  Okay, he was still my rebel Omega, who in the moonlight wasn’t merely pretty… he was beautiful.

  My breath caught, and I clutched my hands in my lap because I wasn’t visiting the Kingdom of the Wilds, as I had been last time, as official Liaison of the House of Seasons. Instead, I’d been gift wrapped for the wolves along with my Charms to be their chew toys because I’d discovered too much about the murder of a mage called Kolby, the risk of a second Wolf War, and a magical weapon.

  There was no way that I’d allow my hot rebel prince to die for me.

  I glowered at the Queen of the Alphas, Rhona, who was tensed on the log bench, coiled like she was ready to strike, simmering with rage. The firelight danced across the crown of fangs in her
inky hair and the necklace at her throat.

  Moon’s dad knelt as beautiful and silent as last time, but now he no longer looked like the smug and perfect consort, rather he was ashen and anguished. He edged his fingers in stealthy movements to stroke his son’s ankle in comfort, hidden from the queen’s sight.

  Hey, facing death could bring you closer to your parents, who knew. Maybe I could throw us into even greater danger, and Moon would get a word…let’s dream big here…a whole sentence with his dad.

  “Don’t execute him,” Lyall and I burst out at the same time.

  Then we wore matching blushes, freaking fabulous.

  Rhona’s gaze swung between us. “Aye, I see how it is. Have you two kissed and made up then? You’ve decided to wear matching war paint like charm bracelets…?” When she leaned forward, I fought not to recoil.

  Lyall scrubbed at the paint on her face in disgust. “Nay, there’s been no kissing. This is just…”

  “You choosing crimson to match the Charmer’s foul magic…?” Rhona’s voice was sharp as a blade.

  Lyall froze: a rabbit caught in the wolf’s jaws. “Fur and fangs, never.”

  I was used to feeling like the charity case in East Hampton, tagging along to my billionaire cousins’ social events with the elitist set but I’d never truly squirmed before, whilst the tips of my ears shaded the same crimson, at the sensation of being the villain.

  Rhona’s lips curled, as she scrutinized me. “Even now, you swagger in here like you can make demands, single skin. Aye right, like I haven’t been caught in this dance with the witches for centuries. They found you unworthy, and now you’re mine.” She touched the fangs around her neck, whilst her eyes narrowed. “You once pinned me with your shadows to the ceiling of my own Wild Hall.” When her hand tightened to a fist, the fangs sliced into her palm, and blood seeped out. At least she was dedicated to her hatred of me. “But where’s your power now?”

  I dropped my gaze, not wanting her to see how much that’d smarted. My shadows tickled deep inside; being unable to connect with them was like being blinded.

  “Your son was sacrificed to me, I get it. If I was you, I’d be cranky about it as well.” I forced myself to meet her gaze again. “But you’re working way too hard to fulfill the dickhead mother-in-law cliché right now.”

  Rhona’s mouth tightened into a thin line. “And you, wee Charmer, are already the monster that we always knew would lead to our son’s death.”

  “Woah, chill out.” I launched myself up at the same time as Emperor and Amadeus, as if I still had my shadows wound around them. “There’ll be no monsters, death, or other An American Werewolf in London style creepiness. Let’s just discuss this like reasonable, rational…”

  “Witches and werewolves?” Emperor quirked his brow.

  “I’m not my mom,” I burst out. Then I flushed, wetting my lips. “And I’m not this legendary great-grandmother of mine either, whatever the witching hell she did to you.”

  I didn’t miss the way that every single shifter winced.

  So, I knew that it’d been more along the lines of wading over corpses in the first Wolf War than a cuddling fest like I loved with Moon…and how much did I want to snatch Moon away from the giant with the silver claw and let him nuzzle into his favorite spot on my neck…?

  “What she did to us?” I hadn’t thought that Rhona’s voice could sound any deadlier but I’d been wrong. “How about steal our independence, furless? Our lands, heritage, and freedom? Massacre us, before forcing these marks of our shame around our necks?” She hovered her hand over the collar, unable even to yank at it without the risk of the witches’ spells woven into it, spiking her with poison.

  I cringed. “Okay, if you want to put it like that…”

  “Silence your daft tongue,” Lyall hissed, shoving past me, “anymore of your furless style of help, and you’ll have helped Om into his grave.”

  I paled, smiling apologetically at Moon. He winked back.

  I ached with the need to kiss his pink lips. He was my virgin prince, yet even though he’d teased me in the most tempting ways, he’d never allowed me to kiss him. I couldn’t die tonight without knowing that my Charm desired to kiss me as much as I desired him.

  He did, didn’t he?

  When Moon’s concerned gaze met mine, his brow furrowed in thought. Holy hell, in the midst of possibly our last hour on earth, he couldn’t tell that I was having kissy thoughts, right…? Although, there was no way that he missed the way that my gaze dropped to his gorgeous dick.

  And that’s why clothes were invented.

  “On the Alpha’s word, let Om live,” Lyall stroked her knuckles down Moon’s cheek, and he flinched, “and I’ll educate him.”

  “Even as cubs, you refused to dominate him, Countess. Then later, he refused to listen to you,” Rhona scoffed. “What’s changed?”

  Lyall’s gaze became hard, as her fingers slipped beneath Moon’s chin and gripped him hard. “I’ve learned my lesson. I know what happens if he can’t be broken to become a proper prince and Omega. And I won’t lose him again.” When she traced her thumb over his lips like she was coaxing them to open for a kiss, I took a step towards them, but Emperor caught me by the elbow and held me back. “I know his worst nightmare.”

  “By my hide, you go too far.” Morag twisted to her mom, as if the queen would stop Lyall, but she was merely looking thoughtful, even as Moon panted with fear.

  What on earth was Lyall threatening to do to Moon?

  “Do you swear by Moon Oath on risk of your life to bring my son to heel?” Rhona demanded.

  Lyall’s eyes widened, but she nodded.

  On risk of her life…?

  I didn’t hate many people — the shifters who’d murdered my parents, my High School bullies, and Little Red Riding Hood (because what kind of asshole would mistake a wolf for their grandma?), but I came close to it with Lyall.

  Yet she was prepared to gamble her life to save Moon, which meant that I grudgingly lowered her to just under my hate level for LRRH. After all, it was twisted and all kinds of wrong, but she must love Moon in her own way.

  I wished that she could understand that love should be equal and not end with one of you at the feet of the other.

  “What about you, wee Charmer? Do you Moon Oath to put all your Charms in their place?” Rhona cast a disapproving glower at both Amadeus and Emperor who stood at my side, rather than kneeling at my feet.

  My pulse thundered too loudly in my ears, as my heart thudded against my ribs. This was the choice that I’d always struggled with: run and hide in the wardrobe where the wolves couldn’t gobble me up…or face danger and death.

  As a kid, I’d chosen to run and hide, abandoning my parents to their deaths.

  I’d never make that choice again.

  I straightened my shoulders. “I take it that you’ve forgotten, but the guys who you sacrificed to become my Charms are your three kingdoms’ princes. Their place is seriously none of my business. My partners are willing, your kingdoms are safe in our hands, and I’m not the same dickhead Wolf Charmer as the ones who came before me. I know that you don’t believe me, but there’s only one way I can prove it.” I took a ragged breath. “If you Moon Oath or whatever not to harm my Charms, then kill me and have that Braveheart moment.”

  “Did our kinky session back in the tent quite literally blow your confused American mind?” Emperor hissed.

  “Kinky?” Amadeus hooked his arms around my neck, and I shivered at the sensation, as he pushed his hips against mine. “And I wasn’t invited…?”

  “You have my Moon Oath.” For the first time, Rhona smiled; it wasn’t an improvement. The other Alphas prowled closer, predatory. “Countess, as your reward for taking my son in hand, you have the honor of ridding us of terror. Free us from disgrace.”

  I’d been called more flattering things than terror or disgrace.

  I twisted to Lyall who grinned at me, whilst her fangs grew, as well as her golde
n nails.

  In my aunt’s House of Seasons, Moon had partially shifted into his werewolf form, which had been far more terrifying (and hot), than simply a few fangs and claws. Yet I had the feeling that the witches were clueless as to how far all the wolves could still shift, even in their collars because those fangs and claws were still deadly.

  When Lyall stalked towards me, it was clear that the temporary truce between us was off.

  I tried to shake Amadeus away, but he clung like a wickedly sexy koala bear around my neck. When Emperor blocked Lyall with his broad shoulders, she slashed him across the cheek. He gasped, and I could see how he struggled not to attack her as one Alpha to another, forced to pretend that he was an Omega. He ducked his head but he still didn’t step out of the way, shielding me with his arms out in his robes like the golden wings of a butterfly.

  I pushed Emperor behind me. “Honestly, do you think that it’d make me happy to see the crazy ex gut you as well?” Then my expression softened, as I stroked Emperor’s hair and feathered a light kiss behind his ear.

  His gaze was fragile. “I can’t lose you, Crimson.”

  “We can’t lose you.” Amadeus bit my lower lip, before twining his tongue with mine both tender and passionate, just like earlier in the tent I’d craved that he would; he tasted of rich chocolate and just as good as I’d imagined.

  Black candle hexes, how I wished that I could capture Moon’s lips as well. Yet the claw was too tight around his neck for him to even speak, and the only way that he could communicate was the gleam of tears in his agonized gaze.

  “First the terror…” Lyall sliced through the front of my mom’s cape wrenching it off my shoulders.

  Shocked, I stared at her, as she held it up like a stolen mascot from an opposing team.

  The glade suddenly fell to silence.

  The other Alphas gaped at Lyall like they expected my mom to be resurrected and smite her for her insolence; despite her bully tactics, Lyall’s hand still shook.

  When no shadows wound through the trees to string Lyall up in punishment for daring to touch my cape, Lyall smirked at me, rubbing the sticky paint off her hands on it like it was a rag.


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