Only Pretty Betas: A Shifter Paranormal Romance Series (Rebel Werewolves Book 2)

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Only Pretty Betas: A Shifter Paranormal Romance Series (Rebel Werewolves Book 2) Page 9

by Rosemary A Johns

  “Hey, I know that I should’ve said it before but…” I met Moon’s gaze. Why was this so hard? When his tongue darted out to moisten his lips, I couldn’t look away. Please, please…let him kiss me. “I love you.”

  Moon’s eyes widened. Then he grinned. “Aye, and I love you. Sorry, is this a big moment in the witch world? We’re your Charms, can’t you tell that we love you?”

  Amadeus slapped Moon’s stomach. “Play nice,” he warned, although his voice was thick with tears.

  I didn’t know whether to thrill with joy or shudder with despair because I was loved, but I had to risk the prince who loved me.

  Moon offered his bared arm to me without even hesitating.

  It was me who hesitated.

  Come on, Crimson, you can do this. Just push in the needle. Push it in, push, push…

  A bundle of moon-blond curls and Omega fury bowled into me, throwing me off the bed. Moth, Moon’s teenage brother and younger prince, had been skulking in the shadows of the room so silently that I’d forgotten he was there. Terrified that the Wolf Tamer would inject him by mistake — and there was no way he’d survive something that could kill a grown wolf — I struggled to dodge his cub-sized claws and extended fangs, whilst not hurting him.

  “Stay back,” I hollered at my guys.

  Moth lunged at me, and the needle brushed his throat. I hissed, whilst my pulse pounded.

  I’d promised myself not to use my shadows to control but…

  My red burst out, wrapping around the flailing wolf. It pinned his arms gently to the sides, before dragging him up to stand against the wall. Fat tears dripped from Moth’s eyes, but when I tried to stroke his hair to calm him, he flinched away.

  It was hard to remember that he wasn’t Moon.

  “You know better than this, Moth. All that matters is you’re safe, remember?” Moon’s gaze flickered between his brother and me. “Just close your eyes, and when it’s over, I’ll—”

  “Lies,” Moth sobbed. “The witch has laid you out on your deathbed.” He scowled at the rest of my pack. “They all know it.”

  Emperor raised himself on his elbow. “Whatever happens, I’ll protect you, Moth. I swear, I’ll always be there for you…”

  “My brother told me about you,” Moth snarled, struggling against my red. “You made the same promise to him. Then you abandoned him.” Emperor’s face crumpled, and he blanched. I’d never seen the cocky prince so devastated. “Wolves from the Kingdom of the Alphas are all the same. None of you are from the Wilds. How can I trust you? You say that you love him, but then you’re killing him…”

  “Nay, enough of that. It’s done,” Moon commanded like a true prince. Then his gaze gentled. “You can trust Crimson. She’s the only furless witch who isn’t a bastard.” Then he yelled up at the ceiling, “I know you’re watching, Zetta. Take my brother into another room and keep him safe.”

  “No, no, no…” Moth wailed as he was dragged backwards through the wall, which melted like a glimmering puddle.

  The wall sealed again behind him, shutting him out.

  The silence was like a noose.

  I shuffled to the bed, tucking the needle into my pocket, before I couldn’t hold back the tears. In a flurry of feathers, tattoos, and curls my pack tangled together in a pile, nuzzling, licking, and stroking.

  Amadeus feathered kisses down Moon’s jawline, whilst Mischief cuddled him tightly as if he never meant to let go. Ramiel tenderly lifted his hand to brush his knuckles across the back of Moon’s cheek, whilst meeting his gaze with an intense, burning gaze like one warrior to the other. Emperor nipped Moon’s neck, before sucking on it hard enough to mark it in a claiming that made him whine; my shadows seethed at the challenge. Yet I understood Emperor’s need as an Alpha and I wouldn’t deny it.

  At last, I kissed along Moon’s cheeks and forehead, whilst he nuzzled into my neck, licking and sniffing. Then I hovered over his lips, brushing them lightly with mine.

  They almost touched…

  “Time to tame me, Charmer: I’m the crimson tide,” Moon murmured; his breath ghosted across my lips.

  Then he turned his neck, baring his throat for the needle, rather than his arm, in the ultimate submission.

  I shuddered, drawing back and pulling out the needle. I caressed his throat; the artery fluttered underneath. The skin was warm beneath me and so alive.

  Harder, just a harder push and…

  The sharp metal pricked Moon’s neck, and the bubbling silver drained into him. For a moment, he blinked up at me.

  Then Moon screamed, arching in agony.

  The other Charms held down Moon’s arms, whilst the angels dived to hold his legs, as he wildly thrashed on the bed. Still he strained against them.

  Moon’s magic snapped out, stinging my red in his pain, and I hissed, caught in his wide-eyed panic. His connection to me strengthened. I could feel his magic, power, and the wolf inside. Just as I could feel how it was being submerged, forced back, and subdued.

  I howled at the pain, violation, and loss.

  Holy hell, what had I done?

  Suddenly, Moon fell still.

  Breathing hard, I stared down at him. His eyes were closed, and he was waxy, silent, and motionless.

  Why couldn’t I feel him anymore? Why the freaking hell couldn’t I feel his magic? Why couldn’t I feel….anything?

  Moth had been right. It did look like a deathbed, and I’d been the one to kill Moon.


  I was a Wolf Charmer, sprawled in bed with three Claimed werewolves, an angel, and a god. But honestly, all I cared about was the guy I loved who lay next to me like he’d been cursed under a wicked witch’s spell.

  And I was the witch who’d poisoned him.

  Except, this wasn’t a fairy tale because in a fairy tale, Moon would awake on a kiss.

  I pressed my lips more firmly to Moon’s mouth like this kiss would count as our first one, and it’d stir him back to life. Although, I knew that it wouldn’t count as our first kiss because Moon couldn’t feel it, and it had no magical powers to awaken him.

  I still imagined Moon’s arms raising to clasp around my neck, as his amber eyes fluttered open to stare into mine with love, loyalty, and wonder at our kiss, whilst his tongue pushed up to press between my parted lips with equal desperation as my own.

  I imagined that I’d brought him back to life, when in fact he remained lifeless beneath me.

  Fairy tale kisses were the same bullshit as LLRH, who knew?

  It was my crimson shadows that held onto Moon’s life, magic, and the wolf inside, even though the connection trembled like the thinnest silk thread. His soft fur brushed against my shadows, specter-like; I could sense him huddled in wolf form with his ears pressed against his head, whilst he whined, bound by the toxic silver as if he was in chains, just like my shadows had been by Stella’s magic.

  Had they developed the Wolf Tamer from the same magic?

  Okami sniffled in my jeans’ pocket, refusing to come out. I knew that the bond he’d experienced with Moon, who’d been the first wolf that he’d met, was special and deeper than I’d ever expected. Okami had been my creation, and before he’d become friends with my Charms, maybe I had treated him like just another piece of magic and tech, even though I loved him. But now I understood that my Wolf Charmer magic had truly given him life, which sucked when it came to facing death.

  It’d been kind of humiliating to admit (and not something that I’d ever write in a Witch Manual for Wolf Care), but it’d been Amadeus who’d saved Moon’s life and not by methods that would’ve been coven approved.

  Although, maybe Stella would’ve been okay with it, since she was kinkier than me.

  “You’re his Charmer,” Emperor had insisted, “and our adorable and precious Omega here is the Moon Child. What charming covens we have in Oxford that they force you to experiment on wolves, yet neglect to teach you about your bond with us. Do you wish him to be lost and not try everythin
g to find him? I trust you with our pack. Don’t make me regret that.”

  I’d shivered at the intensity of his growl.

  So, Moon was simply lost beneath the Wolf Tamer and needed me to bring him home…?

  Nope, there’d be no abandoning or regretting. I’d battled the magic binding my shadows and I’d battle to bring the guy that I loved home too, even if he was a wolf.

  Would mom be ashamed of me for loving a werewolf?

  Weirdly, I hadn’t cared anymore whether she’d have hated my choice in boyfriend. I’d always wondered if my choices were living up to the name of the House of Silver. But now, when I could lose someone that I loved again, I could see how petty and unimportant that was.

  Hey, did I get my rebel badge yet?

  I’d wiped at my eyes. As long as Moon would be there to pin the badge onto me, it didn’t matter if it read Rebel, Rogue, or Asshole.

  Please…come back to me…

  Yet when I’d coiled my crimson around Moon, before curling it around his whispers of magic, following its flow to discover his wolf deep inside, I’d been overwhelmed by a sweet silver fog that had stung like a swarm of bees.

  Yep, I hadn’t missed the irony.

  I’d howled, falling back into Emperor’s strong arms. He’d held me to his chest, whilst I’d shuddered in shock.

  “The son of a bitch poison is still hurting him.” I’d understood the way that Emperor had stiffened because the same rage whipped my crimson like an enraged octopus around the four-poster. “I can’t break through it.”

  Amadeus had slipped his hands around my waist, easing me away from Emperor and onto my back next to Moon. Then he’d hovered over me with a predatory smile. I’d stared back at him, confused.

  When in the witching heavens had I become his prey?

  “You need to try again, see, whilst your bond is strengthened by another Charm.” Amadeus’ lips had sucked on mine; my pulse had fluttered in my throat. The taste and scent of chocolate had spiraled my desire, until I’d tingled, and my hands had clenched in the sheets. “And if it pleases you, I need to strengthen my power with your desire.”

  “Command him, witch.” Mischief had rested in Ramiel’s wings at the end of the bed; his gaze had been masterful and dark.

  As an incubus, Amadeus didn’t simply feed from giving pleasure, his power grew from it, especially if he was fulfilling your deepest desire. I’d known that I should ask for something more intimate than a foot rub to save Moon, but I’d blushed because I hadn’t been used to asking guys like this and I hadn’t wanted to just be one more asshole who used Amadeus’ nature against him, even though I had the weird feeling that he was using me.

  Huh, having scorching-hot guys offering to act out your secret fantasies wasn’t as sexy as you’d think.

  Amadeus’ smile had faltered, before he’d raised his gloved hand to my cheek and whispered, “Let me pleasure you…there.”

  He’d glanced down with a significant arch of his brow, and holy hell, if I’d thought that my cheeks were flaming before, they’d been on fire now.

  Because Amadeus had already known what I’d most craved from him, when I’d first seen him dancing at his Claiming. His glove had been torn, and he’d accidentally touched me with his bare finger, which was how incubi read your darkest, hidden, and secret desires.

  Incubi read inside what you’d never told anyone, or even admitted to others, so that they’d know how to please you. Perhaps, even to control you through your pleasure, as Amadeus had with Rhona.

  Amadeus was delicate, talented, and pretty.

  But what if he was also the deadliest of my Charms?

  I’d realized how little I knew about incubi, Betas, the fanatical worshipers of the Kingdom of the Gods or even Amadeus himself.

  Okay, there’d be no forgetting from now on that he had fangs, as well as a dick.

  But the way that Amadeus had traced his hands up my inner thighs with a devilish smile, had made me honestly forget my own name. Amadeus’ hair had brushed across my face in a dark waterfall, whilst his eyes glittered like rubies. Then he’d crawled down me, popping open the button of my jeans and sliding them down as well, along with my panties.

  Okami had let out a protesting howl, darting out and curling to sleep on Moon’s stomach.

  Amadeus had peeked up at me through his long lashes, whilst stroking the crease between my thigh and hip. My skin had tingled at each stroke of his fingers, and I’d been desperate for him to touch me. He knew exactly where because this was my desire that he’d been acting out.

  The teasing… beautiful…asshole.

  He’d curled his tongue wickedly between his teeth, before licking a trail down the center of my stomach towards just where we both quivered for him to be…

  Then Amadeus had spent the next hour between my thighs.

  I’d never known that pleasure could be so overwhelming that I could lose myself in it. Yet I’d moaned, thrashing on the waves that burst over me again and again, and my shadows had twitched and quivered the same as I had. They’d thrummed with energy. I’d thrust them back into Moon, fighting the silver haze.

  The pleasure from Amadeus had blunted the pain from inside Moon. My red had twisted around the fog, choking it until it’d thinned, and I’d been able to almost reach Moon’s wolf.

  I’d gasped, and Amadeus had raised his head, licking his lips. His eyes had flamed. I’d never seen him with such strength.

  He’d crawled back up me, murmuring, “Your pleasure tastes delicious. Now, save my friend.”

  Yet Moon still hadn’t woken up, and now I sat back, thumping a pillow in frustration; Emperor pulled it away from me.

  “How about you don’t commit pillow murder? And don’t kiss Moon again.” He plumped the pillow, placing it carefully under Moon to prop him higher. Then he cocked a haughty eyebrow. “Look, Moon could get himself in trouble in an empty room — and has. We’ll find a way to bring him back.”

  It was Emperor’s casual use of we’ll that startled me. My shadows seethed, yet this was a pack, and I wasn’t alone. None of us were anymore. After centuries, the wolves had found each other again, and I’d found them.

  I just didn’t have a witching clue what else I could do. And why hadn’t someone invented a vet for supernaturals again…? I mean, it was a business opportunity.

  I twisted my hands in my lap. “Jesus, it’s just that he’s still in pain, and at least, if we could stop that…”

  Mischief scrambled out of Ramiel’s hold, slinking to lay over Moon. He brushed his hand tenderly through Moon’s curls. “I excel at taking pain. Lucky me, it’s one of my Angelic Powers. Do you not yet perceive that I’ve been strutting around as a god, when I’ve been of little use to any of you but to take your pain?”

  Ramiel’s breath hitched. “Who would dare make you think that way? You’re worth the world, Zophia.”

  “You were always too kind.” Mischief’s smile was sad. “Tell me again, pray, why a dying god shouldn’t sacrifice himself one last time?”

  Ramiel dived for Mischief at the same time as me, but he’d already pressed his hands to Moon’s neck, where I’d stabbed in the needle. Mischief trembled, as his skin instantly became clammy and pale. Then he swayed and fell backwards into Ramiel’s waiting arms.

  “I can’t even take all his pain…” Mischief’s expression transformed to a terrible fury, as he spread his sparking wings. I shrank back. Woah, he looked every inch the ancient god that he was claiming to doubt. “Whoever is stealing my powers in their petty games hear this: they shall suffer thrice the agony of the foul fiends and tyrants who I’ve destroyed before.”

  Huh, that was one hell of a curse.

  Ramiel brushed his wingtip down Mischief’s cheek. “Hush, they’ll fall by my sword, I swear.”

  Was it weird that I found that romantic?

  Amadeus took a ragged breath, before touching Moon’s cheek. “No one’s taken my power. Look you, it’s why I keep it secret. My mind blowin
g…kiss down there…” When Amadeus made kissy lips at me, I rolled my eyes, even if I crossed my legs. “…means that I can kiss Moon here…”

  Amadeus hovered his lips above Moon’s; Amadeus’ translucent skin began to glow. My eyes widened, and I grinned, meeting Emperor’s gaze. He looked just as excited and nervous as me, even kneeling forward to watch and clutching tight to the suit material on his knees, wrinkling it.

  Hey, I knew how much this moment meant to him if he didn’t even remember the damage to his suit in the midst of it.

  Why didn’t Amadeus let his lips touch Moon’s?

  Then I gasped at the ruby sparkles that whispered — like life — from Amadeus’ mouth and into Moon’s.

  Suddenly, with a shuddering intake of breath, Moon’s eyes snapped open.

  My heart thudded so loudly in my ears that I could hardly hear. My eyes prickled with tears.

  He was awake…Black cats dancing on a mage’s dick…awake…

  Moon yawned, before edging his hand to stroke over Okami’s silky head, who jumped awake himself and was twirling around on Moon’s stomach, howling in joy.

  Moon’s lip curled up as he turned his head to take in the group of wolves, angels, and one wildly grinning witch nestled around him. “So, I’m not dead then.”

  I spluttered with laughter, although it masked the desperate sob.

  Amadeus tweaked the end of Moon’s nose, before sitting back on his heels. “I should bite you.” His voice was suspiciously tight.

  Moon rubbed Amadeus’ arm. “Aye, you should.” His gaze was soft. “On the furless heavens, thank you.”

  There was a moment’s silence, before in a dance of feathers, soft skin, and pale limbs, my pack and I all tried to claim our snuggle time with Moon. I laughed, wriggling into the nest. Moon melted into my hold like we’d been apart for weeks, rather than hours.

  Boy, did it feel like we had.

  He nuzzled against my neck, licking and kissing down my jawline as if he meant to Wolf Bite me. “I was lost,” his lips curved against the skin of my throat on each word; I shuddered at the intimacy of his touch and confession, “but you still found me.”


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