Only Pretty Betas: A Shifter Paranormal Romance Series (Rebel Werewolves Book 2)

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Only Pretty Betas: A Shifter Paranormal Romance Series (Rebel Werewolves Book 2) Page 15

by Rosemary A Johns

  Stella gave a secretive smile as she slunk to the central throne, throwing herself down with the swagger of a war commander. Then she clicked her fingers, and reluctantly, the Ambassador crawled to kneel in front of her.

  “A witch has to understand about sacrifice and protecting the world, pretty peach.” Her fingers carded through the Ambassador’s hair with surprising gentleness. “Were you always this slow to learn?”

  Emperor bristled. “A wolf must understand the precise same lessons. I assure you,” his gaze swept across the other princes, “we were not slow learners.”

  Stella’s lips pinched. “Where’s a muzzle when you need one?” Her fingers tightened in the Ambassador’s hair. “Either you become the Wolf Charmer our covens need, or we have no use for you.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t want—”

  “Well, tough,” Stella snapped. “Did I want Daniel to be married to my bitch of a sister? Or to be ignored, just because the shadows rejected me?” Her smile was twisted, as she leaned forward. “The crimson shadows control all our fates. Shall we see if this is the time that you die?”

  In a flash, which burst flashing lights across my eyes, the arena was spotlighted so brightly that I could only squint owlishly at Stella, who’d become shadowed on her throne. I rubbed my eyes against the back of my arm, and when I looked out again, I gasped.

  The seats surrounding the chamber were ranked with witches from the Oxford covens.

  I was such a dick: I knew that I shouldn’t have ignored the movement that I’d seen in the shadows.

  I backed up, whilst my guys encircled me. Amadeus clasped my hand, and I could feel the way that his fingers quivered even through his glove.

  What must it feel like for a wolf to be surrounded in a witches’ house by so many of their enemies?

  Mischief swooped over us, and his wings sizzled with wild magic: our god staking his protective claim. It thrilled me to sense his power and know that he’d risk himself to save us, whilst watching the way that the other witches flinched back.

  Ivy and Lux stood at the back of the room with shuttered expressions.

  So, they’d heard everything that we’d said?

  All along, my aunt had been playing to the audience and using me to strengthen her own position over the other witches, which included Ivy and Lux.

  Holy hell, I had to prove to the covens that I was stronger than both the Houses of Seasons and Blood or Aquilo would be the one to get his ass kicked…or whipped…in Ivy and Lux’s rage.

  I’d never forget the way that blood had wept from Ivy’s eyes, nose, and ears, until she’d become like a blood doll. The Blood Witch was creepier than even my aunt.

  I tilted my chin, outstaring the witches who eagerly watched the show like they were at the circus and I was the wolf tamer, of course.

  Let the witchy assholes stare because I’d be taming them next.

  Grrr — I startled at the rumbled growl from the pelts that hung on the walls, which echoed around the chamber.

  The witches clapped and jumped up and down on their seats; the show was about to start.

  Moon’s steely stare caught mine, before he kissed me on the forehead; his lips were soft, and when he drew back, I could still feel the ghost of them. My tongue darted out like I could tempt him….please, please, please…just to press his lips to mine this time.

  Instead, he turned away, sliding out his golden claws and fangs and dropping into fighting stance.

  The pelts leapt from the walls, reforming through a hybrid of tech and magic that I recognized like I’d designed them myself, into a nightmare pack of mechanical wolves.

  Then the mechanicals stalked towards my Charms and me, snapping their sharp bronze fangs.


  In all my dreams of being surrounded by wolves, which had haunted me since the murder of my parents, never once had those wolves been mechanical monsters.

  It turned out that reality was more terrifying than nightmares, who knew?

  Except perhaps the shifters had known all along that single skins had beasts hidden within them as well, even if they only ever showed one face.

  The back of my neck was sticky with sweat in the sweltering heat of the Justice Chamber, and my heart thundered. My Charms and Ramiel formed a defensive circle around me, whilst Moon pushed his brother behind him. The wind from Mischief’s violently beating wings gusted across my cheeks like breath.

  The mechanical wolves growled.

  I shook, as they prowled closer. Their eyes glowed, just like Moon’s, yet freakishly wrong. They wore loosely over their bronze backs the white pelts of the real murdered Omegas, as if they were wolves trying to pass as sheep, and boy was that sickening on so many levels. I forced myself not to recoil.

  They’re not real…just bigass toys with lots and lots of fangs…

  I glared at Stella, who lazily stared back from her throne.

  Okay, in this circus, my aunt was the ringmaster, and the covens were the audience.

  I refused to look out at the witches’ excited faces. Stella had been so chilled, even strung up in her own House, because she’d been building to this grand finale, where I was the star. But hey, if the assholes wanted a show, then I’d give them one.

  Let the dicks watch.

  The Oxford covens would have ringside seats on a Wolf Charmer like they’d never seen before. I’d fight wolves with wolves. Honestly, I should send Stella a muffin basket for handing me the perfect opportunity to showcase my rebellion and the new world that I was forging.

  When I grinned, Stella’s smile faded. It looked like she’d figured out that she wasn’t the one in charge of the show anymore.

  My shadows built, before blasting out in a tidal wave at the mechanicals.


  I blinked, biting my lip.

  Huh, that was seriously not good.

  I dragged my red back again, before once more washing it over the mechanicals to paralyze them.

  Nothing, apart from the stinging bite of dark magic.

  I swayed, and Emperor slipped his arm around my shoulders. His claws dug into my skin. When I glanced around at my Charms, their fangs were as long as the false wolves’ teeth who were stalking us. Even in the midst of this horror, it made my skin tingle at their wicked beauty.

  “Problem?” Emperor asked.

  “Besides the killer toys?” My gaze darted to Emperor’s. “I can’t control them.”

  “Aye, because they’re not wolves.” Moon raised his eyebrow. “Do you still judge everything on how it looks? These are a witch invention, playing at wolf. Why would you have control over them?”

  I flushed. Wow, I’d deserved that, but the snickers from our audience were a kick in my witchy ass.

  Stella trailed her hand down the Ambassador’s neck. He froze, allowing the caress. I didn’t understand, however, the way that his gaze flicked with urgent pleading to Amadeus and then back to me.

  What was he trying to tell me?

  “Your Omega isn’t just a pretty face, is he?” Stella pulled the Ambassador around to face her and then pushed him onto all fours. “Although, he has a far prettier behind.” She chuckled at Moon’s snarl. “Tech and magic combined has so many fabulous uses. Do you imagine that I never monitored you? Your uncle would send me reports: genius, he called you. I quite agree.” She pressed her hand onto the Ambassador’s forehead. “Surely you recognize the design?”

  My chest tightened. “What did you say?”

  “Your design. Don’t you like it? This is only a game, after all. You merely need to snatch one pelt and you’ve saved your harem and the Fallen.”

  I was going to hurl…

  Emperor tightened his claws in my shoulder to keep me standing. I flinched at the pain, but holy hell, did I need it. I recognized the mechanicals now because I’d been the dickhead to design them.

  Yep, that was karma biting me in the ass.

  Before I’d created Okami out of a sheet of silk to
be my…if I even thought pet, Okami would howl…to be mine, I’d planned a metal wolf that would be motored by magic. But it’d only been the size of a cat, which would’ve been kind of cute and not terrifying. I’d decided, however, that I wanted something that I could always carry with me, so that if I needed him, I could slip my hand in my pocket and know that I wasn’t alone.

  Okami had saved me from a dark place of grief and loneliness.

  Now my own creation, however, had returned to devour me in a way that the true wolves in the Wilds hadn’t, even when I’d been thrown to them.

  Now that was irony.

  “My, what a shocking surprise that you’re responsible for these horrors.” Mischief rolled his eyes. “May I request that we fight them now, before they attack?”

  When Ramiel’s wings swept forward, a rose gold sword curved into his hand; pink fire sizzled on its tip. Sometimes, when I wasn’t with Ramiel, I forgot how beautiful he was. Then when I saw him, my breath caught in my throat, and I felt like a High School kid again with my first crush. Seeing Ramiel with this gorgeous sword in his hand — a warrior angel — reminded me that he was ancient, mighty, and choosing to battle for me.

  I protected my pack, but they also protected me. I surged with pride, as well as fear, because I knew how powerful the mechanicals were.

  I was the jerk who’d designed them.

  When the wolves growled again, snapping their bronze fangs and circling even closer, Moon pushed in front of me, pulling me away from Emperor.

  “Goddess Moon! You can’t control the false wolves,” Moon whispered, “but you can control us.”

  “I don’t think so. I’m not proving these dicks right about my power. I won’t control you,” I hissed.

  Moon licked up my cheek in reassurance, and I shivered. “Nay, we’re all willing and seriously enthusiastic. This consent that you rant on about…? You have it, Crimson.”

  I glanced at my Charms. In turn they nodded, even Moth.

  “And is my god willing?” Moon peeked up at Mischief through his curls with an aching desire.

  Mischief snorted. “However could I resist such a look? Willing is stretching it but I shan’t resist, if it means that we destroy these fiends.”

  “My sword is at your command.” Ramiel bowed his head.

  What on the witching earth did they mean?

  Moon’s silver magic wound around mine, crackling like popcorn. Its power entangled with my red, until I shuddered with the strength of the Moon Child. My legs almost buckled.

  Woah, was that the effect of the full moon?

  I gazed at Moon in awe. He was as powerful as me. If he wasn’t an Omega and my Charm, but was respected as a true prince, I wouldn’t want him as an enemy.

  Our magic caressed each other’s in delight at the joining, and we clasped each other lost in the joy. Until Okami dived past me in a blur of silver, whining indignantly.

  Okami was jealous that I’d invented another wolf, and not only him. Did he think that he was less special now?

  I drew back from Moon, furious with Stella for hurting my silky prankster of a best friend.

  Plus, Okami would get his fluffy ass kicked with his reckless solo mission.

  I winced at Okami’s howl.

  Yep, his fluffy ass was being kicked…

  Okami had dive bombed the leader of the mechanicals, who’d snapped his jaws down onto Okami’s tail. Okami was wriggling to get away, but he was trapped. Tears streamed down his cheeks.

  My shadows exploded out, winding around my Charms and Moth in a way that was different to any time I’d used them before. Now, they were tinged silver with Moon’s magic: a mix of wolf and witch. They were there to control but only with consent, and that meant they’d strengthen, rather then weaken. These were my princes fighting at my side, rather than animals that I’d make dance.

  I quivered with the intimate connection and joy. This was true power.

  My wolves were now puppet-like, yet I could feel them through the bond, and they could feel me. It was weird but it felt like this was how I should always have been fighting with my Charms.

  I sent Moon leaping at the lead mechanical, slashing his claws across his flank with a clang. The mechanical still didn’t let go of Okami. Then the other mechanical attacked.

  Emperor and Amadeus stood either side of me, snarling at the wolves who were stalking around me. Ramiel rushed the mechanicals with a sweep of his sword; the pink fire blazed out, catching the mechanicals’ pelts on fire, until they looked like flaming candles. But they didn’t slow their attack. In fact, twin nightmares slashed at Ramiel’s wing, and he gasped in pain. Mischief shot out his spinning silver, lassoing the stragglers of the pack, before pinning them to the walls.

  There were too many of these monsters. Even united, our energy was being divided.

  All I needed was one pelt, right?

  I threw Moon onto the lead mechanical’s back; Moon savaged it, dragging at the pelt with his claws. I winced at Okami’s whimpering, as he was jerked side to side by the mechanical. Then I wrapped my red tighter around Moon’s magic.

  Moon glanced up at me, before arching his silver towards the two angels: he was about to mind control them. Now I understood what Ramiel had meant about being at his command.

  When Moon’s magic pulled both angels towards us and under its spell, I trembled with the thrill of their power linking with Moon’s and mine.

  There was no confusion, shouting, or mistakes. There was only the fluid battle of a united pack: The Wolf Charmer and her Moon Child in battle.

  Moon dragged Mischief and Ramiel towards the lead mechanical, whilst using their fire power to create a path for my Charms, Moth, and me to sweep through as well.

  I hadn’t known that I had a performer in me, but becoming a gladiator had brought it out of me. My crimson coiled in ecstasy, as I launched Emperor, Amadeus, and Moth at the mechanical.

  The weight of all my guys landing on it at once, pinned the mechanical down. Yet I’d designed these things, and I knew how strong they were. I smarted from the dark magic, every time that I tried to prise the pelt free, and my Charms had no more luck, as they ripped at it with their claws.

  That thing wasn’t coming free until the mechanical was dead… Okay, it was kind of dead already, so at least until I worked out how to turn it off.

  Then I laughed because I remembered the one weakness in my toy that I’d never been able to improve: it’s neck.

  What was the bet that Stella hadn’t worked that one out either?

  My thoughts flowed through my magic to Moon, who smiled. Then he caught Mischief’s eye with as much respect as if he was kneeling once again on the ground for him.

  Why did I ever forget that Mischief was also Moon’s god?

  Yep, that’d be because Mischief was also a royal prick…who in a spray of silver sparkles, transformed into a unicorn who was as large as a war horse.

  With a neigh, Mischief reared up onto his hindlegs; his hooves glittered. His mane flowed like every girl’s dream. I had to resist the urge to stroke it. His violet eyes were large and wild. He hadn’t been joking before about his powers not functioning at their optimum, when he’d only shifted into a plushie sized unicorn. I understood why Moon was watching him with such wonder…and love.

  Then a metallic light like liquid mercury, shot from his twisted horn towards the leader of the mechanicals. The light sliced through the weak join of its neck, cutting off its head.

  Immediately, its body clanked to the floor, and every other growling monster collapsed as well. Their glowing eyes died, as their life was stolen along with their leader’s.

  Was it weird that I felt a teensy-weensy bit guilty?

  I bent down, helping Okami to wriggle free of the now slack jaws of the mechanical. Then I held his soft body to my face, whilst he licked me in distress.

  I ran my thumb over his damaged tail. “Battle wounds are freaking hot. Seriously, you look bad boy and dangerous now.” Okami’s
ears perked up, and he nudged me with his nose, before spinning around like he could look at his own tail. He raised his chin proudly. I caught him, stroking down his back. He wasn’t a toy like the mechanicals; he was pack. “How about a rest for the war hero?”

  When Okami nodded, I slipped him into my pocket.

  The audience of witches exploded into whooping applause behind me, and I tensed. Would they’ve cheered in the same way if I’d been killed too?

  “Congratulations,” Stella’s voice wound smugly through the chamber, “I knew that a worthy Wolf Charmer lurked inside you. Come and mingle.”

  Once, her words would’ve meant everything to me. The witches who were now crowding out of their seats and eagerly around Stella to greet the new Wolf Charmer were the covens that I’d always wanted to accept me. But now, I knew that I was a leader.

  What did being popular matter, when I had pack members to protect?

  I ignored Stella, instead running my hand through Mischief’s mane like I’d been craving to ever since he’d turned into the cutest killer unicorn. When he tossed his head with a snort, I petted his pink muzzle instead, and he calmed. His butterfly long lashes fluttered, before in a spray of silver he transformed back into his angelic self. I froze with my hand still petting him. He wrinkled his nose.

  “Don’t mind me, that’s only my nose,” he grumbled. I snatched my hand back. “Were you the girl who always wanted a pony?”

  “Dude, I had two ponies and now I have a unicorn. Neat, huh?” I smirked.

  “You also have an angel with a bleeding wing.” Emperor slipped off his robes, before pressing them against the gashes in Ramiel’s wing.

  Ramiel blushed. “Don’t soil your beautiful garments for my sake, prince. I shall heal.”

  Emperor wrapped the robes more tightly around Ramiel’s wounds. “How interesting. I also thought that you could bleed out.”

  But I didn’t miss Emperor’s wince. I’d never met anyone who had so much pride in their clothes…or hair. Yet he’d get blood on his robes for an angel…? Or was it that Ramiel was now part of his pack?

  Mischief snatched my hand, pulling me towards Ramiel. “Let us see.”


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