Douluo Dalu - Volume 46 - Seagod Tang San

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 46 - Seagod Tang San Page 5

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Tang San looked a bit astonished at Xiao Wu in his arms,

  “I never thought you’d see so much clearer than me. You’re right. I definitely won’t stake my life against her. I just need to keep her from influencing the war. My wife, it seems you’re smarter than me! Come here, let ge kiss you.”

  Xiao Wu completely obliterated Tang San’s concerns, and after beating back a god with god level power for the first time, he was naturally in a good mood.

  Xiao Wu burst into giggles, quickly hiding her head in Tang San’s arms,

  “Ge, we’re not formally married yet. Let’s hurry back. I wonder if everyone’s absorbed the spirit rings. This is their last spirit ring, so they’ll definitely do their best. We can’t let any dangers appear.”

  When Xiao Wu mentioned their friends, Tang San also couldn’t keep being affectionate with her. Nodding, he unfolded the eight wings on his back, and they turned into a ray of dull blue light, heading the opposite direction of Qian Renxue, straight towards Seagod Island.

  Qian Renxue left, and just as Xiao Wu said, she definitely headed to the main battlefield. He also couldn’t delay here for too long, just in case she used her god level power to harm his family over there, it would be too late for regrets.

  Golden blue light fell from the sky, and Tang San returned to the Seagod Mountain with Xiao Wu. The seven Seagod sacred pillar guardian Douluo quietly sat there crosslegged. Seeing Tang San and Xiao Wu return, they hastily saluted.

  Tang San camly waved his hand,

  “There’s no need to bow, seniors. Didn’t I say that as long as there are no outsiders present, you can just call me by name. How are they?”

  Seadragon Douluo said:

  “Still absorbing spirit rings, and seem to have broken through the limits. Their willpower is much stronger than ours back in those days.”

  Headed by Dai Mubai, Oscar, Ning Rongrong, Ma Hongjun, and Zhu Zhuqing, none of the five had yet completed their spirit ring absorption. But each one was surrounded by a faint pink haze, not any energy, but rather the effect of blood emanating from their pores and fusing with the energy around them.

  It was also no wonder they would do their all to break their limits. Seeing Tang San become god was obviously stimulating to them. The seven of them were as close as family, and they of course didn’t want to fall too far behind. Catching up to Tang San’s pace was impossible, so their only thought was to do their utmost to raise their strength. Especially since god bestowed spirit rings were hard to come by, with this chance, and since they attacked the absorption of their last spirit ring, this was an exceptional chance to get a hundred thousand year spirit ring! How could they not go all out?

  The Shrek Seven Devils had all at least experienced the black level five Seagod trials, and the strength of their resolve far exceeded that of ordinary spirit masters. Actually, any one of them would be a superlative spirit master power placed anywhere on the Douluo Continent, but as long as the freak Tang San walked ahead of them, they didn’t feel like they were particularly strong. Right now, all their attention focused on fusing the spirit rings, they would never give up without the best possible results.

  Xiao Wu struggled free of Tang San’s embrace, smiling slightly:

  “I’ll start too.”

  Tang San nodded to her,

  “Work hard.”

  With him here, there was naturally no worry for any mishaps happening to his friends. The strength of Xiao Wu’s physique was also second only to his, so absorbing spirit rings wouldn’t be a problem. Moreover, Xiao Wu was now going to absorb two spirit rings, jumping straight from Spirit Sage to the Title Douluo level.

  Xiao Wu sat down crosslegged next to Tang San, taking out a god bestowed spirit ring. With her mental control, infusing it with spirit power, she began to absorb her eighth spirit ring. The god bestowed spirit ring turned into a golden stream of light, coiling into her body.

  It would still take some time for his friends to absorb the spirit rings. Tang San had already withdrawn the Seagod Raiment and Trident into him, and if he now didn’t release his divine power, he would seem like an ordinary person. With his hands behind his back, he looked out over the distant ocean, releasing his divine sense without end, recalling the previous battle with Qian Renxue.

  Even though the battle wasn’t long, the whole course of events was still extremely intense. Tang San could snatch victory from the jaws of defeat through his divine sense being stronger than Qian Renxue’s, but he hadn’t been able to show any advantage in terms of skill.

  In the battle Tang San had discovered that all the spirit abilities he had before inheriting the Seagod divinity could still be used, and after being filled with the Seagod’s power, these spirit abilities had all become his Seagod divinie abilities. Furthe adding the inherited Seagod’s abilities, he now possessed quite a large amount of divine abilities. He still had to familiarize himself with and practice the Seagod’s abilities, and his own abilities had also evolved.

  Standing there quietly, one ability after another began to appear in Tang San’s mind. Once at this level, he basically didn’t need to practice the abilities in real life, he just had to simulate them through his divine sense to be able to use them in actual combat. This was also why Qian Renxue sat on the shore for so long, instead of actually practicing her skills.

  Gazing at the distant deep sea, one ability after another appeared in Tang San’s consciousness. Tang San carefully familiarized himself with each one, and then combined them with the Seagod Domain’s effect in his previous battle with Qian Renxue. Even just standing here, he still slowly entered a trance.

  Of course, he always left a portion of divine sense in his surroundings, paying attention to the circumstances of his comrades. If anyone was in danger, he could immediately awaken from the trance.

  As time passed, the presence the Six Devils radiated grew stronger and stronger, practically each one wrapped up in mist. Such circumstances was extremely dangerous to spirit masters, breaking through one’s limits would immediately put them on the verge of collapse. If their bodies couldn’t take it, or their resolve broke, then they would be completely destroyed by the energy of the god bestowed spirit rings.

  The seven Seagod sacred pillar guardian Douluo watched the Shrek Seven Devils from the side, and they all saw the shock they felt in each others’ expressions. These youths were really too astonishing. Tang San need not be mentioned, who was able to cultivate to rank ninety with just his own strength in his twenties. Even if luck was a part of it, his talent was irrefutable. Recalling how he passed the first eight of the nine Seagod trials, which one wasn’t a life or death challenge? Moreover, even the majority of Xiao Wu’s peak level trial was shouldered by him.

  Besides this, Tang San had raised not even rank seventy strength past rank eighty in less than five years, leaving Seagod Island. But the guardian Douluo all knew that this was with risk to his life. One mistake and he might be destroyed. And at that time Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi wouldn’t have given him any assistance.

  But besides Tang San, the other six had also endured enormous pressure. And they had also borne it one by one. In their day, even if the seven guardian Douluo had also taken black level four trials, at that time they had been instructed by Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi. If they were in danger, she had helped them as much as she could. To them, Bo Saixi wasn’t just the high priest, she was also their teacher. Moreover, when taking the trials, they were much older than the Shrek Seven Devils were now. These youths, relying on their own strength, their collective wisdom, broke through heavy obstacles to have their current achievements. Looking at them, they might not even be thirty years old. The future of the Seagod Continent belonged to them. Heavens knew how many god level powers might appear among them some day. With their current age, it was completely a possible achievement.

  Just then, always sitting there surveying the endless ocean, Tang San suddenly turned around. With a blur, he appeared in front of Oscar. The mist next to Oscar
quietly rose, drawn above his head under by Tang San’s divine sense.

  Within the mist, Oscar seemed a bit frightening. His skin was completely scarlet, and especially his face was on the verge of purple, his body trembled uncontrollably, as if about to collapse.

  Seeing Oscar’s circumstances, the seven guardian Douluo couldn’t help being shocked. Their only thought was, was this youth betting his life? What he did was simply treating his life as a joke!

  Without a doubt, Oscar was the one of the Shrek Seven Devils with the weakest body. Even though he could fight using the Mirror Image Sausage, he was fundamentally still a support type spirit master. Equally a support type spirit master, Ning Rongrong was a bit stronger than him, relying on the evolved Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, the world’s number one support type spirit, Ning Rongrong’s physique was still better than Oscar’s, and her Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda had characteristics that protected its master, and with the spirit’s innate advantage, she was much safer than Oscar when absorbing spirit rings.

  Tang San immediately sensed Oscar on the verge of collapse, and appeared before him.

  Even though Oscar ordinarily was the one the most loved joking about, and even though his spirit incantations were completely vulgar, Tang San knew that Oscar was actually proud, just that he would never show it to his comrades.

  As a support type spirit master, and even a food type spirit master, to be able to never be left behind the others in terms of spirit power, Oscar had to put in double the effort of the others, and he would frequently keep cultivating when the others rested. Nobody knew what happened to him during the five year pact he made with Ning Rongrong. Oscar never talked about it himself, but Tang San could guess. In those five years Oscar might have crawled out from piles of corpses. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have improved so much. He just didn’t want to make Ning Rongrong worry, and never talked about his experiences.

  When everyone now absorbed their god bestowed spirit rings, Oscar could completely complete the process after it reached the fifty thousand year level. As a food type spirit master, reaching Title Douluo was a peak unprecedented in history. But clearly, judging by his near collapse, he was just like the others striving to reach the hundred thousand year level. This resolve, this pride, perfectly displayed a man’s ego. Tang San understood that Oscar was afraid he wouldn’t match Ning Rongrong, he had to appear flawless to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and even all the world. He had to obtain a hundred thousand year ninth spirit ring like the others.

  Chapter 319: Food God And Nine Color Goddess

  Inwardly praising him, Tang San slowly raised his right hand, forefinger pointing at Oscar’s forehead. A drop of golden blue blood slowly seeped from his fingertip, and the Seagod Trident brand on his forehead flashed, a golden blue light enveloping Oscar. Soaking through his skin, it temporarily protected him from exploding.

  But absorbing spirit rings necessarily relied on ones own strength, outside forces couldn’t help him. Tang San also didn’t plan to help him. Light flashed, and that drop of holden blue light on the tip of his finger was quietly imprinted on Oscar’s forehead. With just a flicker, that golden blue light merged into Oscar.

  Just this one drop of blood actually seemed to exhaust Tang San. That was his god’s blood, it might just be one drop, but that was still extremely precious to a god. That Qian Renxue didn’t bleed when her heart was pierced by Tang San’s Guanyin Tears was for this reason, a god’s vitality would be injured with just the loss of one drop of blood. In order to help Oscar, Tang San didn’t spare his own vitality, he couldn’t just watch Oscar explode, he deeply wished this brother of his success.

  The Seagod’s Light withdrew, and the color of Oscar’s skin gradually faded while his expression calmed a lot. Even though he still trembled and spasmed, his crisis was already over.

  One spirit ring after another appeared around him. Oscar had experienced the black level six trials on Seagod Island, and unlike Ning Rongrong he didn’t gain any spirit ring cultivation, so consequently his first eight spirit rings were still two yellow, two purple, and four black. The ninth spirit ring was now vaguely taking shape, and the color as dark a red as blood indicated that Oscar had succeeded.

  Tang San showed a faint smile. With the help of his drop of god’s blood, the power of gods was infused in Oscar’s body, nourishing his veins and muscles. In terms of physical strength, he was no longer weaker than the others. It was also just because of this that this last ninth spirit ring was successfully absorbed.

  Finally, that illusory spirit ring slowly condensed, hanging highest above Oscar, intense spirit power fluctuations radiating from Oscar in waves, the presence of a hundred thousand year spirit ring making the atmosphere tremble.

  The mist that Tang San pulled above his head fell perfectly straight down into Oscar, but different from how Tang San once used breathing techniques to absorb it, this mist was slowly assimilated into Oscar through his open pores. The spirit power after breaking through to the Title Douluo level erupted uncontrollably from within him, the surging presence making illusory energy waves pulse all around him.

  In the history of the spirit master world, the very first food type Title Douluo had finally appeared.

  Oscar’s trembling gradually stopped, the painful expression also gradually easing, his breathing calming. Every breath was drawn out, his body releasing faint pink light. Nine spirit rings glittered in turn, releasing dazzling light.

  Success. Tang San showed a smile, then floated back ten meters.

  Oscar slowly opened his eyes, his pupils now had a gem-like luster they didn’t have before, and the presence he emanated slowly dwindled, one spirit ring after another blended into his body, transforming into a calm and gentle presence. He was even more handsome than before. Having reached Title Douluo, not only had his strength advanced another level, even his energies had transformed.

  Just as Tang San thought Oscar’s ninth spirit ring formation was over, suddenly, a pink ray of light appeared out of nowhere in the sky, falling on Oscar. That light was extremely fast, and Tang San as Seagod had no chance of stopping it without warning. The pink light directly drilled into Oscar’s forehead, and his expression visibly froze. He seemed as motionless as a statue.

  “Not good.”

  Tang San was shocked, if there was a problem with his comrades’ advancement under his protection, how could he explain it to the others. He arrived next to Oscar in a blur, and surging golden blue light instantly enveloped him, and Tan San also directly placed his hand on Oscar’s forehead.

  But, agaisnt all expectaions, as Tang San used his divine sense to examine Oscar, even after a while he didn’t discover anything untoward. Frowning, Tang San couldn’t help looking toward where that pink light appeared in the sky before.

  Oscar had now already returned to his senses, his dull eyes once again becoming expressive, but now he was completely locked down by Tang San’s Seagod power and unable to budge.

  Tang San withdrew a portion of his divine power, but still used his divine sense to check on Oscar, in order to avoid any accidents. But at the same time he also removed the fetters on Oscar.

  “Little Ao, are you fine?”

  Tang San asked concerned.

  Oscar stood sharply, suddenly laughing out loud,

  “I’m fine, I couldn’t be better. Little San, between us brothers, big brother won’t say any thanks.”

  Tang San relaxed, Oscar was alright,

  “Just now a ray of pink light appeared from the sky after you absorbed your ninth spirit rings and entered your forehead, did you sense anything?”

  Oscar grinned, showing a mysterious expression,

  “Brother, this is my just rewards.”

  “Huh? What’s that mean?”

  Tang San asked curiously. Ever since becoming Seagod he felt like he controlled everything, but what happened just now was outside his control, so how could he not be curious?

  Oscar lowered his voice:
  “Just as I absorbed the ninth spirit ring, that hundred thousand year spirit ring made me feel my strength shooting up, that really was marvellous. It’s the first time i felt such absolute power. My spirit power should have reached rank ninety two, absorbing your Seagod power really was effective! It might be more effective on the others, after all, they should absorb a bit more. Then I felt a warm stream enter my forehead, and a very gentle voice echoed in my mind. He said that by becoming a food type Title Douluo, before age forty, I have the potential to inherit his divinity. I have to cultivate my spirit power to rank ninety nine, to naturally start the next step of the inheritance.”

  Tang San stared,

  “Divinity? That pink light was a god sending you information? This……”

  Tang San really couldn’t comprehend it, regardless of how he inherited the Seagod, Qian Renxue inherited the God of Angels, or his great grandfather worked for years to inherit the Asura God, all of it was based on divine sense left in the world, and they all triggered trials. But now that pink light dropped in on its own accord. That was a bit different from the circumstances he was familiar with. But from another point of view, that the pink light could hit Oscar while under his watch showed it was indeed god level.

  Seeing Tang San deep in contemplation, Oscar smiled:

  “Little San, don’t overthink it. Don’t forget that big bro might be the first food type Title Douluo. Just this is unprecedented in history. Besides, this is the most crucial step of that god’s tests. Just becoming a food type Title Douluo, and being young and handsome, made him choose me! Haha, it seems I’ll have a chance at becoming god too. Even if it might take a while, at least I don’t have to go look for divinity. Wahahahaha!”


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