Chess Part Two Box Set

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Chess Part Two Box Set Page 15

by Sean Michael

  “Need you.” Knight sucked his tongue in.

  “I know.” He dipped his fingers into the lube and teased Knight’s hole with them. He didn’t breach it, not yet—Knight didn’t need it badly enough yet.

  Knight stared at him. “Now would be good.”

  “You know the harder you push, the more I resist.” It made him smile.

  “I know.” Knight gave him a wild, bright, happy grin.

  He put his head back and laughed, using the sound to surprise Knight, pushing his fingers in deep.

  “Bish…” The word was soft, breathed out.

  “Right here, baby.” He crooked his fingers, finding Knight’s gland.

  “Oh.” Knight’s muscles wrapped around his fingers, gripping hard.

  “Mmm. Someone likes that.” He did, too. He loved the way Knight would eagerly show him every little thing, when he wasn’t busy fighting it, but Bishop loved that, too.

  Knight jerked for him, body shivering. “Yeah. Yeah, like lightning inside me.”

  “Good.” He kept doing it, kept touching that special spot inside Knight.

  Knight’s shoulders lifted off the mattress, his lover’s hands reaching his shoulders. Bishop let Knight touch him, hold him.

  “Oh, fuck. Fuck, Bish. Gonna make me shoot.”

  “No, you’re not allowed.” He pushed against Knight’s gland again.

  “Gonna…” One of Knight’s legs drew up, ball sac tight and hard.

  Taking the invitation, Bishop rubbed Knight’s balls. Then he tugged, fingers still working at Knight’s gland.

  In and out, he found the rhythm, stretching Knight open, getting his lover ready for his cock.

  Every time Knight got close, Bishop would tug those heavy balls. “No, baby.” They were going to take for-fucking-ever to do this. He was going to make Knight lose his mind. He was going to hear his boy begging.

  Bishop pushed his fingers in hard, nailing that sweet gland this time.

  “Fuck. Fuck.” Knight’s fingers dug in. “So fucking hot.”

  “You are, babe.” He thought Knight was the hottest thing ever. He pushed his fingers into Knight again.

  He loved the way Knight looked lost in pleasure.

  Taking hold of Knight’s balls, Bishop rolled them in his fingers. Knight’s eyes crossed, and his heels dug into the mattress. That was Bishop’s cue to peg Knight’s gland again.

  “Let me come!” Knight bared his teeth. Hot. It wasn’t going to work, but it was damn hot.

  “No, baby. Not until I say so.” He tugged on Knight’s balls, just hard enough to let Knight know he was serious about his baby not coming.

  “Bish. Bish. Bish…” Knight managed to turn, get on his hands and knees.

  Bishop slammed his fingers back in, not giving a quarter. “You come when I say you can and not a fucking second sooner.” He spread his fingers wide, working a fourth one into Knight’s hot little hole. Fuck, that made his baby tighter than ever and he could just imagine this around his cock, Knight working him.

  Knight’s head slammed back, entire body convulsing, jerking around his fingertips.

  “I’m gonna remind you what it’s like to be held in my hand, baby.”

  “Oh, fuck. Bish. Mouse.”

  Fuck, yes. He loved this, loved the power and the trust and the pure, unadulterated need. He loved sharing this with Knight.

  “I don’t want you to come until you’ve got my whole hand inside you.” Bishop turned his fingers inside Knight’s body, stretching him wide. It made him shudder, just to think about his hand buried inside Knight.

  With the hand not already stretching Knight so wide, Bishop stroked the ring hidden behind Knight’s balls, flicking it, teasing and tugging it.

  This one hadn’t really healed over at all since the ring had been removed after the accident. The tiny hole had been right there, waiting for Luke to put the new ring in it. Knight’s body knew who it belonged to, even when Knight had been unconscious.

  Groaning, Bishop pushed his fingers deep into Knight.

  A dark flush climbed up Knight’s thighs, Knight’s muscles clenching hard and jerking as Bishop spread his fingers wider.

  “You ready for my thumb? You ready to have my whole hand inside you?” He was hard as a fucking diamond, so turned on by Knight and by what they were doing together.

  The dark head nodded, a deep cry escaping his lover, hiccupping out of Knight like there was no room left for it inside Knight, like his hand was taking up too much room.

  Bishop pushed in a few more times, then pulled his fingers right out. It was time.

  He was generous with the lube, slathering his hand in it. Knight’s hips rocked, moving restlessly, a little desperately.

  “I’ve got you, baby. Just relax and trust me.” He knew exactly what Knight needed and he was going to make sure his baby got it.

  “I do. You know I trust you.” Knight’s nods were less than graceful, everything focusing down onto his cock, his balls and his hole.

  “Good. Let’s do this.” Bishop curled his thumb into his palm and began to work his fingertips into Knight’s body.

  Knight didn’t tighten up or resist. No, Knight’s hips curled in, then pushed back, the lean body almost wagging for him.

  “Lovely, needy baby.” Bishop had to say the words, had to let them out because Knight turned him on so much and his lover deserved to know that. Bishop felt the response to his words all around his fingers as Knight squeezed, body tightening then fluttering.

  Groaning, Bishop pushed his fingers in to the first knuckle, then slowed again, knowing the next few minutes would be the hardest part.

  Knight’s head dropped down between his shoulders. “It always feels like…like you’ll never fit. Ever.”

  “You know I will, though. You were made for me.” Bishop had known from the very first second he’d met Knight, from the first wicked grin and the first flash of those beautiful eyes. Defiance, lust, need and a flair for the dramatic, that’s what Knight’s eyes had promised him.

  Bishop pushed his hand in deeper, getting in as far as the base of the second knuckle. That eased another dark sound from Knight, something low and needy. Pushing harder, Bishop felt Knight oh-so-slowly open up around his hand.

  “So full.” Knight tried to climb up the headboard and Bish eased him back down, free hand soothing along Knight’s spine.

  “Not quite yet.” He kept his words quiet, but loud enough for Knight to hear him.

  He drew his hand back a little, then pushed it in deeper. He did that twice more and on the third push, Knight pressed back against him and his hand moved right in, Knight’s body closing tight around him.

  “Mouse!” This time Knight’s cry was loud, needy. Hungry.

  “Right here.” Bishop closed his fingers into a fist, fucked Knight’s ass with it.

  Bishop watched his wrist disappear into the stretched ring of muscles, felt Knight shudder around him. It was fucking amazing. His Knight was fucking amazing.

  “I’m in you. So deep.” His voice was cracked and broken, raw. “My Knight.” His fucking soul.

  “Yours. Oh, Mouse. Please. Don’t stop.” Sounding out of his fucking mind, Knight begged him, over and over.

  “Not stopping, baby. I’m not ever going to stop.”

  Knight nodded, sweat beading along his lover’s spine. Knight’s entire body sheened with sweat now, from effort and pleasure and vulnerability.

  Bishop continued to move his hand, the tight heat of Knight’s body the best thing ever, and his knuckles brushed over Knight’s gland. He loved that wild sound that resulted from what he’d done so he did it again. After all, he’d told Knight he would make the man scream.

  Another cry came, then another, then the bedroom door opened, Rook peering in. “Oh, God…”

  “No, it’s just me.” He managed to find a wink for Rook.

  “Can we come in?” Rook’s voice was soft, unobtrusive. “We just want to be with you, too.”

/>   How could he say no? Knight belonged to them, too. “Come on.”

  Rook and Jase slid into the room and climbed the bed without moving the mattress too much, Rook curling into Jason’s muscled arms, close enough to kiss Knight’s shoulder. “Knight, you look amazing.”

  “He is amazing.” Bishop spared a moment to grin at his lovers, then turned his attention back to Knight.

  Knight moaned, then that sweet body gripped his arm as Rook touched Knight lightly.

  “You want his cock, Rookie?” Bishop didn’t mind sharing this, especially if it meant more pleasure for Knight.

  Rook’s needy whimper was answer enough.

  “Suck him,” Bishop ordered. “Make him come and come.”

  Jason’s moan was almost as loud as Knight’s.

  Rookie wriggled into place below Knight, and Bishop could tell the moment those lips wrapped around Knight’s cock.

  “Bish!” Knight’s shout was immediate, the skinny back bowing.

  Then Knight tried to climb the headboard and Bishop snapped, “Jase! Keep him still.”

  Jason nodded immediately, and gently took hold of Knight’s shoulders in strong hands. Rookie’s moan was loud, despite being muffled by Knight’s erection and it resulted in a shudder moving powerfully through Knight’s body.

  Bishop started moving his hand again.

  “You’re okay, Knight,” murmured Jason, hand sliding along Knight’s side. “Just hold onto me.”

  Rook had been right to come see them, to ask to join them—this was better with all four of them. They each had a place here, a way to make the four of them a tighter, better working unit, whether in life in general or here in the bedroom, making love.

  Knight clung to Jason, the sweet boy offering gentle words.

  “Let Rookie take you over the edge, baby.” Moving his hand faster, Bishop hit Knight’s gland again.

  Knight keened. “Bish. Oh, fuck. My Bish. So big.”

  “I know, baby. We make fucking magic together.” Beautiful, sexual, amazing magic that took all four of them to perform.

  Rook moaned deep and Bish felt Knight convulse around him. Yes. Fuck yes. It wasn’t going to be long now before they all lost their shit, but Knight would be first.

  “Come for us Knight,” Bishop ordered. “Fill up Rookie’s mouth.” He swatted Knight’s ass with his free hand, sending his lover over the edge.

  The way Knight’s ass went tight around his hand as Knight came made him groan, a shudder going through him that matched the one that went through Knight. He started to back off right away, wanting to fuck that stretched hole, fill Knight with his seed.

  “Keep sucking him, Rookie.” The distraction would keep Knight from tightening up on him.

  Rook’s low moan was echoed by Knight.

  Bishop kept easing his hand out, watching as Knight’s ass bloomed wide for him. There was nothing fucking like it. Knight cried out, over and over, the sounds like the cries of birds.

  Bishop knew what Knight needed, though. “Kiss him, baby boy.”

  “He’s crying a little.” Jase looked panicked, but Bish knew it was just overwhelmed emotion.

  “He’s fine. Kiss him. Let him know you’re there.”

  Jason slid down, murmuring to Knight.

  Bishop used the distraction to pull his hand the rest of the way out and it didn’t take long to clean up, to push his cock inside Knight’s swollen hole.

  “Oh, fuck.” Groaning, Bishop moved all the way in. Knight’s muscles fluttered madly around him. “Yeah, baby. So good.”

  Starting to move, Bishop pulled out and thrust back in. Jason’s lips smothered Knight’s cries, moans and he could hear Rook sucking, and he knew his lovers were helping blow Knight’s mind. His cock was happy right where it was, though, pushing into Knight’s fine body.

  He sank in deep and stayed there for a moment, held tight inside Knight. Knight moaned, body gripping his erection like a fist. Closing his eyes, Bishop felt and listened and smelled his lovers. It was fucking intense.

  One of Rook’s hands slid up his thigh, carefully cradled his balls. Groaning, Bishop started to move, fucking Knight with long, slow motions. He slammed in, needing this connection more than he needed his next breath. It was so fucking good, and he didn’t ever want to stop.

  Slowly, Knight began meeting his thrusts, pushing back against him and taking him deeper. Grabbing hold of Knight’s hips, he encouraged the movements.

  “Love. Love. Love.” Knight was singing for him, calling to him, over and over.

  “Knight, my Knight.” He slammed in hard, his hips sawing back and forth.

  “Yours.” Knight nodded, pushing away from Jason, sending his back pushing against Bishop’s chest.

  Wrapping his arm around Knight’s chest, Bishop pushed in with short, sharp jabs and Knight’s head fell back against his shoulder, his throat working. Bishop moved his lips to Knight’s neck, pulling up a dark mark. All the time, his hips kept working, bumping up as he drove for his orgasm.

  He had to let Knight know how he felt. “Fucking need you, baby.”

  “Yours. Take it.”

  “Fuck!” He punched into a Knight a few more times and the smell of his three lovers hit him as he took a deep breath. With another exclamation, he came, filling Knight up. The whole fucking room spun, making him dizzy.

  “Plug,” he grunted, hoping either Jason or Rookie would figure out what he wanted, what Knight needed.

  “Got you, Bishie.” A huge plug was pressed into his hand.

  “Thanks, Rook.”

  Jason came through with lube and Bishop managed to wet the plug up so it was good and slick. Jason’s eyes were wide, and Bishop made a mental note. They needed to play with the kid. Needed to play hard. If this hadn’t been all about Knight tonight, he would have let Jase put the plug in.

  But this was Knight’s night. That thought had him chuckling as he pressed the fat head of the plug against his own cock, ready to slide it in as soon as he pulled out.

  “Laughing at me?” Knight’s voice was husky as hell.

  “Nope. At the voices in my head.” He rocked a few times, groaning at the sensation of Knight’s body tight around his sensitized cock, and the toy’s head pressing against it, too.

  “Oh. Oh, Bish. Bish. Bish.” His name sounded like a chant in Knight’s voice. “Feel you fucking everywhere.”

  “That’s because I am everywhere.” Knight made him feel like the world’s biggest stud.

  He slowly pulled out, Knight’s body tugging at him. Groaning, he pushed the plug in as soon as his cock came out, not wanting Knight to lose a drop of his cum. Knight cried out, body blushing dark, and the man pushed into Jason’s arms. Jason was right there to hold him, to pat and soothe him.

  “Good job, baby boy.” Bishop kept pushing in the plug as he praised Jason.

  “He’s still crying. Is that okay?”

  Bishop nodded, stroking Knight’s spine. “He’s overwhelmed.” And Knight was in his subspace, which was something Jason didn’t understand. Not yet.

  Bishop got the plug settled in, Knight’s body closing around the base. Tracing the tight little hole, Bishop watched it jerk and clench. Then, slipping his finger down farther, he touched the little guiche piercing. The skin was hot for him, and Knight groaned, arms clinging to Jase.

  Bishop twisted the ring. Knight convulsed, Jason’s eyes going wide. Rook slid up from beneath Knight, pressing against Knight’s side.

  It all made him nod with approval. “You’ve got him boys.”

  Knight was fucking flying high.

  “Rook?” Jason sounded like he still wasn’t sure about this.

  “Just hold him. He’s soaring. Trust us.” Rook looked so fucking happy.

  Bishop nodded and petted Jason’s thigh before going back to stroking Knight’s spine. His baby was covered in sweat, shining in the lamplight—God, he was beautiful. Every few strokes, Bishop would rock the base of the plug, make Knight shake and call fo
r him. A brass band could have come through their bedroom and Knight wouldn’t have cared for even a second.

  It was fucking fantastic, Knight at the center of their world, of his world, truly so, for the first time since the accident.

  Rook touched Bishop’s ass, leaned to take a kiss, the swollen lips tasting like Knight. He plundered the sweet mouth, searching for more of Knight’s flavor, for Rook’s.

  Rook’s hand joined his, fingers splaying over Knight’s back. They kissed harder, and he found himself rubbing up against Knight. Each rub made the huge plug shift, press against Knight’s gland. Knight jerked and shivered, shuddered for him.

  “Gonna milk his gland, then he’ll sleep for hours,” Bishop whispered the words against Rook’s lips.

  Rookie whimpered into his mouth.

  Smiling, Bishop moved the plug, searching for Knight’s gland. As soon as he found it, he started fucking Knight with the plug, knocking into the little gland over and over. Knight’s soft sounds grew in intensity, in need, and Bishop nodded. Just like this.

  All four of them rocked together, shared the noises as he kept Knight flying.

  Jase held on to Knight, those pretty eyes wide, still so innocent.

  Giving Jason a gentle smile, Bishop ordered, “Hold him tight, baby boy.”

  “I won’t drop him, Bish. I swear.”

  “I know you won’t.” Bishop knew Jason took their health and wellbeing to heart.

  He shoved the plug in hard against Knight’s gland again and Knight grunted, the sound pure animal. Nodding, Bishop kept on banging the huge plug into Knight’s ass.

  He knew that Knight’s body would have to give up eventually, and obey any order he issued, even if the man had just come a few moments ago.

  “Come on, baby, give it to us.”

  Knight shook his head. “No more…”

  “Yes. More,” he insisted.

  Knight was drenched in sweat, shaking and shuddering. It was time to give the order.

  “Come, baby. Come.” Bishop moved the plug gently now, rocking it so the rhythm was steady, constant. “Love you, Knight.” He kept his voice soft, murmuring gently.

  This time Knight’s orgasm was nearly silent, his lover convulsing, collapsing into Jason’s arms. Bishop seated the plug so it was comfortable inside Knight’s body, then lay down next to Jase and Knight, feeling an amazing connection to all three of his lovers.


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