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Havoc: Snakes Henchmen MC

Page 17

by Grayson, Alivia

  “I wouldn’t go that far, Havoc.” Ghost scoffs.

  “Julianne and Spring were together, Ghost. They had each other while Wynter was alone in the world,”

  “True.” He nods. “But Wynter has you, Havoc, and she’s happy and safe.”

  All of that is true, but it’s not the same as waking up one day to find out your family is alive after spending years thinking they were dead.

  Ghost has been there himself, though the situation was very different, he found out he had a sister he never knew about. I remember how hard that was for Ghost.

  Cordelia grew up in England with a wealthy family, and she wanted for nothing. Ghost was pushed from care home to care home, never finding a loving family.

  When Red and Roman found Ghost, he’d never known family life. He’d always taken care of himself, and counted on no one but himself. My Mom and Dad gave Ghost a family, but he didn’t want Cordelia to be part of it.

  Red eventually managed to persuade Ghost to meet with his twin sister. They talked, and Ghost opened his heart to Cordelia and her small daughter, Felicity, and they too became part of our family.

  I class Cordelia as my big sister as well as Fallon. Fallon was part of Scotty, and Cordelia is part of Ghost. He’s been my brother since I was three years old, and he’s all I know when it comes to a big brother. Of course, Scotty was my biological big brother, but I didn’t have nearly enough time with him before he left this world.

  “What was it like finding out you had a twin sister?” We’ve spoken about this before, but not in detail. Ghost never was one to talk about himself.

  Ghost rolls his shoulders and sighs. “I’ll be honest with you, Havoc, it was hard. I didn’t believe Cordelia was who she said she was. I’d got Avery, Danny, Vinny, you and Trey, Mom and Dad, and didn’t have room for anyone else.”

  I smirk because he’s said that a few times over the years.

  “Cordelia was persistent; I’ll give her that. She went to Mom and Dad and spoke to them about the best way to talk to me.”

  “I remember,” I laugh because I do remember how Cordelia came knocking one day, wanting information on Ghost.

  “Red spoke to me and told me how stupid I was being. In the end, I realized I wasn’t just angry and jealous; I was scared to let Cordelia in. However, once I did, I understood how stupid I’d been. I love my sister, Havoc,” I know he does, he makes no secret of it. “Once Cordelia was in my life, I couldn’t remember a time when she wasn’t. It will be that way for Wynter and her family.”

  I scrub my hands over my face. I know Ghost is right, I just feel so sorry for them all. All that pain and suffering, thanks to a crazy bastard.

  He was more than just crazy, Havoc.

  “Speaking of Cordelia, are you coming next Friday?”

  “Next Friday?” I haven’t got a clue what Ghost is talking about.

  “Cordelia and Mike’s fifteenth wedding anniversary. Don’t tell me, you forgot?”

  Crap! I had forgotten.

  Mike is a member of Snakes Henchmen MC. From the moment he met Cordelia, he was hooked. Ghost wasn’t happy when Mike and Cordelia started dating, and he kicked up a fuss about their long-distance relationship.

  Ghost even tried to convince Cordelia that Mike would never be faithful to her, and she deserved more. Cordelia politely told Ghost that she trusted Mike, and even though she loved Ghost for looking for her, she loved Mike and wanted Ghost to be happy for them.

  Around that happening, Cordelia’s adoptive parents handed her an ultimatum. Stay away from Mike, and cut contact with Ghost, or they wanted nothing more to do with her or Felicity.

  I will never understand how any parent could say something like that to their child. All Cordelia wanted was to find her brother, and finding out her parents hated him for his lifestyle must have been hard.

  Snobs, the pair of them.

  When Mike didn’t hear from Cordelia for three days running, he panicked that something must have happened to her. Nothing anyone said calmed him down, he wanted the love of his life back, and nothing would stop him from making that happen.

  Mike packed a bag and got the first plane to England. Four days later, Mike turned up at the clubhouse, Felicity in his arms, and hand in hand with Cordelia. Ghost was happy to hear that his sister planned to stay in Bardsville indefinitely. Mike adopted Felicity, and he and Cordelia were married six months later. They went on to have four more children, two girls, and two boys.

  I can’t believe they’ve been married for fifteen years already. Where do the years go?

  “I’ll be there.”

  “Good,” Ghost nods his head. “I’ll go and see Trace this morning and ask him to get started on this Wynter thing.”

  I open my mouth to thank him, but one almighty scream stops me. I’m out of my seat so fast; it falls to the floor with a bang. Another blood-curdling scream splits the air, and I can’t climb the stairs fast enough!

  “Wynter?” I yell her name when I don’t find her where I left her. I hear a groan and a whimper coming from my wife. My heart is in my throat, wondering what the hell could be wrong.

  “Bathroom, brother,” Ghost points in that direction.

  I rush to the bathroom and find Wynter hopping from one foot to the other with her hands against her mouth.

  I grab her face in my hands. “Wynter, what’s wrong?” Her eyes are wide as she looks at me. “Wynter, answer me!”

  She points to the bathtub and whispers, “Spider.”

  I turn my head to look and laugh when I see the little guy rushing across the bottom of the tub.

  “Jesus Christ,” Ghost hisses. “You almost gave us a damn heart attack. We thought something was wrong!”

  Wynter pulls away from me and wraps her arms around her chest. “Something is wrong, Ghost. Aragog is in my bathtub!”

  “Ara, what?”

  I laugh at Ghost’s confusion. “It’s a spider featured in a film – a spider the size of a small elephant.” I chuckle.

  I don’t think Ghost has ever looked more confused as he looks down at the spider, then at Wynter. “It’s tiny, Wynter. What the hell is wrong with you?”

  My wife narrows her eyes angrily at Ghost. The spider moves again, and Wynter panic screams and rushes toward the wall, away from the tub.

  “Wynter has arachnophobia, Ghost. Even a spider as small as this one will look like a woolly mammoth to Wynter.”

  “Never known anybody to react that badly to a mini spider.”

  “Stop chatting like old women and kill it before it eats me!” Wynter screams, making me laugh again.

  Ghost rolls his eyes, scoops up the spider in his hands, and turns to leave. “I’ll be in touch soon, little brother. Wynter,” He tips his head in Wynter’s direction. Wynter makes a face at his hands, and I shake my head and laugh again.

  As soon as Ghost is out of sight, Wynter’s shoulders slump, and she walks into my arms. “I thought that thing was going to kill me.”

  “Baby,” I laugh loudly. I don’t think her fear of spiders is funny; it’s the over-exaggeration to seeing one that makes me laugh so much. “It’s more afraid of you than you are of it.”

  Wynter shudders in my arms. “I know.” She whispers.

  “Are you okay, beautiful?”

  Wynter looks up at me, her eyes on my mouth, and nods her head. She leans on her tiptoes and presses her lips to mine. She pushes her tongue into my mouth and kisses me savagely.

  I smirk around the kiss because fucking her tight cunt is just what I need right now.

  I grab Wynter’s robe in my hands and tear it from her body. She gasps when I take her upper arms and spin her around. I slap her ass once, making her scream and wind her hips. “Havoc, I need you.”

  I pin Wynter to the wall with my hips while I tear my shirt over my head. I hold her by the back of the neck while unbuckling and unzipping my jeans. I pull my jeans down around my ass and line the tip of my cock with Wynter’s opening. “Are you ready f
or me, baby girl?”

  Wynter nods her head and tells me, “Yes, Daddy.”

  I bite on her shoulder and push myself deep inside of her on the first thrust. Wynter screams, and I hiss. My eyes roll at the sensations flowing through me right now. Nothing in this world feels as good as being inside my wife.

  I wrap my left arm around her chest. I grab her right breast and squeeze hard, making her moan in pleasure. I wrap my other arm under Wynter’s right leg and push it up towards her chest. We fuck hard against the wall, both of us grunting and sweating with the effort. God, I’m losing myself inside her incredible body.

  Wynter wraps her arm around my neck, turning her head at the same time to capture my lips. “I love you,” She gasps out.

  I growl and fuck her harder. “I love you, too.”

  She pushes her ass back against me so hard and fast; that I can’t stop myself from coming with a roar. I hear Wynter scream through the haze, and her body shudders against me. I hold her against the wall, my forehead against her temple, and I can’t open my eyes. Shit, I’m out of breath!

  I force myself to pull out of Wynter and gently peel her off the wall. She forces herself to turn and face me. Her hand touches my cheek, and she smiles. “I love you so much, Mr. Caldwell.”

  “I love you too, Mrs. Caldwell.” Until the end of time and even longer.

  As I hold Wynter in my arms, I pray she’ll find the peace she longs for. All I want for Wynter is her happiness. I know she’ll find that with her mother and sister. I just hope this new family is everything Spring promised.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I’m so nervous that I feel as though I’m going to throw up. My stomach is both tight and turning over. My heart is thumping out of my chest, my palms are sweaty, my mouth is dry, and I’m shaking all over.

  I shouldn’t feel like this, not about seeing my mom again, but I do. I’m scared that this is all a dream, and I’m absolutely terrified that someone is playing a trick on me. I know how irrational that sounds after seeing and speaking with Spring, but I can’t help what I think.

  Havoc and I have spoken about this at length today. He helped me through a lot of my fear, but this one stayed. I don’t know how I would have dealt with all of this without my husband. He’s been amazing, and I couldn’t have asked for more.

  After Ghost left this morning, and Havoc and I had finished fucking against the bathroom wall, I received a phone call from Spring. I wasn’t expecting the call so soon, Havoc and I had only just finished breakfast.

  Spring explained how she’d gone home and told James everything. He was not pleased that Spring had been kidnapped, but she managed to calm him down enough to make him understand why it happened.

  Spring then told me how she couldn’t settle until she’d spoken with Julianne. My heart was in my throat as she explained how the conversation went. Naturally, Julianne didn’t believe what she was hearing and thought Spring was having some kind of breakdown.

  Spring ended up having to call Julian to come and explain to Julianne that what Spring was saying was the truth. Julianne sobbed in her husband’s arms as Spring explained everything to them. I couldn’t help crying myself. I’m still so overwhelmed, anxious, and nervous about everything, so I can only imagine how Julianne feels.

  Julianne begged Spring to bring her to see me right then and there. She didn’t want to wait until morning. Spring explained to Julianne that it wouldn’t be possible at that time of night and that I’d be talking things over. Julianne agreed to wait till morning, but once morning came, she refused to wait any longer.

  I told Spring that I couldn’t wait either, and I wanted her to bring Julianne over as soon as possible. My sister told me that she and Julianne wouldn’t be alone because Mom still can’t go anywhere without two people beside her. Strength in numbers and all that.

  I can’t say as I liked the idea, especially when Spring told me just how many people would be with them. Neil, James, Julian, Justin, our grandparents, Brody, and Matthew. Justin and Julian’s wives and children wouldn’t be with them, but I’ll meet them soon.

  I expressed my fear of meeting all of those people at once. I had thought it would be just Mom and Spring. My sister laughed and told me that it would be only the three of us, at first. Everyone else would wait outside until I’m ready to meet them. What else could I do but agree?

  When the call came to an end, I ran to my room, rooting for something nice to wear. I think I tried on half of my wardrobe before Havoc told me to wear the white summer dress with a fitted cardigan. His tone was so demanding that it shocked me a little. However, when I looked up and caught his wink, I knew Havoc was simply trying to calm me.

  I French braided my hair, the way my mother used to when I was a child, and applied light makeup to my face. I must have asked Havoc a hundred times if I look okay. The answer is always the same, ‘You look beautiful, baby,’

  Now, I’m standing in the den waiting for my mother to arrive. I only hope these nerves don’t get the better of me and actually make me throw up.

  I smile as Havoc pours me a glass of water from the jug he brought in five minutes ago. He’s been quite the gentleman today. He hands me the water, and I take a sip before placing the glass on the coffee table.

  “Better?” I nod my head at Havoc while wiping my now freezing hands down my dress. “Calm down,” He tells me with a kiss to my head. “Everything will be just fine, you’ll see.” I nod my head again and let Havoc hold me.

  I snuggle into him just as the door knocks. I look up at Havoc and take a deep breath. “Ready?” I nod, still breathing deeply, even though I don’t feel ready. Havoc kisses me swiftly and leaves to answer the door. Christ, my stomach feels like it’s falling out of my ass!

  I pace the floor, trying not to wring my hands together because I don’t want to start sweating again.

  “Wynter?” I turn to look at Havoc, and he smiles. He moves aside and lets my sister walk through the door. She smiles wide and rushes over to me, wrapping her arms around me and giggling. I close my eyes for a second and breathe her in.

  When I open my eyes, I see my mother watching me over Spring’s shoulder. I pull away from my sister and step to the side. I notice the door close being her, and I realize Havoc has left us alone.

  Neither Mom or I say anything for a moment; we just stare at each other. I can’t believe she’s really in front of me. Julianne looks so healthy and beautiful. She’s wearing a pale pink skirt suit, with a white blouse, and her hair is French braided just like mine.

  Nervously, I lift my hands and sign, without moving my lips, the way I used to so that John couldn’t understand what I was saying. ‘Where you go, I go.’

  Julianne signs back, ‘Where I go, you go.’

  No one else on earth, aside from Spring, would know the reply to what I said. Those words are what Julianne would say to Spring and me all the time so that we’d know she’d never leave us.

  Tears fall from my eyes and hers. “Mommy,” I run into her arms, and she catches me, holding me close as we sob. We’ve lost so much time, and there is so much we have to talk about. But for right now, I need to hold her against me, and she’s real.

  Julianne pulls away from me and cups my cheek with her left hand. She holds her right hand out to Spring, and she takes it, coming to stand beside me. Julianne cups Spring’s cheek, and smiles. “My babies,” Her voice is exactly as I remember it, and it wraps around me like a warm blanket. “I never thought I’d see this day. I thought you were gone,” Julianne lets go of a sob.

  “I thought the two of you were gone too,” I tell her. “All these years, I believed that man had killed the two most important people in my life. John knew you were alive, and he kept it from me.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Julianne whispers. “If I’d been braver and gone to see him, maybe he would have told me that you were out there.”

  I shake my head because I know John would never have told Julianne that I
was alive. That man would have gotten off on hearing her beg, without ever giving her an answer.

  “Mom,” Spring draw’s Julianne’s eyes to her. “John would never have given up that information, and you know it. He lived to cause you pain and misery. He kidnapped you, tortured you, forced you to bear his children, and he then tried to kill you.”

  Julianne cups our cheeks again. “Yes, he did all of those things and more. But I wouldn’t change what he did,”

  Both Spring and I look at each other with raised eyes.

  “I wouldn’t because he gave the two of you to me. I could sit here all day, wishing things were different. Yes, I cried for my parents, and I wanted to go home every damn day I was locked in that house. But I survived it all because I had you both. If I didn’t have you, I would have found a way to end things much sooner. John was a monster, but maybe seeing me again would have...”

  “No,” Spring cuts Julianne off. “John wouldn’t have told you anything, and you know that. He was sick and twisted, and he would have told you anything if he thought he’d gain control of your mind again. We have spent long enough grieving each other, and wondering, what if, thanks to that man.”

  “Spring’s right, Mom. John is where he belongs, and we’re together again. He can’t hurt us anymore.”

  Julianne nods her head and pulls Spring and me into her arms. The three of us hold each other, and everything inside of me mends.

  When we eventually break apart, the three of us sit talking about what we’ve been up to in the time we’ve been apart. Spring tells me what it was like after leaving the hospital. Our grandfather did everything he could to help Julianne and Spring realize they were safe now. Spring tells me that she was kept at home for the first six months after the shooting. She was put through therapy and counseling, and she tells me how much it helped her move past what happened.

  Julianne didn’t want Spring out of her sight for fear she’d never see her again. However, Julianne eventually agreed with her father that Spring should be in school. My sister did well there, and she made a few friends. She tells me how it wasn’t always easy, especially when the story of what happened to her was leaked. All anybody wanted to know was what John had done, and was it true that he kidnapped her mother and kept her a prisoner.


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