Twist of Fate

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Twist of Fate Page 22

by Louise, Tia

  His breath is a whisper in my hair. His beautifully sculpted arm is a tether across me, his large hand covers our little girl. I wrap my arms around her as well, and it’s the two of us, held by the man we adore.

  Sadness prowls at the edge of my consciousness, but I won’t allow it in tonight. Tonight, we’re a family. Tonight, we’re complete.

  “But when will I see you again?” Melody’s bottom lip is a shiny little pout, extending from her face.

  Scout holds her on his hip, kissing her forehead, her eyebrow. “In just a few hours. I’ll call you on Facetime, and we’ll be able to see each other.”

  “But you can’t play ball with me.” Her baby voice is so sad.

  I’ve had a steady stream of rain in my heart since I opened my eyes this morning. To my right was Melody with both arms over her head making baby girl snores. To my left was my man, both arms over his head buzzing like a chainsaw. Twins.

  I pulled both their arms down and we snuggled together again, but it was too late. We were awake, and it was time for him to go. He had to pack, catch a plane.

  His eyes meet mine, standing a few steps away, arms wrapped around my waist. Lowering Melody to her feet, he comes to me, pulling me into a hug. Closing my eyes, I inhale my last breath of Scout. I cling to the firmness of his muscles. I let my heart melt into his.

  Lifting his face, he smiles, his beautiful eyes glistening. “We’ve been through hard times. Even when it feels like the end, we manage to come back.”

  “If the world were ending, you could come back to me.”

  “I would.” He pulls me close again, exhaling. “And I’d never leave.”

  Tears spill over my cheeks. We hold each other longer, until I know I have to let him go, until we have to say goodbye.

  He leaves us at the security gate, holding up a hand, waving until he’s out of sight. I take Melody’s little hand, and the two of us walk slowly to the car. I open the door, and she climbs into her booster seat, pressing her face against the side and looking out the window.

  “Want to get some ice cream?” I force a smile.

  Her golden head bumps against the seat as she shakes it no.

  “Mac and cheese poboy?”

  She exhales heavily and shakes her head again.

  It’s a gut punch, but I fasten her seatbelt and climb up front, steering the Bronco out of the parking garage. I turn right, and the tears fall. He fixed the horn when we got home.

  Life goes on.

  “You feel like going to school?”

  She doesn’t say anything, and this lethargy in my hyperactive toddler aches my soul. I love him. I don’t want him to go, but she’s just a baby.

  We get back to the store, and it feels so empty. I take her hand.

  “If you want to stay home today, that would be okay.”

  “Okay, Mommy.” Her voice is quiet. She picks up her pink football and climbs the stairs one at a time.

  For a full minute, I stand considering turning the lock on the door, turning the sign, and making it a sick day for both of us. We could stay in our PJs, eat ice cream from the freezer, watch whatever movie she’ll be still for—or fall asleep in—and just be sad.

  My fingers curl with decision when Spencer’s voice stops me. “I can only guess I’m getting weak in my old age.”

  Looking over my shoulder, I see him standing in the entrance holding the purple art glass.

  “Spencer.” I exhale a sob, crossing the space to hug him as the tears coat my cheeks.

  He stiffens, patting my arms. “I didn’t realize it meant so much to you.”

  He braces my arms, and I shake my head, stepping out of his hold and wiping my tears. “I’m sorry. It’s not that. I mean, it is that in a way, but it’s not that.”

  His dark brow furrows, and he studies me. “What’s the matter?”

  I’m still shaking my head, going to the counter to pull a tissue. I blow my nose loudly, and when I turn around, his eyes narrow.

  “It’s that pituitary case, isn’t it? What did he do now?”

  “Scout isn’t a pituitary case. Stop saying that.” I grab another tissue to finish drying my eyes. “He went back to L.A. He was offered the lead in this new film.”

  “And he chose it over you.” Spencer’s deep voice is conclusive, but I push back.

  “I told him to go. He needs to do this, or he’ll always wonder.”

  Spencer slides a hand down the front of his blazer, I’m sure checking for snot on his expensive suit. The muscle in his jaw square moves. “You know, I always wondered why we never tried dating.”

  I exhale a short laugh, drying a fresh tear. “I don’t think I could ever be one of your protégés.”

  “I wouldn’t insult you that way. We’re more of an intellectual match.”

  That sounds terrible, and not romantic at all. Still, I go to where he’s holding that purple vase, offering his version of comfort, and squeeze his arm appreciatively.

  “Our chemistry doesn’t work, Spence.”

  He gives me that look, and I take the vase. “You’re going to let Ms. Nelly have this?”

  “You said she’s eighty-something?”

  “Yes.” I carry the distinctive piece to the counter and wrap it in tissue.

  “Perhaps you can keep tabs on it. If none of her descendants want it, I’ll buy the entire set.”

  “That’s really generous—”

  The door flies open, and in a swirl of auburn force, my cousin sweeps into the store. “Daisy…” Her navy eyes are round, and she comes straight to me, pulling me into a hug. “Ms. Alice was having breakfast with Mom. The minute she said he left, I came straight here. Are you okay?”

  My throat aches, and I swallow more tears. “I’ve been better.”

  She steps back, holding me at arm’s length and inspecting my face. “Oh, hon. I’m so sorry.” She pulls me into a hug again. “Want me to kick his ass for you?”

  “You’ll have to get in line.” Spencer’s deep voice cuts in, and she turns to see who’s with us.

  Their eyes meet, and she straightens like she’s startled. “I’m sorry… Was I interrupting something?” Her eyes are wide when she looks back at me.

  “I can’t believe you two haven’t met. Spencer, this is my cousin Joselyn—I’m sure I’ve mentioned Sly. Sly, this is Spencer, my associate…”

  “The one from Columbia? The arrogant Simon Cowell-type?” Her fleeting moment of smitten-ness is replaced with overprotectiveness. Her tone turns bossy. “Your reputation precedes you.”

  Spencer’s eyes flash, and the smallest smile curls his lips. He takes a step forward, extending a polished hand. “Maybe we should get to know each other better before you pass judgment.”

  “I’m sure I know enough already.” She lifts her chin defiantly, and the effect it has on my old buddy Spence is palpable.

  “Spencer actually came to give me a vase for Ms. Nelly Rushmore. He was being kind—”

  “A habit I don’t intend to cultivate.” His voice is low, and his hazel eyes are fixed on my cousin.

  “I’m sure.” Sly isn’t backing down. “Wouldn’t want you to strain a muscle.”

  He clears his throat, shaking himself from the lure of my cousin. “I’d better get to the office. Keep in mind what I said about the set, Daisy. And Joselyn, I hope to see you again.”

  She doesn’t answer, and he strides out the door. As soon as he’s gone, she turns to me, shaking her head. “I see what you mean. Total conceited jerk.”

  “I can give you his number if you want it.” I wipe my nose with the damp tissue.

  Just because my love life is in the toilet, doesn’t mean she can’t be happy.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I like nice men.”

  “I’ve heard he can be nice… although I think it was meant in more of a sexual context.”

  She waves a hand. “Are you okay? What can I do?”

  My lips press together and that pain in my chest expand
s again. My eyes heat, and the tears spill again, unbidden, unwelcome. “I don’t think I can work today.”

  “Oh, Daisy!” She pulls me to her, hugging me close. “Go upstairs and lie down. Watch Netflix, eat all the ice cream. Is Melody at school?”

  I shake my head. “She’s upstairs. She’s so sad.” More tears.

  “You two cuddle. I’ll run the store.” She walks me to the stairs and gives me another hug. “I swear, the next time I see that Scout Dunne…”

  “Thanks, Sly.” I give her one last squeeze and carry my box of tissues upstairs.

  When I get to our apartment, Melody is in the middle of our bed sleeping in a little ball. I cover her with a blanket, but I don’t feel like lying down. I go to the living room, thinking I’ll watch something mindless, until I see the record player still open, that record still on the turntable. The echoes of the song drift to me, and I sit on the couch and cry.



  It’s twilight when I open my eyes, and I’m disoriented. What time is it? My eyes land on the clock, five-thirty. It gets dark so early now that it’s fall. Where’s Melody?

  I sit up fast, and a blanket falls from my shoulders. I didn’t get a blanket before I laid down. A piece of paper drifts to the floor, and I scoop it up. It’s Sly’s handwriting.

  Wasn’t sure if you’d check your phone. Don’t worry—I have Melody. Thought she might like to play football with Jesse. Rest and I’ll bring her home tomorrow.

  A sad smile curls my lips, and I fall back on the couch. Of course, Melody would want to play with Jesse. He’s so much like his uncle, and playing football with him will make her smile, it’ll take her mind off missing her dad.

  Hopping up, I toss the blanket and scoop my phone off the kitchen table. I shoot my cousin a quick text, You really are the best. Thank you.

  I drop my phone on the couch, but when I get to the kitchen, I remember Scout’s promise to Facetime Melody. He would have to call my phone to do it. Doubling back, I’m about to check for a missed call when a loud scraping noise comes from the French doors.

  It’s followed by a thump, and I hesitate, wondering if an animal is on the balcony. Shit! I don’t want a squirrel in here—or worse, a raccoon… Reaching for the broom, I freeze at the sandpaper voice.

  “Daisy May… It’s about time we had a chat. Since you blew me off at the bar.”

  “Travis?” I jump away, towards the kitchen. “Are you okay? You sound kind of off.”

  “You know what’s hard, Daisy May? You know what’s really fucking hard?” He creeps into the apartment wearing only his white tank and jeans. His hair is disheveled, and he’s pale, covered in a sheen of sweat. “Getting blamed for goddamned everything.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  He’s so skinny, long arms and long legs. His fingers curl, and my mind conjures the image of a large, black spider closing in for the kill. I’m terrified.

  My heart is in my throat, and I slowly ease to the drawer behind me, fumbling with the handle. I’m pretty sure a big knife is in it.

  “I tried. I really tried.” He punctuates each word with a step, closing the space between us. His eyes widen, and he seems a little crazed. “But they won’t let me change.”

  My fingers just touch the knife handle, but before I can pull it out, he jerks me forward. “Ouch… Travis, you’re hurting me.”

  “Oh, yeah? Welcome to my world. I came here wanting to make amends. I wanted to take you out and show you a good time, but no. Nobody believes I can do good.”

  Summoning all my strength, I calm my voice. I smile comfortingly. “I believed you. It’s just like I said… I’m not available.”

  “Because you’ve got all that money now? Maybe you should give me a few of those pieces of junk that are worth so much.”

  He lets me go and takes a step to the side like he’ll head down to the store.

  I step right in front of him, blocking his way. “You’re wrong! It has nothing to do with that.”

  “Then what is it? You’re still holding out for your baby daddy?” He leans into my face, voice cruel. “So pathetic. Where is he this time?”

  “He’s right here, asshole.” Scout’s loud voice sends my heart flying to my throat.

  Travis flies off me as Scout throws him over the couch. He hits the floor with a crash, and I’m blinking, not believing my eyes.

  Scout storms after him, giving him a kick before jerking him off the floor by his shirt. “I’m about to throw your ass off the balcony. Let’s see what changes then.”

  “Scout?” My voice wobbles, but he’s dragging a struggling Travis to the French doors. I leap into action, running after them. “Scout, wait! Don’t do it! Chad will have to arrest you!”

  “Yeah, don’t throw him over the balcony, Scout.” Chad’s lazy voice stops us, and I look down to see our friendly sheriff in the street below, gun drawn and lights blazing on his cruiser. “I’ll come up and cuff him.”

  “You’d better make it fast. I’m ready to throw this fucker as far as I can see him.” Scout’s eyes are locked on Travis’s, his jaw is clenched, and I’m pretty sure smoke is coming out of his nose.

  “I didn’t hurt her, man.” Travis’s voice is high and whiney. He holds up both hands. “I’ll climb down. Just let me climb down.”

  “You hear that, Chad?” Scout doesn’t take his eyes off Travis.

  “I got him. Let him come down.”

  Scout gives him a shake and pulls Travis up close with a jerk. “Don’t ever come here again.” His voice is a growl, and Travis nods fast.

  His fists unclench, and he watches, shoulders rising and falling with his breaths as the spider creeps down to where Chad is waiting to arrest him.

  I hear Chad’s voice. “Let’s go.”

  All the strength drains away from my limbs, and I sink to the sofa. Scout waits on the balcony a few seconds longer before turning, and when our eyes meet, we fly to each other, both talking at the same time.

  “Are you okay?”

  “You didn’t leave?”

  He’s holding me off my feet in a hug. My legs are around his waist, and my face is pressed against his skin. He carries me to the sofa, sitting with me straddling his lap still hugging him.

  “My flight got delayed.” He slides a hand up and down my back as I hug him, breathing him in, doing my best not to cry. “Then it was delayed again, and I couldn’t stop thinking… What was I doing there? And the longer I sat, the angrier I got. Until finally, I was so pissed, I walked out and rented a car.”

  I sit up, wiping the tears that have spilled over onto my cheeks. “But… why were you angry?”

  “I was angry at myself.” His brow is furrowed. “I don’t want to go back to L.A. I want to be here with you and Melody.”

  My heart swells in my chest. “You do?”

  His pretty blue eyes meet mine, and he cups the side of my face with his hand. “It’s the only thing I want. All that shit happened so fast, it took me a minute to catch up.”

  I nod, blinking, taking in his sexy smile, his beautiful face, my protector… my hero.

  “Sitting in that airport, all I could think was you’re the person I want to share my dreams with. I love to act, but I don’t love Hollywood.” His voice turns gentle. “I love you, Daisy. I belong with you.”

  A smile splits my cheeks, and he goes blurry in my tears. “You love me?”

  “I love you.” He pulls my lips to his, kissing me sweetly. “I want to marry you. I want to be a family with you and my little princess. Will you marry me, Tink? Will you be my wife?”

  I’m nodding as I say the words. “Yes…” A laugh breaks in my throat, and I hug myself to his chest again. “Yes, I’ll marry you. I’ll be your wife.”

  Strong arms wrap around me so tight. He stands holding me, and I’m laughing and crying, cupping his face and kissing him.

  “This is the movie I want to star in.”

the one that ends at the prom?”

  “No.” His voice is husky, hungry. “The one where I get to keep you, and we’re together forever.”

  Our eyes meet, and I look so deep into his. “You chose my dream over yours.”

  “I chose our dream.”

  “I love you, Scout Dunne.”

  That smile that could light up all of Hollywood breaks across his face. “I love you, beautiful Daisy.”

  Another long kiss, lips parting, tongues curling together. Heat rises between us, and he carries me to the bedroom, spreading me out on the bed. As he strips off his shirt and slowly works his way up, worshiping my body, my eyes roll shut.

  His warm tongue slides between my thighs, and my back arches higher as pleasure floods my body. My eyes flutter shut, and I realize, even though we have our own dreams, we’ve always had this dream together.

  He kisses me, until I’m coming, then enters me with a long thrust. We moan and move together like the waves on the ocean. I wrap my arms around his shoulders. His arms are around my waist.

  My eyes are closed as we become one, as our souls unite in a future together.

  It’s not what fate had in mind. It’s the ending we never saw coming. Maybe sometimes you see the twist, and sometimes it catches you by surprise. Whichever way you get there, whatever path it takes, the best kind gives you exactly what you’ve always wanted.

  No more fear, no wrong choices. A love that started in a junkyard and ended up a happily ever after.


  *Author’s Note: The epilogue contains spoilers for THIS MUCH IS TRUE, J.R.’s single-dad romance. If you hate spoilers, hop over and Read TMIT first (link—it’s FREE in Kindle Unlimited and on audio!). Then come back and finish reading when you’re done!

  * * *


  We’re standing on a patch of white beach under an arbor covered in roses, lilies, oversized white hydrangeas, and of course, daisies.


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