An Alien Easter

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An Alien Easter Page 4

by Sadie Carter

  “I do believe it is the safest thing for the Empress. The baby is large and seems healthy. She has done well to carry him so long. At this stage, he is placing undue stress on her body.”

  Dex nodded. “Racar spoke to you about the three warriors in stasis? Did you sent him back to the medical center to check on them?”

  “Yes. He is going to update me on the tests being run on the three warriors who appear to have gone into mating fever. I do not like this. I do not like it at all.”

  Neither did Dex.


  Macon and Annabel

  “I don’t like this.”

  Macon stood next to his mate. He crossed his arms over his chest as he stared through the one-way mirror into the lockdown room at the medical center.

  “There’s something not right about this,” Annabel stated. “Why would all three go into mating fever at the same time? And why would all of them become violent?”

  He glanced over at Koran and Toriq. The four of them had been contacted after Larzen, followed by Braxel and Joran, had gone crazed with mating fever.

  “It’s like they’ve all been infected with something,” Annabel mused.

  It made him proud how smart his mate was, that she was so courageous and strong. Even if sometimes he still wished he could bundle her up and keep her somewhere safe. It had taken a while for him to come to terms with the fact that his mate was not like other mates. Even among the human females she was unique. A female warrior.

  “Nothing like this has ever happened before?” She looked from one warrior to another.

  “Not that I know of,” Koran admitted.

  Toriq shook his head.

  Macon sighed. “Perhaps we should contact the academy, see if anyone there has any ideas. I do believe there was a researcher looking into a cure for mating fever.”

  “You mean Ferhard?” Koran rumbled with a frown.

  “Yes,” Macon said.

  “I thought he was dead,” Toriq commented. “Did he not do something to insult the former Empress and she threatened to send him off-planet?”

  “Yes, that is him,” Macon agreed.

  “He sounds like fun,” Annabel said brightly. “Anyone who is willing to insult the old bat can’t be half bad.”

  Macon groaned and looked around. “Mate, you cannot call the former Empress an old bat.”

  “Why not? She is an old bat.”

  He did not understand the insult exactly, but he did know it was an insult.

  “The former Empress demands respect.” Koran sent Annabel a frown.

  Macon gave Koran a warning look. He did not care that the other male was his superior. He would not allow him to chastise his mate.

  “She is annoying, though,” Toriq said, shocking them all.

  Annabel grinned at the big commander, who looked tired. Apparently, his daughter was teething and keeping both Sophie and Toriq awake at night.

  “I will go and update the Emperor,” Koran said stiffly. “The two of you remain here. Annabel, perhaps you would be more comfortable at home.”

  “Perhaps I would not,” Annabel replied sweetly.

  Koran let out a huff of breath and shook his head. He left, muttering something about human females being the death of him.

  Annabel grinned up at Macon. “He’s totally starting to like me.”

  “I hate to disappoint you,” Toriq said seriously. “But I do not think he is.”

  Annabel just laughed. Then her smile dropped from her face. “We have to keep this quiet. If the human council gets hold of this, it’s going to make it that much harder to convince them to allow any more human females to visit.”

  Macon nodded. They needed to understand what was going on and quickly.


  Zoey and Dex

  “You’re going to give me a C-section?” Zoey asked worriedly. “Will the baby be all right?”

  “Right now, Empress, my worry is for you,” Moroco said seriously.

  The guy had the humor of a stick. And she really wished he’d stop calling her Empress. The Empress was her mother-in-law. She didn’t need to be thinking about the old bat right now.

  “But the baby will be all right?”

  “The baby is healthy. He is a good weight. We will keep a close watch on his lungs, but I anticipate no issues. We must do this for your health, Empress.”

  She looked over at Dex. He gave her a firm nod. “We will do this.”

  Zoey tried to keep calm. She did. But she felt tears drip down her face. “Me and my stupid craving for chocolate.”

  “Do not, my own.” Dex came and sat next to her, patting her shoulder in what she was certain was meant to be a calming gesture, but was making her feel a little ill as he kept jolting her with each loving pat.

  She adored the big guy, but he didn’t know his own strength.

  “When?” she asked Moroco.

  “As soon as possible. We shall need to transport you to the medical center.”

  She glanced up at Dex. “Elodie. Can I see her first?”

  “Yes, my own. She is waiting out in the living area with Nassir.” He moved to the door and returned with Elodie in his arms.

  Zoey held out her arms for the squirming bundle. “Elodie!”

  “Mama! Mama! Me stay Que!”

  “You’re going to stay with Quentan?” Zoey translated her words.

  “Yeah. Me. Que!”

  “That will be fun!”

  Dex sat on the masic next to her with Elodie on his lap. Zoey placed one arm over her daughter. “You can have a sleepover. Party!”

  Elodie raised her arms in the air. “Party!”

  Zoey had to grin. Oh, this child was going to give her father gray hairs when she was older.

  The door to their room opened and in strutted Quentan. He might still be in diapers, but the kid had some swagger. He stopped in the middle of the room and then pointed to Dex, who held a now-squirming Elodie in his arms.

  “Eldy! Mine!”

  Oh yeah. These two were going to be a problem. Quentan was possessive as hell over Elodie, in typical Zerconian warrior fashion. He didn’t even like when she was out of his sight. And he certainly didn’t like anyone else touching her, especially not other males.

  “Que! Que!” Elodie cried out, trying to get free of her father’s hold.

  “Elodie. Your mother would like to spend time with you.”

  Moroco slipped out of the room. Coward. Mila walked in, looking worried. “Zoey, are you all right?”

  “Let my Eldy go!” Quentan demanded, stomping towards Dex.

  “Quentan,” Mila scolded. “Don’t speak that way. Elodie is not yours.”

  “Eldy! Mine!” He scowled up at his mother. He even added a foot stomp.

  Zoey chuckled. “He’s hilarious.”

  Quentan turned his glare to her. “Eldy! Mine!”

  “Little dude, she was mine first,” Zoey told him.

  “Give me Eldy!” Quentan crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Mila, thanks for taking Elodie,” Zoey told her best friend. She shifted around uncomfortably.

  “Of course, anything I can do to help. Are you sure you’re all right? Is there anything else I can do?” Mila asked her worriedly.

  “I will take care of Zoey.” Dex sounded offended.

  Zoey rolled her eyes at Mila, who bit back a smile. No matter what, these Zerconian warriors never stopped being arrogant.

  “Dex!” Koran walked into the bedroom.

  Zoey groaned. “There is no privacy here. You ever heard of knocking, Koran?”


  “That thing you do before you walk into someone’s bedroom,” she replied. “I could have been naked.”

  “I would never have allowed him to see you naked, mate,” Dex told her, aghast.

  “I would not wish to see your mate naked,” Koran stuttered out.

  “Why not? Are you saying I’m ugly? Am I too fat? Do you not think I’m pretty?” Zoey demande

  A panicked look crossed Koran’s face. He looked from his mate to Dex to her. “I. . .I. . .I. . .”

  Mila burst into laughter. “Zoey, that’s so mean!”

  Zoey had to grin. “I love seeing him squirm. Best thing to happen all day. Well, other than Ellie promising to make me Easter eggs.”

  “Ellie can make Easter eggs?” Mila asked, her eyes lighting up. “Awesome!”

  The two males just gaped at them. Then Dex let out a yell, jumping to his feet and placing Elodie on the bed. She scrambled down and Quentan pulled her close, hugging her tight against him.

  “What happened?” Zoey asked Dex, staring at him in shock.

  “Quentan kicked me.”

  “My Eldy! Mine!” Quentan gently pushed Elodie behind his back, as though protecting her from Dex.

  “Oh, Dex, I’m so sorry,” Mila said. “Did he hurt you?”

  “No,” Dex replied, obviously outraged at the implication that Quentan might harm him.

  “Quentan, that was very naughty,” Mila scolded him. “Koran, do you have something to say to your son?”

  Koran looked down at Quentan. His face so stern, for a moment, Zoey worried he would be too harsh with the young boy. Then he opened his mouth and burst into laughter.

  Everyone stared at him in shock. Koran was. . .laughing.

  “Oh God, it’s the end of the world, right? Mila? Is he all right?”

  “I don’t know.” Mila watched Koran like she thought he might blow. “Maybe we should all step away from him, give him some space.”

  “First Larzen goes all crazy, now Koran is laughing. What the hell is happening?” she asked Dex.

  “I am fine.” Koran gave them all a disgruntled look. “My son is a fine warrior. He is protecting his female.”

  “She is not his female,” Dex barked back.

  “Uh-oh,” Mila said. “Maybe we ought to go back home. Quentan. Elodie. Say goodbye to Zoey.”

  “Bye, Elodie, have fun. I love you. Listen to Mila.”

  “Mine.” Quentan glared at Zoey.

  Zoey just shook her head as Dex grumbled to himself. “You’re right, Koran. Your son is a warrior through and through.”


  Macon and Annabel

  Annabel stared through the one-way mirror into the room beyond. She studied the older warrior sitting there calmly.

  “I don’t trust him,” Koran stated.

  “There is something not right,” Macon agreed.

  Toriq just grunted.

  As much as she wanted to argue with them, to tell them they were all being paranoid, she couldn’t disagree with their assessments. She’d learned how to trust her instincts, and they told her something was off about this guy.

  “I get what you’re all saying. But we’re kind of desperate here and he said he has a cure for mating fever,” she stated.

  They’d brought the researcher to the interrogation rooms under the palace quickly and had been interviewing him for the last thirty minutes. Well, Macon and Koran had been interviewing him. Macon didn’t want her in the room with the other man. Her mate was still far too overprotective for her own good.

  “His supposed cure has not been tested properly,” Koran stated. “How do we know it will not harm our warriors further?”

  Toriq grunted again. He glared at the male through the window.

  Annabel sighed. “How long can we keep them in stasis? What happens when we let them out?”

  There was silence.

  “They die anyway,” Macon stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

  Koran sighed. “I will inform Dex about what Ferhard has told us. Macon, check in with Racar. Toriq, stay here. Annabel, do not enter that room with him.”

  She sent him a mock salute. Bossy bastard. She didn’t know how Mila put up with him. But then, she did have way more patience than Annabel.

  Koran’s communicator went off before he could say anything more. He moved away, his body growing stiff as he listened to the other person. Then he turned back, a scowl on his face. “There has been another case.”

  “What?” Annabel gaped at him. “Another one?”

  “Yes,” he said grimly. “I believe we have no choice but to trust this male. Toriq, escort him to the medical center. Keep him under close supervision; he goes nowhere without you by his side. But allow him to examine our affected males. I will go to Dex now.”

  “What about all the other unmated males? What if one of them goes on a rampage?” Annabel asked.

  Koran looked at her grimly. They all knew that there were far more unmated warriors than there were mated ones. If more became affected by mating fever, then Zerconia was going to be in trouble. Particularly if they were all violent.

  She felt ill at the thought of what could happen. She just hoped Ferhard was on the up and up.

  Annabel looked up at Macon as he left. He pulled her close. She was all too aware that if he hadn’t found her, he could be one of those males lying in stasis right now.

  He kissed the top of her head in a rare display of public affection. Not that Toriq was paying them much attention. He was busy talking into his communicator.

  “All will be well, my mate. But perhaps it would be best to put all the vulnerable on lockdown. That includes all humans and Joyadans.”

  They were both aware that no human or Joyadan could successfully stand up to a full-grown Zerconian warrior.

  Annabel nodded and hugged him to her tight. “I’ll get onto it. Don’t worry.”

  “I know you are strong, my mate. And capable. But do not take any risks. I do not need anything to happen to you.”

  “Ah, you big lug. You luuuve me,” she teased.

  He just gave her an exasperated look. “What I feel for you is far beyond human love; what I feel for you consumes me. If your heart did not beat, neither would mine.”



  Ellie and Racar

  “No more! No more! You’re killing me!”

  “We can’t take it!”

  “It’s torture!”

  Pained groans filled the room. Ellie looked around at her friends with exasperation. “You all wanted to help me by being taste testers. Now you’re wimping out on me?”

  “I never thought I’d say this, but if I try to eat another piece of chocolate, I’m gonna barf,” Blue told her.

  “I can do some more, Ellie,” Marc told her cheerfully. That guy ate constantly and he was still skinny as a rake.

  “Thanks, Marc,” she said warmly. “Nice to know someone isn’t a wuss.”

  The others all groaned. They were all sitting in the back of the bakery. They’d been given the order a few hours ago to go into lockdown. No humans or Joyadans or female Zerconians were allowed outside unless escorted. Even though it was getting late, rather than sitting at home and worrying about what was going on, Ellie had decided her time was better spent working on the chocolate for Easter. They had been escorted to the bakery by a few scowling Zerconian warriors who had left them with a stern warning to stay there until they were able to be accompanied home. Tane, Jack, and Blue had been insulted by the warriors’ lack of respect for their fighting ability.

  “That last lot was pretty good,” Keely said, delicately wiping her lips. “I don’t think you could improve on that.”

  Ellie frowned. “There was something off, though. I have to get this just right.”

  “Doubt the Empress cares about Easter that much right now,” Jack stated.

  Ellie and Blue just stared at him.

  “Oh, she cares,” Blue stated. “Believe me, she cares a lot.”

  “She called it a national emergency. I mean, I think she was joking. . .” Ellie trailed off.

  “Yeah, I think you should keep trying, Ellie,” Blue told her.

  “At least I got the molds done,” Marc said cheerfully. “So as soon as you have the chocolate ready—”

  Smash! Smash! Smash!

  A loud noise of something br
eaking came from the front of the bakery. Ellie jumped to her feet as a roar sounded throughout the building.

  “Holy shit! What the fuck was that!” Blue jumped to her feet and raced to lock the door between the back and front. Then she switched on the viewing screen.

  “Fuck! That’s Axel,” Tane exclaimed, standing next to Blue.

  “What is he doing in there? Oh God, he’s smashing up my bakery! I’m going to kill him.” Ellie stormed towards the door.

  “Ellie, no!” Blue caught hold of her, pulling her back. “He must have mating fever; he wouldn’t just smash your bakery up for no reason.”

  “Shit!” Of course, that was it. How could she have forgotten? “What do we do? He’s going to wreck the place.” This bakery was her baby. She needed to look after it.

  “First we need to protect ourselves,” Blue said calmly. “Marc, have you got a blaster?”

  “Yes,” Marc replied tersely.

  “Good. Take Keely and Ellie into the pantry. It has only one entrance and exit. Wait there until I give the all-clear.”

  “Blue! We need to call someone,” Ellie urged. She couldn’t leave Blue, Jack, and Tane out here, even though she knew they were capable of looking after themselves.

  The door between the front and back rooms of the bakery jolted, as though something heavy was being thrown against it. Or someone heavy.

  “Oh God! He’s going to smash his way in here!” Keely screamed, grabbing Ellie’s arm and pulling her into the pantry.

  The last thing they heard as the pantry door closed was a roar filled with manic rage.


  Zoey and Dex

  The scream filled the room.

  It was ear-piecing. It sounded like the person emitting it was being tortured in the worst way possible. Zoey stared down at the screaming, red-faced baby in her arms then looked up at Moroco.

  “Can you put him back in?”


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