His Christmas Cookie

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His Christmas Cookie Page 5

by Alexa Riley

  I jump when the door to the bedroom flies open and I see Frost’s mother. She’s alone this time, but from the smile on her face I think she’s getting what she wants. I wipe away the rest of my tears because I don’t want to give her the satisfaction of making me cry. The woman is a sociopath, and I think she would enjoy it.

  “I think you’re going to make it home in time for Christmas. This year it’s going to be magical.” She’s standing there with a sinister smile, waiting on me to what? Thank her? Yeah, she’s a sociopath.

  “You got him to agree?” I ask, wanting to know what’s going on.

  “It was easy really.” She waves her hand as if it was no big deal. “They will marry tomorrow. Then you’ll be free. Well, you’ll be free of me. I have no idea what Nathan wants with you, but you’ll be his problem then.” My skin crawls thinking of Nathan touching me.

  “I don’t believe you.” I stand up.

  “Once I showed him the pictures of you and Nathan, his mind was made up.”

  How is that possible? I was pushing Nathan away, but I wouldn't put it past her to do some Photoshop work on them. “I told him I brought you here to have a chat with you and to show you that Nathan wants you back. When I mentioned that Chel misses him, he left to go talk to her.”

  Jealousy hits me hard even though I know he wants me. If he wanted Chel, he would have been with her, but I still don’t enjoy the idea of them being around each other at all.

  “Lies.” I shake my head.

  “I might have thrown in there if he tries to leave Chel and go back to you, the next time I come to see you no one will ever see you again.” The smile on her face grows even bigger.

  The truth of what she's saying hits me in the stomach. That would get Frost to stay away from me. “Why are you doing this? I love him. Don’t you want your son to be with someone who loves him?” I plead with her. I know it's not going to work, but I have to try.

  “This is how things are done. You're not cut out to be Frost's wife.”

  I don’t point out the fact that Miller didn't do what she wanted. I don’t need to draw attention to my sister. She scrunches her nose like she smells something bad.

  “He’d rip you to pieces, trust me. You’ve known Frost for a few weeks. I’ve known him his whole life.”

  That is what most people say about Frost, and I’ve seen him in action a few times myself. But I don't get that side of him. I get the side that no one else knows about besides my family.

  “Why don’t you get some rest? Nathan is going to keep watch on your door for me. If I were you I wouldn’t try to escape. It will be Nathan running after you.” She winks as she goes to the door. “If you can make it past him.” She closes it behind her, and I fall back onto the bed.

  I want to curl into a ball and cry the ache away. I know that's not possible. The only person that can stop it isn't here. I hold myself as I lie there and wonder where he is and what he's doing.

  At some point I get up and shove a chair under the door in case Nathan really is out in the hallway watching. She could have been lying, but I’m playing it safe.

  Sleep never comes as the hours pass, and slowly the room starts to fill with light. I left the drapes open because there’s not a clock in here, and I can only guess the time.

  The sun is high in the sky when I look out the huge window, and all I see is an endless blanket of snow. The sun bounces off of it and makes it painful to look outside.

  The landscape is sparse and barren, and the only thing making it nice is the snow. This house is miserable on the outside too, and I think about Frost and Miller growing up here. I can see why their exteriors are so hard because I’m guessing it's something they learned to do at a young age.

  The door handle turns as someone tries to open it, and I hear Chel curse. “I’m coming.” I sigh as I walk over to the door and remove the chair. The door flies open, almost hitting me in the face, and Chel stands there in a wedding dress.

  Oh god. This is really happening. He’s really going to marry her. Oh god, I’ll have to see them together if he lives next door to my sister. It’s not possible. I’d be so miserable, just like this stupid, overdone house.

  At least Chel’s dress is horrible.

  “Listen here.” Chel points a long finger at me, her nails painted blood red. She’s so pretty on the outside, I actually feel a little sorry for her. “You stay away from Nathan. You hear me?”

  I nod. “I’ve been trying to stay away from him since the day I left him.” Not only is this a miserable house, it’s a crazy house too.

  Between the lack of sleep and everything else I’ve felt, I start to laugh. The crazy is rubbing off on me.

  “What’s so funny?” She scowls, but I see weakness in her eyes.

  “Besides the dress?” I say through my laugh, and she glares at me.

  “I bet you won’t think it's funny when Frost fucks me in it.”

  My laughter dies in my throat after she hits her target. Her red lips, painted in the same shade as her nails, curl into an evil grin. I’m shocked her overdone lips can even form a smile, but rage like I’ve never felt fills my body.

  I do the only rational thing I can as I ball up my fist and punch her skinny ass right in the face.

  The first two punches are all I remember before everything goes black.

  Chapter 12


  “Are you ready?” Miller asks, stepping into the room.

  I straighten my tie and nod. He closes the door behind him and comes closer. He doesn’t say anything as he reaches for my tie and fixes the knot for me.

  “Are they safe?” I ask in Russian, and he nods.

  Last night while I was making the call to my mother, Miller took Pumpkin and her parents to a secure location. My chest ached that he had to do that, but protecting them was crucial. We didn’t know what the ramifications of today would be, and it’s better that our mother can’t get her claws into them.

  “Did Winter call you?” he asks, and it’s my turn to nod.

  Cookie’s father called me late last night and told me that everything would be okay. I told him I was sorry that I’ve brought this on their family, but he stopped me and told me that all he wanted was his little girl back and for me to bring her home.

  I was prepared for his anger that I’d let this happen to his daughter. But instead he gave me kindness and forgiveness because he knew that I would never have done this to her if I could have stopped it. My own father hasn’t spoken to me in years, and I doubt we will ever exchange another word after today. Winter is the father I always wished for, and he’s entrusted me with making it right. After today it will be, no matter what I have to sacrifice to get it.

  “She’s waiting.” He glances over his shoulder and sighs before he looks me in the eyes. Eyes so much like my own. Without saying a word, I know what he’s asking.

  “Yes, I am sure.”

  He squeezes my shoulder, and we both exit the room. The small church must have been on standby to be available at such short notice. It’s Christmas Eve and the sanctuary is decorated with candles and flowers.

  The priest meets me at the entrance, and we walk together to the front of the church. Miller stands beside me, the pillar of strength that I need right now.

  “Are you prepared?” the priest asks, and I nod. He signals someone in the distance and then music begins playing.

  The double doors at the end of the aisle open, and out walks Chel with my mother on her arm. My mother is beaming like it’s truly my wedding day and not something she’s blackmailed me into doing. I ignore her because the closer Chel gets, the more I can see of her face.

  Her eyes are red, and one looks like it’s swollen. Her lips are puffy and bruised on one side, but she’s tried to cover it with makeup. Someone smacked her around, and the image of Cookie in a fight comes to mind. As Chel and my mother come to the end of the aisle, my mother takes a seat in the first row of pews, and Chel moves to stand in front of me. />
  “Did my love send me a wedding present in the form of your face?” I ask, and by the way Chel scowls at me, I know I’ve made a direct hit.

  “Don’t worry, she’s safe with Nathan until you say ‘I do.’” She smirks, and the reminder makes my stomach churn.

  I glance around the church, and when I see the double doors close, I nod to the priest. It’s time.

  “Chel, why isn’t your family here?” I ask, and I feel Miller move from behind me.

  “What?” Her eyebrows pull together in confusion as she looks to me and the priest.

  “Your father, Elliot, owns the banking conglomerate Cash and has been married to your mother, Isabelle, for twenty-seven years.”

  “I know this,” she says through clenched teeth. “What’s your point?”

  Miller steps away from his place and moves to where my mother is sitting. He takes a seat beside her and calmly places his hands in his lap.

  “What are you doing?” my mother hisses from the bench.

  “You’ve fallen out of favor with them.” I hold my arms out to indicate how empty the room is. “You attempted to sell his trade secrets and he was in a lot of hot water with the feds.”

  The double doors open as four armed security personnel step inside.

  “We had a deal,” she says in a low voice, leaning close to me. “If you don’t follow through, she’s as good as dead.”

  “I kept thinking to myself why would you be so desperate to get my fortune when your family has their own? One quick phone call with your father, and I uncovered what you’d done.” Chel looks to the men at the door and then to my mother. “Do something!” she orders her.

  “You see, they’re here for her too.” I smile as the priest opens his Bible and reveals his Federal badge. “It turns out our mother has been skimming funds from Elliot’s bank and sending them to offshore accounts.”

  “Lies,” my mother hisses, and Miller drapes his arm over the back of her bench.

  “Imagine how happy the government was to hear the recording we took at your house when you admitted to kidnapping and blackmail,” Miller offers, and my mother's face turns white.

  Before we’d gone in to talk to her we’d grabbed a recording device out of the car and used it. We knew our parents were dirty, but Chel’s family was all too eager to hand the two of them over.

  “You can’t do this!” Chel shouts, and it echoes in the church. “This is my wedding day!” She stomps her foot and real tears form in her eyes. She’s just as crazy as our mother.

  “You’ll never get to her in time.” My mother’s smile is evil, and my blood runs cold.

  “You’ll tell me where she is or these federal agents will watch me get it out of you,” I threaten, and she looks down at her nails.

  “I’m afraid you’re already too late.” The chime of the church clock begins, and the sound is ominous.

  I look to the “priest,” and he nods. “We’ll take it from here.”

  Chel tries to move in front of me, and I raise my hands like she’s on fire. “Don’t touch me,” I growl, and her tears turn to anger.

  “You’ll regret this. My father won’t let me rot in jail.”

  “I almost feel sorry for you, because they are the ones putting you in your cell.” I move past her, and Miller follows me.

  My mother stays quietly on the bench, and I know she won’t give me the information. She’s a heartless woman with no redeeming qualities, and I’m glad to be rid of her. She doesn’t even bother to look up at me as I rush past her and beyond the security guards.

  When we’re outside the church, there’s more security with several black SUVs parked all around. I’m surprised when I look over and see my father sitting on a nearby bench with two security guards on either side of him.

  “Wait,” Miller says and grabs my arm. He walks over to where our father is sitting, and I follow him.

  “Why are you here?” I ask because we have no time to waste.

  “I came to warn you.” His voice is scratchy, like he doesn't use it very often.

  “Where is she?” My jaw tightens as he looks up me with bloodshot eyes and a face that’s drained of color and life. Once he was a strong man that I feared, and now he’s broken and frail.

  “I was not a good father,” he admits, his Russian still perfect. “I’m dying, and I wish to end this life knowing that I did something right.” He looks down at his hands. “She’s in the carriage house.”

  “Thank you,” I say, and he nods but doesn’t look up at me as Miller grabs me by the arm and we race to the car.

  I don’t look back at him or regret how our lives have split. I’m only thankful that he was able to do something right, and it was the one thing that meant the most. Now we just have to find Cookie before it’s too late.

  It can't be too late.

  Chapter 13


  I gasp and sit up as I come to. My hand goes to my arm where I felt the prick of a needle before I passed out. It was the same as when they kidnapped me.

  When I look around, I see Nathan sitting on the love seat while I’m laid out on the couch. He turns his head to look my way, then picks up the remote and turns off the TV.

  He’s in a pair of jeans and a wrinkled polo with the collar popped up. He’s such a frat boy, and I can’t understand why I ever liked him. It’s probably because my friends said I should try dating and that it would be fun. Yeah, this is a barrel of fun.

  “I didn't know you were such a feisty thing.”

  I look down at my hands to see my knuckles are red. I lost it, and I don’t remember anything after hitting her and then the needle going into my arm. I hated that she was in her wedding dress, knowing she was on her way to see Frost.

  Frost is mine. Even if I was running from him he’s still mine. I don’t care if that’s crazy; it’s the truth. He’ll look as bad as Chel if he marries her thinking he can save me.

  “I would have put my money on Chel. She’s pretty strong and spends a couple hours in the gym a day.” His eyebrows furrow. “But you do weigh more.”

  He’s really thinking this through, and it irritates me. Who spends hours in the gym and why am I thinking about this right now?

  “Where are we?” I look around the house. It’s cute but small and still reeks of money.

  “Think it’s like the guest house or something,” he answers, and I throw my legs over the side of the couch.

  Nathan stands, and I have a feeling it’s only him and me in the house. I look down at my clothes and everything looks in place.

  “I didn't touch you,” he snaps, and I jerk my head up to meet his eyes.

  How did I ever date this man? Here I am making Frost chase me around when he’s always been so good to me. Then you have Nathan here, who I openly went on dates with. I am truly terrible at choosing men. “You’ve still got a little time before you’re all mine.” He smirks and my stomach rolls.

  “He’s not going to marry her,” I blurt out, and I think it’s mostly to reassure myself.

  “I don’t give a shit one way or the other.”

  “You should.” I let out a humorless laugh. “Their mother is crazy, but she’s a Ranov. While she might be pure evil, I think everyone can agree Ranovs do whatever it takes to get what they want. Hence her crazy idea that this could possibly work.” It takes a certain level of crazy to think this is all going to go to plan.

  Nathan takes a step toward me, and I jump up from the sofa and run to the other side. I need as much space as possible between us. I grip the back of the couch when a dizzy spell hits me. The lingering drugs are slowly fading from my system. Nathan runs toward me, jumps on the couch, and starts to climb over. His foot hits the top, and it catches as he falls flat on the floor.

  A laugh bursts from me, but it dies quickly when I see the rage on his face. I race for the door and I hear him behind me, but I don’t look as I grab the handle and fling it wide open. The sun hits me in the face, and it blinds me. I
just keep moving. Before I can figure out where I am, my body collides with someone else.

  I brace myself for a fall, but arms wrap around me and hold me close before I hit the ground. When they lift me off my feet, my vision starts to come into focus, and I know who it is. His touch and his scent surround me, and I burst into tears as I cling to Frost. I bury my face in his chest and inhale, breathing him in.

  I hear Nathan curse, and the sound is followed by someone taking a few hits. I can’t see, but I’m guessing it’s Nathan. There’s a loud thud as a body hits the ground.

  I don’t care. I should be happy, and although I am, the tears come flooding and I can’t bring myself to loosen my hold on him. He hugs me just as tightly, his hands moving up and down my back. His voice is low as he tells me I’m okay and everything is going to be all right. His words are so filled with emotion, his accent thickens and Russian words bleed into his comforting whispers.

  I can feel him moving around, then my knees rest on something soft. I’m straddling him in the back of a car, and I can feel the hum of the engine before it starts to move. Slowly I lift my head to meet Frost's gaze, and I’ve never seen anything more beautiful. Even though I’m sure I look a mess.

  “I knew you’d come for me,” I get out before I start crying again. So many things could have gone wrong.

  “I’ll always chase after you. Nothing will ever stand in the way of that, Cookie.” I nod, knowing it’s true. His eyes are soft on me, but I can feel the tension in his body. I have no doubt he wanted to go after Nathan himself, but I know that for Frost I come before everything else.

  “Where are we going?” I ask, suddenly feeling very tired. I want a hot shower and a bed. Both of them with Frost. I want to be in his home and in his bed because I know it’s where I’ll feel the safest. I’ll sleep in his arms as he holds me tight, only the two of us.


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