Midnight at the Oasis

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by Thomas Henry

  Midnight at the Oasis

  (Temporarily Mine Series – Book 8)


  Thomas Henry

  Text Copyright © 2016 Thomas Henry

  Cover Images Copyright © Canstockphoto

  All Rights Reserved



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  This is a work of fiction. Characters and events are imaginary or are portrayed fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, organizations, events or places is coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are at least 18 years old.

  This story is erotica for sale to adults only. It contains sexually explicit scenes and graphic language that may be offensive to some readers.

  Midnight at the Oasis

  (Temporarily Mine Series – Book 8)

  Mai and Karen both were sporting tight little dresses. To my surprise, Mai had chosen to wear a bra, effectively concealing her big nipples. Karen also was wearing a bra, which wasn’t so surprising for her, given the size of her natural breasts. And both were showing uncharacteristic panty lines. Apparently, they had followed some guidelines Sally had provided about recommended clothing. I looked around the room and noted that all the women were similarly attired. I was intrigued that Sally had encouraged them to wear underwear. That seemed a bit out of character for her, but I was sure she had some method to her madness.

  It was Couples’ Night at Sally’s Club. It was a party designed to facilitate couples who wanted to explore the swinger lifestyle at a pace that was comfortable for them. This event was limited to ten select couples only. None of Sally’s bulls or sorority girls was present.

  Ted and Karen and Mai and I were among those who had been invited to attend. In a sense, this party was similar to the one where the four of us first met, except that Sally was set up for much more sexual activity on premises, should some of the partiers be so inclined.

  As had been the case with that first party, Mai had agreed to come to the couples-only event with me tonight just so I would be permitted to attend. Of course, I wanted to attend because Karen was going to be here with Ted. I had no idea how he would react to being back at Sally’s again, considering what had happened last time. I thought the party might give me a sense of how well Karen and Ted’s “anything goes” pact would work out in practice. And, of course, I wanted to be there to indulge my obsession with watching Karen with other men.

  The start of the party was a cocktail hour designed to get everyone in the door and comfortable before any of the organized activities started. Like the last time we were there, dance music was playing, but this time, there were no bulls to romance the ladies, and only a few couples made it to the dance floor.

  The four of us sat at one of the little tables and made small talk while we partook of some nerve-soothing adult beverages. At least on the surface, Karen and Ted seemed to be getting along fine, but Karen did look a bit unsettled every time she looked into my eyes. Of course, neither Ted nor Mai had any awareness of my involvement with Karen’s recent escapades involving Sally’s escort business.

  I looked around. Although it was a racially diverse crowd, about half were haole. Ages appeared to range from late teens to mid-forties. The youngest was a haole couple who looked to be no older than eighteen or nineteen. I took them to be military. I wondered if, like Ted and Karen, they had gotten married too young and now were looking to compensate for the experiences they had missed.

  Along about 9:30, Sally announced that all of the couples had arrived. She circulated through the room with a bowl containing slips of paper, asking each couple to take one. The papers were numbered from one to ten.

  Sally then ushered us through the Voyeur Room and into the Showroom where ten numbered loveseats were arranged in a large circle. She instructed us to sit in the loveseat corresponding to the number we had drawn. Mai and I were in number 3, and Karen and Ted were in number 7.

  Sally said that, for the next 50 minutes, the men would remain seated while the women moved clockwise from man to man at five-minute intervals. They could introduce themselves and sit together holding hands until it was time to move on. This exercise was supposed to ensure that every potential couple had met and had an initial bit of physical contact before the more advanced activities began.

  All-in-all, it was somewhat more reserved than the similar exercise we had tried at the party where Mai and I first met Karen and Ted. At that party, the women mostly sat on the men’s laps, and a certain amount of feeling-up went on. Mai had come to that party braless, as was her custom, and she got a kick out of teasing all the guys, even though she really wasn’t interested in any of them. But tonight, each pair sat side-by-side, holding hands and making small talk until their five minutes had passed. Even Mai was reserved. I wondered if she found any of the men interesting.

  I talked with each of my partners and did my best to be charming. Of course, I gave fleeting thought to what it would be like to bed each of them. I didn’t know if that was going to happen, but I wasn’t really focused on it. I was focused on Karen, even though I was doubtful that we would end up together tonight.

  When Karen finally got to me, she introduced herself and sat as far away from me as possible. “I’ve heard some terrible things about your reputation,” she whispered, finally allowing me to take her hand.

  “Do tell,” I said.

  “Oh, I can’t. It makes me blush even thinking about it.” She gave me a worried look out of the corner of her eye. And then she burst into laughter and bumped her shoulder against mine. She took my hand in both of hers and rubbed my palm with her thumb. “Remind you of anyone,” she asked.

  “Yeah, this hot little number I met at a party a couple of years ago.” We just looked at each other for a few seconds. “So how are things?” I asked.

  “Well…okay, I think. I guess we’re about to find out.” She glanced around the room and looked back at me. “So, you got anyone picked out?”

  “Yeah.” I squeezed her hand. “But I think she’s probably out of my grasp tonight.”

  She bumped my shoulder again. “I meant for tonight.”

  “No, not really. You?”

  “Couple of possibilities.” My stomach knotted. We held hands quietly until it was time for her to move on.

  When Mai got back to me, she sat down and asked, “Who you like?”

  I shrugged. “What about you?”

  She shrugged. “What we do now?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m sure Sally will tell us in a minute.”

  “Okay, everyone,” Sally said, “now that you all have met, it’s time for us to play a little game called ‘Say When.’ In a minute, we are going to switch partners. But first, let me explain how the game works. For simplicity, I’m going to refer to you original couples as husbands and wives, even though I know some of you are not actually married…to each other, anyway.” A few people chuckled.

  Sally held up a sheet of paper. “Here I have a list of activities for each newly formed couple to do after you switch partners. The activities start out innocent and get more and more intimate. We will work our way down the list until somebody says ‘When,’ meaning that they do not want to continue. At that point, that person and their husband or wife will drop out of that round of the game, and the rest of the couples will continue.

  “So, for example, let’s assume that Mr. Jones is paired with Mrs. Tanaka, and Mrs. Jones is paired with Mr. Cho. At some point, Mrs. Jones decides that she does not want to proceed to the next activity, either because she is not attracted to Mr. Cho or because she does not want to see her husband with Mrs. Tanaka. Regardless of her reason, when Mrs.
Jones says ‘When,’ both she and Mr. Jones are removed from this round of the game. Mrs. Tanaka then pairs up with Mr. Cho to form a new couple, and the game continues with nine couples.

  “This round of the game will end in one of two ways. One possibility is that we will get down to one couple. Of course, if that happens, they will be husband and wife, which means that no one ended up swapping. The other possibility is that we will get to the end of the list with at least two couples still playing.”

  Sally made a show of looking at the bottom of the list. “The last activity says, ‘Take your partner to one of the private rooms for thirty minutes.’ So, the couples that are still playing will do that, and while they are back there doing whatever they decide to do, the remaining couples will be shuffled, and we will play another round.

  “So, you can see that spouses will both end up doing the same thing. Either they will drop out together, or they both will go to private rooms with someone else’s husband or wife. Now, after they have been in the private rooms, a husband and wife can come back out and play again in the next round of the game if they choose to do so. So, it is possible that some of you will go to a private room with more than one partner tonight. But if you do, so will your spouse.”

  She looked around the room. “Questions? No? Okay, let’s start by having each woman move clockwise three seats.”

  Mai didn’t quite understand what Sally meant by “clockwise,” so I pointed and said, “You go sit with that guy over there.”

  I looked to see who my new partner was. She was a 40-ish haole who earlier had introduced herself to me as Mary. She had a friendly face and a body that might well be Karen in a dozen years. Still quite shapely, but a bit softer. I felt my cock twitch as I imagined freeing her sagging breasts from the confines of her bra. Maybe I’m twisted, but I’ve always liked them natural and saggy.

  Mary’s silver hair hung nearly to her shoulders in a simple, but elegant “bob” style that was vaguely reminiscent of the blonde wig Julie Roberts wore in “Pretty Woman.” At first, I wondered if Mary was wearing a wig, but then I realized it was unlikely that a forty-year-old woman would choose a gray wig. Her natural color was quite lovely, and I admired the fact that she wore it with confidence.

  “Thank God!” Mary said as she settled into the loveseat next to me. “I was afraid I’d end up with one of those kids.” She nodded toward the young military guy. “I have a son older than he is.” She turned toward me and looked in my eyes. “You are much more my speed.”

  I gave a little nod. “And you, mine.”

  I glanced over to see if Mary’s husband was looking our way. He was not. Karen was settling into the loveseat next to him, and as any straight man would do, he was ogling her. So if I ended up taking Mary to bed, then Karen would be going to bed with Mary’s husband. I wondered if we would be in adjoining rooms. Or if we might even share a room. I tried not to think about it. The odds were stacked against it. Aside from me, any one of five people could say ‘when’ and prevent that from happening.

  I glanced at Mai. She was with a 30-ish Asian guy. I figured him to be Korean. So far as I could see, she was showing no signs that she found him objectionable. But with Mai, you just never could tell.

  Ted was paired with a 30-ish blonde haole. She had nice legs and large tits. I could tell from their shape that they were store-bought like Mai’s, but I didn’t think Ted cared, if he even knew.

  I started to reassess the odds. I was pretty sure Ted would want to bed his partner, and under the terms of his ‘anything goes’ agreement with Karen, I didn’t think he was permitted to pull the plug on her to keep her from being with someone else. I wasn’t sure what Karen would do, but Mary’s husband was a nice looking man, and given that the primary purpose of coming here tonight was to get Ted laid by someone new, I didn’t think Karen would pull the plug on him.

  I glanced back at Mai. She was having an animated conversation with her guy. I took that as a sign that she was open to the possibility of going to bed with him. I certainly wasn’t going to stop her, and I was developing the sense that she probably wouldn’t pull the plug on me, either.

  So, that left it all up to Mary and her husband. And it left me somewhat conflicted. If either Mary or her husband pulled the plug, they would be out of the game, and I would end up with Karen. Half of me hoped that would be the case. But the other half wanted to see Karen do her man while I did his wife.

  I figured Mary’s husband probably was the one who pushed to get into swinging, and there was no way he was going to pass up a chance to bed Karen, so he probably wasn’t going to pull the plug. So…that left it to Mary. If I seduced her, then her husband would have Karen. But if I repulsed her, they I would have Karen. Which would I do? I didn’t know. I figured I’d have to see what I did.

  “So whose idea was this?” I asked Mary. “Yours or your husband’s?”

  “Oh…Dave was the one who suggested it, but I’d been fantasizing about it for years. Just never thought we’d really do it until he brought it up.”

  “You fantasized about it for years?”

  “Sure. Doesn’t everybody fantasize about having sex with someone new? But fantasizing and actually doing are two different things.”

  “How has it worked out so far?”

  Mary gazed into my eyes. “We’re about to find out, aren’t we?”

  “You mean…”

  “Yeah. First time.” She rubbed her trembling palms together as if she were cold.

  “Okay!” Sally said. “Everybody set? Let’s get started!” She looked at her list. “First, hold hands…both hands…and look into each other’s eyes for 30 seconds.”

  Mary’s green eyes were a perfect complement to her gray hair. She took my hands. “What about you?”

  “Oh, Mai and I have done a few things, but we aren’t regular swingers.”

  “Been married a long time?”

  “Well, technically, we aren’t married. But we’ve been together, off-and-on, for quite a few years.”


  “It’s a bit complicated. But she spends a lot of time with her family back in Vietnam. She’s the only one who lives in the West. So she spends half her time here and half her time there.”

  “Sounds like you have a very unusual relationship.”

  “That’s what everyone says.”

  “Don’t you get lonely when she’s gone?”

  “Actually, it’s more of a welcome respite. But I find ways to avoid being lonely.”

  “I’ll bet you do.” Her green eyes twinkled when she smiled.

  “Okay everybody!” Sally said, “Now the ladies sit on the men’s laps and you kiss for two minutes.”

  “Well, here we go,” Mary said. She stood and reseated herself on my lap. She turned toward me and put her feet on the loveseat. I slid my hand up her back to her neck and gently pulled until our lips met. For the first few seconds, she seemed hesitant. Then she parted her lips and slowly gave me her tongue as she touched my face with her fingertips.

  I glanced at Karen. She seemed totally absorbed in kissing Mary’s husband…Dave, I thought she said. I noticed that he had a hand on one of her breasts. He was getting ahead of the game, but Karen seemed not to mind. I was beginning to get the impression that she would take him all the way.

  Mary and I kissed tenderly for the two minutes. When Sally called time, we both paused for just a heartbeat and then continued kissing for a few seconds more.

  “Whew! It’s been a long, long time since I kissed a man other than my husband. More than 20 years…”

  “I hope it won’t be that long before you kiss me again.”

  Mary held my face with both hands and gave me a big smack on the lips. “Can’t wait to hear what Sally wants us to do next.”

  Right on cue, Sally said, “Okay everybody. Continue making out for five more minutes, but now you can feel each other up…but over your clothes, just like back when you were kids in school!”

sp; “Probably just yesterday for some of them,” Mary said.

  We kissed again. I slid my hand up and down her thigh and around her rump. She ran her palm up and down my chest. I slipped my hand under her arm and put it on her chest, just below her breast. She took a deep breath, but kept kissing me and rubbing my chest. I cupped her breast. She stiffened for a moment, but then she relaxed and kept kissing me. I squeezed her gently and found her nipple through the protection of her bra. I rolled it between my thumb and forefinger, and she moaned and pressed her lips harder against mine.

  Mary broke our kiss and shifted her butt toward my knees. I was confused until she slid her hand between my thighs and cupped my balls. She massaged them gently as she leaned in and resumed kissing me. Eventually, she brought her hand up and grasped my tumescent cock through my jeans.

  We stopped kissing and just rubbed noses as we continued to explore each other’s bodies. When I ran my hand up between her thighs, she leaned back far enough to look me in the eyes. I expected her to say something, but she didn’t. She just gazed at me as I slid my hand up her thigh until my fingertips encountered her panties.

  We continued to look in each other’s eyes as I rubbed her. I was pleased that the crotch of her panties became very wet. I couldn’t stop myself from wondering if Karen was lubricating for Dave as well.

  “Okay, men!” Sally said, “listen up!” Without removing her dress, take off her bra and continue making out.”

  “When!” a female voice called out. I glanced around the room. It was a young Asian woman. I counted three loveseats counter-clockwise. She was the wife of the guy Mai was with. So, this meant that Mai now would be paired with the man that woman had been with. He was a vaguely-familiar local guy. Some kind of politician, but I couldn’t remember exactly what. Maybe a state legislator.

  Mai’s old partner gave his wife a look of disgust as Mai got up and left him for her new partner. I wondered why his wife had pulled the plug. Was it because she didn’t like her partner, or was she jealous of the way her husband had been drooling over Mai? It would be interesting to see if they played again in the next round.


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