The Bringer of Wrath

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The Bringer of Wrath Page 14

by A. E. Via

  “Give us a minute, you two,” Alek asked.

  Alek waited until his siblings were gone before he attempted to help Bell.

  He was so glad he didn’t display just how weak Bell was by having to hold his cup of water and assist him in drinking it. He couldn’t even satisfy his basic needs—like feeding, drinking, bathing. He reeked of blood, sweat, gore, and death. It was a smell that would need to be scoured from his tender flesh. How in the hell was he going to accomplish that when he couldn’t even lift his own arm?

  “One thing at a time.” Alek eased his hand behind Bell’s neck and propped his head up so he could take a few sips.

  The water must’ve been straight from the waterfall, because it was the most refreshing H2O he’d ever consumed. He couldn’t swallow as fast as he wanted, but damn, it cooled his blazing throat.

  “First, you can feed again. I can feel my blood pumping. Then we’ll go down to the stream and clean off. Farica said there’s no hot water inside the cottage and the water from the river is freezing. But, I have an idea of how to make it warm.”

  Bell exhaled. He liked the sexy way Alek said that—exuding confidence. Very different from the Alek he’d run away from… Bell frowned. How long had it been?

  Once Bell had finished quenching his thirst, Alek climbed back into bed beside him, naked as the day he was born, his blood pumping hard enough for him to hear. Bell felt his body react, his skin heating and his gums tingling to drop his fangs.

  “Mmmm,” Alek moaned, causing Bell’s eyelids to fall heavy. The big alpha just felt so comforting and sure of himself. Telling Bell just how things were going to go down. Bell didn’t feel less than. He felt cherished. “You are much warmer than before. Go ahead and try to feed, Bell. So you can keep getting stronger.”

  Alek maneuvered Bell until he was on his side. He draped his big leg over his, ensuring they were connected from head to toe. Which was more than fine with him. He felt Alek’s soft cock pressed against his hip, felt the dense hair that covered his fit body. When his lips were pressed snug to Alek’s throat, he closed his eyes and inhaled his woodsy scent for a moment, letting it ease the turmoil of his remorseful mind. Bell oh-so-slowly worked his jaw open enough to let his fangs descend. It took time and effort. After ninety-nine years, Bell had grown comfortable with his special abilities, had forgotten how amazing they were, and had taken them for granted. Now, he appreciated the little things. Like being able to feed one’s self.

  “Take your time. I’m not going anywhere,” Alek rumbled low and deep, running his strong hand up and down Bell’s spine. “Anytime you leave my side, Belleron, I’m gonna follow. I’ll chase you to the ends of the earth if I have to.”

  What in life had he done to deserve this? Seconds later, Bell sunk his teeth into Alek’s throat, going for a vein that was easiest to puncture and close afterward, wishing he could’ve made it completely painless, and enjoyable, but his elixir needed to replenish just like his blood. Alek grunted when he started to drink. Long, slow pulls, his throat working the thick, wonderful nutrients into his system. There was no word to describe how good Alek’s Siberian blood tasted.

  “The only time I can reach your mind is when you’re feeding.”

  Bell felt every bit of Alek’s anguish of their unfinished mating. And what it could’ve meant if Bell had died. He didn’t try to communicate that way, it took too much concentration. As it was, Bell was beginning to experience fatigue from the short time he’d been awake. When he was finished drinking, he clumsily flicked his tongue over the wound, trying to close it, wincing when nothing happened. Damn.

  “It’s okay.” Alek rubbed his rough cheek along Bell’s jaw. “You’re still healing, baby. Give it time.”

  Bell licked all traces of Alek from his lips then drifted off to rest again.

  Wolf and Wrath had moved about restlessly inside him ever since Bell had opened his eyes. They both wanted out to see for themselves that he was well. Alek didn’t want to overwhelm their mate again. But, things were different between him and his animals, so he was confident they could rectify their mistakes and get Bell to understand their dynamic… and accept them. So far, it seemed they were functioning well.

  He’s suffering, Alek. He feels like he’s failed everybody. His fallen soldiers, his king, and especially us.

  I know, Wolf. Alek held Bell while he slept. He believed it was almost sunset, meaning the Lord Protector and his intrusive opinions would be returning soon. It was a blessing Bell was awake and wouldn’t be requiring that doctor after all, because Alek didn’t wanna have to teach the self-assured vampire an important lesson about shifters and their mates. The cardinal rule—don’t intervene.

  As the evening wore on, Bell began to shift a bit in his sleep. His body looked even better after the third feeding. Once his insides were fully healed they could fly home. Alek was sure a good soak in a hot bath would do Bell wonders. He slid his arm from around him and went to the door to call for his sister. When she turned the corner and came down the hall, Ramon Vega followed her. Wolf growled.

  Farica stood in front of him with her hands clasped behind her. “Yes?”

  “If you and Mac go to any more eateries, please be sure to bring me back a hefty doggy bag, okay? I wanna double Bell’s feedings, so I’m gonna need the calories. And lastly, are there any supplies here for us to wash with? Meaning towels, face cloths…” Alek asked her, not bothering to acknowledge Ramon’s scowl.

  “Yes. I can get some things together for you. And Bell’s travel bag is here, I can go through and pull some of his items if you want.”

  “Yes, that’d—”

  “Won’t be necessary,” Ramon interrupted him. “I can have one of his assistants take care of that, that’s what they’re for. He can be here in a few hours and get Belleron ready if that’s what’s needed. I presume he’s awake now.”

  Alek could feel his fingertips tingling. If the vampire hadn’t been such a high-ranking official, Alek would’ve allowed Wolf to reach out and slap him in his mouth for uttering such a stupid suggestion—no one else was going to clean his naked mate.

  “Ramon.” Farica spun on her black and white checkered Vans, giving the vampire a bright, sweet smile, all while pushing some of her soothing energy into the air. “Why don’t you let me fill you in on Bell’s tremendous improvement he’s made under Alek’s care, and you can tell me all about your briefing with Wick. Because I want you to be fully informed. I’m sure your king is quite pleased with the job you’ve done here. I mean the way you were fighting those rebels, I was so impressed. I think we make one heck of a team, don’t you?” Farica hooked her arm through Ramon’s and began to lead him away from Alek as Ramon ate up every charming word.

  Alek closed the door, glad he hadn’t called on Wolf to take care of the intrusion. Farica had pulled out her gift at just the right time. Alek circled the bed, noticing Bell had turned over in his sleep and was resting closer to where Alek had just left.

  “Bell. Hey.” Alek sat on the side, gently rubbing his shoulder. “You feel like going to take that wash now?”

  He watched Bell for a moment as he came awake. He was able to move his arms slowly but his legs were still challenging him. His eyes were unfocused, his dilated, dreary-gray pupils reflecting the tenderness and pain he most likely still felt. Alek wished he could take all of his mate’s hurt away. Of all the power he felt within him, he knew he didn’t possess that one. He smiled when Bell just nodded.

  “I’m sure you are.” Alek smiled, when Bell’s nose twitched. “I know I stink, but so do you.”

  Bell licked his lips, one corner of his mouth turning up just enough to brighten Alek’s whole world. He ran his thumb down Bell’s cheek, under his jaw to his throat. He massaged the mark he’d left days ago. It felt like too long. His mate began to shiver under his touch, pleasing him greatly. He liked that all parts of Bell were coming back to life. “How you feeling, baby?”

  Bell moaned, swallowing a few times bef
ore he opened his mouth to try to speak. Alek leaned all the way in, almost placing his ear on Bell’s lips. “Unnngh. Huuurts. Alek…sei.”

  Alek’s chest tightened. He continued to stroke Bell’s face while Wolf whined inside him. Bell’s pain was a lot for him to take, and Alek felt it as well. They just had to hang in there a bit longer. “I know. But, you’ve come a very long way. Not much more and you’ll be all healed. I promise.” Bell nodded again, then started to drift off.

  “Bro. I got your bag and Farica fixed some things for Belleron,” Mac said, from the other side of the door.

  Alek hurried and opened it, accepting a quick hug from his brother.

  “I’m really glad Bell is all right,” Mac said in his deep voice. “Do you need me to do anything?”

  “No. I’m going to take him to the alcove at the base of the falls that Farica told me about,” Alek said, taking his own luggage and the small canvass tote of supplies his sister had packed.

  “It’s colder than a witch’s tit out there,” Mac scoffed.

  Alek could only smirk, “I know.” He closed the door on his brother’s confused face. He yanked a pair of jeans out of his bag, not bothering to choose a shirt. He just needed enough cover to go outside in front of the other vampires. After quickly sifting through the washing supplies, he noticed Farica hadn’t missed a thing, even Bell’s hair brush and comb set.

  “All right, gorgeous. Time to go.” Alek hummed quietly, wrapping a sleeping Belleron in the quilt, and hefting him into his arms. Bell gasped at the sudden movement, but soon settled into Alek’s embrace. His mate had just enough strength to wrap his arms loosely around his neck and rest his head on his shoulder.

  Perfect, Wolf thought.

  He feels cold, Wrath spoke for the first time in hours. Alek had felt the demigod’s strong emotions when Bell had been struggling to heal, but he’d locked them down when Bell became conscious. Let me help.

  Alek blinked, wondering what Wrath meant, but suddenly his body started to heat up like a furnace. He cradled Bell tighter to him.

  Don’t worry, Alek. It won’t harm him, Wrath assured him. That last time was a mistake. Our heat can be used to heal, too. Not just destroy.

  Alek didn’t miss that Wrath said our. He needed to continue to trust him. He’d been the one who’d saved them all. It would make no sense for him to do any harm to them now. Alek threw the tote on his other arm, his body continuing to get warmer and warmer until Bell moaned softly, shifting against him as if he was trying to get inside Alek, to the source of the heat. All of them felt like bursting with pride at how well they were doing together.

  Your sister has most of the guards out on the grounds. Your brother is in the front room with the Lord Protector and the mercenaries, Wolf informed him, when Alek went for the door. He had the ability to scent people who were in close proximity but Wolf’s capability was keener, and he preferred to rely on his intel over his own.

  Thank you, Alek said.

  And if any of them get too close…? Wrath rumbled, causing Alek’s chest to vibrate.

  Then I’ll let you handle that how you see fit, Alek was able to feel Wrath’s appreciation when he said that. It appeared it was all the powerful being had ever wanted… was to be treated with respect. Just no casualties.

  The feeling Wrath threw back at him could only be described as a sarcastically patronizing scoff that made Alek smile. He glanced down at Bell to see him looking back at him with affection. Alek kissed Bell’s forehead, holding his lips there for a long time, reveling in the fact that his mate was very much alive and in his arms. Bell was breathing better, his skin coloring had all but turned completely back to its warm ivory complexion, and he was gaining more mobility in his lower extremities with each passing hour. Alek walked down the set of stairs into the open living room.

  Ramon leapt to his feet but he didn’t come towards them. “My Lord. It’s such a relief to see you,” he said in a cautious tone, his coal-colored eyes lasered on Alek’s arms wrapped tightly around Bell’s legs and back. “Are you well?”

  Bell lifted his head and gave him a single nod before returning his face to Alek’s throat as if he didn’t want anyone seeing him like this. Alek got moving towards the front door that Mac had open. Uninvited frigid bursts of air swept in, making Bell shiver. Alek wanted him warmer. And without words… Wrath made it happen.

  “Where are you taking him?” Ramon asked when Alek walked past.

  Alek didn’t respond. He didn’t answer to anyone on this side of the ocean except himself.

  “Alpha Aleksei, I’ve shown you nothing but respect. Have I not earned it for myself?” Ramon snapped, when Alek walked down the rickety porch steps.

  He turned and scowled at the bold vampire. Wrath inched forward, waiting for Alek’s signal. “What does respecting you have to do with telling you where I’m going with my mate?”

  “I’m responsible for his safety and whereabouts,” Ramon argued. “In case you forgot, Belleron Liatos is my Lord.”

  “Your Lord… my mate. And, as you can see, Belleron is not on duty. He needs me now. I’m sure he’ll come to you, Lord Protector, when he’s in need of the services you provide him.” Alek left Ramon standing there clenching the hell out of his jaw, and headed towards the path, following the sound of the water. In the dark, with only a minimal amount of moonlight filtering through the trees, Alek found the secluded cove Farica had told him about.

  Alek dropped the bag to the ground near the edge and gently propped Bell against the base of a wide tree. He leaned a bit but was doing better with keeping himself upright. Alek removed his jeans and tossed them next to the bag. He saw his mate’s eyes open a fraction wider, his tongue sneaking out to lick his dry lips as if he was staring at a scrumptious snack. Alek smirked.

  “Don’t you look at me like that, because I’m gonna do my best to be good while I clean you.” Alek walked away from Bell’s cute grin and dipped his foot into the dark water. He released a startled laugh, “Holy shit—that is cold.”

  Bell carefully pulled the cover up higher on his chest, starting to quiver now that his personal heater was gone.

  Get in the water. Wrath told him.

  I had a feeling you were gonna say that. Alek sighed. But the moment he stepped into the pool of water, his body started to heat. Alek faced his mate and stood naked in the middle of the freezing nook. He figured this was the best way to show Bell who he was. Who they really were. Alek took a deep breath, closed his eyes then dropped his chin to his chest.

  Wrath, he thought, centering himself and setting his mind free. He opened his mental link completely to allow the powerful demigod in. Alek felt the jolt, then the fire the moment Wrath connected to him. The energy flowing through him was the most heady, fascinating sensation there was. They were together, sharing the surface. Wrath lending him his powers.

  Alek opened his eyes and stared down his arms. They were glowing. He heated to the point that it started to warm the water. He kept going, releasing Wrath’s gift through his body until the water steamed all around him. When Alek glanced over at Bell, he saw his mate sitting up straighter, not blinking. Lost in amazement.

  Aleksei? Bell mouthed.

  “It’s me,” Alek assured him, but he didn’t sound like himself. His voice was mixture of his own baritone and Wrath’s dark, hypnotizing bass. “Us.”

  Bell fumbled clumsily along the ground trying to get closer. He cleared his throat several times then called out weakly, “Alek… are…?”

  “Yes.” Alek stared at the burnt-orange coloring of his hands, not believing it himself.

  “Or, W-wrath?” Bell sounded confused. And he looked to be using every ounce of strength to speak and understand what he was witnessing.

  “We’re together.” Alek stared at his mate, flames licking up behind his eyes. “I am Wrath.”

  “Gods,” Bell choked, cinching the cover around his trembling body.

  “Are you afraid? Because I won’t hurt you,”
Alek said, tilting his head. He was filtering out all the noise he could hear from miles away to focus on Bell’s weak voice.

  Bell shook his head once. When Alek emerged from the water, his body stopped glowing. He felt taller, actually he believed he was. He flexed his arms, trying to get used to feeling that strong. He knelt on the cold ground and leaned in to scoop his arms under Bell. His mate never lost eye contact with him. His courageous act said he was the exact opposite of afraid. When Alek hefted him into his arms, he had to scramble to keep from flinging Bell a few feet in the air. He realized his mate felt weightless. It was like handling a newborn pup. Wrath’s strength was ten times his and Wolf’s. When they were combined… they were their own force.

  He was curious what it all must have looked like to Bell. “How do I look?” Alek asked.

  Bell shivered in his arms, his voice quivering with each word, “B-bright blue eyes, with… w-with… an orange g-glow… behind them.”

  Alek just wanted to ensure Bell wasn’t looking at him with fear. He moved to get Bell’s chilled body into the hot water. Bell’s knotted hair swung over his arm, reaching past his hip and Alek thought he couldn’t wait to wash and brush through it. He never thought he’d be doing this, ever, but as he held his helpless mate, he knew there was no job he wouldn’t do for him. This was a part of what being a mate meant. They were to care for each other always—in sickness and in health. He wished the Lord Protector would understand that there would never be a need for chamberlains to take over Alek’s duties.

  He set Bell on a boulder protruding from the side of the alcove that’d been worn smooth from years of flowing water. Bell was able to hold himself up better while submerged, the steaming water coming up to his chin.

  Alek reached over and opened the bag of supplies, pulling out a couple of bars of soap, a thick wash rag and Bell’s own shampoo and conditioner. Once all the items were accessible, Alek got ready to get to work. Wrath wasn’t as close to the surface anymore, allowing Alek to be in full control, but he stayed near, his energy still flowing through him.


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