The Bringer of Wrath

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The Bringer of Wrath Page 16

by A. E. Via

  Bell leaned back in Alek’s arms, his heavy-lidded eyes on him. When Alek saw the corners of Bell’s lips turn up in the corners he raised a brow at him. “Feeling better?”

  Bell nodded, reassuring Alek he’d done well. He returned them to the middle of the deep cove to give them a final rinse when he noticed the huge drop in the water’s temperature. Bell watched him, watched Alek’s eyes closely and saw the moment when he summoned his demigod’s powers, igniting his irises. Alek’s body began to heat with Bell still holding him close. He wasn’t nervous, he trusted Wrath. The water was warming but Bell stayed safe in his arms, perhaps the same way that Wrath’s flames didn’t burn Alek, because their blood also flowed through Bell.

  Alek’s body began to simmer down as the steam billowed into the frosty air. Bell’s affectionate gaze was on Alek’s mouth when he licked his lips and uttered one word, “Kiss.”

  All Bell wanted was Alek’s lips on his—those hot, steamy lips. He’d never been enfolded in so much warmth, and security, and passion, mixed with power, then even more heat. It’d all set Bell ablaze. Alek was everything. Absolutely everything.

  “You like kissing me, Belleron?” Alek asked against Bell’s mouth, in that deep, growly drawl that made Bell’s cock twitch back to life.

  All he could do was nod and wait impatiently, with his mouth parted, for Alek to give him what he desired. He shivered when Alek ran his tongue over his bottom lip, then flicked the top one, teasing him in the meanest way. Bell wanted him to suck on his entire mouth like his Beloved had done before. Alek slanted his head and nibbled some more before inching around to his cheek. Bell hissed, chasing his mouth.

  Alek’s sexy chuckle only made him more frustrated. Bell got a good grip on the back of Alek’s neck and pulled him closer, slamming their mouths together. Oops. Alek laughed between Bell’s desperate peppering of kisses. He wanted it so much that he couldn’t catch his breath, the yearning strangling him. He unintentionally nicked Alek’s bottom lip with one of his fangs, causing a couple of drops of blood to fall onto his tongue. Bell moaned, sucking on Alek’s lips for dear life.

  “You’re getting stronger.” Alek sighed, when Bell’s mouth ventured to his throat. “Couple more feedings, baby, and we get to go home…. then you’re all mine. And if you refuse to go to my cabin with me this time… well then…”

  Bell guessed Alek wanted him to come up with his own conclusions of what would happen. Which he did, and he liked every naughty one he thought of. There’d be nothing in the world that could stop him from bonding fully with his beloved when they got home. To think their pride had almost gotten the best of them. Having a fated mate didn’t mean that all would be perfect, like in a fairytale. Even with the strong connection, being together would still take work, dedication and commitment in order for them to be truly happy.

  Bell’s fangs tingled to descend and his throat warmed for a whole other reason. It wasn’t from soreness, but hunger. Alek reared back to look at him with those beautiful, pale-blue eyes.

  “You got my blood pumping in so many different ways, Bell,” Alek moaned, pushing his thick erection against Bell’s pelvis, his hot body trembling faintly with his struggle to restrain himself. “Feels like you’re ready to eat.”

  Bell’s mouth was busy, languidly licking Alek’s clean skin along his collarbone, then up to the stubble on his throat. He carefully spread his legs and straddled Alek’s muscular thigh, thinking it made a good seat. His balls throbbed and his dick was halfway there. He started to ride Alek’s leg, his hips winding in the deep water.

  “Fuuuck. You better stop that,” Alek warned, pressing his forehead to the side of Bell’s head while he kept working at his throat. Alek gripped his hips and held him still.

  Bell opened his mouth wider, letting his fangs drop right into the pulsing vein in Alek’s throat, noticing he didn’t grunt with discomfort this time. That was a great sign. It meant his elixir was replenishing. Bell began to pull on the satisfying nectar, his body warming inside and out. “Mmmmmmm.” Bell groaned loudly and inched his hips closer until his cock was mashed against Alek’s groin. He tasted a new flavor this time—a bold, spicy zest that exploded on his tongue like a firecracker.

  “Oh gods,” Alek groaned, squeezing him when Bell sucked harder. “Ahh, yes.”

  Alek tasted so damn good he didn’t want to come up for breath. The same concept as eating more and more, not because of still being hungry, but because it tasted fucking delicious. When Bell felt he couldn’t consume another drop or his stomach would burst, he eased his fangs out. This time when he released his cherished’s throat and ran his tongue over the open wound, it closed. Bell panted to slow his rapid breathing. Alek held him while he rested his head on his shoulder, feeling drunk from his blood. Never had he felt such an amazing rush and never had he felt such appetizing strength coursing through him. He shook and his cock hardened even more, as he suddenly had an overwhelming urge for Alek to bite him, hard… claim him. Bell keened at the strange but welcome emotion. He scrambled in Alek’s hold, pushing and tugging until he was able to spin in his arms. Bell leaned his back into that burning chest and pushed his ass onto Alek’s dick, writhing until it was nestled deep between his cheeks. He placed his hands on the rocks in front of him as if bracing himself to take his alpha and tilted his head… baring his throat. “Mate,” he begged.

  “Grrrrrrrrrrr. What are you doing?” Alek growled almost painfully, leaning over Bell’s back, pumping his strong hips against him. He moved Bell’s hair over his shoulder and gripped him around his waist. “You are really testing my willpower, Belleron. I’m trying to be patient while you heal.”

  “I’m r-ready.” Bell gasped when Alek’s dick nudged his heavy balls. The freezing air licked at his hard nipples before he submerged them back into the steaming water. The sound of Alek’s sexy voice, coupled with the erotic sounds of the night took his arousal to another level.

  “Oh no you are not,” Alek stressed each word. “Because when I take you Belleron, when I claim you, I’m going to do it hard enough, long enough and deep enough so that you understand you are to never leave me again and travel to the other side of the world. I’m going to bury myself inside you and love you so hard until it’s not possible for you to leave me.”

  Bell scratched along the unyielding surface. He ached all over… but for a different reason. Alek pressed his nose to his neck, hard enough to nudge him over. Bell bristled at Alek’s strength, clutching on for purchase again. Holding him so good from behind, Alek cupped him under his chin and tilted his head back farther. Bell went willingly, stretching as far as he could. “You don’t know what your submission does to me.”

  Bell knew, all right. He could feel it all over, especially between his legs. He wasn’t fully erect—the exertion taking a lot out of him—but his loins were on fire. As he continued to nestle the best he could into Alek’s body, he struggled to catch his breath, his vision fuzzy. Bell’s hands slipped off the rocks, but Alek was right there to catch him, wrapping him in his strong arms and floating them back to the surface. Bell was starting to get dizzy, but he didn’t want to leave their little oasis. It was wonderful, and for five minutes Bell could almost make believe they were home, safe and sound, and swimming at the large waterfall near Alek’s cabin, on a secret rendezvous. “That’s enough of you driving me crazy for one night. It’s time you get some rest, baby.” Alek held him close, that built-in heater inside him already kicking into gear as he got them out of the water.

  Bell had never been much for exaggerated pet names or terms of endearment but he kind of liked it when Alek called him baby. It was such an oxymoron in his almost-century-old mind that it made the name charming. Maybe he should call Alek ‘pup’.

  Alek smiled longingly before it started to fade, and he looked at Bell with such intensity it made him squirm. He placed Bell on a pile of dead leaves and hurried to wrap him in the clean quilt Farica had put on top of their fresh clothes. He started to retrieve t
he few items, frowning at a set of black silk pajamas, with matching boxers. “What in the world?” Alek mumbled. “Babe? You don’t have some regular stuff, like long johns or flannel?”

  Bell scrunched his face into such a sour expression it made Alek burst out laughing. There was no way in hell that flannel would ever touch his skin.

  “I guess that answers that.” Alek calmed down. “I just think it’d be a lot more practical than these slippery things.”

  Bell was just about to tell his mate about the wonder of the fine fabric when Alek jolted suddenly, turning his head in several different directions. Bell sat up higher, his feeding buzz fading fast at the reflection of panic in Alek’s eyes…

  Then the flames came.

  How many? Alek hurried. He shoved on his cutoffs, then wrapped a couple of the thick towels around Bell. There was no freaking way he could work those damn pajamas onto his wet body in a hurry. Shit.

  About twenty-five or thirty, Wrath answered. Wolf was extremely close and very much on edge. The demigod had fallen back in silence while Alek had been bathing in the glory of his mate’s submission, but he didn’t hesitate to rush forward to alert him that he sensed the enemy coming their way.

  It’s the same ones. Their stench is unforgettable.

  Alessandro? Wolf snarled.

  No. But his followers. Perhaps coming to finish the job while we’re still grounded here, Wrath said.

  Wolf growled angrily. Do something, or I will. Our mate lies there on the ground, vulnerable.

  They were again relying on Alek to make the call. If he failed this time, it could cost Bell his life. He wasn’t going to take any chances. Wrath and Wolf were the most powerful together for a reason. He was going to trust in their abilities. It was time to test his command.

  “Alek, what’s wrong?” Bell asked, still sounding dazed. His eyes traveled from Alek’s to the woods, as if he was trying to see what the problem was.

  Alek got down on one knee so Bell could see his seriousness. “Belleron. The rebels are coming this way, right now.”

  Bell’s eyes widened and he scrambled to get into an upright position but Alek stopped him. “No. We don’t have time. And I can’t lead them back to the cottage. I need to call my siblings and the mercenaries to me. But I have to get you to safety first.

  Bell gripped Alek’s hand… he’d definitely gotten stronger, but it wasn’t enough. Not enough to fight. Belleron knew it too, but it didn’t stop his mate from mouthing, let me help you.

  He pressed a lingering kiss to Bell’s forehead, mumbling against his temple. “You can help me by staying safe… and hidden.”

  “H-hidden,” Bell scoffed, looking mortified. Alek was sure the Lord High wasn’t used to that concept but he was about to get familiar with it today.

  “I’m going to let Wrath take over. He will have full control, but I’ll be right there, always, okay?” Alek prayed Bell didn’t argue. After a couple of seconds of hesitation, Bell gave a jerky nod and placed both hands at his sides, as if preparing himself to receive the strong entity.

  Good. His mate was learning.

  Alek stood and took a couple of steps backwards from where Bell lay. He closed his eyes and balled up his fists at his sides. The last time Wrath had taken the surface through Alek’s body, it’d been so painful that it’d taken him several hours to heal. Not this time. This time, he’d welcome his gift. With total focus, and all of his heart, he whispered into the dark night, “Wrath.”

  He felt the air simmer around him the same way it did when Wolf was barreling to the surface, only this felt ten times more powerful.

  Take care of my mate… at any cost. Kill all who are a threat. Leave one alive to return a grave message, Alek ordered, and fell back to the shadows.

  Alek’s chest rumbled with the charging of his warriors. He felt the allegiance of his mighty beasts as they accepted his authority. Alek gritted his teeth when the force of energy shot into him at an electrifying speed. He watched from Wrath’s eyes as he let him take the lead.

  Wrath cracked the muscles in his neck, adjusting to the additional growth. He had more muscle than Alek; which was the reason he was losing circulation in his legs. He yanked off the now-painfully tight jeans, standing naked and a lot more comfortable. He didn’t miss the way Belleron gaped at his body. He knew he still looked like Alek, but he wasn’t him, they weren’t sharing the surface like earlier. He was Wrath, and as of right now he was in complete control. He breathed in the cool air and caught a stronger scent as the rebels got closer. He glanced around for a place for Belleron to hide. He was Wolf and Alek’s number one concern.

  “Don’t be alarmed, fragile mate. I won’t harm you. Come now, we have to go,” Wrath said slowly, approaching Belleron in the most non-threatening way he knew how. Yet, still the intriguing man scowled at him. He paused, tilting his head. “Problem?”

  “I’m not alarmed and I’m not fragile,” Bell gritted out, his breathing sounding shallow.

  Wrath quirked his brow. “I haven’t known you very long, and you’ve already been killed once. I think all evidence points to the contrary,” Wrath nodded towards Bell’s weakened legs.

  Bell hissed, his eyes glowing with venom, making Wrath gravitate towards him.

  Can you stop insulting him and get him to safety! Wolf barked.

  Wrath bristled. Fine. I was only stating facts. And if telling the truth made Belleron glower and seethe at him that way, then Wrath was looking forward to an oath of complete honesty. He found he liked the feeling he got from Bell’s ire.

  “Then let’s go.” Wrath bent and slid one arm under Bell’s hip—still wrapped in the cover—and lifted him off the ground, then pressed him snug to his body. He quickly let the beautiful immortal feel his warmth. He found himself doing it without thought when Bell lifted his legs and wrapped them around his waist, straddling him between two soft, yet toned thighs. He noticed how close their faces were as Bell’s hot breath panted across his cheek. He had to swallow thickly before he asked, “Are you warm enough?”

  Bell dipped his head once, then draped both arms around his neck. Wrath didn’t understand why Bell was staring at him like he was. Not with fear but with something else. Something he wasn’t familiar with, so he got to his work. “Hang on as tight as you can,” he warned, and then took off fast… upwards.

  Wrath, what in the hell are you doing? Oh gods, please don’t tell me he’s… Wolf sounded half disgusted and half horrified.

  I’m afraid he is, Wolf, Alek deadpanned. He didn’t intervene with Wrath’s decision… but, what the fuck?

  Wrath held Bell securely with one hand while he barreled through branches and thick foliage, climbing up the tall spruce that must’ve been there before civilization, because of its sheer height and bulk. He moved up the massive piece of landscape as if it had stairs, clearing his pathway fast.

  “What are you doing?” Bell ground out. He had his eyes shut tight, and he hung on to Wrath’s neck as if he was trying to strangle him or perhaps to keep from getting jostled too much from the climb. “Don’t you dare put me up here.”

  Oh, this is gonna be bad, Alek mumbled.

  Wrath got to the very top where there was nothing to block the cold wind but he made sure to place Bell carefully on a cluster of branches and leaves. He thought it was rather comfortable, all things considered. The vampire shot upward, looking in all directions. There was nothing but sky and treetops. Bell was breathing heavily, as if he’d made the trek himself, his chest rising and fall so fast. Pulling the blanket tight around him, he turned those furious, deep gray eyes back on Wrath. “You. Better. Not. Dare.”

  “Or. Else. What?” Wrath scowled right back, getting in Belleron’s face. He almost had to bite his cheek to keep from smiling, “Will you continue to be… angry?” Wrath asked, lowering his voice.

  Bell shivered but he didn’t lose eye contact, not for a second, which again only proved to ignite Wrath even more. Bell’s lips curled up into a snarl, a hin
t of both sharp fangs showing when he spoke between clenched teeth, “Yes. I will be extremely angry if you leave me up here.”

  Wrath’s stomach flipped, the weird feeling confusing him. He wanted more, wanted Bell to keep threatening him. He returned the immortal’s threatening sneer, “Good. This is just where I’m going to leave you then, and later if you so desire… we can fight about it.”

  Bell bit his bottom lip then appeared to stop breathing a moment, before choking on a shocked exhale.

  “You’ll be safe here,” Wrath assured him one final time, then moved down a few branches. Wolf howled into the night, calling on their siblings. Choosing to take the fastest way down, Wrath leapt away from the tree and descended the six or seven stories, shifting in mid-air and landing on four huge paws with a ground-shaking thud.

  They’re close. The King’s guards and the mercenaries should be able to smell them now. Wolf informed.

  Wrath felt Alek shaking his head and grumbled, “What?”

  Okay, yes, I said to do what was necessary but, damn. You really couldn’t think of anywhere else to tuck him until we were all finished, Wrath? Really?

  Wrath was sure they could all feel his nonchalance. Bell was safe. Period.

  In a tree? Like a helpless little bird, Wolf bit out.

  Wrath snickered. If I’d left him anywhere on the ground the rebels could catch his very unique scent. Up there at that elevation he can’t be detected.

  Except by NASA, Alek chuckled, realizing he was about to be in for a long, unpleasant night when Bell was brought down.

  Wrath was amused. He’d followed Alek’s command, but had added a little extra entertainment in it for himself. He’d found the precious mate a safe hiding place, and in return Belleron had all but promised to pay him back by projecting more of that delightful rage at him later. It was a win-win.


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